Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2072: Accounting for Montenegro

After joining the army, training began.

One of the benefits is that food is supplied.

The downside is that there are many Pythium in grain and grass, and many of them are old grain.

The school lieutenant couldn't get much new grain, so he collected from big households in the county and town, and naturally most of what he got was old grain.

There are five years, and even ten years of accumulation.

Some grains are moldy.

Zhang Fei was so angry that he wanted to kill the grain officer several times.

They were all stopped by Wen Rensheng.

The soldiers under Wen Rensheng's command saw that the grain was only suitable for horses, no, it could only be fed for mules, and horses would not eat it.

Horses eat more delicately than humans.

Even the elites who had the conditions had to eat expensive eggs before fighting for their horses. They had to mix eggs with beans so that they could have the horsepower to charge the battle.

If you don't feed the horses, you will be chased and killed by people.

But the other township braves ate very contentedly.

Because they came to serve as soldiers because they didn't have enough to eat. Now that they have food to eat, what more do they ask for.

The training is one exercise every five days.

The beginning of the training is how to obey the flag.

Retreat with the sound of gold and march forward with drums. The leaders of each team must learn to read the flags to understand who is letting them advance.

The second is some common martial arts methods.

That is, how to swing a spear, block, stab, how to protect and use a shield...

These are simple exercises.

But in terms of these trainings, it is not comparable to the Peasant Army who raised troops at the beginning.

After all, although these trainings are simple, they are systematic and can be pulled out to complete a complete military operation.

From marching, to attacking, defending, chasing, encircling, finally cleaning the battlefield and returning.

Such an ancient military operation was taught in this five-day drill.

Of course, only a few elites can learn it through such sparse training. Most soldiers obey the command of the corporal commander and even the commander, and they do whatever they are asked to do.

And these low-level officers have more training times.

After all, they eat better and are valued more by Shangguan.

Until modern times, middle and lower-level officers played the most important commanding role and completed a complete set of tactical actions.

After the establishment of the modern army, the enthusiasm of the soldiers has been greatly improved, and their cultural knowledge has also been improved. They can actively understand tactical actions, and after the officers die and disperse, they can actively gather again to complete tactical tasks.

Compared with the ancient and modern armies that must rely on officers, this is crushing.

after january.

The captain, Zou Jing, relied more and more on Wen Rensheng.

Because there is no problem that the other party cannot solve.

Grain, military pay, coordination, equipment and equipment...

He said privately: "It's a pity that Zhao Shan is so talented, but he can't be appointed by the court."

He even had the idea of ​​recommending Zhao Shan to the prefect.

It's just that I don't have an inch of merit, so it's not easy to recommend.

After all, Wen Rensheng was just a grassroots citizen with a very poor family background.

He had no choice but to worship Zhao Shan as the Sima of the army, and besides leading the soldiers himself, he also participated in military affairs.

Another half month later.

Zou Jing summoned all the generals into the army tent.

"The spies came to report that the yellow scarf bandit Cheng Yuanzhi led 50,000 troops to invade Youzhou. The **** ordered me to meet the enemy. What do you guys think?"

If the soldiers were all his, he would naturally lead the troops directly to meet the enemy.

But now most of the soldiers under the tent are local braves from all over the country, so he has to discuss a matter or two, so that no one will not work hard.

"It turned out to be an army of 50,000. We are only a few thousand soldiers, and we still stick to the city." A Qu Chang said in a low voice.

"Oh, He Quchang, stick to the city, do we want to let the Yellow Turbans ravage the neighbors, how can we be worthy of the people?" Another person retorted.

There was a lot of discussion among the people, some said to attack, some said to defend.

Others are watching.

Zou Jing was a little disappointed, these people really didn't have much military talent.

He looked directly at Wen Rensheng and asked, "Mr. Zhao, in your opinion, what should we do?"

"Although there are many thieves, they don't understand the art of war. They are in a state of chaos. We can break them with a dignified formation. It's just that afterward, we need to gather more broken soldiers and make them easier to resettle, so as to prevent the Yellow Turbans from causing trouble again."

Elimination of peasant uprisings has never been about the number of casualties, but about solving their food problems.

Once the problem of eating is solved, no one will be able to pick things up again.

However, many dynasties are financially bankrupt and cannot solve this problem at all.

On the contrary, I, the Qing Dynasty, opened up a brand new path. If I can’t solve the problem of eating, I just solve the people who eat.

Just kill them directly, kill them clean, free up the land, and then resettle them.

It really created the first avenue in the past and present. If they continue to do so, if there is no external impact, I am afraid that they can really become a five-hundred-year dynasty.

Anyway, there are too many people, and if there is not enough land, they will be killed.

Why couldn't the previous dynasty do this, because the previous ones had to face, no matter what, they were all of the same family, or they were sinicized.

My Qing Dynasty is the only place under foreign rule, so naturally I don't care about this.

Just kill it.

"Where do you want to place it?" Zou Jing was overjoyed at first, and then distressed.

He knew that Youzhou was bitterly cold, and although there were still many wastelands, it was close to the grasslands, and there were often Huns and Wuhuan invaders.

Wen Rensheng was confident, and said directly:

"The valleys of Changshan, Zhaojun, Zhongshan, Shangdang, and Hanoi are all connected and can be cultivated."

These places are also the place where one of the most legendary princes of the Three Kingdoms made his fortune.

This prince is Zhang Yan, the leader of the Black Mountain Army.

He started from bandits, took advantage of the Yellow Turban uprising, and got along with them.

But he was very shrewd, avoiding the core ruling area of ​​the Han Dynasty, and entrenched in the mountains and forests.

Relying on Dashan, he even competed with Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao killed the White Horse General Gongsun Zan, but he had nothing to do with him.

And Zhang Yan was also a mere bandit leader, and finally he was able to become a marquis and a general, and established a family, which was still famous until the Jin Dynasty.

It can be said that it is more appropriate for grassroots people who traveled through the Three Kingdoms to copy Zhang Yan's script.

Of course, the premise is that you are in good health. Living in the mountains and forests without a good body is not enough.

In fact, Zhang Yan's script is also the script of many small forces that rose in the mountains and forests in later generations.

Even the dignified Yuan Shao can't touch him, and he is still active in Yuan Shao's land of Jizhou.

The key is that he occupies the dangerous valley, even if he only has hundreds of thousands of people and tens of thousands of elites, he is strong enough to hold on.

That's right, Wen Rensheng wanted to follow Zhang Yan's path at this time, leaving Zhang Yan with nowhere to go.

Think about Zhang Yan who has been sticking to the valley, and finally surrendered to Cao Cao after the Battle of Guandu.

In fact, if he has some skills, he may kill Yuan Shao and make a profit.

It's a pity that he is a thief after all, and he doesn't have the help of a great talent like Zhuge Liang. He can stick to it, but he can't make progress.

But even so, Zhang Yan's strategic vision, to be honest, is infinitely stronger than Liu Bei who was running around in the early stage.

But Liu Bei was running around, his strategic vision was not sharp enough, and as a result, even a base area could not be stabilized.

After finally being stable, Jingzhou was lost again.

It's a big pit...

If Liu Bei can regain Zhang Yan, stabilize the territory, take advantage of Yuan Cao's struggle for supremacy, and the fisherman will benefit, he may not be able to **** Hebei and reappear Guangwu Zhongxing.

But now, Wen Rensheng just copied Zhang Yan's homework.

It happened that he was different from Zhang Yan. After the Yellow Turban subsided, Zhang Yan resisted the annihilation of the Han army, then voluntarily surrendered, and was finally named a general, still maintaining his independence.

It was not until Cao Cao unified the north that he gave up his independence and led his army to live in Yecheng.

As long as this valley area is occupied, Wen Rensheng relies on so much knowledge in his mind, coupled with his own training of students, there is no shortage of talents, and he has a solid base. In the future, if he wants to calm the world, it will be a long way.

It's just these things, of course he won't tell others.

Zou Jing was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately said: "I have Mr. to help me, which is comparable to a hundred thousand troops."

At this time, Liu Bei, who was listening to orders under the tent, was envious when he heard the words.

What he envied was that Zou Jing could use Wen Rensheng, but not himself.

And he can't help it, after all he only has a short name, Wen Rensheng is not a ranger like Guan Yu, he will take refuge in him because of his courage and boldness.

From the very beginning, Liu Bei was too attractive to various counselors.

In the final analysis, it was because of his own lack of strategic vision that it was difficult to develop a base. Without a base, it was even more difficult to attract counselors, and without a counselor, it was even more difficult to find a base. It was not until the last Zhuge Liang came on the field with his own dry food that the endless cycle was broken.

Why Cao Cao can do it? Cao Cao himself has vision and money, and then he can occupy the territory, and then recruit counselors, forming a positive cycle.

Why Cao Cao failed to unify in the end, because he lacked Liu Bei's patience and charm, he was too suspicious at every turn, could not allow talents to be used safely, and the internal pressure was too much, which led to repeated rebellions and delayed time.

Soon, the first battle will come.

Zou Jing prepared his army and horses, counting the soldiers from the prefectures and counties, counting the bravery from all walks of life, there were a total of 8,000 people.

Another 5,000 civilians were confiscated to transport grain and grass.

It is known as an army of 30,000 to the outside world.

It's not that he doesn't want to bring more people, it's because food and grass are limited.

Youzhou is not yet a grain-producing area at this time, but Jizhou in Hebei is.

For these people, they have to save food and grass.

As for the 50,000 army on the opposite side, he didn't know how the other party would prepare food and grass.

In fact, his opponent Cheng Yuanzhi didn't worry about this problem at all.

Only the core few thousand people have food and grass, and the others can just eat themselves.

"Grain" everywhere...

The two sides finally faced off on a plain.

Neither side played any tricks, one didn't want to waste time, and the other didn't know how to do it.

Wen Rensheng stood on a high platform built by several chariots, looking forward.

I saw a mess of soldiers in the distance, no, it should be said that they were farmers, queuing up there.

Holding all kinds of farm tools, pitchforks, sticks, and even stones.

It's not so much that they're here to fight a war as it is a big outing.

In fact, many people just come here to make a living.

All those people looked hungry, and all of them were dressed in rags. They were a group of hungry people.

Only where the central army is located, there are thousands of soldiers with knives and guns, bows and crossbows, and even armor.

Several generals in iron armor are organizing the team.

Obviously, these are Cheng Yuanzhi's core team.

As for the equipment, it must have been found in the arsenal of the captured county.

Those generals surrounded a black-faced man, who was obviously Cheng Yuanzhi.

A small boss used to gain fame in the early stage.

Wen Rensheng felt this way right now.

Zhang Fei killed it with one spear.

This confusion is no wonder.

The other party was so old for a long time that he didn't even have a neat queue.

As for how to move forward and backward, I don't understand at all.

Being able to attack cities and land is entirely dependent on the large number of people and the great momentum. A county is defended by hundreds of people.

Faced with the clamor of tens of thousands of people, those officials who only wanted to make money to pay instalments were also scared away.

As long as they can organize hundreds of young and strong to stand firm, they will not be able to attack.

These days the siege of the city, as long as there is no internal support and the people in the city can persevere, it is usually measured in months.

At this time, Zhang Fei's heart was itching: "Master, I am willing to lead 200 people, go straight to their central army, and behead the thief's head under the horse!"

At this time, Zou Jing was also confident.

With these tattered troops, it is absolutely impossible to be his opponent.

"Mr. Zhang really has a lot of ambition. I don't know what Mr. Zhao thinks?"

Wen Rensheng smiled: "I have said before that it is easy to break the thief, but it is difficult to catch the thief. The captain should first send people to detour, build a big encirclement, and then send someone with a loud voice, shouting to kneel down to avoid death, and those who kneel down will be killed." grain…"

"Okay, sir is more thoughtful." Zou Jing nodded.

Yes, as long as there is an impact, the opponent will be defeated.

But tens of thousands of people collapsed, how do you catch them.

Tired and exhausted.

And he knew very well that many people who kill red eyes must aim at the back of the fugitive.

There must be countless casualties.

Tens of thousands of bandits, only a few thousand may survive in the end.

He, Zou Jing, is not a butcher either. After all, the people in front of him are not barbarians from outside the Great Wall.

Since Mr. Zhao said that he could lead them to the mountains for reclamation, that would be the best.

Of course he didn't think that Wen Rensheng would go to separate the mountains.

Even if he thought about it, he didn't care. After all, when he ordered the localities to form their own townships, the situation of separatism was already doomed.

"Okay, Chief Wang Qu, Chief Liu Qu..." He began to issue orders one by one, ordering several teams of Xiangyong to start attacking left and right.

"Zhao Sima, you command the trilogy yourself, and strike from the middle, and I will lead the brigade to press the formation behind."

Wen Rensheng nodded, and then ordered Zhang Fei, Liu Bei, and Guan Yu to lead the chariot formation and slowly press away.

500 people plus a part of the county soldiers assigned to him later, a total of 1,000 people.

Just under the cover of the chariot, attack forward.

"This chariot is good, but it's too slow." Zhang Fei rode his horse and followed behind the chariot.

Wen Rensheng strictly ordered the commanders not to lead the team at the front, but only to command at the back.

"This battle is mainly to let our soldiers get familiar with the battlefield and train elites, not to behead you." Wen Rensheng said casually.

The chariot gradually approached the place of five arrows, and 50 dispatched archers from the county, under the order of Wen Rensheng, began to try to shoot arrows to determine the attack distance.

The first arrow fell limply in front of the Yellow Turban Army.

It caused a lot of laughter.

"That's all, it's not enough to bathe the man!"

"Haha, it looks like a tiger, but it's actually a mouse!"

"Haha, come again!"

The chariot moved on.

But Cheng Yuanshi is encouraging the soldiers to swarm forward, intending to submerge the chariot and more than a thousand people.

This is a crowd tactic.

There are many people, few people are beaten, and there are sticks and knives in all directions, which makes people unable to reflect.

However, Wen Rensheng immediately ordered the chariot, and UU Reading showed a hexagonal formation.

They have already trained countless times.

The land of an arrow is about 202 meters.

The land of five arrows is about 1000 meters.

Come straight, at least 5 minutes.

After all, they are not well-nourished students for future generations.

A small number of elites are also chaotic, and it is impossible to run at high speed.

These times are enough for them to change their formation.

Soon the chariots began to be arranged in time, with two layers inside and outside, thick enough.

There are also sandbags for fire protection.

In just a few hundred breaths, a strange formation appeared on the plain.

No one knows how brutal it will be.

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