Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2058: will to fear

However, there is also a good man among the barbarians. This good man betrayed his planet, in turn exposed his barbarism, and persuaded the White Star people not to be fooled.

Wen Rensheng saw this and thought, isn't this the plot of "Three-Body Problem 1" in the real world?

Could it be that the mystery of the universe is a close version of the real world?

At the same time, when the Baixing people heard this, the committee formed by the four major forces immediately discussed again.

"We should rein in the precipice." The c force warned, "Stop now, and we can still enjoy peace and happiness. If those demonic aliens are really introduced, it is very likely that we will all be finished."

"No, if we give up halfway, aren't we wasting our efforts for nothing?" The people of a force refused.

For the sake of health and longevity, they can knock out the teeth of slaves, and don't care what demons are.

Because they were originally the descendants of the devil.

"If you agree, I can be sure that the other party will change his mind immediately after he comes over, just like your ancestors, those colonists, rushed over fiercely, and then wiped out all of us. He is not like this white ball, who will give us There are so many opportunities." The people from the c force insisted.

The representatives of forces b and d fell silent.

They are in a difficult choice at this time.

If you support c, it means that 30 years, 50 years, old age and death will end in peace.

But you can also enjoy life and die without a problem.

But if support a, it is possible to get immortality, the probability is about 1%, or it may be reduced to food, or even die directly, the probability is 99%.

Yes, they are not stupid, they can distinguish risks clearly.

But like the invaders who wage demonic wars, they simply chose to gamble.

If you win the bet, you will gain a lot, but if you lose, the common people will only bear the price.

The representative of the c force said again: "We still have time, we can conduct scientific research on our own, we can rely on ourselves, we now have unlimited resources, unlimited energy, can't we research an infinite lifespan?"

The representative of the a force said coldly: "It can be researched, but it will take decades. I don't want to plant a tree now so that future generations can enjoy the shade. I would rather dig a well and drink water right away, instead I also don’t want to build reservoirs so that people in ten years’ time can drink water.”

"We support representative a." The people of force b were finally moved.

"I give up." The person from the d force shook his head.

2 to 1.

People from the c force said in pain: "You have dragged mankind into the abyss of demons, and you are destined to be nailed to the pillar of shame in history."

"I don't care about the flood after I die, anyway, I want to fight for immortality." The person of a force said coldly.

Then the people of force a began to reach an agreement with the aliens in the Ursa Major constellation.

"I will build a vortex door to let you in, and you must also give us part of the longevity technology."

"Okay, let's give you the technology to solve the disease and extend the life span to the limit first." The people of Ursa Major are obviously very cunning.

They obviously know that as long as the fish is hooked, they can't help themselves if they want to get rid of it.

Once the greedy appetite is opened, it will grow bigger and bigger.

"very good."

So the people of Force A quickly obtained some longevity technologies.

Backed by unlimited resources, these techniques proved effective immediately.

More people support the people of a force.

They are getting greedy.

So they persuaded Bai Qiu again: "We should give the people of Ursa Major a chance to survive."

"No, we can't do this, they themselves have warned us." The white ball is the thinking of the Virgin, but it is not stupid yet.

Knowing that when the other party comes over, they will turn the Baixing people into hell, so how can they open the whirlpool gate to the other party?

Isn't that putting the big bad wolf into Yangcun?

"That's right, these people are all cruel and demons, they must not be let in." The representative of the c force said with relief.

The distance between the two is very far away, as long as the white ball builds a space channel unintentionally, it is impossible for the other party to cross over.

They have time to continue developing civilization and technology.

With the unlimited resources and energy provided by the white ball, I believe that technology will surely advance by leaps and bounds.

However, the representative of Force A said: "It is because of this that we are going to rescue them all the more. You see there are kind people among them, and he is thinking about us."

"This shows that they still have kindness, and we must carry forward their kindness."

"That's right, we want to unite these kind people to build a universe of Our Lady."

"They are evil only because of lack of resources, just like us, when we become rich, we also start to become kind, and we will learn to give and share." The b-force people also chimed in.

"It would be great if everyone in the universe were the Holy Mother."

"Yes, since we know that the other party is suffering, we cannot ignore their suffering."

Bai Qiu was actually convinced.

At this time, someone from the c force made a request.

"In this case, why don't we transform Mars to arrange them."

"In this way, it can also prevent all kinds of unaccustomed and conflicts caused by rash contact."

People from the a force did not object.

After telling the Ursa Major aliens, they agreed.

Then the whirlpool door opened.

They first came to Mars to transform with infinite resources.

Increased carbon dioxide increases atmospheric temperature.

Add water to cultivate the base soil.

The renovation was completed in just five years.

Various bacteria, fungi, and plants were also transplanted there.

With unlimited resources, Mars has been modified so that people can barely survive.

There must be many problems, but at least there are no major problems.

Can feed countless people.

Then the representative of the c force made another request:

"We should send someone to look at it first, and open a one-way door first."

The white ball agrees.

So the one-way door opened.

A group of volunteer astronauts just came to another world, another constellation, and another planet.

When they first arrived, they vomited in their spacesuits just seeing the scene in front of them.

Fortunately, the anti-vomiting design has been made in the spacesuit long ago, and the circulatory system was immediately sucked away.

Otherwise, it would be fatal.

"It's so cruel, they are still eating their own kind!"

"It's unbelievable, how did such brutality develop such high technology?"

Wen Rensheng looked through the eyes of these people.

I saw a piece of **** in front of me.

Everything in front of me was wilderness.

In the wilderness, there is a grill.

Dead bodies hung on the grill, and beside them were humans with red eyes.

They turned out to be very similar to the White Stars.

It is precisely because of this similarity that it has the uncanny valley effect.

"Everyone is eating each other. If you don't eat, you can't survive." Someone came over to meet these strange outsiders.

"Welcome, Shirahoshi people, to this cannibalistic hell," said the man.

"It shouldn't be, you have such technology, how can you still fall into famine?"

"That's not right, it's illogical." Everyone said one after another.

"That's because we can't grow any plants. There is no energy, and all the resources of our planet have been exhausted. Don't you see? Even the sun is very cold." The greeter continued to explain road.

"This explanation is wrong, we can't accept it, but since you say that, let's just believe it." Astronaut Braun asked.

He was the first to contact aliens, and he was the one who contacted the second alien.

"Yeah, how did you invent your previous technology? Don't you have some reserve resources?" You said humanely.

"Of course we have made preparations, but the reserve resources have been exhausted, and then we can't fly out at all. Because the planet closest to our planet is several million years old, we are an isolated planet." The greeter shook his head. road.

"I still can't understand. Haven't you learned to recycle? Your sun is still shining. Can't you use these rays to maintain the most basic agriculture?" Bereng couldn't understand.

"Well, it seems that the explanation is for nothing. You don't believe the simple explanation. Do you really want to explain it?" The greeter laughed.

"Yes." Braun affirmed.

"If you hear the real explanation, then you may never escape, and you will fall into the shadow of the devil just like us."

"Then we have to listen too." Bereng said again.

"Well, in fact, all of this is caused by the will of our planet." The greeter said indifferently.

"He needs people's fear and trembling, from which he draws energy."

"He's not a man, he's a demon, he controls the spirits of all of us, so that we can only live by cannibalism, everyone must eat people, if you only want to eat ordinary food, then you will soon die It will lack the necessary elements of life, get sick and die, everything is as simple as that, all of which are man-made."

After listening to this, everyone suddenly realized, and they were all shocked.

Unexpectedly, the aliens in Ursa Major and the will of the planet are so evil.

No wonder some people resisted, specifically reminding the Baixing people, telling them that there is a group of demons here, and they are not allowed to come here, and they are not allowed to establish space passages.

"It seems that our Lord Kelulu is better, at least he just let us play, and didn't let us eat people to satisfy his happiness." Bereng sighed.

"Yeah, happiness is a comparison, and good and bad are also a comparison."

"Some people still suspect that Mrs. Krulu is evil, thinking that she made some people go crazy. Now it seems that she is very kind, we should be content."

All the white stars agreed.

"Okay, you know the reason, then you have to eat a piece of meat, otherwise, you will die too." The greeter said and handed them a hand.

"No, no, I would rather die than eat people." A female astronaut refused repeatedly.

"That's right, we are all human, and we will never eat intelligent creatures."

"We still have a lot of food and supplies. And they will also send them to us through the one-way door. We will not eat people, absolutely not." Bereng also emphasized.

"Well, let me see how many of you can still stick to your current words in the face of the threat of death. I don't like you." The greeter shook his head.

Then he walked back to the grill and ate a small piece.

Then the ogres ate one by one.

They stood up from the grill, and the next moment, after wiping the corners of their mouths, they became polite, smiling at everyone like the most polite vampires.

Everyone was moving, but felt creepy, and retreated one by one.

"You don't have to be afraid, we are already full, we can take care of it for a month, and we won't eat you again." The greeter explained.

"And you don't belong to us here. Whether it will work after eating you or not will only be determined after experiments." Another person followed.

"Don't you want to resist? Are you going to endure and endure this tragedy?" Bereng couldn't help it.

"How do you resist?" The greeter suddenly raged.

"Do you know what you are facing? Do you know how powerful he is? He controls all your information, all your mind, your every move, and all your thoughts, all under his control!"

"He can kill you with a single thought, how do you want to resist?"

"Like those indigenous races that were wiped out by the colonists, didn't they want to rebel?"

"Is it useful for them to resist? Those who don't resist can still be passed down to modern times as slaves, and those who resist are killed!"

"Do you think that justice will win? You stupid guys."

The greeters were obviously irritated by the white star's big words.

"Okay, don't get angry with them." Someone comforted him.

"It won't be long before they find themselves, like us, subdued in order to survive."

"After all, 99% of the people are submissive, and only 1% of them will resist. The only ones who survive in the end are the genes that don't resist. This is the anthropic principle. They should have learned it."

The White Star fell silent.

They understood that what the other party said was right. In the face of such an irresistible existence, they could only obey, although it was shameful and humiliating.

But at least life can be passed on, and where there is inheritance, there is hope.

There is no way to do this, and they have no right to accuse each other.

At this time, in the portal, the first batch of supplies arrived, and then they began to eat.

Just eating and eating, suddenly someone started vomiting blood.

"No, why do I vomit blood when I eat these things?"

"Yeah, UU Reading These are the top delicacies."

"The most nutritious and most comprehensive element, it shouldn't be like this."

Many astronauts were shocked.

At this time, the greeter said: "I have already said that there will be a lack of essential ingredients in the food you eat."

"When you come here, when you hear the mystery, you will be affected by the will of our planet. You must eat people. Only by eating people can you solve the needs of your body."

"You won't be affected by him. Now that you eat ordinary food, he will make you vomit blood, and finally you have to choose to eat people."

"Why, I don't want to go on like this?" Someone was scared.

"Choose cannibalism, you can only live if you eat the other person, and you can live for a month if you are full once."

"Since you have a one-way portal, send more people over."

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