Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2063: close at hand

The leopard didn't seem to take it seriously, and then turned to the bull security guard: "What did you see again?"

The bull security guard hurriedly said: "I didn't see anything abnormal except that the dean was still alive."

"Ah, why is that?" Hua Bao stared at him immediately.

Everyone also woke up from what the rabbit nurse said just now, and immediately realized that there was a big problem with the bull's security.

"Because after I came in, I just had a few words with the dean, and I felt very sleepy, and then I passed out on the sofa, and then I fell asleep." Bull security said.

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately.

This would explain why the scene was clean and the dean's bear head was missing.

The dean was probably also in a coma.

Then Leopard asked Doctor Gray Wolf, "What did you see?"

"Oh, I came earlier, at 8:30. At that time, I reported to the dean that there were fewer patients, and we should increase our advertising efforts."

"I also proposed a few advertisements for him."

"For example, when you enter this hospital, you will only feel confused, because he has no treatment methods."

"However, when you pay the registration fee, you will see the first treatment soon."

"Then comes the second one, the more you pay, the better the treatment you get, which in the end makes you a perfect animal."

Doctor Gray Wolf became more and more excited as he talked.

"How about this ad? It's sure to attract a lot of patients."

Hua Bao commented: "Ordinary patients can't be attracted, but mental patients can find a lot of them."

At this time, everyone looked at each other.

Is the leopard too stupid?

Don't you even know the method of separate interrogation and mutual confession?

When several people say it together, they will definitely try not to contradict what others say.

Unless Huabao didn't regard them as suspects yet, and they were just ordinary witnesses, they would hear the news like this.

Separate inquiries, easy to compare the correct information.

If you ask questions together, there is a possibility, that is, you want to see if someone is referring to other people's words.

If that's the case, that person is the most suspicious.

Now it seems that the words of the three are completely different.

Wait, Braun looked at his companions.

They walked to a corner and said in a low voice: "What does Sheriff Hua Bao mean? Is he trying to find out who is lying by this method?"

"I think it must be Doctor Gray Wolf. He confused the time when he entered the dean's office. In fact, he entered after the rabbit nurse, and then set up a fog to fascinate the bull security and the dean who entered later. Just start killing. No, kill the bear." An astronaut analyzed.

Everyone nodded.

Reasonable logic and powerful inference.

The problem is that evidence is needed.

Without evidence, they can weave many similar inferences.

It can also be said that the bull is lying.

The bull was the last to go in, charmed the dean and killed him.

"It would be great if there was monitoring, but unfortunately this is an animal hospital after all, not a normal hospital."

At this moment, Huabao suddenly said: "Doctor Gray Wolf, are you still lying?"

"Why do you say I'm lying?" Doctor Gray Wolf asked dissatisfied.

Everyone was also puzzled, why did Hua Bao think that the other party was lying?

Why can't they hear it?

"The reason is simple. You said you entered the office at 8:30, but you forgot that Dean Xiong has a stubborn eccentricity. He forbids anyone to enter his office on the hour or the half hour. Did you forget over this?"

"By the way, since you are here to kill him, you don't need to care about it."

"So you didn't enter at 8:30, you entered at 8:50, after the rabbit and the bull entered, you then used a special medical fog to stun the dean and the bull, and then you killed the bear with a skate Long." Huabao analyzed confidently.

Doctor Gray Wolf immediately shouted: "There is evidence, where is the evidence?"

"You have to at least find Dean Xiong's head, right?"

Everyone immediately looked at each other with admiration, it turned out that Sergeant Huabao had already seen the flaw.

But they didn't find out this information before. It seems that this is Huabao's own news channel.

It's just that Gray Wolf is right, where is the head?

"You must think that you hid your head so well that no one can find it?" Hua Bao laughed.

"I don't understand what you're talking about at all. I didn't hide at all, and I didn't kill the dean." Gray Wolf looked confident, but this confidence betrayed him.

People who are normally framed will only look aggrieved, innocent and irritable, and will not have any confident expression.

This is clearly like a murderer who has created evidence that he is not a murderer.

The leopard didn't say where the head was, but looked at the dozen or so astronauts.

He asked: "Then do you know where the dean's lost head is? You also searched around just now."

The astronauts were ashamed: "We did search for a long time, but we didn't find any clues about the head. It seems to have disappeared."

"Ah, this is a physical world. Nothing can go missing. There must be a sequence of events. Have you really not found where the head is? Let me remind you that it is actually very easy to find. If anyone finds it, I will give it to you." He is an official assistant." Hua Bao said with a smile.

Everyone immediately knew that it was Sheriff Huabao who was testing them.

And they can also be sure that if they can pass the test, then they will get more time.

Sheriff Leopard will continue to protect them.

They can also use the name of the sheriff's assistant to further view and search the mystery of the animal hospital.

Only in this way can they have a chance to escape from this terrible hospital.

This is a very good identity, and it is also an entry point and a way of life left for them by that mission.

If they squander this opportunity, it is destined to be a tragedy.

At this time, a female astronaut teacher suddenly changed her expression. She looked at Doctor Gray Wolf, then took a few steps back and shrank behind her companion.

"I know where it is, at that place," she pointed at Doctor Gray Wolf's stomach, "it's in its stomach!"

"Have you forgotten? There was a gray wolf before and wanted to eat us. It was the rabbit nurse who said that we still have human bacteria, and we need to be treated before we can eat it."

"Yes, since he can eat us, why can't he eat the dean?"

Everyone suddenly realized and felt creepy at the same time.

They looked at Doctor Gray Wolf carefully, only to find that there was still a trace of blood on the corner of the other's mouth.

Before they just thought it was each other's gums bleeding.

Only now do I know what the truly terrible truth is.

But why did the other party eat Dean Xiong?

Even if you eat a bear's brain, you shouldn't swallow it whole, right?

They thought of the gray wolf they had met before, and the wolf also wanted to eat them.

Are both sides the same?

What will the rabbit eat?

The rabbit nurse said that when they were cured, the gray wolf would be allowed to eat them.

"Haha, that's the thing. You are very good, and your brains are very useful. Sure enough, animals infected with human bacteria have outstanding IQ. I hope you will be cured as soon as possible and keep your smart brains by the way."

Leopard looked at them and nodded slightly.

"What, it's impossible, what are you talking about?" Doctor Big Bad Wolf was shocked.

He quickly argued: "How is this possible? Look at my mouth. I didn't eat the dean, nor could I swallow his head. At least a snake can swallow his head."

"You're right, but this is your medical record before you applied for this hospital." Hua Bao said and threw out a medical record.

Everyone quickly gathered around.

"Boa Constrictor No. 9993 was admitted to the hospital for treatment. After limb making, plastic surgery, leg addition, modification, and cutting, he was successfully transformed into Gray Wolf No. 13, and he was hired as a doctor in this hospital."

Everyone was taken aback.

It turns out that the predecessor of Doctor Gray Wolf actually knew a boa constrictor!

Incredible, incredible.

It's not that they are stupid, it's that Sergeant Leopard has information that they don't.

So it can be analyzed.

Just where did the information come from?

Medical records should be kept in the medical room, and generally outsiders cannot enter.

Even if you enter, how can you find an accurate medical record from the vast medical records like the sea of ​​clouds?

This can prove that Sheriff Leopard may have suspected Doctor Gray Wolf a long time ago.

At this moment, Doctor Gray Wolf had nothing to say.

He collapsed to the ground, still in disbelief:

"This is impossible, this is impossible!"

"How did you find out my real identity? I clearly asked them to destroy the medical records!"

"They didn't destroy it, I understand, they must be trying to blackmail me!"

"This **** dean, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. I eat well, and I will eat more people next time."

"Damn it, I'm going to eat the nurses, the doctors, the cleaners, the security guards, all of them, I won't let you go, just wait."

Doctor Gray Wolf is incompetent and furious there.

However, the leopard will only order someone to tie it up and take it out.

Then it came to the window and saw the entrance of the hospital with a sea of ​​people and heavy traffic.

"**Healing hospital."

"This is the name of the hospital. Why are there two * numbers? How did you come here?" Hua Bao looked at everyone again.

"We are all good people, and we were all involved innocently." An astronaut lamented.

They want to get the help of the leopard, and it is best to return in time.

Here, there is cannibalism and murder at every turn, and they are really fed up.

"I already know, now grab Doctor Gray Wolf and take a picture of his abdomen to see if there are any undigested bone residues."

This boa constrictor is very powerful. After devouring a crocodile, it sleeps there.

Using CT scan, it was discovered that the crocodile was digested alive only one month later.

This is the power of the python.

Soon, security came in and caught Dr. Gray Wolf.

Doctor Gray Wolf didn't resist at all.

It seems to have been killed.

Then Leopard took a scalpel with his own hands, and cut open Gray Wolf's stomach, and sure enough, a snow-white and black bear's head was found inside!

It has not been digested at this time, only half of the volume, and the remaining half will be completely digested in half a month.

"Do you want evidence? If this is not ironclad evidence, what is ironclad evidence? Tell me, a human head was found in your stomach. Did you say that someone planted it on you? Will someone plant it when you eat it? You still don't admit it Is it?" Leopard scolded loudly.

"Okay, I admit defeat." Doctor Gray Wolf said calmly.

He knew he couldn't deny it.

Not what you eat, it will appear in your stomach?

This is absolutely absolute proof that you are the murderer.

In court, the judge will certainly accept this piece of evidence.

"What exactly do you want me to say? The devil is one foot tall, and the way is one foot long. This time, you are the best. I am willing to admit defeat." After the gray wolf calmed down, he straightened his back again.

Hua Bao sneered: "It's very simple, I want to know, why did you kill the dean? The dean at least gave you a job, and helped you change from a patient to a normal person."

"Because this is my way of repaying kindness. I don't know what happened. I want to keep this hospital running." Gray Wolf said calmly.

"This hospital is very powerful. It seems absurd, but it can treat many patients well."

"It's just that the treatment method is a little special, directly turning people into animals."

At this time, Hua Bao said to Gray Wolf: "You mean that the dean hinders the development of your hospital."

"That's right, the dean is a bear with a very violent temper and drove away many patients." Doctor Gray Wolf said harshly.

"And he doesn't do many normal things, but instead does some abnormal things, such as eating, drinking and having fun, and those indescribable things. In short, this hospital will be pilled sooner or later in his hands."

"Once it is defeated, it will be difficult for this hospital to develop again, because reputation is hard to buy, and no one will go to a hospital without reputation." Gray Wolf shook his head and said, "There will be no business in the end, and the less Patient practice, surgical technique level is getting worse and worse."

There were no patients before, but this time around twenty patients came in one breath, which is simply a gift from God.

So the whole hospital has been very tolerant to them.

Professor Dong personally came to check their bodies.

They can walk back and forth in the hospital, and no one stops them.

But here comes the question, since they attach great importance to the source of patient numbers, why do people eat up the cured patients?

What is this called attention to?

People really can't figure it out.

"It seems that you didn't understand it." Sergeant Huabao seemed to value them very much, so he misunderstood everyone's expressions.

"Go on, Gray Wolf."

"Okay, in short, we can't watch a saved hospital be ruined by him. In my eyes, this hospital is my reborn parents. For the safety of my parents, I can only let the dean die. I am performing an operation. "Doctor Gray Wolf said harshly.

Everyone nodded. UU reading

They cannot reveal their true identities.

But the leopard smiled slightly.

Everyone is very nervous, is the problem exposed?

Has his identity been exposed?

This sheriff is really good.

Seeing this, Wen Rensheng shook his head.

The reason why these people don't understand is because they don't think from the perspective of the hospital.

When you are a cured patient, you will become a normal animal.

And a normal animal will no longer attract people's attention, so even if it is eaten by people, no one will take care of it.

As for why the gray wolf eats heads, everyone has analyzed it. It may be to improve their IQ.

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