Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2057: Notre Dame Universe

After dealing with this accident, the members of the Spiritual Research Committee completely understood how to get along with Bai Qiu.

Thanks to the ancient wisdom of the c forces, they can understand what it means to lie to yourself before you lie to others.

In short, the white ball has completely become the ball of the Virgin.

Even the Spiritual Research Committee that initiated this project was renamed: "Notre Dame Committee".

Of course, those people will not become the Virgin Mary for a while, and they are still white-faced and black-hearted.

It's just that their goal has changed from transforming the white ball to transforming the entire world.

"Let the world become a friendly, harmonious and warm home."

This is their slogan.

Through the unlimited resources provided by Baiqiu, Wen Rensheng found that they were playing "Minecraft" with unlimited resources.

These people began to do all kinds of unimaginable things.

For example, now that there are infinite materials, in order to obtain infinite energy, they directly manufacture a solar panel ring above the equator, and then project it down with microwaves.

as a source of energy.

In fact, they can build many power stations, but they think this is not environmentally friendly.

Then they started building super cities.

Because the materials are unlimited, everyone can live together.

And those wastes can directly serve as transformation products.

One super city after another appeared.

No, it should be said to be a super paradise.

There are countless theaters, cinemas, playgrounds, stadiums, haunted houses, story parks, shopping malls in the city, but there are no factories, office buildings, offices...

The construction of the city is extremely beautiful, and there is no lack of any supplies.

Food, vegetables, meat, cloth, and houses are all available.

Even the school changed its name to Amusement Park...

Children will no longer sing the violent song: "The sun is shining in the sky, the birds are croaking, I am carrying a small schoolbag, and I am going to school*school..." anymore.

In short, the children woke up on the first day and urged the adults to take them to the amusement park.

The adults are also lazy, so they just built a slide from home, which is completely enclosed and absolutely safe, and can slide all the way to the amusement park, and then hand it over to the aunt there.

Wait, so someone is still going to work.

These aunts also feel uncomfortable, but the material transformation warehouse is not given to intelligent robots.

They asked why not?

Bai Qiu replied that an intelligent robot has no human heart, and it will definitely cause great harm in the end.

At least that's what the technical description says.

Intelligent robots can only use level A1, which is the weak intelligence currently used by humans.

Robots with animal consciousness cannot be given.

Because their evolution speed is too fast, they are evolving at the speed of light, which is a speed completely unimaginable for human beings.

Just like AlphaGo, it only took a few short years from its birth to invincibility.

So once strong artificial intelligence appears, human beings will have no resistance at all.

He also expects to enslave others, which is a good idea.

Black slaves have not been enslaved for hundreds of years, and they have been turned into anti-customers. Do you still expect to enslave a strong artificial intelligence that is billions of times stronger?

Hearing Bai Qiu's explanation of strong artificial intelligence, the Notre Dame Committee was the first to agree.

"We should rely on our own hands to obtain happiness."

So everyone chooses to work in turns, and the compensation provided to the workers is labor vouchers.

Calculated directly in hours, it can be exchanged for other people's labor.

Although there are unlimited supplies, things such as haircuts and medical treatment still require the labor of others.

There are also unlimited materials, which cannot include literary and entertainment works. After all, material transformation warehouses require templates.

In the final analysis, it is a kind of copy and paste.

This obviously cannot be used to create infinite literature.

Doesn't this still require money...

It's just that for most people, many things can be done by themselves.

Living well without money.

"We don't lack anything now, no, the only thing we lack is..."

"Life, life, or life!"

Yes, they discovered that longevity was what they lacked most.

After all, the days are too happy.

No one would dislike a long life.

Then the question comes, how to prolong life?

Bai Qiu shook his head and said, "I don't have this skill."

"Why? Wouldn't it be good to let everyone live happily forever?" Force a, no, it was the Holy Mother A asked.

"That's good, but I forgot." Bai Qiu sighed.

"Ah..." At this time, the Holy Mothers discovered a problem. They swallowed each other's memory in order to prevent the white ball from being too scary.

It seems that life extension technology is included in it.

Some people suddenly became ambitious.

Our Lady also wants to live a long time.

Our Lady is not a selfless saint.

"If we don't solve the lifespan problem, our optimization will enter the bottleneck."

"Yes, the happier people live, the more they fear death."

"Now, everyone is more and more afraid to die, and they don't want to die. After all, life is so easy every day."

"That's right, the entire society of today has become a world of happiness. Who would be willing to leave such a world?"

The materials are extremely rich, and everyone thinks every day that they are either playing or on the way to play.

Primary school students also know that eating, drinking and having fun is comfortable and easier than going to school.

And Xiao Huan also added fuel to the fire, giving them various ways to play.

In sports, the pursuit of honor, not just money, there are always people who are more determined to win.

In this case, the problem of longevity is even more prominent.

The biggest problem with sports, after all, is that superstars age.

They work **** themselves, and the skills they acquire as a result will eventually be lost as the body ages.

This is undoubtedly tragic.

All in all, the contradiction of lifespan will soon come first.

For the first time, Bai Qiu realized that human beings are infinitely greedy.

No amount of things can satisfy them.

At this time, the members of the committee secretly discussed.

"Shall we give it back the memory?"

"But after handing it back, we will fall back into the previous state of slavery."

"Can you recognize its memory..."

He was interrupted before he finished speaking: "If we can recognize its memory, do we still need to give it to it? We can learn its memory directly and make it our own."

"Yeah, become our own."

"Now our mental ability is only devouring and cannot recognize, and its language and technology are not the same as ours."

Everyone fell silent.

I have already got a very happy life, and the whole world is thriving.

Various new amusement buildings, tourist attractions, and story scenes are being built every day.

In short, resources are unlimited, even if they are wasted, they can be converted again.

As for the energy consumed, it can be obtained from the sun.

The energy wasted by the sun every year far exceeds the imagination of human beings.

As long as the matter does not dissipate, there is no need to worry about the waste of energy.

Now everyone just wants a longer life.

It's best to be the same as in the animation, and it's fine if they don't die.

Unless the story ends.

"I decided to take a risk, let the white ball restore its memory, and then take the opportunity to fool it into providing the technology with an infinite lifespan, then we will repeat the previous operation."

"I agree."

"I have no opinion."

"That's right. After all, no matter how happy we are, we can only live for 20 years. Why don't we fight for it?"

"I object. We finally solved the terrible crisis of alien invasion. Are we going to give away our existing advantages to others because of our greed?"

"Yeah, I also object. We can't be so selfish. Now we finally got a blessing in disguise. Not only did we not fall victim to the aliens, but we benefited from Lord Krulu."

"I'm also against it. What I'm against is the way to gain lifespan. We can ask Mr. Kelulu."

Yet they were disappointed.

"I want to live forever, that's easy. When you die, your will will be integrated into my body, and then you will live forever." Xiao Huan said swaggeringly.

"..." Everyone was speechless.

Sure enough, it is the will of the planet, and there will be no mercy at all.

As long as the group is not destroyed, it doesn't care.

It will not provide individuals with immortality. In that case, if everyone is immortal, who will return to its embrace?

Alas, this path failed.

Of course they didn't know that it was impossible for Xiao Huan to give them immortality.

This is Wen Rensheng's request.

Immortality means that these guys will stagnate forever.

This is a closure in time.

Only the closure of space can lead to the stagnation of civilization. If it is closed in time, how will he discover the mysteries of the universe?

So that's impossible.

They didn't dare to restore the memory of the white ball rashly.

In case the white ball finds out about their little tricks, a single thought can finish them off.

Finally, they thought of another way.

That is to contact more aliens.

The problem of lifespan cannot be solved with this white ball, so I will find a new target.

They decided I was going to play hard.

And after contact with new aliens, they can also play the familiar balance of power.

The white ball is very powerful, and it is difficult for them to truly subdue each other through their existing mental skills.

In fact, being able to devour its memory is already a big deal.

If they want to kill each other again, it is already beyond their ability.

This matter is too difficult.

All in all, they decided to send a message to the outside world, looking for new aliens.

It used to be difficult.

But by coincidence, when they proposed this idea, Bai Qiu just remembered a device for external communication and directly transformed them.

This kind of coincidence makes everyone think that it is God who is manifesting.

However, Wen Rensheng understood that this was their attempt to die.

A good card has been played until now, and I want to smash it again.

This contact device is a huge vortex door.

In the middle of it is a silver-white starry vortex, with accelerators on both sides, similar to the setting of starry sky gates in space games.

It can transmit information and even transfer matter across light-year distances.

This moment shocked everyone.

This kind of equipment is said to be more high-end than life extension, why did Bai Qiu forget that?

Some people are thoughtful.

Wen Rensheng guessed the truth, just to see if these people can understand it.

If you can't comprehend, it's hard to say who wins.

After the equipment whirlpool door was built, they sent messages through the whirlpool door day and night.

This time, real aliens have finally been attracted, and they come from the constellation Ursa Major in the sky.

The white ball should be a person from the outer universe.

rather than aliens.

When those Ursa Major aliens saw the messages and picture videos sent by the White Stars, they were simply unbelievable.

They sent back a message: "You are so stupid, you even took the initiative to expose your planet information, don't you know that this universe is very dangerous?"

"Helping each other is the future of the universe. We can't give up communication and communication because of danger." Our Lady A said.

"Then our planet is in great danger now, can you help us?"

"Of course I can help you." Virgin A said without hesitation.

The other party was stunned.

This is too easy to cheat.

He thought that the other party was plotting some kind of conspiracy.

So I didn't reply for a long time.

It wasn't until three days later that the echoes started:

"This is the position of our planet. Please build the vortex gate on our planet. We also want to go to your world through the passage."

"Please wait, wait for us to discuss." The committee member said.

"We can't promise that person."

"Yeah, it looks like a trap."

"If we invite them in, it will be ushering wolves into the house." People from the c force said it vividly.

Everyone nodded.

"Then what else can we do? Could it be that we can't do anything while watching ourselves die of old age?"

"Yeah, it's okay to know that there are no aliens, but they are here. If the aliens don't come, we will die of old age. If the aliens come, we will still die of old age. Then the aliens came for nothing? "

"Yeah, we can't let them come in vain."

So people started asking:

"How is the development of life science and technology on your side? Can it prolong life?"

"Of course, it can be extended to 10, but only the most valuable people will be extended. Those who are worthless will be shrunk, so the average life span has never changed."

ten times?

Everyone was shocked.

This means that if successful, they can live for thousands of years!

This is comparable to a tortoise, and it has to be a special species.

Generally, tortoises do not live long, only a few years to decades.

There are actually few animals that can really live longer than humans.

But plants are a lot easier than a hundred.

Then they asked the white ball: "Now there is a group of aliens who need our help. They are the Holy Mother, and they should help people in the entire universe."

Bai Qiu nodded: "You are right, we should help them."

"How can that help?"

"Just extend your vortex door to them, UU Reading They have already sent the coordinates."

But at this time, someone in the group of aliens suddenly sent a message:

"You are so kind and pure, I can't bear to watch those demons deceive you."

"I'm going to tell you the truth."

"You are too kind to be invaded by demons."

"A good-hearted person should not be rewarded with evil."

"The evil world I live in shouldn't destroy another beautiful world."

Hearing this, the committee members were shocked.

Of course, they actually understood each other's argument very well.

That is, this target civilization is very brutal, comparable to barbarians.

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