Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2065: see fellow

"So if we are sent to that world after driving them away, aren't we finished?" Tang Seng said.

"So that's the case, you are still smart, Master." Sun Wukong suddenly said.

In fact, he already knew it, but there are some things he can't tell Tang Seng.

Say it out for fear of scaring the other party.

So he said to the astronauts: "I promise you, let you go west with us, but you must be careful not to make trouble."

The astronauts were all grateful: "Thank you Sun Dasheng, thank you Elder Tang, we will be obedient and serve you well in the future."

Zhu Bajie hurried out: "There's still me, why don't you thank me?"

Everyone was helpless: "Thank you, Mr. Zhu, and wish Mr. Zhu will always be handsome."

"That's for sure." Zhu Bajie said as he took out a mirror and looked at his handsome face.

Speaking of this, Monkey King suddenly thought of another thing.

There was a group of Dongzhou people and a group of Baixing people before, and it was a matter of the last reincarnation.

It's very similar to these people in front of me.

So he said to those astronauts: "I tell you, in fact, before this, a group of your compatriots have come to this world, and you can live in the city they built."

Everyone was overjoyed immediately: "Is that so? Please take us to meet them."

"Well, they are on the way to the west, a city called Dongzhou, which claims to be a paradise in the sky, and has no hometown on earth."

Sun Wukong said: "It's just that it happened in the last reincarnation, and I'm not sure if they are still alive, anyway, let's go on."

Everyone nodded.

There was surprise in his eyes.

If Sun Wukong could take them to the city built by his own people, then he would just do his own calculations there and stop fussing.

Everyone walked all the way.

Someone asked Monkey King: "Mr. Sun, do you know the mysteries of this world?"

"The mystery of this world, the mystery of this world is Journey to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures." Sun Wukong said casually.

Astronauts, once again told this mystery to the air.

However, there was no change.

Wen Rensheng was helpless.

These fools, there is no such simple thing.

Journey to the West is not the small copy of the previous one. This is an all-encompassing famous world with rich connotations and various mysteries that even the author does not know.

Because after the author finishes writing, it is being circulated, because each person's understanding is different, and different meanings are added to him.

This is also normal. There are a thousand Journey to the West in the eyes of a thousand people.

It's just that the astronauts didn't know, they just said: "No, we don't feel that the mystery of this world is like this."

"Since you say so, then you can find it yourself." Sun Wukong shook his head and said.

Tang Seng also said: "Only by generating Bodhicitta can one achieve righteous enlightenment and open up supreme wisdom."

The astronauts were ignorant.

"I tell you, don't force anything, the more you force, the more you will be ruined." Zhu Bajie shook his head.

People then know one thing, that this time, no one can help them solve this matter easily.

What is the real mystery of Journey to the West?

So everyone followed Tang Seng and his disciples all the way westward.

Soon, they saw a place with the title "Dongzhou City".

And there is a couplet hanging on it, which is exactly the two sentences that Monkey King said before.

"Is this the place Elder Sun said?"

Sun Wukong took a closer look, nodded and said, "That's right, it's right here."

"Great, let's go in and have a look."

The crowd rushed into Dongzhou City quickly.

After entering Dongzhou City, they were surprised to see that everything here was so familiar.

Wait, there are still unfamiliar places.

"It's strange, why is there no signboard in our mother tongue?" The astronauts of Force A wondered.

"Okay, anyway, you just learn our mother tongue." The c-force astronaut followed suit.

Sun Wukong then walked in.

After seeing them, he was shocked and said, "You guys, are you still alive?"

"Do you remember eating my master's polyps before?"

Tang Seng looked ashamed and said: "Wukong, you should be serious, there are outsiders here."

"I'm already very solemn." Sun Wukong said helplessly.

People from Dongzhou and Baixing gathered around.

"Sun Dasheng, of course we are still alive, and we also remember the past, but please stop talking about it, after all, it is all in the past."

Yeah, it's not a good thing after all.

"Okay, then I won't talk anymore. Anyway, I brought a group of fellow villagers over here. You can talk to them."

At this time, the dozen or so astronauts came over.

In fact, the Dongzhou people and the Baixing people have discovered these fellow villagers a long time ago.

It's just that everyone was attracted by Tang Seng's master and apprentice.

"Hello, where are you all from?" the astronauts asked the White Stars.

At this time, someone said in surprise: "Oh, you, aren't you our, that famous astronaut? What's your name, I can't remember your name for a while."

"They actually know you, so do you know me? I am more famous." Braun, the first astronaut to board a satellite, hurriedly said.

"I don't know you, are you famous?" Someone shook his head.

"Oh, my name is Berenger, forget it, it's normal if you don't know, after all, you are not from the abd forces." Berenger understood.

He can also speak C language, which is one of his hobbies, but he didn't expect to use Yongchang now.

"Oh, it looks like you're well-known in the news."

"Yes, he is the first astronaut to land on a satellite." Said the astronauts next to him.

"Okay, please come to our house and sit down, and then talk about each other's origins."

The astronauts then sat and chatted with the early White Stars.

The first batch of Baixing people talked about their own situation: "We are all people from the C force. We entered here when we were doing spiritual research, and then stayed here. It is the group outside who claim to be Dongzhou people , took us in, and gave us food, clothing, housing and transportation."

"Oh, UU Reading so that's the case, that's great, we also want to stay here." An astronaut said.

Someone asked back: "Wait, don't you want to go home?"

"Going home, going back is very simple, just close your eyes and sleep, you can return your spirit to your body, and then go back." Those early white stars said.

Everyone looked at each other, not understanding what was going on.

Wen Rensheng, who had been following them all along, understood.

It's very simple, the early white star people came in through the spiritual realm, and what came in was only consciousness; the later group traveled through time and space.

At this moment, Monkey King walked in.

He said directly to the crowd: "Okay, since you have found your relatives, don't follow us anymore, we have to continue to learn scriptures, you just stay here, it's quite safe here, anyway, there are no ghosts and ghosts coming .Here is under the care of the Jade Emperor."

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