Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2059: Pig 8 quit

"No, even if we die, we won't eat the same kind of thing!" The astronauts said one after another.

The greeter shook his head and said, "The same kind is not a thing, but the same kind is food."

"The same kind is something," Bereng realized that something was wrong in the middle of speaking, and quickly switched, "The same kind is the same kind, friends and partners."

"Since we are friends, when a friend is about to starve to death, it is a matter of course to take out your own meat to help a friend." The greeter bewitched.

"Impossible, even if we die, starve to death, bleed to death, die from pain, we won't eat!" The astronauts gritted their teeth.

"Well, you just wait here, I'm going to see how strong your will is." The greeter said disdainfully.

So did they before, until they finally bowed their heads in the face of hunger.

Hunger can destroy 90% of people's will.

When you are hungry to the end, you will find yourself in an erratic state, and you will be unable to resist any temptation.

Cannibalism is a common thing.

It has never been a rare thing in history, but after industrialization and the great development of agriculture, this kind of thing has become rare.

Within a few days, the astronauts quickly felt very hungry.

Very very hungry.

Then they desperately devoured all kinds of supplies.

What chicken, fish, canned fruit, grilled lobster, steamed lamb, shabu-shabu...

All kinds of delicacies, all eaten again.

But none of these can suppress the hunger in their hearts.

And when they saw their companions, their robust bodies were like big chicken legs.


Everyone had to stay away from others as much as possible, not to see them.

But in this way, the hunger became stronger and stronger.

Moreover, some people continued to vomit blood, which was actually vomiting food, and the vomiting was so severe that it caused the gastric mucosa to bleed.

Because their stomachs cannot digest the food, and the food rubs against the mucous membrane.

Ordinary food, after eating, can only be spit out.

In this case, they have to admit that they have greatly underestimated the will of the local planet.

This is an evil god.

Its effects are horrific.

This is the power of the spiritual realm.

There is no way to resist.

"Submit, you are just mortals, you can't fight against God." The greeter laughed.

As long as the opponent submits, he can make the opponent open the whirlpool door.

And not just one-way doors.

At that time, they will be able to go to a new planet. Perhaps because of this credit, the gods will let him get rid of this result of cannibalism.

He also doesn't want to eat people, people are not delicious, psychological burden is one thing, and it is easy to get sick.

He didn't think the astronauts would last.

Under such circumstances, they will inevitably succumb, because human will is too weak.

At this time, an astronaut suddenly said: "Let's start praying. Since this is an attack in the spiritual realm, we should pray for the blessing of our gods."

"Attack in the spiritual realm, then who do we pray to?"

"Of course I pray to Master Krulu."

"Yes, pray to the great Lord Krulu."

After all, they are astronauts of Force A, they don't understand Xiao Huan's real name, and they often spell it wrong.

"Master Krulu, please save us."

"We're going to eat normal food, we're people, not monsters."

"We need to stay human, we don't want to be monsters eating people."

Not long after, a voice came from everyone's ears.

"Very well, children, I am very glad to hear your prayers. You have not surrendered to evil gods and demons."

"Since you are so pious. Then I will save you."

"Thanks to the great Kruru-sama."

The astronauts were ecstatic.

I didn't expect a single prayer to be answered.

The will of one's own planet is good.

Much more reliable than God.

If Master Krulu hadn't responded to them, it would have been really difficult for them to persevere.

But at this moment, Xiao Huan just pretended to glance at everyone.

Of course she saw nothing.

Xiao Huan is a big fool, what can she see?

Apart from being good at eating, drinking and having fun, he is not good at anything else.

It can be said that she knows nothing, if she knows something, it must be Wen Rensheng who asked her to know it.

So this time, she went to Wen Rensheng confidently as well.

"Dad, dad, see how we can solve their cannibalism."

"It's just an illusion, have you forgotten? Just let them see the truth." Wen Rensheng saw the problem at a glance.

"I don't understand." Xiao Huan blinked her big eyes and pretended to be cute.

By the way, thousands of octopus tentacles are exposed.

"Yeah, the so-called appetite is actually the illusion of introversion. When they win others by relying on cursing and become astronauts, they have the idea of ​​cannibalism in their hearts. If they give up cursing, they won't want to eat people anymore. Wen Rensheng said carefully again.

"Then how do we do it?" Xiao Huan still didn't understand at all, but he couldn't say it directly, so he had to put it another way.

"Don't you know illusions? It's enough to fight poison with poison, and illusion to illusion, just let them think they are full."

"Oh, it turned out to be so simple. Wouldn't it have been better if you had said so earlier?" Xiao Huan complained.

"You still dare to blame me, next time you will solve the problem yourself."

"Oh, oh, Dad is still smart." Xiao Huan hurriedly slipped away.

To save Wen Rensheng from teaching her a lesson.

Then Xiao Huan said to the astronauts: "Okay, I will rescue you now."

Afterwards, new hallucinations appeared in everyone's minds.

Immediately they feel full and have no urge to eat.

He no longer vomits until he vomits blood when he eats ordinary food.

They actually lack nothing in their bodies.

No matter how strong the consciousness of this planet is, it cannot violate the physical laws of this universe.

It can only affect people on a psychological level.

Many people think that you have to eat people to be full, but in fact it is all false.

It's as if some people have all kinds of weird behaviors after falling into hallucinations.

For example, some schizophrenic people think that they can fly, or that someone is going to kill them, and then do all kinds of terrible and uncontrollable things.

But at this moment, when the greeter saw this scene, he was shocked.

Because it didn't fit his predictions at all.

"It's impossible, you, you, how did you do it?"

"Why can you live without eating people?"

The astronauts proudly said: "That's because we prayed to the will of our planet, of course."

"Our planetary will is kind, friendly, and our true parents."

"That's right, unlike you guys, he's completely a demon."

The greeter was silent.

He wouldn't want to have such a will of the planet, but he couldn't help it either.

Who wants to eat people.

One is that there is a psychological obstacle, and the other is that there is a kind of prion disease.

It is protein denaturation.

There is no way to treat this kind of disease, and they can't treat it well with their technology.

With this disease, the brain will be empty and become dementia.

He suddenly bowed to everyone and said, "I beg you, please teach us this method."

Others also came over.

"Can we pray to the will of your planet?"

Although they knew that there were a group of ogres in front of them, the education of the Holy Mother made them decide to help these people.

"Well, we will give you something, and you can pray to it with us."

As they said that, the astronauts took out a green elephant head statue from their backpacks and showed them to the ogres.

"If you see it, just pray to it."

The ogres knelt down one after another and began to pray to the statue.

It didn't take long for these people to feel tranced, as if they had slipped into a new world.

"Where is that place, I feel like I'm going to fly into it."

"It's like a mythical world, it's amazing."


The aliens of Ursa Major, along with these white stars, returned to the world of Journey to the West at the same time.

This time, the place where they appeared was Gao Laozhuang.

At this time, Gao Laozhuang was still desolate.

Surrounded by tall thorns, there are only a dozen dilapidated houses.

And on a hillside, a strong man was working hard.

Everyone stared blankly after watching for a while.

I saw that this strong man was so powerful that he could dig out tens of meters of land with a single head down.

At the same time, all the gravel, grass roots and tree roots were cleaned up.

Weeds are also buried in the soil.

A good piece of wasteland has become a well-recovered land.

He also built the ridges.

That proficiency, that work efficiency, is simply shocking.

"It's comparable to two tractors overturning the ground, right?"

"You underestimated, tractors can't be as convenient and fast as him."

They looked at it for only half an hour, and the ten mu of land was turned over.

That is a large plot of 6660 square meters.

Simply inappropriate.

"If he continues like this, one person will be able to reclaim ten thousand mu of good farmland." Someone said in shock.

"I see, he is Zhu Bajie, this is Journey to the West." A c-force astronaut said suddenly.

"Zhu Bajie? I understand. I have seen the animation you sold." Bereng said in surprise.

Of course he also knows this famous animation character.

"It's okay, this guy is not easy to mess with, everyone be careful." The c-force astronaut warned.

At this time, Zhu Bajie, who had already cultivated ten acres of land, walked towards the crowd.

"Who are you?" He looked at everyone.

There was a trace of confusion and cunning in his eyes.

"Hello, we are..."

"You are visitors from outside the sky, right? I know you. You have been here before. Let me tell you, my old pig just wants to live here in Gao Laozhuang with peace of mind. Why did the Bodhisattva insist that I go to learn scriptures? Besides, what’s the benefit of learning scriptures?”

"My old pig is not a mortal, and it's not that I have never been a fairy in heaven. Even gods and Buddhas can't talk about love, it's better to be a fairy underground."

"By the way, is there any way you can stop me from being a fairy?"

Zhu Bajie babbled directly to the crowd.

Everyone was surprised.

It never occurred to them that Master Krulu would let them come to this place just by praying.

But they don't know how to go back.

At this time, Xiao Huan was talking to Wen Rensheng: "I'm sorry, Dad, people from those planets have gotten into Journey to the West no matter what. If I don't make it right, my people won't be able to go back. They have to stay in the world." It's over there."

"You won't die, what are you afraid of?" Wen Rensheng asked back.

"They are all my toys, and I never let my toys break."

"That's right, you're just good at eating, drinking and having fun, and you can never put down a toy." "Of course. Dad, hurry up and save my toys." Xiao Huan urged.

"Okay, I'll go in and have a look. Because I found something interesting."

As Wen Rensheng said, as soon as he thought about it, he got into the world of Journey to the West.

Because he discovered that the will of the Great Bear Constellation of the White Star Universe also got into the world of Journey to the West.

What is it trying to do?

Wen Rensheng didn't know.

But it doesn't matter, just grab it and you'll know.

And at this moment, outside Gao Laozhuang.

Someone said: "Mr. Zhu, if we can let you and Gao Yulan live here safely, can you help us go back?"

"Where are you going back to?" Zhu Bajie asked knowingly.

"Back to our own world, of course."

"Your own world, what's the benefit of going back, you'd better not do anything. Forget it, you should register here first, and then settle down. There is a county office nearby. I will take you to register behind, and then Live here for a few years, raise your soul well, and get a foothold in this world." Zhu Bajie babbled.

The astronauts couldn't understand what he said.

After all, this involves a deep nature of the world.

How could they figure it out?

They are all talents cultivated by science.

Haven't played any metaphysics.

"By the way, by the way, I will distribute some land to you, and we will open up wasteland together. There is plenty of land here, as long as you are willing to work hard, you will not starve to death." Zhu Bajie said again.

Everyone was ignorant, so they had to listen to him.

Zhu Bajie doesn't eat people now, after all he was enlightened by Guanyin.

"Mr. Zhu, may I ask if we are opening up wasteland here, can you help us go back in the end?"

"Stop talking nonsense, just help me open up wasteland first. Take one step at a time." Zhu Bajie said, throwing a few hoes at them.

"Go dig the ground for me."

Everyone had to work hard.

Fortunately, they are all astronauts, and they have good physical strength for work.

It's okay to do it for a day.

The problem is that they have never done it before. This job is very professional. If it is not professional, it will be very tiring.

Wen Rensheng had already appeared near Gao Laozhuang at this time.

What does Zhu Bajie mean by asking everyone to help him open up wasteland?

To be honest, Zhu Bajie is also an honest person.

He is obviously a monster, so he just snatched his wife away, and he insisted on helping others with work.

One job is three years of work, turning a poor Gao family into a big landlord with tens of thousands of mu of good land within three years.

This is definitely a landowner.

If it weren't for Zhu Bajie, UU Reading was too lazy to perfunctory later, showing the shape of a pig demon, Mrs. Gao, Mrs. Gao would really have lived happily.

At this time, someone asked: "Mr. Zhu, why did you become so lazy?"

As soon as Zhu Bajie heard it, he knew that these people knew what happened later.

But he wasn't surprised either.

After all, Journey to the West is constantly reincarnated. Although it is not Monkey King, it knows a lot of things.

"You people don't understand. It's a troublesome thing to change. Every time there is a trick, and mana is consumed from the inside out. Mana consumption is not a casual thing. The mana that has been cultivated hard every day, If you use it every day to change your body, then you will never make progress." Zhu Bajie said in a long-winded manner.

"I see. It's like a boy who doesn't bother to take a shower every day after he gets married."

"It's about the same, anyway, raw rice is cooked." Zhu Bajie nodded.

"Hey, don't you forget that after you get bored, you will also get along with each other."

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