Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2086: everyone can be holy

Mystery Makes Me Strong Chapter 2086 Everyone Can Be Holy

These bums have no families.

As long as they have money, they will spend it.

If you don't spend it, you may die on the way the next time you go to sea.

It becomes a tragedy where people die and the money is not spent.

Therefore, most sailors basically spend as much money as possible if they have money.

Eat, drink, and have fun with women.

Then they have more incentive to make money, or should I say, loot...

The more they spend, the more they earn and spend more next time.

This is to form an economic cycle.

They are a group of civilians with the most consumption power in the early stage of commodity economy.

However, relying on the wealthy class alone cannot maintain the great development of the commodity economy.

Because a person's consumption is always limited.

Therefore, the biggest companies are all playing with the people's livelihood, with a wide range of sales and low prices, rather than the luxury industry.

In other words, sailors acted as one of the main consumers in the ancient commodity market, and no middle and lower class had more spending power than sailors.

At this time, there was silence in the school.

Many students were thinking about what Master just said.

Some people nodded, some shook their heads.

Some people have pain on their faces, and some people feel embarrassed.

In short, few people think that going to sea is a good thing.

After all, this is an almost completely unfamiliar thing to them, and it is also a huge challenge.

Wen Rensheng scanned it again, and said: "There is endless wealth on the sea, there are endless treasures on the other side of the sea, and there is endless land. These lands can solve the current problem of refugees flooded by big men."

"Let me ask you a simple question, why are there refugees?"

All the students looked relaxed.

Compared with sailing, this seemingly huge question has a simple answer.

Xun You stood up and said, "Master, it is naturally because of land annexation. Eunuchs, dignitaries, noble families, local tyrants, state and county officials...relying on their own advantages, they took advantage of the famine to occupy the land of the common people."

"Even if there is no such annexation, if a family reproduces five members, as long as a few generations go down, the owner will have no land to divide, unless he goes outside to cultivate wasteland, so some people go to the mountains and some go to the island."

"However, the latter two are like small pipes releasing water, and the front is covered by flood water. In this way, the dam will still collapse."

Everyone nodded one after another: "Wen Ruo is right."

"Wen Ruo great talent, people can not match."

"In Wen Ruo's opinion, how should this matter be resolved?" Wen Rensheng said with a smile.

"Naturally it is to redistribute the land. Before Wang Mang restructured the system, each family was given an average of 100 mu, but he did not have the ability to divide it equally. If it can be divided equally, Wang Mang may really succeed." Xun Or firmly said.

"Equally divide the land?" Everyone was in an uproar.

Wen Rensheng smiled and did not deny the other party's answer.

After the founding of the dynasties, the wasteland can be distributed to the refugees who lost their land. The more they are distributed, the longer the life of the dynasty will be.

This is why there is the so-called "great chaos follows great order", which seems to be a philosophical sentence, but behind it is the **** battle of raising Gu, which goes back and forth.

So much so that after Wen Rensheng's previous life entered the modern age, many history haters said fiercely that there is no history, only repetition.

They have forgotten that after raising Gu, the remaining huge plates, Gu pots, are the best wealth that history has left for today's people.

They throw away things that others can't even want.

How many ancient civilizations have left such a big pot for today's descendants?

The next door, the next door next door, is essentially very envious.

A big pot can do a lot of things.

In the closed terrain, there are huge losses and huge gains.

Nature is fair.

But at this time, Xun You shook his head and said, "Redistribution is not the fundamental solution. Why?"

He looked at the crowd and said quietly: "This time it is evenly distributed. Next time, it will take a few hundred years, no, it will only take a hundred years, because the degree of effort and wisdom of people are different from person to person. People come from different backgrounds, people have different opportunities... Even if we have established a very fair system,

"There will still be people with advantages, clans with advantages, and then occupy more land."

"Then how to solve it?"

Everyone was silent.

Then Xun Chen got up and said: "This method, the teacher has said a long time ago, is led by businessmen, so that the poor and those who lack wisdom can sell their physical strength for a living."

"Then get food from the rich in exchange."

"How to make more products, how to get food and other wealth from the rich to circulate into society, this is what we have to do."

"We have to address this to really address the cycle of chaos."

Everyone nodded.

"Yu Ruo said so."

"That's right, that's what Master said."

"But this process takes a long time."

"It takes a long time. Among the powerful landlords, there are many thrifty people. The majority are unwilling to spend money, and the majority are those who want to annex the land. From this point of view, those extravagant people buy all kinds of novelties from the market. However, those who spend a lot of money on construction and construction are actually benefiting the poor, while those who are thrifty, who save food, cloth, and copper coins to buy land and multiply their family businesses, are actually entrapping the poor..."

"This sounds very contrary to our common sense. On the contrary, a prodigal tyrant is beneficial to the court, and a tyrant who guards his family is a silverfish for the court." Someone said.

Wen Rensheng smiled and looked at the crowd.

They were right. This method was once used by the famous official Fan Zhongyan in later generations.

When Fan Zhongyan went to the local state capital for disaster relief, he organized the local rich people to spend a lot of money, build garden houses, and recruit a large number of migrant workers. He was impeached at the beginning, but after doing so, the victims had work, and the tycoons also enjoyed it. beautiful gardens.

The local tyrants did not oppose Fan Zhongyan because of the disaster relief, but praised him greatly.

Otherwise, how could someone have the title of famous official Fan Wenzheng?

Although he was criticized by some people because of his stepson's birth and changed back to his original surname, his wisdom is indeed beyond the times.

Therefore, it is a pity that Da Song gave a lot of love, which made people hate and regret.

It's a pity that here, many courtiers have learned to use modern business methods to solve some ancient classic disaster victims' problems.

However, the external environment did not have enough time to develop, and the barbarians were directly pushed away.

And this method can't last long, after all, the entire court is still a feudal court.

It is impossible to maintain a fair business environment, and this kind of business behavior can only occur under the governance of famous ministers.

If you change a foolish ruler and minister, it's over.

"I understand," Guo Jia said suddenly, "Master said, we acquire land from overseas is a way to buy time."

"That's right, there are lands overseas, which can continuously migrate refugees without land, which can buy us time and establish a market environment that allows powerful people to consume vigorously." Xun Chen nodded heavily.

"Great, if we can solve the eternal problem of the cycle of chaos, then we want everyone to be holy!" Xun You said suddenly.

"Everyone is holy?" Everyone took a deep breath.

Sage Confucius, Sage Meng, and they are Sage Xun, Sage Guo, Sage Uncle, Sage Ji...

Everyone has a chance.

Xun You is definitely not joking, nor is he talking big.

If they can really solve this problem in this era, they are not only saints, their status must surpass that of Confucius, Laozi, and Mencius.

Wen Rensheng smiled, these extraordinary resourceful people have an ambition to change the current situation.

Just like Zhuge Liang, knowing that the time of day is gone, he still has to forcefully make a Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms.

It's a pity that the background is still poor.

Can't afford too many mistakes.

"Yes, we want everyone to be holy!"

"Then what are we waiting for, let's think about it, how can we make Hao Qiang consume it?"

"First of all, we must break their dock economy so that their products can enter our big market."

"But how can this be achieved? They are self-sufficient and do not need to purchase from outside at all. Do they use force? That is not the law of nature, and sooner or later they will be resisted."

"I understand. We can set up workshops. Why does Master want to make sure that farmers, farmers, and businesses are equal? ​​The workshops can accommodate a large number of ordinary people who have lost their land, and the items they produce are much cheaper than those made by the powerful themselves."

"That's right, in this way, Haoqiang can give up his own production of cloth, wine, delicacies, silk, beef and mutton, and production... In short, it makes Haoqiang discover that their land can only be used to produce food and food. raw material."

"As for other things, it is most cost-effective to exchange food and raw materials in the factory. In this way, the common people will also get food."

"However, there is a problem. There are only hundreds of thousands of powerful people. There are too many cloths and wines produced in the factory. How can a few powerful people consume them? So these things cannot be exchanged for food, and the workers still starve to death."

Everyone talked one after another, and one problem after another emerged in their minds, and one problem after another found a solution in the collision.

Wen Rensheng is very happy that the problems raised by these people actually exist in modern times.

Insufficient consumption and insufficient exchange are the biggest headaches for any modern organization.

"I have it, I have it!" Xun You suddenly said, "I have it, I have it!"

"How many months?" Guo Jia asked suddenly.

"Just now." Xun You didn't understand yet, Wen Rensheng laughed.

This Guo Jia is really informal and unrestrained.

But in front of Cao Cao, he is still solemn. After all, Cao Cao is a feudal monarch, but he is an equal teacher.

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"Okay, Fengxiao, I'm not going to argue with you. My solution is to use our newly-built government of the whole people to levy a certain tax on food, buy food from rich people, and then put it on the market. That is to say, Use the imperial court to forcibly create consumption!" Xun You said calmly.

"Papa!" Wen Rensheng applauded and laughed, "Okay, what Gongda said is exactly what the teacher wants to guide you. It seems that you have already obtained one ten-thousandth of my true biography."

Everyone was not surprised, and no one thought that Master was bragging.

"Congratulations, Gongda, congratulations, Gongda."

"That's right, why did we forget about the imperial court? The imperial court is elected by the whole people, and of course it must serve the people of the whole people. If the powerful have food, we will collect one or two, of course not for nothing, just give him other things in exchange. .”

"But what if Haoqiang doesn't sell grain?" Someone sighed.

"So there must be official land. Official land produces and puts it on the market. If the powerful don't sell it, they will lose money or rot. The food cannot be stored for a long time. As long as the official land is managed properly, it will not lose money, unlike ordinary people. It will be taken over by the powerful..." said a wise man.

Speaking of this, the wise man also stopped, "No, the official land is not good, and it will be occupied in the end."

"Then what should I do?" Everyone was distressed again.

Wen Rensheng laughed, these people are still typical agricultural thinking.

I always feel that food is bigger than the sky, and food is the most important thing.

That's right, if there is no food, the court will be finished.

Isn't it too big?

That's because they didn't occupy enough rich land, and the output of the land wasn't rich enough.

If there is enough land and the yield per unit area is enough, then the tyrants will worry about selling food, because there is not enough food to eat.

There will be a series of industrial revolutions if there is no food to eat.

The Industrial Revolution could never have been built on famine.

Agriculture in later generations needs a lot of subsidies to survive, which shows its inherent weakness.

It is because far more is produced than people can eat.

At this time, people thought that the population would multiply indefinitely, but food could not increase indefinitely.

They don't know that with the development of various technologies and the realization of industrialization, the population will be balanced and will become smaller and smaller.

In this case, how could the powerful hoard food?

This thing is no longer scarce, so how can it be sold at a high price if it is hoarded?

Seeing Wen Rensheng smiling, everyone asked, "Master, what should I do?"

"Gongda, what do you think?"

When Xun You heard this, he thought for a long time and said, "We still have to get land overseas to solve the problem. The powerful hoard food. UU Reading is because it is profitable and food is scarce. If there is a lot of food, there is a lot of land overseas to produce food. , They will only worry about how to sell them, and they will never hoard food, and they may not even hoard land anymore, because they will find that factories are much easier to make money than land.”

Wen Rensheng laughed.

"Yes, Gongda, you have fully understood. This is the fundamental reason why I said to go overseas to develop land and find more land. It is to produce a great abundance of food. Only when the food is very rich can all changes be achieved. produce, otherwise it is a rootless tree."

"Master Shengming." Everyone said in unison.

Wen Rensheng nodded, unfortunately, Zhuge Liang is only 3 years old these days, otherwise, he would be able to comprehend better.

But where is Sima Yi?

He was born in 179 and should be five or six years old this year.

This guy is two years older than Zhuge Liang, and he still beat him to death, which shows that the longevity gene is powerful.

"Okay, let's go down and write carefully, and organize it with what I said today, so that everyone in the world will know about it."

"Yes, Master."

Everyone sincerely worships.

Master never engages in secrecy, and always makes it public. This is the heart of a saint.

I never worry about others learning to defeat him.

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