Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2074: Reclamation in the mountains

【Mystery makes me strong】【】

after the war.

Inside Jicheng.

There was joy.

Liu Yan, the prefect of Youzhou, hosted a banquet in person.

In fact, Wen Rensheng knew that this statement was wrong.

At this time, Liu Hong had not changed the governor of the state to the pastor of the state.

In Youzhou, the chief who has the power to supervise all officials is called "Ci Shi".

The salary is low, but the power is great. Later, he was changed to a state pastor, and he was in charge of the military and civil affairs of a state.

Now it is only a rank of six hundred stones, and it is only a low-level official. At that time, the salary of the county magistrate was a thousand stones.

The prefect is the highest officer of the "county".

But this world obviously tolerated this mistake, which is the strength of everyone's will.

Wrong can also become right.

Of course, it is limited to the secondary world, the real main world, or the big world, that must not work.

Personal will cannot resist the laws of nature.

It's like in the world of martial arts, it is considered normal to step on the left foot and the right foot to go to the sky, but as readers generally go to nine-year compulsory education, it becomes more and more unbearable.

One version of the world for one generation of readers.

"This battle was successful and more than 40,000 yellow scarves were captured, all thanks to the captain's work." Liu Yan toasted the captain Zou Jing.

"Thank you Ming Fu." Zou Jing was also very happy.

The credit this time is enough for him to be promoted.

"I heard that on the battlefield, there were strange people who used chariots to build a city and smashed the bandits. Is there such a thing?" Liu Yan asked.

Zou Jing said directly, "Exactly, this is the work of Zhao Quchang, the other Sima under his command. It is very powerful and defeats the enemy in one fell swoop."

"Quickly invite this strange person to take a seat."

Yes, for this celebration banquet, the song director below cannot participate.

Those who participated were all state and county officials...

You do the hard work, and they get the credit.

This is why the city of the Han family was destroyed a lot by the Yellow Turbans.

They are all bought by officials and desperately making money. Who cares about the military equipment?

The soldiers have no credit, and they are unwilling to defend the city desperately.

But Liu Yan is different.

He has long had the heart of rebellion, and a big plan is brewing in his heart.

It can be said that his strategic vision is absolutely one-on-one.

It's a pity that people can't calculate the sky, he died early, and the strategic planning made others cheaper.

At this time, Wen Rensheng was ordered to come to participate.

I saw him wearing a long robe and a crown, which was very impressive.

"It's really a strange man, please take a seat quickly, sir." When Liu Yan saw him, he saw that there was a sense of being out of the world in the other party.

Similar to Sima Decao and Sima Hui's temperament.

Although young, but the Han Dynasty was more powerful, and they were all great at a young age.

The most famous one is of course Huo Qubing, who completed the work of others in his 20s and then left.

"I don't know which prefect of the county you are from?" Liu Yan asked again after Wenren was promoted to the table.

"Farmers in the mountains, why talk about prestige in the county?" Wen Rensheng said indifferently.

"Oh, I don't know if Mr. is willing to enter the prefecture? I want to recruit Mr. to work for Biejia, but I don't know if Mr. is willing to submit?" Liu Yan said earnestly.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words.

Liu Yan's bargaining chip is big enough.

This official position is to assist the governor of the state, and he is one of the senior officials of the governor.

When the governor inspects a state, don't ride in a passing car, hence the name don't drive.

At that time, commentators called him "half of the governor's history".

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【Mystery makes me strong】【】

The current Liu Yan is actually the governor of Youzhou.

The state and county officials who attended the banquet looked at Wen Rensheng one by one.

They thought to themselves, this kid has really reached the Heavenly Son Hall in one step.

This Liu Yan is a real clan member of the Han family, and he is deeply trusted by the current emperor.

Don't drive, and then recommend it, you will be an important minister of the court.

However, everyone didn't expect that Wen Rensheng just smiled: "The army raised up in the mountains is only to defend the village from unforeseen disasters, and it is not for the sake of being famous to the princes."

"Mister's ambition is really noble." Liu Yan felt very sorry.

But this is also normal.

Nowadays, many celebrities are like this, deliberately refusing to be expropriated to improve their reputation.

Anyway, Wen Rensheng's refusal will spread his reputation to the banquets of the big families tomorrow.

"Thank you for your compliment, I'm ashamed." Wen Rensheng smiled.

Then everyone toasted, drank, and praised again.

Clearly, empty talk has grown.

After drinking for three rounds, someone suddenly said: "Your Majesty, now more than 40,000 yellow scarves are being imprisoned in the military camp outside the city. There are so many of them. The food and grass alone will consume a hundred stones every day. It will be difficult to maintain for a long time."

"I don't know what you can do?" Liu Yan asked.

"It's better to kill them directly, build a Jingguan, and deter the bandits." A state official said.

Everyone gasped at the same time.

Someone shook his head and said: "It's too cruel, most of them are from the village, why is it so?"

"No, they are all from other states. If they come to our state to cause trouble, how can they scare others if they don't kill them?" Na Zhou insisted.

At this time, Zou Jing suddenly said: "I have considered this matter before, Mr. Zhao said that these people can be sent to Changshan and other valleys to reclaim wasteland. In this way, they can harvest food and grass without any effort."

"But Changshan is the land of Jizhou, and it is not under the jurisdiction of our Youzhou. How to send it in?" Someone asked again.

"Our Youzhou also has a mountain range that is connected to Changshan Mountain, so we can enter from here." Someone said.

"How about this, I will write another letter to the governor of Jizhou, asking him to allow these captives to enter the mountains to reclaim wasteland, and resettle one or two." Liu Yan then said.

He wanted to beggar his neighbor and throw these thieves to others.

If the other party refuses to accept it, then deal with it.

It's just that the food is indeed a big problem.

Eating a hundred stones a day, even if it is mixed with grass roots, bark and miscellaneous grains, is too much consumption.

No wonder they all killed the prisoners.

At this time, Wen Rensheng volunteered and said: "God has the virtue of loving life, I would like to **** these people to open up wasteland in the mountains and valleys of Daijun."

Everyone was stunned.

Don't drive inappropriately, go to open up wasteland in the valley?

Are you sick?

The valley is cold and barren. After entering, people will easily die if they don't live to be forty years old.

Only fools go there.

"Mr. is indeed benevolent and righteous. Since this is the case, I ask Mr. Biao to be the captain of Youzhou Diannong, and go to the mountains to lead the people to cultivate."

"Thank you, Mr. Fu."

Wen Rensheng thought to himself, since you gave yourself a little more effort in the initial start, I will help you.

"It's easy to say, I will help Mr. with five hundred stones of grain and grass, some farm tools, and one hundred cattle..." Liu Yan continued to show his favor.

He has long been self-reliant.

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【Mystery makes me strong】【】

In fact, he already knew Wen Rensheng's ability from people around him.

With the method of making chariots, thousands of people can resist the attack of tens of thousands without chaos.

If he learns this kind of ability, he will be sure to fight against the imperial court.

He has a rebellious heart, and two of his three sons also imitated him.

The eldest son and the second son later contacted Ma Teng in a vain attempt to attack Chang'an Dong Zhuo, but were killed.

"Thank you, Mr. Fu."

Then a feast ended.

Then, Wen Rensheng non-stop ordered the students to start organizing those captives.

It should be said that it is the hungry people.

Student A worried: "Teacher, tens of thousands of people are like frightened birds, how to appease them?"

"With food in one hand and a sword in one hand, you can be safe." Wen Rensheng was confident.

Where is this?

He wasn't worried about this situation at all.

Then everyone began to lure them with food, telling the hungry people that they would take them to cultivate wasteland.

Then a notice was posted that 40,000 people should be organized into 80 battalions with 500 people as a battalion.

Then a big pot of gruel was boiled, and soldiers were used to suppress order.

Wen Rensheng made up a person after eating a bowl, and Wen Rensheng led a dozen or so people to act as camp leaders with the village chiefs and corporal chiefs trained by himself.

A dozen well-fed and well-fed people can still deal with frightened birds.

Even Liu Bei, Guan Yu and others won a battalion leader each, and the number of troops suddenly expanded to 500.

However, for 40,000 people, the minimum energy guarantee for a day also consumes a hundred stones of grain and grass, even if it is mixed with weeds, it consumes a lot.

Liu Yan gave five hundred shi, no matter how economical he was, it was only enough for ten days.

Fortunately, Wen Rensheng had already made preparations.

He also raised grain and grass from the Zhangjia Manor in Zhuojun County, sold the property, prepared 3000 shi of grain, and set up grain stations along the road, which can last for two months.

Of course, the food must be very poor, but he can barely walk, starve to death, and don't even think about doing heavy work.

But most of the captives are content.

After all, what they were most worried about at the beginning was not starving to death, but being killed and captured.

It's all too common.

When the Yellow Turban was destroyed, prisoners were killed in many places and Jingguan was built.

Now that food is provided and someone brings it, there is no need to worry.

After all, no one would waste too much food before killing prisoners on a large scale.

This is not to execute a prisoner, but also to beheaded for food.

Then he organized the battalion leaders to go on the road one by one, carrying food and grass in chariots.

Then he collected donations from big households in Jicheng, and collected more than a thousand stones of grain and grass.

In fact, he knew that these big households had at least 100,000 shi of grain and grass, but they would rather put it in the cellar to rot than take it out for disaster relief.

It's that outrageous.

Then he took these camp heads on the road, all the way to Daijun.

Of course, he didn't go directly into the mountain, but first went to Youzhou County, which was harmed by Cheng Yuanzhi before.

There are always some big fortresses that have not been breached, and they drove around in front of them with chariots, and finally mixed more than two thousand stones, grain and grass.

Cheng Yuanzhi couldn't take it down, so he showed off his chariot, and anyone with a discerning eye knew he could take it down.

A slightly changed chariot is a siege vehicle.

After doing these things.

He took the students and escorted 80 battalion heads into the mountain in a mighty way.

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【Mystery makes me strong】【】

These 40,000 people will be the capital for his future start-up.

At least 8000 elite soldiers can be trained.

Because they are hardcover.

How could the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled travel long distances to make trouble in border areas like Youzhou?

After entering the mountain, they had to disperse.

Because there is no valley that can directly accommodate tens of thousands of people.

There are still some fields in the mountains, but they can only accommodate hundreds or thousands of people.

This is why Liu Yan and others don't care.

How did they know that later Zhang Yan relied on the Taihang Mountain valley to cultivate and gather hundreds of thousands of people, making Yuan Shao, a hero of the north, helpless?

There is a problem with reclamation in the mountains, that is, there must be enough food and grass.

Otherwise, they would starve to death before they cultivated food.

According to the map of the Three Kingdoms in his memory, Wen Rensheng began to arrange for the students to carry the battalion head and go to different places to resettle.

After entering the mountain, he doesn't care about the restrictions of any state or county.

Among the valleys here, many are interconnected.

He chose ten great valleys and placed people in them.

40,000 people have basically been resettled.

Then distribute grain and farm tools, call blacksmiths, and cast the seized on the battlefield into farm tools and axes, let them cut wood to build houses, and reclaim land on the spot.

It is spring and summer.

There are still some prey and bark and grass roots in the mountains, which can make do with food.

At this time, when the reclamation is done, some harvests can be planted in summer and autumn.

It is about 20 catties per catty of grain seeds.

One mu of land can produce 80 catties.

It takes about 5 mu of land to survive for one person.

Because a part of it has to be collected as farming fees.

In any case, after Wen Rensheng worked hard day and night, the ten villages were finally completed.

In the middle, more than 2,000 people died because of diseases, hunger, injuries, and wild animal attacks.

It would be a shocking event in future generations, but at this time, few people care.

Instead, they praised Wen Rensheng's virtues one after another. There were tens of thousands of people alive, and everyone called him "Mr. Zhao".

After completing these tasks, Wen Rensheng continued to open his mountain school.

He wants to plant a field for a year with peace of mind.

At the same time, continue to march to other valleys of the Taihang Mountains, and recruit Zhang Yan's bandits.

In the mountains, chariots are inconvenient.

Fortunately, the soldiers have been trained and mastered the essentials of covering each other.

He happened to change it into a mandarin duck formation.

This is the magic weapon for dealing with mountainous and hilly terrain.

And the mountains and hills are not afraid of the opponent's cavalry assault.

As long as you are familiar with the terrain, it is easy to ambush the enemy.

Wen Rensheng still maintains a standing team of one thousand people.

The village chiefs usually train the people, and gather together to listen to Rensheng's lectures and practice in their free time.

Because the mountain road was difficult, Wen Rensheng transferred his lectures and training troops among the ten camps in the valley.

Guarantee that everyone knows him, and he is the only leader in everyone's heart.

Others can only play a leadership role on a small scale.

At the same time, they focus on logistics with one hand and armaments with the other, and concentrate weapons workshops and grain storage in the middle valley as the base.

Now he has more than 5,000 shi of grain in reserve, and the 40,000 people will eat more when they start working. However, there are forest prey to supplement, which can reduce some consumption.

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【Mystery makes me strong】【】

One person needs to eat one catty of grain a day, and 40,000 people need 400 shi of grain.

In other words, his food is actually only enough for 10 days, not counting the consumption of transshipment.

But because it has been scattered in the valley to reclaim wasteland, many people can eat grains mixed with weeds and bark.

This year was still the Han Dynasty, and the destruction of forests was not very serious.

The main reason is that the mountains and forests are owned by the princes and officials, and the people are not allowed to go up the mountains to cut them.

So they still last a month of use.

The only place Wen Rensheng can squeeze out now is the Zhang Family Manor.

He also reached an agreement with some merchants and big landlords in Youzhou, in exchange for wine-making techniques and land farming methods, in exchange for more than 5,000 shi of grain.

It is actually impossible for other princes to spend 100,000 shi of grain at every turn.

Food is precious throughout the Three Kingdoms.

It was not until the Daxing of Tuntian that the food problem was initially solved.

However, if Wen Rensheng wanted to wait until there was no shortage of food and the food could be self-sustained, at least until autumn.

There are still five months in between.

Because he has many farming methods improved by later generations.

For example, how to farm, how to plow the land to save labor, and how to improve farm tools, he taught his disciples one by one.

This made his reputation more and more high.

Among these mountain people, he was close to Wang Mang before usurping the throne.

(end of this chapter)

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