Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2056: revision

Bai Qiu was not bewitched by the idea of ​​becoming a king.

On the contrary, when it heard this, it was very angry.

It feels its own sincerity has been betrayed, and that is what it hates most.

"Bastard, **** it, they lied to me!"

"These hypocritical guys do one thing to the face and another behind the scenes!"

"I, I want revenge on them!"

It spun desperately, and it was very angry.

The leader on the opposite side was very happy when he saw this.

The four stupid forces, you never thought of it, the result of you turning the white ball into a silly white sweet is that it will believe what others say.

Just like a junior high school student or elementary school student under the age of 13.

Not at all wary.

Treat what others say as true.

It's fine now, he just casually said that these guys want to kill it, want to treat it like a superhero, and it really believes it.

Not even verified.

"They actually wanted to kill me, but I treat them as good friends!"

"They are dead, I must kill them completely!"

"These bastards, don't even think about succeeding!"

The leader bewitched at the side and said, "Yes, these bastards, they have done a lot of bad things themselves, and they want to kill the great god, you must give them divine punishment, so that they can understand, what is divine power? ! You are the only king!"

"Yes, I must let them know my majesty!"

"Please kill them all, please do it now, as long as those who are hostile to you are dead, they will know your majesty." The leader continued to instigate.

Bai Qiu was about to make a move just now, but when the situation came to an end, he flinched again.

The previous love education still had an effect.

It shook its head and said: "Forget it, I still give those people a chance to correct their mistakes, as long as they are willing to apologize to me, I still give those people a way out."

"After all, many people are ignorant, and only a few people are villains."

Bai Qiu thought of those people who usually tell it stories and lull it to sleep, all of them are good people.

Do not allow the few to impede the many.

To be a human being requires a clear distinction between grievances and resentments.

This is also what is said in the cartoon.

Whoever treats you well, you have to treat those people twice as well.

And you can't vent your anger.

Otherwise, wouldn't the person who was implicated innocently be too wronged?

While eating hot pot and singing, he was suddenly dragged to the Meridian Gate and beheaded!

The reason is only because the uncle of your second uncle's grandson's cousin rebelled!

Your whole family has never seen him, and even you have been loyal and honest, so you were killed like this, can you not be wronged?

So Bai Qiu decided to meet those people first.

As a result, the leader became anxious.

"You can't go see them, they must have a trap."

He didn't know that the four major forces had the ability to devour spiritual memory, but he was worried that Bai Qiu was so easy to deceive. The four major forces must have concentrated the top liars and the top psychological experts.

In three sentences, the white ball was drawn over.

"No, I'm not afraid of traps. A hero must face the miserable life, face the dripping blood, step over the trap, and walk towards the light!" Bai Qiu disappeared without hesitation.

And at this moment.

In the Spiritual Research Committee, there was a bleak scene, with constant wailing.

"It's over, the white ball is gone, and the human race is about to end!"

"What should we do? Now the white ball must have discovered our problem."

"It will destroy the entire planet!"

"Who made it come up with the idea of ​​going out to see it, and quickly dispatch satellites to investigate its location!"

Everyone is shirking responsibility.

There was a lot of discussion and panic.

"Wait, everyone, don't panic." The representative of Force A said decisively.

"As soon as he came out and confronted us, we immediately turned the white ball into a fool again."

"Yeah, make it a fool... that way we can do it again."

"Shut up, don't say that kind of thing," the people from the c forces stopped immediately, "what a fool, why do it again, it's nothing, we are its best friends, there is just some misunderstanding between us, everyone is here It's all about eating, drinking and having fun together..."

Everyone gave thumbs up when they heard this.

"That's right, that's right, we're all friends, what we said before was wrong, it's gone, we're sad, it's like losing our own child..."

"Yeah, let's go find it quickly."

At this time, the white ball that had just arrived at the committee discovered:

Those so-called enemies are sadly looking for themselves.

Weeping one by one, as if their children were missing.

It made it realize that these people were actually good people.

And the leader is the villain.

Then it appeared and directly spoke out its own experience.

Everyone was overjoyed immediately.

Fortunately, the previous education of the Virgin Mary took effect, which made them miss the **** of death just now.

The power of the spiritual realm is really strong.

Thank you, Mr. Crook.

Otherwise, mankind would have been destroyed.

"Qiaoqiu, you are too kind. The leader you met just now is sick. He is suspicious and hostile to everything, just like a sick child who wants to destroy everything."

"It needs treatment."

Yes, among the crowd, that leader is no longer human.

It's just that the white ball can't hear this.

"Since it's sick, it really needs to be treated well. No wonder he wanted to kill so many people. Fortunately, I thought about it."

"Yes, Qiuqiu, you are too kind. You must maintain this character. Remember, only if you don't kill, will things not go back."

"Yes, as long as you choose to kill, you will inevitably kill by mistake. Only by not killing at all can you avoid this situation. If you do something wrong, you can make up for it. But the person who kills cannot be resurrected."

Bai Qiu nodded repeatedly, accepting their point of view.

When Wen Rensheng heard this, his heart moved.

This is actually Batman's point of view.

do not kill.

But that's not really a correct theory.

It's very simple, the so-called non-killing will make the villains unscrupulous, and they will kill more people.

In other words, in order to satisfy his inner moral cleanliness, Batman did not do what he could have done, allowing the villains to do evil repeatedly without scruple.

Of course, Wen Rensheng couldn't accuse Batman of doing something wrong.

It's just that he can restrain himself by not killing, but he can't make not killing become a more general principle.

After all, blood for blood is the most common justice accepted by the people. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

If this cannot be done, the people will choose to implement it themselves.

In that case, the killing would be even greater.

Then everyone brought the leader back and began to treat it.

The treatment is apparently very effective.

You must know that they have gathered elites from all over the world.

This leader, after only three days of treatment, was crying bitterly in front of Bai Qiu.

"I was wrong. I only thought of myself. I didn't expect them to endure humiliation, be so kind and righteous, and sincerely want to bring everything of mankind into a better era."

"Well, well, it's good that you know your mistakes, and it's still a good boy to correct them in time." Bai Qiu said happily.

"Yes, I have completely corrected it."

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