Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2082: Choi Sung Controversy

Mystery Makes Me Strong Chapter 2082 Cui Cheng’s Controversy

Cao Cao developed rapidly.

It can be said that most of them copy Wen Rensheng's practice, so it is strange that the development is slow.

And his family is rich, so he can quickly recruit a separatist armed force.

Then use Wen Rensheng's military training method, and Cao Cao himself is fond of military art, and he has just made military achievements, so he quickly learned it.

Only three months later, an 8,000-man mountain armed force took shape.

Relying on this weapon, Cao Cao began to use the authority of the governor to wipe out the bandits.

At this time, Liu Yan's above statement was also approved by Emperor Liu Hong of the Han Dynasty, and he changed the governor to the state pastor and ordered the state pastor to sweep up the thieves in the territory.

Because thieves and bandits are not limited to one place of the Yellow Turban, but everywhere.

"It's time, Hanyang rebels, with more than 100,000 people, attacked Chencang, and the Sanfu shook", directly threatening the core rule.

However, Liu Hong is not stupid, he didn't change everything in one go.

But first Yizhou, Youzhou, and Yuzhou.

Moreover, Cao Cao's governor is gone, and Liu Yan is still the governor of the state.

How can this work?

Cao Cao begged his father to use money to buy a state shepherd.

However, this time Emperor Han did not sell it.

Look, Liu Hong is not stupid, of course he knows that the state shepherd has too much power and it is easy to separate the regime, so he should choose someone he trusts

It's a pity that the information was poor so that he didn't know that Liu Yan had the heart of rebellion, but Liu Yan also died early.

In fact, Liu Hong died equally early.

Liu Hong was only in his thirties when he died. He probably thought he could live to be in his 60s, and he still had 30 years to slowly stabilize the world.

The truth is, however, that he died long ago.

Extravagance and extreme desire can easily corrupt the body.

In fact, even if he can live a long life, he can't change the dynasty cycle.

After all, no matter how hard he can be, how can he change the situation of land annexation?

It must be killed before a new king emerges.

As Wen Rensheng said, he has lost his determination and meticulous patience because of enjoying himself for too long.

If Cao Cao sees that it is not for sale, he will tear himself apart.

Anyway, Hanzhong belongs to his family.

He sent a guy named Xia Houran to confuse the locals and cause chaos.

However, because of the dangerous terrain, the Han army could not be subdued due to the huge cost.

It can be seen from this that the Han Dynasty is indeed out of money, and it is no wonder that Liu Hong wants to drink poison to quench his thirst and sell officials and nobles.

Anyway, most of the officials who go up normally are also t, so it is better to harvest their t money in advance.

This is probably Liu Hong's clever idea.

So Cao Cao continued to act as the governor of the state in the name of governor.

Continue to study Wen Rensheng's set, intensively study internal affairs, and develop the four studies of agriculture, industry and commerce.

It's just that Cao Cao still greatly promoted Confucianism, which helped to maintain his rule.

However, Cui Chengcheng soon understood why Wen Rensheng said that everyone is equal.

Because of the rise of Confucianism, Confucian scholars belittled businessmen one after another.

"Workers and businessmen often form gangs, ignore etiquette, and cause chaos at every turn. They should be suppressed."

"The miners gather in one place, called workers, but they are actually bandits."

"Businessmen are also untouchables. They don't do production, but buy low and sell high, which disturbs people's hearts. They should be taught a lot."

Cui Cheng has learned from Wen Rensheng for a month, so he naturally knows the importance of businessmen.

It can be said that Wen Rensheng spent a lot of time telling everyone that only businessmen can truly solve the problem of resolving the cycle of chaos.


Because businessmen can communicate what is needed.

This is his characteristic.

What do the poor have?

There is labor.

What the rich have, there is food.

How to let the poor get the food of the rich, relying on forced distribution?

Coercion will inevitably bring resistance. Once there is resistance, this thing will not run smoothly and will eventually be inefficient.

so what should I do now?

Through the means of merchants, merchants manufacture and buy various novelties in exchange for food in the hands of the rich, so that the poor can sell their labor to the rich, and then also obtain food.

This is the so-called capital|capital.

Of course, businessmen have no mercy, and neither does capital.

Once they find that there are too many labor forces and the competition is fierce, in order to reduce costs, they can do something like sending six-year-old children to work in factories.

Children ask for only one-twentieth of the rewards adults ask for.

But repeated work has one-third of the efficiency.

So there are still restrictions.

All in all it has to be dealt with appropriately.

So Cui Cheng told the lord not to emphasize agriculture and suppress business.

Only this time, Cao Cao didn't listen to him.

Soon the merchants began to be suppressed.

Because Cao Cao discovered that these businessmen had a big problem.

what is the problem?

Because these businessmen naturally targeted Lu Buwei.

It is not enough to have money, but also to be stained with officials.

Of course he understands why?

Only businessmen know what kind of business is the most profitable and profitable, and they are not afraid of losing money.

That is investment emperor.

One is Lu Buwei, the other is Mi Zhu, and there is Fan Li.

They are all typical examples of successful businessmen.

If these people grow stronger, they will definitely threaten the rule of the Cao Cao family.

Cao Cao needs merchants and needs to suppress them.

Let them obediently serve as suppliers of military supplies, rather than decision makers of state affairs.

And there is one big problem.

Merchants are harder to manage than farmers.

Cui Cheng continued to use the Confucian method of selecting officials, with high and low ranks and strict hierarchy, and the disadvantages were soon revealed.

Merchants had difficulty in operating in Shu and were often exploited and bullied by officials.

They also collude with larger officials.

Invest in all kinds of officials everywhere and let them make profits for themselves.

In short, in Cao Cao's view, businessmen have a good side and a bad side.

The biggest problem is that they are too difficult to manipulate and manage.

Cao Cao decided to suppress them anyway.

To reduce more and more management costs.

After Cui Cheng saw this, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, so he advised:

"Businessmen make huge profits and often deceive people. It is indeed abominable. However, they can adjust the four seasons and become more motivated. People in Taihang Mountains have said that businessmen are the most motivated group in the world, the most active and proactive group, It is also the most destructive and evil group, and only by making good use of them can we truly solve the cause of chaos."

"Oh, I don't think they can solve any problems except selling high and buying low." Cao Cao said a little arrogantly.

Cao Cao has this problem, he becomes arrogant when he achieves great achievements.

In fact, the lords of the Three Kingdoms all have this problem, Liu Bei, Sun Ce, and Sun Quan are all the same.

The only ones who are cautious from beginning to end are Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang.

They didn't suffer a lot from their arrogance.

Cao Cao now owns a big state at a young age, and Shu is very rich, because there has been no major chaos.

Can he not be proud?

And he doesn't know, this is much better than his start in history.

In history, Cao Cao started his business in Yan|zhou, which was the place of the Four World Wars. It can be said that Cao Cao relied on his own ability, inclusive, and talent-only, and forcibly turned the grass belly into Phnom Penh.

But the advantage is that it is located in the Central Plains, the transportation is convenient, and it is easy to enrich talents.

But the current Shu land is easy to operate, easy to defend, and has a lot of goods, but it is easy to make people discouraged.

Now Cao Cao began to think about the inheritance of the foundation a hundred years later.

So instinctively want to suppress the businessman.

This is what any great unified monarch wants to do.

Cui Cheng understood this very well, so he said: "In addition, they can find a way to buy the surplus food from the rich, and then bring all kinds of novelty and necessary things to the rich, such as organizing manpower Go to the deep mountains to collect ice, so that countless poor people can have a meal. These poor people will not rebel."

"And the rich can also enjoy the coolness of autumn in hot weather, the best of both worlds."

"If there are no merchants to coordinate their operations, the food of the rich will only rot in the granaries, while the poor will have no jobs and become thieves and riots, which will drag the court into collapse."

After Cui Cheng finished speaking, Cao Cao was stunned, and hurriedly said: "Fortunately, the master was so enlightened that Cao Cao was able to rein in the precipice and make up for it."

"My lord is good at accepting advice, which is not as good as King Xuan of the ancient Qi Dynasty." Cui Cheng was very happy.

Then Cao Cao ordered that all businessmen be treated equally and can be officials.

But it is necessary to abide by the law and not abuse workers.

Of course, Cao Cao stipulated this for others. He built his own tomb and abused labor a lot.

In short, being an adult is a natural double standard.

In the early stage, it was said that there are more than one hundred people living, and it is heartbreaking to read.

The problem is that not many years after writing this poem, he slaughtered Xuzhou and the city.

You say you take revenge, but the culprit of revenge is the Nine Clans. Why do you take revenge on those innocent people in Xuzhou?

And Xuzhou has another factor anyway, going to other places is the same as massacring the city.

There were fewer people in the Three Kingdoms, and you still slaughtered. Cao Cao has an inescapable responsibility for the Wuhu Chaohua.

In his unified north, the power of the Han people has declined too much, and the population has declined too much, which has caused the Hu people to rebel and suppress the Han people.

It has to be said that it has something to do with Cao Cao's strategy of massacring the city.

Then came the Four Books and Five Classics.

Cui Cheng also wants to open a school to train craftsmen and miscellaneous knowledge. These are the ways to become strong.

Relying on teaching the Four Books and Five Classics alone is what makes people obey the rules in peacetime.

Even the barbarians knew that in the massacre, craftsmen such as blacksmiths, carpenters, and cobblers should be kept.

But when the city was slaughtered in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, even these craftsmen could not survive.

Why is that?

The day-by-day suppression of Confucian scholars has made Taoism far superior to art, divorced from the fundamentals and reality, and reduced to metaphysics and famous teachings, rather than true knowledge that can truly change with the world.

It caused those people to think that artisans were nothing, so they killed them as soon as they were killed.

Of course, Cui Cheng couldn't think that way at this time. If he wanted to defeat the Taihang Mountain people, he had to support the craftsmen.

Only in this way can we create sharper weapons and stronger armor.

But if the craftsmen are not given the corresponding status, the things they make will be crudely made, or made in a hurry.

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Cao Cao was really cruel, and directly ordered the identity of the manufacturer to be inscribed on the weapons. Whoever made inferior weapons and armor would be beheaded if they appeared three times.

It's just that this kind of beheading for no reason is obviously unbearable to the craftsmen.

Because now is not the future, there is no standard measuring tool, sometimes it is excellent, sometimes it is not right, it is normal.

And the most important thing is that the craftsmen have no enthusiasm.

In order to pursue stable quality, everyone makes the simplest, most commonly used and best weapons.

As for innovation?

Invent, transform?

what is that?

Courting death.

Only those who work know that innovation means bugs and many things.

These craftsmen don't want to have too many things. Once something happens, they will die.

Some people commented: "This is not as good as before. This governor Cao is three feet tall."

"Hmph, what he wants is fame and money."

"We craftsmen have a hard life. I heard that there is a Taihang in the north, which is a paradise. It is better to escape."

"Go together, go together."

Under Cao Cao's rule, the people lived in poverty; it was far worse than under Liu Bei's rule.

However, Cao Cao defeated Liu Bei.

It can be seen that public opinion is relative. It should be said that public opinion can reduce obstacles in the collection process and reduce costs.

If we can make up for this in other ways, we have nothing to fear if we don’t have the support of the people.

The premise is that you must have strong enough force to make the basic market and persuade many people to take the initiative and neutralize.

Cao Cao had force, and the craftsmen could not resist.

I don't want to be killed because of inferior products.

This has resulted in more and more artisans fleeing.

And many people actually traveled thousands of miles to the Taihang Mountains, trekking and fleeing to the Taihang Mountains.

These are the words of businessmen.

They said that Taihang Mountain is the real place to do business, everyone is equal, business is harmonious, no one is angry, everyone has work to do, and everyone has food to eat. It is really a paradise.

There are no bandits nearby, and they have all been cleaned up.

It's just unbelievable.

After Cao Cao heard the secret security, he thought silently:

It seems that my future opponent is that Taihang Mountain man.

What should I do with him?

You can't let the other party develop as they please.

Although the other party is located in a mountainous area, it is naturally not good at economic development.

When it comes to the economy, Shu has more potential.

There is food, supplies, and soldiers, which is much better than the barren Taihang Mountains.

In the end, Cao Cao chose the method of blocking, and there were escapers sitting in succession.

For a while, the craftsmen dared not run again.

And Cui Cheng and Cao Cao discussed how to deal with the Taihang Mountain man

"My lord, you can spread the essence of his theory, which is rebellion, expose him to the world, and then gather the power of the world to attack." Cui Cheng said fiercely.

A few days ago, he received a letter from his family saying that people from Taihang Mountain had left the mountain.

And build unique military forts on the plains.

The things Wen Rensheng did and the words he said were enough to make everyone in the world's aristocratic families turn against him.

It's just that Cui Cheng didn't expect one thing, UU Reading www. Lin Tiancheng is not in a hurry to expand at this time.

Because he knows that if the pace of expansion is too large, it will be detrimental to the development of this culture in the end.

A unified empire lacks the full nourishment of this economy and culture, and the more developed it is, the faster it will decline.

And Wen Rensheng wanted to make the entire Taihang Mountain a very core place.

Fortifications forever.

With the offensive level of soldiers in this era, it is not enough to defeat them at all.

Now there is no air force, and without airdrops, it is simply impossible to fight the Taihang Mountains.

Too slow to act.

To consider various issues, marching in the mountains is a death march.

Then Cui Cheng launched a debate between scholars from the north and the south.

"They are outrageous, and they dare to oppose the words of Confucius. This is simply outrageous."

Kong Rong said, "Jun Junchen Chen father father son son, is this orthodox? Can this make society stable?"

"Although I am a descendant of Confucius, this man from Taihang Mountain is right. A father and a son should be equal, and a father cannot subdue a child by relying on his father's fist."

"Parents have no kindness to their children. They are all fake and make do with life. The so-called ethics are such a ridiculous joke."

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