Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2055: become king

Immediately, Bai Qiu passed out.

After half a day, Bai Qiu woke up.

It looked around.

"Who am I, where am I? What am I going to do?"

People from the four major forces were all rejoicing when they saw this.

"Great, we finally defeated this terrible enemy!"

"Long live!"

"Unbelievable, unbelievable, I always feel a little unreal."

"Yeah, it's like watching a Hollywood blockbuster, the aliens are extremely powerful, but in the end they were defeated by a unique microorganism on our earth."

"That's right, it's like a group of aliens who could come across the universe, but they were defeated by our so-called nuclear bomb."

"It's a bit fake."

Everyone talked about it, and after being excited, they suspected that it was not true.

One by one began to doubt themselves.

"There is no need to doubt, we just won, and of course we won only temporarily."

"That's right, we have the power in the spiritual realm. This is an asymmetrical war. It's like no matter how powerful your a-force is, you still have enemies you can't defeat." The c-force sarcastically sarcastically.

People with power a can't refute it.

What the other party said was correct, their force far surpassed that of their opponents.

However, you can't use this method, you can't use that method, and you still can't beat the most backward opponent in the end.

The same is true for this white ball. If the opponent simply wants to destroy them, they can do it right from the start.

It's just that Bai Qiu wants more things, which is equivalent to restricting himself, just like people with a force.

They wanted too many things, but in the end they got nothing and could only leave in embarrassment.

Therefore, it is reasonable for them to defeat this powerful alien.

Because the other party is greedy.

And they have the support of the will of the planet.

"In a word, the white ball is too arrogant. It thinks that it will not fail, but forgets that it has exposed its own weakness."

And at this time, Bai Qiu said to the people around him: "Hello, who are you?"

A guy, very young, came up and said, "Bai Qiu, hello, I'm your father."

The representatives were shocked when they saw the live broadcast.

In order to avoid suspicion, none of the people we found had any direct relationship with them.

These people don't know that the four major forces have joined forces.

Just a bunch of people being taken advantage of.


They immediately ordered the nearest team to set off to bring these people under control.

Now that it has been successful, as a mature manager, it is necessary to kill donkeys, cross rivers and bridges, cook rabbits to death...

Those who don't know how to do this, or those who are thin-skinned and unwilling to use it, are all naive and immature.

"You are my father?" Bai Qiu didn't get angry, but glanced at the young man, "You think I'm stupid, we both look different, how can you be my father?"

The young man hurriedly fooled: "It's like this, you are a mutation of my gene."

"If you dare to say it again, I will beat you to the ground." Bai Qiu sneered.

The other party can insult him for having no memory, but he cannot insult his IQ.

The young man was still about to say something, but someone had already stepped forward and pulled him away.

Not long after, a team that was not equipped with any weapons and behaved completely harmless to humans and animals took over here.

Each of them has a smile and friendliness on their faces, the most sincere kind of friendliness.

In terms of expressions, the only ones who can be more sincere than them are the maids in feudal palaces who have been trained for decades.

At this time, the members of the Spiritual Research Committee rushed to discuss.

What they were discussing was the "White Ball Development Plan", no, it was the "Notre Dame Development Plan".

"First of all, you have to show Qiuqiu all kinds of loving movies, and Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf can't watch them."

"What do you want to look at? Look at the kindest ones. For example, cats and mice..."

"That's not okay, I'm a film critic, and I know how violent the design of that thing is." The representative of the a force immediately objected.

"Then what else? Peppa Pig?"

"It still doesn't work. They are all violent. Peppa Pig and the diving pit will lure children to play in the mud pit."

"It is necessary to find a story that is completely free of violence, completely harmless, and completely full of love. Movies, TV dramas, novels..."

They can only find it from the stories in the kindergarten.

However, I searched and found that it still didn't work.

The ones that exist, the ones that seem safest, still have traces of violence.

They had to build one from scratch.

Anyway, there is no shortage of money or people.

Not too bad about time.

Find a screenwriter and redesign a set of children's development videos.

They require only one, and there must be absolutely no elements of violence, destruction, or dark tendencies.

Not a trace of it.

Nor should there be any plot that elicits the slightest negative emotion.

Such as irritable, angry, dissatisfied, depressed, painful, sad...

All can not have, must be a family carnival.

And it's 100% family fun.

The animal world cannot be seen.

It is the animal world that is truly violent.

In the end they made up a story about an elf.

The elf has a family.

The old ball, the big ball, the middle ball, the small ball, a big family, cook and eat every day, travel and play, help the needy, and send warmth everywhere.

Live happily together, and there is no birth, old age, sickness and death.

There is no sorrow.

Every day is not enjoying happiness, or on the way to find happiness.

In short, after watching it, even the representatives want to live in that world.

This big family thinks about how to play and how to find things that make them feel interesting every day.

Build trains, trade, build cities...

In short, it reflects the beauty of life.

It reflects the friendliness among people.

It embodies the love of people.

Tell everyone a truth, people should help others, and people should be selfless.

All the best virtues, all integrated.

108 layers of Virtue buf are superimposed.

At the same time, they also convened the world's most senior psychologists and child educators to write training programs.

All in all, one thing is guaranteed:

Let Bai Qiu become a kind person, a noble person, a person who is useful to people, a person who has escaped from the low-level desires, and a person of value.

Absolutely absolutely must not let the other party become a violent and destructive existence.

The power of global mobilization is formidable.

The most patient and gentle female teacher has found out millions of people, all of whom are queuing up to be on duty.

Hundreds of stars with superb acting skills were also arranged. Their characters are all very caring, and they have never collapsed.

They're all Madonna movies that have been played for a lifetime.

The identity they fabricated for this white ball, or the identity setting for it, is the light messenger from the 8 nebula.

It's called Ultraman Ball.

Everyone didn't want to use this name at first, but Master Kelulu designated it, so there is no other way.

It wants to use its own strength to help backward civilizations and realize a better life.

And its power is that all wishes come true, one thought can create countless things.

As long as it does not violate the laws of energy and matter, it can be manufactured at will.

Bai Qiu listened carefully and believed it.

After all, when you lose your memory, people around you will say that you are a dog, and you are a dog even if you are not a dog.

But the committee members quickly discovered a loophole.

That is, the white ball will teleport.

After the other party woke up once, he wanted to take a look around. With a single thought, he came to a slum.

Then the Notre Dame team spent half a month to recover it.

"It is because of such an ugly place that you appear. You are light, you are electricity, and you are the only myth..."

Everyone sang so badly that Bai Qiu felt embarrassed.

"There's no need to exaggerate like this, at most I will change something."

Truth be told, it is much more powerful than God.

At least in the eyes of many people, the white ball is the real God.

God can only have five loaves and two fish, and it can manifest countless materials with one thought.

In order to prevent the white ball from getting close to the ink to prevent it from being tainted by the environment into an evil faction, they were completely ruthless.

Even the most disorganized b forces have been reintegrated.

Vigorously improve law and order and improve the minimum standard of living.

Resolutely put an end to violent incidents caused by lack of material distribution.

With the material transformation warehouse provided by the a force, their only problem is transportation and distribution.

The issue of law and order was quickly eliminated under the global mobilization.

There will soon be only one kind of criminal left, and that is the crime that breaks out due to agitation and uncontrollable emotions.

Premeditated crimes will be discovered and stopped in the midst of premeditation.

Most of them are practitioners who find it impossible to escape punishment after practice, and give up voluntarily.

As soon as everyone is born, they start to register their ranks and distribute enough living supplies.

Generally, when children enter school, they just play for fun and only learn the most basic knowledge.

Recognition and addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

What to do, does not exist.

As long as the knowledge commonly used in social survival is taught.

Such as shopping, cooking, giving gifts, making phone calls, playing games...

Only those children with high intelligence will be selected to learn those complicated things according to their own interests.

Everyone else lives in various entertainments.

Moreover, in all kinds of entertainment, violence and darkness are completely prohibited.

Everything related to darkness, mystery, and destruction will be cleaned up.

The entire White Star civilization is to be presented as a Holy Mother.

Wen Rensheng smiled when he saw this.

These guys, they want to use this method to transform the white ball.

But forget that humans themselves are the easiest animals to domesticate.

Cows and horses have more personality than people.

Someone told a real case that it was so tiring to use a donkey to carry goods up the mountain, that the donkey simply jumped off the cliff on its own initiative.

It can be seen that the donkey is not without feelings, without complete self-awareness.

Its consciousness may be around two or three years old, it can know how to do some basic things, and it can sense happiness and pain.

If the pain is too high, you will leave the world.

Wen Rensheng understands that when these people choose to fully embrace the light, they will be tamed by the light.

Those ordinary people don't know the real purpose of the committee, and their real purpose cannot be preached.

If they dare to say to the common people: "Everyone pretends to be kind, but in fact they can do whatever they want."

In less than ten minutes, someone will tell Bai Qiu this.

Or be found by the white ball.

So this is a fake show.

Do not allow the white ball to see anything dark to prevent it from being contaminated.

Those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black.

Once the white ball goes bad, they can't afford it.

Someone asked: "Why don't we think of a way to use spiritual power to kill the white ball directly? Once and for all."

"It is very difficult to kill white balls. Our mental strength has not reached this level."

"That's right, and we're not sure whether the white ball has the setting of exploding itself before death and destroying everything. It's better to be conservative."

"Fortunately, we have the ability to eat the memory of the white ball. As long as the white ball is destructive, we will swallow its memory and recreate his memory."

"So there must be such a group of people at all times, people with psychic abilities, to protect Bai Qiu and prevent him from being destructive."

The committee's measures against the white ball, combined with global power, were executed well at first.

For the first time, the populace is living the life of a billionaire!

You can get what you want, super villas, super sports cars, and super companions.

However, some people feel dissatisfied.

"Everyone has it, which means that everyone doesn't have it."

Because they don't feel superior.

Some people live by a sense of superiority.

If both of them got a million, he would definitely not be happy.

If his neighbor loses a million, he only loses a hundred thousand, and he will be happy instead.

An accident is an accident, an unlucky thing, as long as it has the probability of happening, no matter how outrageous it is, no matter how harsh the conditions are, as long as it takes a long time, it will definitely happen.

But on this day, another thought of Bai Qiu disappeared.

He came to a canyon area.

Inside lurks a group of armed men.

This canyon is so hidden that it cannot be seen clearly from satellites in the sky.

After Bai Qiu came here, he was quickly received by the leader himself.

"Great God, please help us save this world."

The leader recognized the other party's original identity at a glance.


Visitors from the satellite.

After being shocked, he insisted on recognizing the other party as his adoptive father.

Anyway, it is to forcibly bind a relationship.

Then he said to the white ball: "The managers of the abcd forces have become demons. They deprive the people of the right to choose, and UU reading makes them have to become figures like the Virgin."

"So it's like this," Bai Qiu said indifferently, "For everyone, they didn't deprive you of anything, but gave you countless things."

"Why do you have to fight them?"

"They represent the inheritance."

The leader said with contempt: "It's fine if they only do this, but the point is that they still want to destroy you."

"They are like passers-by who treat superheroes. At first they agree with the justice of the other party, even if they break the flowers and plants, it doesn't matter. But once they find that the other party is too powerful and threatens themselves, they will vote against him. And you are That superhero."

"There is such a thing, I have to question them immediately."

"They're definitely not going to admit it, it's something they're good at."

"Then what should I do?"

"You should be king."

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