Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2064: devour concept

Wen Rensheng thought of this, and couldn't help sighing: "Oh, wisdom is too high, just like mountains and rivers, the music is high and the few are few."

Xiao Huan was puzzled and said, "What's wrong, Dad, do you understand the mystery of this hospital?"

"Of course, it's still my own wisdom that is so powerful. When these people are still confused, I have already seen it."

"It's a pity, these people are also a bunch of idiots, I thought I could find some smart toys." Xiao Huan said disappointedly.

"Nonsense, how many people are as smart as me?"

Wen Rensheng boasted.

He has a mysterious seed, and he has concentrated the wisdom of several universes.

That's why he was able to easily discover the mystery of this animal hospital.

And those astronauts, just came from a technological world.

It was the first time for them to experience such a mysterious thing.

Moreover, it is advanced Westward Journey, and it is also suspenseful. It is a two-step jump directly, basically without any transition.

There is no recovery time either.

If they hadn't experienced the impact of aliens twice and the baptism of Kelulu's spiritual realm, their brains had been opened, otherwise they would still wonder if they were hallucinating or if they had mental symptoms.

at the same time.

Wen Rensheng decided to give them a little help to discover the real mystery of the previous universe earlier.

So he said to Xiao Huan: "Actually, the mystery of this animal hospital is that after you are cured, you become an animal. The rule of the animal world is that the weak prey on the strong, and the dean has already experienced this when he was eaten just now." .”

"As long as you don't get caught, you can eat whatever you want. Leopards represent superficial rules. As long as you don't get caught by the leopards, even the dean can eat whatever you want."

"Just tell them this, and believe that they will be able to leave this world."

"Thanks Dad, I'll tell them right away."

"My father still loves me."

"Didn't you always say that your grandpa loved you the most?"

"Hey hey, I forgot, I didn't say it."

Finally, Xiao Huan began to put on a show again. She communicated with an astronaut and told him what the secret of the hospital was.

Then the astronaut was overjoyed.

You must know that he just learned how cruel this animal hospital is.

Even the dignified dean can't protect himself.

Let alone them?

"Thank you Kelulu God." He almost knelt down.

At this moment, in his heart, he really wanted to kneel down and worship the God of Kelulu like he bowed down to God.

"Okay, okay, hurry up and solve this mystery, just come out quickly. After all, you are all my dolls." Xiao Huan said sincerely.

is not that right?

Dolls, clay dolls, silly dolls...

The astronaut was immediately moved.

At critical times, there are still mothers and children who are hurt.

Motherless children are left alone.

Without the interference of the will of the planet, they would have suffered heavy casualties before they could escape back.

The astronauts then began to regroup, sharing the mystery.

Then they spoke the mystery into the air.

It's just that after finishing speaking, there was no movement for a long time.

Just when they thought they had been duped, or that the mysteries were false,

Then they saw another huge white vortex appear in front of them.

Then they left the animal hospital.

After leaving, they returned to Journey to the West.

At the same time, the giant three-legged bird reappeared.

Only this time, it looked at the people who appeared, as well as Tang Seng and his disciples, and was very shocked.

It said: "Impossible, how did you leave that complicated world so quickly?"

"It seems that you were surprised?" Sun Wukong sneered, staring at it with a stick.

"Of course, according to my calculations, that place can obviously trap you for at least a year. With this time, I can devour the existence concepts of Tang Seng, Monkey King, and Zhu Bajie!"

"And now, after less than half a day, you guys came out!"

"Of course it's because we are smart enough." Zhu Bajie is not good at work, but taking credit is the first priority.

"It's impossible, your wisdom can't be so profound! Even the Tathagata is just a false wisdom, and the one who is claimed by others is actually a fool."

"I said that the west is so good and good, and the east is as bad as it is bad. As a result, there are demons everywhere in the west, and a dragon in the east will be killed if it rains the wrong way. Isn't this the Tathagata being stupid?"

"Bold, how dare you slander Buddha?" Tang Seng said in shock.

"Fool Tang Seng, haven't you been persuaded in the last reincarnation? If you don't go to learn the scriptures, you can still get the scriptures. Have you forgotten your memory again?" The three-legged giant bird sneered.

Tang Seng at this time was very shocked when he heard the words.

Last reincarnation?

Soon a series of inexplicable memories began to appear in his mind.

"The scriptures that really want to save the world are not the Tripitaka, but the development of agriculture and the creation of jobs..." A series of words appeared in his mind.

Of course, his memory is fuzzy, and he can only recall ambiguously.

But that's enough.

In any case, seeking the Western scriptures cannot really solve the problems of the common people.

"Okay, master, let me meet this monster first!" Sun Wukong had recovered his strength, and fought against the giant bird in heaven.

I just fought with the giant bird for a while, but the giant bird saw that it couldn't take advantage of it, so it turned around and left again.

Sun Wukong didn't catch up to it, he couldn't help wondering what kind of foot it was, could it be the ancient monster clan?

Sun Wukong shook his head, came back again, and said to the astronauts: "Okay, you can leave now."

The astronauts looked at each other.

"But what are we going to do after we leave you?"

"That's right, what's the use of us? We can only bump around in this strange world and be eaten by monsters in the end, unless we go to Dongtu Datang."

"We don't want to leave, please have mercy."

Sun Wukong directly refused: "No, you should go back to your own world."

"But how do we return to our world?"

Someone suddenly said: "We can pray to God Kelulu for help. UU Reading"

At this time, Wen Rensheng said with the help of Xiao Huan: "You must find out the mysteries of this world before you can go back."

"Ah, that's it again."

At this time, Tang Seng suddenly said: "Take them away together. Since they are so pitiful, then take them to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures, and ask the Buddha to send them back by the way."

Sobriety is a matter of the last reincarnation, and Tang Seng at this time still can't get rid of the habit of worshiping Buddha.

"Master, why did you take them with you?"

Tang Seng said: "If you encounter the previous situation again, Monkey King, can you do anything?"

Sun Wukong admitted very kindly: "I really have no choice, they are much better than me in that situation."

"I don't even understand what that world is, I can only chant scriptures, hoping that Tathagata can lead us back."

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