Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2083: filial piety

Mystery Makes Me Strong Chapter 2083 The Controversy of Filial Piety

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar immediately.

No one thought that Kong Rong, who was clearly a descendant of Confucius, would not obey the words of Confucius.

To be honest, Kong Rong himself has a lot of controversy, but at least he dares to spray.

In history, he was killed by Cao Cao because he said that his parents had no kindness to their children.

You must know that Confucianism has always emphasized loyalty and filial piety as its foundation.

Based on filial piety, people should be filial to their parents, and then extended to people, they should be loyal to the monarch.

It is said that the monarch is the parent of the people in the world, who nurtures the people in the world, so that the people in the world should respect the monarch.

Therefore, filial piety is fundamental and the cornerstone of many dynasties governing the country.

It is the basis of winning people's hearts.

The posthumous titles of many emperors in the Han Dynasty basically carried the word filial piety, such as Emperor Xiaowu of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Xiaowen of the Han Dynasty, or whatever.

In order to prove their legitimacy.

The same is true for the emperors of the Ming Dynasty in later generations. Emperor Xiaozong of the Ming Dynasty had Hongzhi Zhongxing, and he was the emperor of the ages in the eyes of the scholars of the Ming Dynasty, so he got the best posthumous title in their hearts.

And Kong Rong publicly denied the foundation of filial piety, which undoubtedly completely broke people's previous cognitive foundation.

From this we can know that no matter what Kong Rong's character is, but from the fact that he can say this, we can know that in the Three Kingdoms era, people's thinking was still active, and they dared to question some fixed core things.

You must know that Kong Rong's words are of no benefit to him.

Whether it is the reputation of future generations or the actual interests.

In terms of reputation, he already has Kong Rong Rangli, even children in later generations know about it.

He doesn't need fame anymore.

In terms of interests, as long as he sticks to what Confucius said honestly and stands with the mainstream of the world's scholars, even Cao Cao can only suffer from his criticism aggrievedly.

Kong Rong is obviously the one who can benefit the most from the concept of loyalty and filial piety.

But instead, he uttered such deafening words radically.

As for the purpose, it was obviously related to people's increasingly ignorant filial piety at that time.

For example, Guo Ju buried his son to serve his mother. For the sake of filial piety, he could bury his son to prevent his mother from saving rations for his beloved grandson.

Kong Rong obviously opposed this approach.

"How could Kong Wenju say such rebellious words?" Cao Cao was shocked when he heard it.

At this time, the other party hadn't criticized him yet, and his understanding of Kong Rong was limited to being a famous person who had been famous since he was a child. Compared with him, Cao Cao, he was a child of someone in the sky.

Absolutely heavenly.

That is the descendant of Confucius.

And what he is, he is a descendant of the **** family, in order to wash away this stain, he did not hesitate to break with the **** class.

Cui Cheng is also puzzled, Kong Rong is a descendant of Confucius, and he is also the first class of the gentry.

It can be said that according to the people of Taihang Mountains, Kong Rong should have been the most stubborn and conservative to insist on loyalty and filial piety, so as to benefit his own interests.

But he just wanted to oppose the word filial piety.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will know that Kong Rong, the filial son of the descendant of the direct descendant, is a clear-cut stand against foolish filial piety.

Even because of this matter, he was caught by Cao Cao and was killed.

It can be said that he is a madman, and it can also be said that he has something to pursue, and he doesn't want to rely on the words of his ancestors to make a living.

"What kind of relationship should a father have with a son? As far as the original intention is concerned, it is really love. Desire to make ears. What is the relationship between the son and the mother? It's like putting things in a bottle, and when they come out, they will leave."

This is Kong Rong's original words.

Moreover, he was powerful, and the two children who died with him also uttered the famous words of the ages:

"Under the overturned nest, how can there be any eggs?"

He was sentenced to abandon the city during the Jian'an period, and his wife was executed together.

As for Kong Rong, under the guidance of Wen Rensheng's philosophy, he said this for decades.

He is saying that parents have no gift of procreation to their children.

There is no kindness in living without raising.

Parents cannot use the reason of having children to order their children without restriction.

Children cannot therefore obey their parents unconditionally.

The peacock flying to the southeast happened in the Han Dynasty, and it was a tragedy caused by the intensified ignorance and filial piety at that time.

Kong Rong's statement is somewhat similar to the modern point of view.

It fits well with the core of Wenrensheng's philosophy.

That is, parents and children are separate entities.

The two are equal in personality and cannot command each other.

Parents can discipline each other on a reasonable basis for the purpose of educating their children and nurturing each other, but they cannot rely on the grace of childbearing to require the other party to obey them without restriction, including beating and insulting to vent their emotions, etc.

Kong Rong is clearly opposing ignorant filial piety.

For example, "The father wants the son to die, and the son has to die."

However, he did not explain this.

Therefore, the people of the gentry at the moment scolded Kong Rong for being unfilial.

"It's a false name, it's really young, it's not inevitable."

"Kong Wenju is not a son of man, and we are ashamed to be with him."

At the same time, in the Taihang Mountains.

In a certain school.

Xun You finds Kong Rong, who is talking and laughing with a certain future big sprayer, Mi Heng, who is still a twelve-year-old boy at this time.

"Brother Kong, outsiders have misunderstood you, why don't you say a word to explain it, but let them insult you?" Xun You came over and said.

He came to Kong Rong for a purpose, of course... The other party is famous, and when the people choose a king in the future, this guy will definitely come in handy.

He understands that his ability does not lie in mastering military power.

He can make suggestions, but he can't do decisive killing.

That being the case, starting with fame, it might be impossible to be a monarch in the future and leave a name in history.

This is much better than assisting a king.

That's why he came to persuade Kong Rong, because he knew that as long as Kong Rong said his true intentions, there would be a reversal.

Sending charcoal in a timely manner is what the wise do.

At this time, the little Mi Heng said: "Hmph, people in the world are mediocre, except for Master, only Kong Wenju can be seen, why do you have to explain it to the mediocre?"

Xun You was shocked when he heard this.

Whose family's child, the exit is a map cannon... This word is also learned from Zhao Shi.

"Well said, a vulgar person, he won't listen to the explanation, and he won't understand it, just let Qingshi understand me." Kong Rong said with a smile.

He is 32 years old this year, 20 years older than Mi Heng, but he catches the eye at first sight.

This is compatibility.

The big sprayer Mi Heng only obeys two people, one is Kong Rong, and the other is the later Yang Xiu.

Now there is one more person, that is Zhao Xiangshi.

"Well, it seems that I am also a mediocre person, but I understand that Brother Wen Ju's real proposition is that the small stick will be accepted, and the big stick will be gone. This is what the sage Confucius said. A son should not be so called for the sake of filial piety. Sacrifice your own life, that would be unfilial." Xun You sighed.

Kong Rong also slandered others, but he slandered Cao Cao because the other party wanted to usurp the Han.

His death was caused by an internal power struggle, not by trolls.

So after he heard this, he immediately felt a sense of confidant.

"That's right, besides Master and Yousheng, those who know me also have Gongda." Kong Rong got up and even bowed to Xun You.

"Don't dare to do it." Xun You immediately avoided it.

Of course he can't accept it.

"The day before yesterday I listened to Master's lecture, and he casually said that many of Confucius's words were intended to be good, but for the sake of glory, wealth, fame and fortune, and to cater to the emperor, they must be misinterpreted and used, far-fetched. Thousands of years later , I don’t know how much hatred will be aroused on him. As a descendant, of course I have to bear the responsibility of clearing his origin. This is great filial piety.” Kong Rong then said why he said such a rebellious thing.

"It turns out that it is true that Kong Wen really lived up to his name by elevating the world to be filial sons." Xun You admired it very much.

You must know that Kong Rong's words are really not beneficial at all. If you put it in the eyes of a king who doesn't like him, it is the way to die.

The asylum of the descendants of saints is also not allowed.

Because you are not filial, you naturally do not deserve the protection of a saint.

Killing you will not arouse much resistance from the scholars.

Xun You is indeed a resourceful man, he directly predicted the end of Kong Rong.

Fortunately, in this branch, Kong Rong will not have that sad ending.

Xun You thought for himself, could he tolerate Kong Rong?

I am afraid that if he has been the monarch, he will not be tolerated.

Because this guy is famous, if he opposes him wholeheartedly, if he gets mixed up with his heirs, he will use this excuse to kill him all over the house.

If he hadn't been the monarch all the time, but only for ten years... he could object as much as he wanted, anyway, he would be defeated after ten years of work.

Still afraid of being scolded?

Suddenly, Xun You suddenly understood Master Zhao's good intentions.

"I understand. No wonder Master Zhao said that if you want to be a king, you can't last long. If you live a long time, you will be selfish. You will even completely forget the way of benevolence and righteousness, and only seek profit." Xun You said suddenly.

Kong Rong nodded and said: "Yes, you have to choose a sage, and you can't do it for a long time. The current emperor is not sage, so you should replace him. Then choose a sage from the clan of the Han Dynasty to do it."

Xun You was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Brother Wen Ju, must you choose from the Han Dynasty?"

"Of course, the Han Dynasty has been in the world for four hundred years now, and it has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The Han Dynasty is orthodox. What the master said is only an ideal state. There are many mediocre people in the world. There are more than a million descendants of the Liu family? Choose one person out of a million Your Majesty, you can not only cater to the hearts of the people, but also govern the court, this is the best of both worlds." Kong Rong said firmly.

Oh, sure enough.

This guy is a supporter of the Han faction. Although he came to listen to Teacher Zhao's class and did not worship him as a teacher based on his age, he did not accept it completely.

Only part of it was accepted, and then merged with what he already had.

Xun You was not disappointed, after all, after the words were spread today, he, Xun Gongda, would have the knowledge to know people.

This is one of the necessary conditions for "election".

One is that the monarch may not know military affairs or civil affairs, but he must know personnel affairs.

If you don't understand personnel, no matter how proficient you are in other things, it will be futile.

The two talked for a while, and Xun You found that Mi Heng had great potential and would definitely be famous in the future.

Because this kid is too arrogant...

If you said something wrong, you were smiling with you one moment, but you can turn against you the next moment.

That is to say, people like Kong Rong can tolerate and appreciate each other's temperament.

Not long after, class started again.

This time Wen Rensheng came forward again.

This time Wen Rensheng talked about the medical theory of the human body.

When he came to the Three Kingdoms, his biggest enemy was none other than disease.

When it comes to fighting and fighting, no one can kill him.

He can detect many dangers in advance and prepare for absolute safety.

The possibility of natural disasters is also very small.

The house he lives in is made of bamboo, so he is afraid of fire but not earthquake.

Only disease, sudden disease, will defeat him.

So after he established the foundation, he used a considerable amount of strength to overcome the disease.

At least get rid of the common wind and cold first, these two great enemies that the ancients were dismayed by.

I don't know how many babies and young people died because of a cold, which caused their body temperature to become too high.

"The human body is a mass of water, and foreign objects can make it clear or cloudy. How to determine whether a foreign object is useful or not requires comparison and testing."

"What I'm going to talk about today is the double-blind experiment."

Everyone listened carefully.

In fact, during the time of the Three Kingdoms, Huaxia medicine still paid attention to empirical evidence, and began to dissect.

Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs, which is the earliest and simplest demonstration.

Until later mixed with metaphysics, Taoism and Buddhism, just like Confucianism, it became more and more mysterious and no longer pursued evidence.

After all, the latter is peace of mind, and it is not easy to cause accidents.

"For example, this herbal medicine can treat wind and cold. We have to try to see what effect it will have on different patients with only it and without it."

"If it works, then cut off the head and tail of the herbs, and choose which part is the most effective."

"Continue to test indefinitely, and finally find out which ingredient can make the water that is already muddy in the human body clear again."

Everyone nodded.

Wen Rensheng's words are profound and simple, so there is nothing to argue about.

Some students are also interested in medicine. In this era, doctors are not cheap, and people still have the argument that "if you are not a good look, you are a good doctor".

Later, it is that everything is low-grade, only reading is high.

"A kind of medicine treats a kind of disease, it must be tested in this way, instead of following what others say, it will be effective if others say it is effective, whether it is effective or not, you must go through double-blind and empirical evidence. Everything in the world is like this, just rely on words to say yes It's useless, you have to verify it in practice." Wen Rensheng said in a calm tone.

Xun You thinks so.

After all, he is a strategist type of person.

It is necessary to pursue practicality, not empty talk.

At this time, someone got up again and said: "Master, there are many aristocratic families and celebrities attacking your lectures, and even regard you as a traitor. I don't know what we should do?"

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The person who spoke was Xun Chen.

Xun You knew that this uncle was also ambitious.

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"Hmph, a group of mediocre people, what do they know, they will only cling to the handicapped, it's not worth mentioning, if the master speaks to them, the master will lose." Mi Heng said directly.

Uh, cow.

Everyone pointed their thumbs at the twelve-year-old boy.

People mature early these days, or those who mature late cannot survive.

Many people get married at the age of thirteen.

So twelve years old can already be treated as an adult.

"Hehe, it's not necessary to say that they are mediocre, but they say what they say, but they are very honest when they use it. The words and the ways they said for the teacher, they all use them well." Wen Rensheng laughed.

Everyone nodded.

is not that right?

Many scholars are using what Wen Rensheng said to manage their manors.

Now the Han Dynasty is a typical manor economy.

A powerful manor has a complete economic ecology.

Farmland, blacksmiths, carpenters, leather, weaving, and herbal halls are almost self-sufficient.

Of course, it is definitely not good in terms of doctors, and we still need to find famous doctors in the world.

After all, this is an industry that seems to be easy to get started, but it is too difficult to cure people.

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