Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2087: pass by

Mystery Makes Me Strong Chapter 2087 Passing By

When the latest lecture content of Taihang Mountain people was spread all over the world with the mouth of businessmen, everyone was shocked.

The tyrants are very happy, because the meaning of the Taihang Mountain people is very clear.

"It seems that they won't follow Wang Mang's example in restoring ancient ways."

"Yes, the powerful land can be kept."


Cao Cao and Cui Cheng looked at each other and sighed.

They understand very well that as long as the local tyrants don't move their land, other things, such as killing a few of them who violated the law, are really nothing.

It is no problem even to collect their taxes.

As long as the land does not move, the land will fight you desperately.

Cui Cheng said again: "I also heard that they are going overseas to reclaim land, and then they will send refugees overseas one by one to reclaim land."

"Build a trade channel between overseas and local, so that the food of the rich can be recycled."

"Through the business cycle, the poor can have a place to sell their labor."

Cao Cao was silent.

The opponent's hand hit him directly on Qicun.

Because he is in Yizhou, there is no outlet to the sea at all.

No, there is a port on the Yangtze River, but that is too far away.

Moreover, the downstream of the Yangtze River is full of difficulties, and the river has to be repaired to pass through.

It seems that his next step is to attack Jingzhou and Jiangdong, so that he can continue to play imitation chess.

"We're going to recruit troops again to train and prepare food." Cao Cao gritted his teeth.

Cui Cheng immediately nodded and said yes.

Tyrants can't be counted on, they have to deal with the Taihang Mountain people themselves.

That's the way to go.

It is not enough to rely solely on local tyrants.

"In addition, we can bribe the Ten Permanent Attendants and tell them that the Taihang Mountain people are planning to rebel and are creating public opinion, and we can ask the imperial court to send troops to confine them to the mountain." Cui Cheng said again.

Cao Cao nodded.


at the same time.

In the Taihang Mountains.

The wise men wrote their outlines of the seas and lands.

It's just that the outline has been written, how can we lure the people to voluntarily go to sea?

"How to make them become sailors?" Everyone was in a dilemma.

Yes, in the Taihang Mountains, everyone has food and clothing, so who wants to go to sea?

No one wants to go to sea, how dangerous it is to go to sea.

Even if your force exceeds Lu Bu, a big wave will drown you.

"No one wants to go to sea. Going to sea is really hard, but you can find those refugees to go to sea. Who is willing to take on this matter?" Wen Rensheng asked.

Xun You took the initiative to stand up and said, "Students are willing to go."

"Very well, let's go."

After Xun You got permission, he was very happy.

He thought it was Shanren training himself to be his disciple.

The other party is making himself do great things.

If he can handle the matter of going to sea, it will be of great significance.

According to what Master said, that almost settled a large part of the future system of the entire empire.

At this time, Xun You certainly thought that no one could compete with the master.

Cao Cao and Yuan Shao are simply childish and ridiculous.

They are not worth mentioning in front of Master.

Master's wisdom encompasses the universe.

When they were still fighting for the land of the princes, the master had already started to cast his sights on the sea to the east.

Xun You went out immediately.

There are many people seeing off.

Guo Jia, Xun He, Xun Chen, Kong Rong, etc. are all today's celebrities.

"It's dangerous at sea. If you go to find someone, you must not take the risk yourself. The son of a thousand gold will not live forever." Xun Or couldn't help persuading.

After all, they are his own nephews. The relationship between the two is usually delicate, but they are still worried about each other at critical moments.

"Uncle Mo is worried about me. If I go here, whether it will be successful or not is half of God's will and half of human affairs. I know God's will by doing human affairs." Xun You gritted his teeth.

Only then did he realize what a gentleman is.

"Accepting the criticism of the country, you can be the master of the country."

In other words, you must be able to solve problems and be able to lead people out of the way.

Everyone will follow you.

This is why he believes that Master is invincible, and there is no problem that the other party cannot solve.

He is also going to solve a big problem at this time.

After solving it, it shouldn't be a problem to be the king of ten years.

As for what to do after becoming a king, that will be discussed later.

In short, Xun You took 20 guards and 60 horses with him, all the way east and then south.

He is going to Xuzhou.

Because Xuzhou is near the sea.

And there are ports.

Relatively speaking, Xuzhou is relatively stable.

But along the way, people's livelihood is still poor, and thieves are everywhere.

If they hadn't been well-trained, I'm afraid they would have been downsizing long ago.

And from those trainings, Xun You once again realized that the master is hiding the universe, and he can tell the best way, or give the best solution, even for small matters of how to march.

At this time, they walked and walked, and finally came to Xiapi.

As soon as they arrived at the gate of the city, they heard someone shouting: "Hurry up, behead!"

"Everyone, go and see, Governor Tao has killed again! Kill a group of Yellow Turban thieves!"

Then they looked back.

I saw a gurgle of fresh blood flowing in front of a city wall on the right.

More than a hundred people were tied to wooden sticks.

Heads are watching them from a distance.

Xun You shook his head.

What a great young workforce.

How much wealth can be created.

Just because there is no knowledge, no chance of survival if you don't take refuge under the master, you can only choose to rebel and grab the big family in the end.

He glanced at these yellow scarves, all of them were too young, the average was in their teens.


He used to call them thieves too.

But then stopped calling.

Because the master said that as a manager, it is the greatest sin to let the people under his rule rebel because of the famine.

Yellow Turban thieves, no, no, it should also be said Yellow Turban common people, these people rebelled only because they had no food to eat.

We cannot say that they are thieves, only that they are refugees.

Xun You swept over and saw that most of the people were ashen-faced, bowing their heads and killing them.

All of them are tied together.

The executioner has come.

The Ghost Head Broadsword was already ready.

There was only one boy who suddenly laughed out loud.

The executioner was almost taken aback.

The supervisor sent someone to come to him and asked, "That thief Wu, why are you smiling so happily?"

"I've heard people say that you can live longer if you laugh more, and now it seems that's true." The boy said with a playful smile.

There was no trace of fear of death in his eyes.

Xun You smiled when he heard this.

He has found someone.

Faced with such a person who dares to laugh at death, will he still be afraid of the wind and waves at sea?

So he came before the beheading officer.

Some soldiers wanted to stop them, but the supervisor waved and scolded them.

Xun You is dressed in a long robe, and he is unrestrained. One can tell that he is a celebrity at a glance.

And the other party brought so many guards, all of them armored.

Not from ordinary people.

You must know that hiding a stomach without permission is rebellion.

"I want to buy this group of people." Xun You said, and asked someone to bring a pile of five-plant money.

Sangong can be sold these days, what else can't be sold?

The supervisor was very happy: "Okay, Mr. Renyi, I still have two thousand people here."

"Buy them together, 5,000 for men, 3,000 for women, and 200 for children."

Children are cheap because they die so easily.

The mortality rate exceeds 30%.

"Okay." The supervisor regretted it very much. He knew that he shouldn't go to work so early today, and it would have been better to delay it until noon. Before, more than 100 people were killed in vain, and hundreds of thousands of dollars were lost.

You know, it costs 10 million yuan to buy a sheriff.

Then Xun You bought them all.

The supervisor and beheader made deals in such a grand manner, selling the bandits to others, it can be seen that the laws and regulations of the Han Dynasty have long since been abolished.

This can only be blamed on His Majesty today, if he sells his official title, can others still take the sanctity of the official position seriously?

Then Xun You ordered the attendants to arrange 2,000 people into groups.

First, some honest people were found to be team leaders, and then they were led to purchase food.

Most of them didn't run.

Because it is useless to run, there is no food to eat, you will only starve to death, it is better to follow others as a slave.

Of course, if there are too many people, there must be some who escaped, wanting to go home and seek refuge with relatives.

After doing all this, Xun You found the young man laughing on the execution ground.

"What's your name and why are you laughing?"

"Returning to the master, the little Liu San, I laughed because when I was young, I met an old man who said that when you are about to die, try to let yourself leave happily, so that you can taste the last bit of honey in your life." People respectfully said.

At this moment, how can there be any fearless appearance before?

Xun You sighed.

Sure enough, people are all made by comparison, this is what Master often said.

If you don't go through hardships and hardships, you won't suffer and you don't want to suffer.

The boy was about to be beheaded before, so he was fearless and could say such big words.

But now, with his future in his own hands, he began to humble himself.

But he wasn't disappointed either.

"Very good, that's why you are laughing. That Taoist priest is an expert, by the way, you died immediately before, what are you really thinking in your mind?"

The young man raised his head and said, "Scared, dazed, dizzy, I just want to pass by as soon as possible."

Xun You nodded.

At the same time, he understood why Master said those seemingly rebellious words.

When one has compassion on one's own old man, one should also have compassion on the old man of others.

"You did the right thing. At that time, you could live another hour. Why didn't you leave with a smile? Why did you leave in pain? Anyway, it's the same as death, and you can still enjoy the joy of laughing at the last moment. People Isn't life the pursuit of happiness? If a person lives in pain, what's the point? Then what's the point in his birth?" Xun You said imitating Wen Rensheng's tone.

"What you said is very true. If you don't give up, Liu San is willing to worship you as a teacher." The young man quickly knelt down.

"Okay, I'll take a look." Xun You smiled.

It's not easy to recruit apprentices.

He looked at this fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy with pity in his heart.

Sure enough, with the size of the Han Dynasty and the large number of people, many heroes and talents could emerge.

But I don't know how many Yingjies are like this young man, either buried or simply killed.

I can only rely on my own wisdom to burst out a ray of fire before death, and that's all.

He immediately realized that Master's mind was too broad.

Only a very small number of people can survive the big waves washing the sand.

Then leave a name in the history.

In fact, the name of the famous general is not too mysterious, as long as you can survive to the end in the fight with the right person, then you are very likely to become a famous general.

Because fighting more will naturally improve.

For example, the group of meritorious men around Liu Bang is the best example.

Are they really so-called generals?

Not so, just because I seized the opportunity and lived to the end, I was willing to work hard, and then I achieved myself on this platform.

That's why they are loyal to Liu Bang.

After rectification, Xun You took two thousand slaves to Guangling Port.

Buy ships, train sailors, buy land.

He also visited the local powerful Chen family, Chen Gui.

Only with the permission of the other party did he set foot.

According to what Master said, fresh vegetables should be stored at sea, but vegetables are easy to spoil.

So if you want to bring fruit, the best and cheapest is citrus, especially green citrus.

It can be stored for half a year in the north. Of course, the humidity at sea is high, so it is necessary to use wooden barrels + lime to separate the moisture.

In this way, diseases on long sea journeys can be avoided.

Devil disease.

The old guide they invited also mentioned this disease.

He said that he was blown away from the land by the wind and drifted on the sea for more than a month. Gradually, everyone got sick and finally died.

For no reason.

There was no poisoning, no wind and cold, and people died.

Hearing this, Xun You suddenly realized that Master has too much knowledge.

You see, if there is no knowledge given by the master, it will take a lot of lives to test this one detail.

He is underestimated.

To really solve this devil's disease, that is, vitamin deficiency, it was only after hundreds of years of navigation that the solution was discovered by accident.

In fact, when sailing at sea, positioning is the most important thing.

Relying on the compass and stars to locate is not very accurate.

If you want to sail in the vast ocean, you must have a sextant.

Formulate precise time, and propose the concept of latitude and longitude.

In short, navigation is an extremely complex project.

Once it becomes large-scale, it will force the development of technology.

At the same time, Cao Cao sent someone to bribe Zhang Rang, the ten permanent attendant, and told Emperor Han:

"Your Majesty, there is Taihang in the north of Luoyang, and there is a colleague of Taihang who is also giving lectures."

"He imitated Zhang Jiao and talked about rebellion every day."

In fact, everyone knew about it, but no one reported it to the emperor.

The former emperor himself didn't want to hear such bad news, he only wanted to hear what he heard.

Like how much did you sell for.

"Oh, so he didn't?" Liu Hong asked.

"Not yet, but sooner or later."

"Then wait for him to turn his back on it. How can the court have money?" Liu Hong said very truthfully.

It took more than half of Taicang to put down the Yellow Turban.

Zhang Rang didn't say any more, because he knew that he, the emperor, only wanted to enjoy himself.

This is also the root of his favor.

At this time, Huangfu Song of Jizhou was in the army.

"Yizhen, you are the only one who can make a big man." Lu Zhi said after running all the way.

"What do you mean by Mr. Lu?" Huangfu Song asked doubtfully.

"Nowadays in the Taihang Mountains, there is a giant bandit called Zhao Zhe. The mountains are high and the forests are dense. They go around giving lectures and recruiting talents. In the future, they will definitely be a disaster for the henchmen of the big man."

"This can be written to the imperial court, and the imperial court will issue an edict before we can send troops."

"Hey, you are at his side at this time, as long as you hit him quickly, you will be able to make his head and tail unable to look at each other. Such a big event will be settled." Lu Zhi shook his head.

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