Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2073: crash

That's right, this is the chariot version of Bastion.

Wen Rensheng evolved it into a miniature bastion that can be quickly formed by chariots.

Of course, he will not copy it mechanically, the bastion is low, but the chariot should be tall.

Because the bastion is to deal with the cannons of the 18th century, in order to prevent the city walls from being smashed by the cannons.

But now it is the Three Kingdoms, so it is necessary to adapt measures to local conditions.

To protect against thrown weapons from the enemy, the chariot had to be tall, thick, and fireproof.

Doing these three things can greatly reduce your own mortality rate.

While maintaining morale.

With the protection of thick and tall chariots, the soldiers standing behind will feel at ease.

It's just too tiring to push.

It is not suitable for fighting in mountainous hilly areas and dense river networks.

But now, when the chariot bastion took shape, the opponent quickly discovered the discomfort.

The most tyrannical group of thieves rushed forward desperately.

After the chariot, the soldiers saw the thieves approaching, and only threw out two rounds of javelins.

then throw no more, but hide behind the chariot, take up the spear

This made the thieves very excited, because although the gun throwing was powerful, it was not dense enough to kill many people.

After rushing to the front, they found that the sharp corner was impossible to hit.

Troops cannot be deployed.

To take advantage of their numbers, they must rush into the six grooves.

Then after rushing into the groove, it was even worse.

The more you rush in, the narrower it is, that is to say, the smaller the momentum.

From six rows to two rows, and finally to one person.

And it will be attacked from left and right at the same time.

In this case, the shield alone is useless.

Because it's a side attack.

And the flanks of any soldiers and groups are weak.

Even during World War II, being flanked can easily cause a major collapse.

Soldiers on both sides of the chariot directly used five-meter spears to stab outwards through the shooting holes.

With a stab of spears on both sides, the person in the middle can be imagined.

It has completely become candied haws.

Someone wanted to grab the spear, but it was difficult to use force.

And the opponent can rely on the chariot to exert force.

Moreover, when the spear was designed, it was designed to be thin at the front and thick at the back, so that it could not be pulled out.

Moreover, there are barbs on the spear, which increases the pain of the resisters.

However, there are still clever thieves.

"Stand back!"

"Stand back, this is a monster!"

"Smite with stones, throw with spears and forks!"

"Pry it over with a stick!"

They quickly realized that in front of this weird car, fighting against the soldiers with long guns behind them was like fighting a hedgehog.

Isn't that stupid?

They are people.

Of course, you must use a long-range method to attack to avoid the opponent's anti-armor damage.

If you rush forward again, those passages will be a dead end.

The group of thieves who rushed to the front were the most tyrannical and the first to adapt to killing.

At the beginning, they could still say that they wanted to survive, but after they broke through Zhuangzi and the county seat, and broke through the constraints of the law, they soon discovered the joy of killing and kidnapping, killing everywhere, killing wildly, and being extremely cruel.

Among the thieves, the most courageous, and arguably the least innocent, is such irony.

Good people are the first to be starved to death and used as cannon fodder.

This is the tragedy of raising Gu in troubled times.

It would not be an exaggeration to use any cruel adjectives to describe these people.

They backed away wisely, then held their shields to block themselves.

Then they started trying to push long sticks under the vehicles, trying to overthrow them.

It didn't work.

The opponent has a spear and a spear.

Moreover, there are too many things on the chariot, and there are people, it is not easy to overthrow it at all.

And their shields blocked one side, but couldn't block the other side.

So they stepped back again and began to throw weapons in their hands, even stones and dirt on the ground.

When Wen Rensheng looked at those ancient times before, he found that some people always regarded the enemy as a game NPC.

The opponent was holding a knife, gun and stick, and he just stood there holding a spear to block it.

It's ridiculous, when people are in a hurry, wouldn't they throw them at you to kill you?

You don't need to aim at such a large area.

Therefore, you must have protection, armor, and shield, so that you can deal with various battle situations.

Count on the ancient soldiers to take the flesh and blood body hard, just wait for the collapse.

Just being beaten, unable to defend and counterattack, the drop in morale is visible to the naked eye.

But now, the strikers of these thieves, especially those who have undergone certain battlefield training, began to throw their own knives and guns.

It's just that Wen Rensheng had already made preparations.

Hundreds of weapons were thrown over from the opposite side, but the chariot had already raised its cover to form a large house, just like a siege engine.

There is a large cover on it, which can prevent arrows and logs from rolling.

But not completely fireproof.

So to break, you have to throw the tank.

Fortunately, the fire starter of the Three Kingdoms is very expensive.

Cheng Yuanzhi did not carry rockets yet.

Even if he carried it, Wen Rensheng was not afraid.

Because he had already covered the lid with sandbags for fire prevention.

The price is heavier.

Not much mobility.

If the other party wants to cut off the sandbag, they must be prepared to be stabbed by a spear.

In this way, all those messy weapons were blocked.

Only a very small number accidentally hit some of the recruits who had leaked out of their bodies.

The quantity is also very small.

The soldiers on Wen Rensheng's side became more confident as they fought, and they usually trained a lot, and the situation on the battlefield was within Wen Rensheng's expectations.

It's like an open-book exam, the more familiar you memorize it, the more motivated you are to write it.

On the other side, under their blows, there is not much defense, no armor, no shield.

One by one the bravest bandits were stabbed to death with spears and thrown to death with spears.

Someone said: "Take the torch and burn it!"

The fire attack is still somewhat useful, at least the smoke has a biochemical effect.

In fact, the ancients learned to use smoke to deal with enemy soldiers, and even threw peppers and traditional Chinese medicine into it to poison them.

It's just that they can't control the direction of the wind, and neither can modern people.

So the effect is unstable.

But it works well in certain terrains.

For example, the opponent is in the valley and you are on the top of the mountain.

Throwing poisonous smoke bombs is a common attack method, which can accelerate the collapse of the enemy.

But it is impossible for them to organize temporarily.

As soon as some torches were brought, they were thrown to death with spears.

Someone threw it over forcibly, but was quickly covered with earth and wiped out.

As the battle progresses.

Soon the bravest and strongest thieves and those who rushed forward were killed.

The thieves looked around and found that there were fewer and fewer people working, and more and more retreating.

"Come up to me!" The bandit general shouted.

However, except for hacking and killing some retreating ones, he couldn't stop most people from fishing.

They tried to stay away from the hedgehog in front of them as much as possible, looking around and thinking about how to save their lives.

At this time, someone saw the village braves who were fighting around.

And the chariot team also began to move slowly.

They take a step back, and the opposite side moves forward a little.

Although it was very slow and awkward, it was being forced.

"We are going to be surrounded, run!" Someone shouted.

In fact, people who call failure have a very simple psychology.

It is for the law not to blame the public.

Running alone can easily be killed by the supervising team.

But if there are too many people, that's fine, the people in the supervisory team can't control it.

He can run away.

That's why some people take the initiative to call themselves a failure.

He is afraid of death, but he still wants to live.

"Defeated, defeated, retreat!"

Soon all the thieves bypassed the supervising team and rushed all the way to the rear.

This run directly collapsed those behind who didn't know the situation.

In fact, at most six or seven hundred of them were killed.

Compared to 50,000, it's not worth mentioning at all.

The problem is that these six or seven hundred people are the bravest group.

Those who can take the lead are dead, and the rest will just follow the herd.

They just run backwards.

However, with the organization and control of the Yellow Turban at this time, it is impossible to control the collapse of 50,000 people.

Soon those people dragged their families and ran around.

What else can Cheng Yuanzhi, the leader of the thief, do?

very simple.

The result is clear at a glance.

He led his cronies, hundreds of armored soldiers, and retreated on horseback.

He will not charge.

Since the coerced person can't rush, then come again next time.

In the end, whoever can survive depends on who among them runs faster.

Soon the entire group of thieves fell into a total collapse.

"Defeated, defeated!"

"I can't beat it, run!"

Many people yelled and started running away.

In fact, at this time, the battle has not started for an hour.

Captain Zou Jing was delighted to see this scene.

Many officials who watched the battle were dumbfounded.

"The other party's tens of thousands of troops, with so few people dead, are they going to collapse?"

"It's really vulnerable!"

"A thief is a thief!"

Wen Rensheng smiled.

These people clearly do not understand what is at the heart of war.

It's a competition of organization.

If the organization is strong, even the feudal army can achieve more than 80% casualties without collapsing.

The reason is simple, there are more and more ruthless supervisory teams behind, betting more and betting less, and threatening your parents and family members, you have to die and win to survive.

This supervising team is organizational strength.

Of course, the battle in this situation cannot be done with too clever tactics, it can only be the simplest way of filling trenches and climbing city walls.

It is impossible to ambush a sneak attack, run a long-distance attack, or besiege a city to fight for aid.

These people will try to find ways to escape during the tactical process.

Yuan Shao's defeat to Cao Cao was not ruthless enough.

Organization is not strong.

The military law was not strict, and Yuan Shao relied more on his reputation to make his way, without going through too many setbacks.

It was just a wave of beatings by Gongsun, and later because of Gongsun's own crimes, he won quickly.

Even so, Yuan Shao seemed to be strong, but he couldn't deal with Zhang Yan, which was the reason for his lack of organization.

Although Zhang Yan has a terrain advantage, why isn't Cao Cao afraid?

Because Cao Cao can drive soldiers into the mountains to fight.

Yuan Shao's ability to organize and control the soldiers was not as strong.

At this time, Zhang Fei couldn't wait: "Teacher, can I attack now?"

"Okay, pay attention to go straight to the enemy general, don't get entangled with the soldiers, always pay attention to defend yourself, pay more attention to the terrain when chasing, and make sure to let the scouts guide the way in front, and don't fall into the enemy's ambush."

Wen Rensheng warned again and again.

Zhang Fei responded repeatedly.

Then since his father died, he never felt such nagging and concern again.

Zhang Fei said: "Yes, Master, I must remember."

"Okay, just remember, it's best to capture the enemy general." Wen Rensheng said.

Cheng Yuanzhi is still useful, he can use his reputation to force more people to surrender quickly.

Zhang Fei immediately attacked excitedly.

Wen Rensheng's words, he forgets after hearing it.

Wen Rensheng shook his head.

This is the tragedy of Zhang Fei.

Although he didn't die on the battlefield, he died at the hands of the lieutenant general, which can be regarded as a tragedy.

The root of his tragedy is that he ignores the advice of others and always feels indifferent.

He can do well by relying on his own knowledge alone, so he feels that others' advice is unnecessary.

Liu Bei had already persuaded him to treat these soldiers kindly.

He thinks this little soldier is useless, he only pays attention to the hero, not the little soldier.

This is the source of Zhang Fei's last misfortune.

Heads are gone.

At any rate, Guan Yu fought head-on and won a complete victory, but was stabbed in the back. It was 80% helpless, and 20% of the individuals were not careful enough, which can be said to be a non-war crime.

Zhang Fei is the real tableware, so many dangerous battles did not kill him.

In the end, he died at the hands of his own people, or was beheaded in his sleep.

The reason for the failure can't be blamed on others, it's all his own.

Poor, pathetic, and deserved it.

If Wen Rensheng wanted to change this guy's tragedy, he had to temper his temper.

At this time, Zhang Fei was carrying 50 knights, wearing double armor, and his war horse was also covered with a layer of leather armor to prevent it from being killed by arrows.

On the battlefield, when charging into battle, horses are one of the worst sufferers.

The target is big, and it is not easy to protect it comprehensively.

For example, Li Shimin has rushed to the battle many times. He has guards and heavy armor, and has not suffered fatal injuries.

However, his BMW had changed five or six horses back and forth, all of which died on the way to the battle.

At this time Zhang Fei shouted angrily:

"Go to someone!"

"If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

This loud voice is simply an ancient sonic weapon!

How could the soldiers in front have the will to resist or sneak attack when they were so frightened?

Just being deafening, he subconsciously avoided his horse's head.

Hearing this, Wen Rensheng scratched his ears.

Zhang Fei's sonic tactic is also the best way to protect himself.

When ordinary people are yelled at by him, their morale will drop by half. It will be much easier for him to rush in again.

Archers will be soft.

At least at this moment, those thieves ran even faster when they heard this.

And not all that fast.

Cheng Yuanzhi's guards were also frightened when they heard this.

What kind of evil is this?

They even escaped from Cheng Yuanzhi.

After all, the Yellow Turban got up too fast, how could there be many loyal guards?

It will take at least three years of cultivation with both kindness and prestige.

Zhang Fei flattered his horse and gave chase.

His horse is good, and he is recharging his energy, so he doesn't have to travel long distances.

Cheng Yuanzhi didn't run for long before he was overtaken by Zhang Fei and his knights.

This is the Great Plains.

There is nowhere to hide.

And his soldiers also ran away early and broke up.

"Die to someone!"

"The master wants to catch the work. UU reading"

Zhang Fei stabbed out with a spear, intending to stab Cheng Yuanzhi to death.

After hearing this, I changed to pick.

He directly threw the opponent off the horse and almost died.

The bone was broken directly, and it was impossible to resist.


"Kneel down and surrender, your leader is here!"

Zhang Fei grabbed the bound Cheng Yuanzhi and rode his horse galloping on the battlefield.

Wherever they went, the thieves knelt down one after another.

After all, the leader is not fake, he is still alive.

"All surrender, all surrender." Cheng Yuanzhi cooperated very well in order to save his life.

(end of this chapter)

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