Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2085: How to get people into the sea

Mystery Makes Me Strong Chapter 2085 How to Make People Enter the Sea

After listening to everyone's discussion, Wen Rensheng, who was sitting on the main seat, couldn't help being very happy.

This reminded him of his earliest and original self, when he was still playing Three Kingdoms Eight to Twelve.

At that time, resourceful people competed with each other in the game.

A little intelligence difference can decide the outcome of a battle.

Others have stunned you, but you can't resist. Your team of 20,000 soldiers will be defeated by 3,000 others.

For example, Zhuge Liang's magic calculation is characterized by the fact that all people whose intelligence is lower than his own will surely succeed in using tricks.

And Sima Yi's deep plan is characterized by the fact that the success of the plan is bound to be a critical strike.

Pang Tong's ingenuity is serial, and its characteristic is that its strategic performance will affect a surrounding team.

Superimpose Zhuge's intelligence to the highest level, and bring the latter two, it is really a **** to kill a god, and a Buddha to kill a Buddha.

It is really not difficult to break 20,000 to 100,000.

Let the opponent fight directly, make false reports, stun, and attack the heart. In short, you can fight more and more, and the more you fight, the more dizzy the enemy is.

There is also Zhou Yu's Vulcan, which is a great weapon for killing high-defense formations.

Also very bt: against enemy troops with lower intelligence than the stunt holder, the trick fire trick is guaranteed to succeed. Doubles the fire damage caused by your team. Fire damage is not affected.

It is equivalent to being able to take the enemy around in the fire, and the number of enemies burned and killed at one time is more than one.

Wen Rensheng thought to himself, this is the most outstanding hero of this era.

Why do later generations love to talk about the Three Kingdoms?

Because it is full of characters with various characteristics, wise men, brave generals, loyal ministers, treacherous ministers, traitors, villains, high scholars...

It can be said that the original history itself is the best story.

The twists and turns are bizarre.

You thought Cao Cao was going to die, but he rose up.

You thought he was going to be unified like Liu Xiu, but he retreated with a strong defeat.

You thought that Liu Bei was going to be rejuvenated, but he had a falling out with Sun Quan.

The Three Kingdoms is simply a complete collection of strategies, with various combinations.

It is full of space for people to fantasize.

The Three Kingdoms can be said to be the most familiar era in China, not one of them.

Some people don't even know what it was like in the 1980s, but they all know what it was like in the Three Kingdoms.

It can be seen that its spread rate, this is undoubtedly a big world, the essence is very high, very strong.


However, each of these characters traveled long distances to the Taihang Mountains to listen to their own lectures.

This is also inevitable.

Opportunities abound for talented people these days.

More than ever before.

In the past, only people from aristocratic families could get ahead.

And these poor people travel far and wide in order to study and gain fame.

It is too difficult to learn some real skills.

Those who are interested in learning will have to pay a lot of hardships.

Cheng Men Lixue was all about the Song Dynasty, but what would it be like in the Three Kingdoms era?

How can it be like in the later generations that books are placed in front of children, and learning methods are placed in front of them. Many people do not learn, why?

Because they have too many places to choose from.

They don't feel the need to study.

If you don't study, you can lie at home safe and sound and eat the meals prepared by your parents.

Play after eating.

Compared with playing, learning is too painful and hateful.

Even 3,000 years ago, a farmer on the Mesopeda Plain scolded his children like this:

"I tried my best to send you to study. After you learn it in the future, you don't have to do coolies anymore. Instead, you can rely on reading to be a secretary and a manager of this country, but you go to play..."

The farmer didn't understand that if the child is not allowed to see other people's suffering and suffer, they will not learn actively without the pressure of survival.

Learning is a process of transforming the brain, which is hated by the brain.

Especially older people are even more unwilling to learn, and only willing to live with those who already have experience.

The same goes for children.

It's just that children are still curious.

The pain of learning can be overcome.

And only under the pressure of life, they will study hard and make money.

People are light and light without pressure, and boats are rocked by the wind without pressure.

If you want not to be afraid of suffering, you have to know how hard it is to do other things, so that you know how easy it is to learn.

At this time, Guo Jia suddenly said: "Master, I think we should be able to make some new improvements here."

"Oh, what kind of improvement is that?" Wen Rensheng asked curiously.

He knows that in the eyes of many people, he has achieved perfection.

He also knew that, in fact, it was far from reaching this level.

Guo Jia can still make some comments, which is really good.

The intelligence of 98 points in the game is not wrong.

The first grade under Zhuge Liang.

Zhou Yu is only 97.

Sima Yi is only 96.

Guo Jia said: "Now we have everything, but we lack a place to go to sea. We can't build a navy. If the navy doesn't work, we won't be able to pacify the south smoothly. Merchants can't go to sea to trade and find overseas goods."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words.

That's right, Taihang is good for everything, but it lacks one most important place, which is the land on the sea.

It has no outlet to the sea.

But these days it is mainly land power.

The Three Kingdoms are absolute land countries.

Cavalry and infantry are the mainstream.

Sun Wu's navy is good, and Sun Quan also sent people to explore the big and small Ryukyu Yizhou.

But he didn't stand up in the end, and the reason was very simple, the population was too small at this time.

The population is not enough, and there is no way to beat the local climate.

We must know that in the 18th century, the nautical colonies would die almost completely, or even one colony would die completely.

It is because there are many epidemic diseases in the local area, and outsiders have no resistance.

There are many mosquito parasites in the local area, and the place is not familiar with them. These problems have not been solved, and there are no specific drugs, so we can only use human lives to fill them.

Even Wen Rensheng couldn't solve this matter suddenly, but had to do it step by step.

He smiled and said to everyone: "I understand what you mean. The seaport is indeed a trouble. After we occupy the entire Jizhou, we need to build a seaport all the way to the east with Jicheng as the center. First engage in offshore trade. It mainly trades with the land of Qingzhou through ships."

"As trade expands, we can develop naval forces."

"To achieve the purpose of supporting the army through trade."

"Master is brilliant." Guo Jia couldn't help but said.

He could see this because someone mentioned Sun Jian just now.

That is the Southern Tiger, destined to rule the roost in the water in the future.

But from the name of the other party, it means unknown.

It is obviously a tiger, but it is in the south. The south is mostly dominated by water. A tiger from the mountains must be taboo in the water.

Guo Jia naturally didn't know that Sun Jian really died near Jiangling, under Huang Zu's random arrows.

"In this way, if we need to trade with Qingzhou, we must first occupy Hebei and then develop sea-going ships. But there are many storms and waves on the sea, and going to sea at once is simply dangerous." Xun Or worried.

"That's right, even if he attacked the desert, General Li Guangfei would get lost twice, let alone at sea, where there are no coordinates and no signs, once the wind blows, he will not know where he is." Xun Chen also agreed.

Others also shook their heads, not optimistic about maritime trade.

Wen Rensheng understands that the trade these days is mainly by land.

Those who can go north to sell horses and sell salt from the east are the big merchants.

Ordinary people can't do this.

Then there is the sale of ironware, which is something that only the government can do.

In the Han Dynasty, the monopoly of salt and iron was implemented, but there was an endless stream of private salt.

Because people need to eat, and the government sells it expensively, can they not eat private salt?

Throughout the dynasties, the sale of private salt was regarded as a serious crime like treason, and many people were killed, and even implicated.

In fact, it is not impossible to do this business without bringing relatives along.

They are all clans, this is a job of losing their heads, only relatives can be reliable, because they will lose their heads if they betray themselves.

However, Wen Rensheng thought that now he could gain some economic benefits by trading with the peninsula and the island country to the east.

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But also very few.

After all, there were not many people in those two places at this time, and it was still a tribal system.

It had to wait until the Sui and Tang dynasties to prosper, and Goguryeo almost became a serious problem. The Tang Dynasty obstinately stared at the huge loss and succeeded the Sui Dynasty to destroy it.

Solved the threat of the hereafter.

It's a pity that I didn't think about the sea, and I didn't bring the island country into rule.

This is the narrow vision of Lu Quantianxia, ​​who cannot see the vastness and potential of overseas.

Wen Rensheng thought that if he wanted to change the world, he had to bring variables to it.

With the tolerance of the society at this time, even if he clears out the people in those places, it is really not difficult.

Because in this era, killing and appeasement is still the main way to deal with alien races.

If you really have the ability to kill them, you won't be soft-hearted.

The main reason is that if Wen Rensheng wants to completely change the Three Kingdoms world, he must solve this problem from the perspective of thought and concept, and at the same time, from the material perspective.

Thoughts and concepts are always controlled by matter.

How will Wen Rensheng solve this problem?

In fact, he already knew the answer in his previous experience, and it was the answer after personal experience.

In the end, it couldn't be resolved, that's because there were other things that didn't stay and continue to be done.

But those worlds, he believed, had already figured that out.

Now it's the turn of the Three Kingdoms.

Wen Rensheng looked at the questioning, unwilling, and unwilling faces of the crowd, and understood that he must find a way to let them know why maritime trade is better?

Otherwise, after he left, these people would not have grasped the maritime trade in their hands according to the experience his professor had sorted out.

On the contrary, they will only dislike it as too troublesome, waste too much manpower, and have to wait for too long, so that no one will care about this maritime trade.

Until it generates great wealth, these people will flock to it.

Why can Westerners insist on maritime trade all the time.

That's because their land is too barren.

If you want to get enough food, you must get it from the sea through trade.

Benefits are higher at sea.

However, many people obviously think that it is safer to open up land.

The danger of sailing on the sea is higher, and the losses on the sea are also more.

To put it bluntly, these people think that there are so many goods in the world that they don't need to ask outsiders for reclamation.

Therefore, most of these people do not want this part of the sea from the bottom of their hearts.

Because they are not familiar with and don't understand, they dare not speak rashly.

Wen Rensheng swept the crowd.

These people don't know that once they go out, they can easily become the king of the sea.

There are too many vacant islands these days.

Everywhere on the edge of the ocean.

It is also very easy to go there. Some refugees can swim to some of the nearest islands while the tide is high, and then cultivate on them.

Also built some simple buildings, houses, cellars, farmland and so on.

In fact, no one in this era gave these pioneers any help, and those pioneers did it entirely on their own initiative.

However, these islands are the foundation of being king.

It's just that the brains of the aristocratic family have been fixed to death these days.

I always think that in the Central Plains is the king.

After they go out, they are no longer Central Plains people, but reduced to barbarians.

But I don't want to think about it, there is a high probability that I was born as a barbarian in the previous dozens of generations.

In fact, in Wen Rensheng's eyes, there was no way to solve this problem.

If you want to change people's concept, you must have material inducement.

Talking about change is useless without material benefits.

For these people, the greatest material benefit is stable land and some industries.

All you need to do is invade your own manor and fortress from the people around you.

How stable it is.

It is more profitable and safe than going out to take risks to grab other empty islands.

Fortunately, as Wen Rensheng said, businessmen are the most adventurous people.

They want more money and explore new places around, so as to bring the greatest material benefits.

In fact, some seaside tycoons also know how beneficial maritime trade is.

For example, it is used to transport grain to the north for sale.

It is a big loss to rely on horse-drawn carriages, and the court must be able to afford it.

Ordinary merchants choose to ship by sea, first buy from the rich food places in the south, then go all the way along the Nanjiang River, and finally be loaded into the sea ship, and then they are also in the cabin.

If things go smoothly, I am afraid that the first few times will lead to major mistakes.

This shipping is much more dangerous.

How many major events happen at sea.

All in all, these current celebrities do not regard it as a real production and sales node, but maintain some indifferent attitudes.

Even Xun Or is the same.

He did not receive the fish tax silver.

Mainly at sea at this time, there is no equivalent entity to carry out this kind of trade.

And life on land is barely passable.

However, the Yellow Turban broke out and swept the world on a scale, and the 36 parties clamored together, which means that at least millions of people can't get enough to eat.

In this way, all in all, if Wen Rensheng wanted to obtain maritime benefits, he had to let these people clearly see how profitable maritime trade was.

Only in this way can we overcome the laziness of these people's thinking.

People in this era mainly lived on land, and they were used to pioneering on land.

In reality, they would flee overseas unless they had no other choice.

Even in later generations, most people are not willing to engage in life at sea, even if the salary is three times higher.

Life at sea is really hard.

If a person can live comfortably on land, no one will take risks at sea. How bitter is the sea?

The first is that there is no stable footing.

You are in a dangerous psychological protection all the time.

Humans are originally life on land, and this kind of gene tells that bumps mean danger.

This matter has nothing to do with the East and the West. Even in the West, their sailors cannot stay at sea for a long time.

There will inevitably be rebellions and riots at sea, as well as fighting and internal strife.

Therefore, every once in a while, the sailors must go to the shore to vent and have fun.

Sailors will also spend all their money.

Because they don't know if they will die the next time they go to sea?

If people die and the money is not spent, it is definitely a tragedy.

In fact, this kind of consumption by sailors stimulated the prosperity of the Western commodity economy.

Because sailors can spend money, and they are the most agile group of people.

Sailors are the true consumerists.

Most of them were tramps who went to become sailors.

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