Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2092: 1st combat

After this early study, Lu Zhi has completely chosen to rely on the system established by the Taihang Mountain people.

the reason is simple.

The big man can't solve his own problems.

Only by relying on the new system established by the Taihang Mountain people can the problems of the Dahan itself be solved.

As for making the emperor of the Liu family emperor, let's see.

He is not the kind of foolish and loyal person.

Now he knows why the other party doesn't care that he comes here to study.

It turned out that as long as he studied in depth, he would understand that the big man cannot be saved.

Why are Taihang Mountain people fearless?

It also didn't say to send troops to attack this one to attack that one. It turns out that they have already made preparations. In a word, they are confident and wait for the right time.

Just these 8 characters.

Lu Zhi was then allowed to learn further tactical strategies.

He sighed, finally able to learn one of the places he was most interested in.

After all, force is the root of everything.

No matter how well the other developments are, if there is no strong force, they will eventually be conquered by the barbarians.

His last official position was Beizhong Langjiang.

Rather than the title of Great Confucianism.

Come to the B-brand school, the Department of Military Science.

"War, the first science is intelligence."

"We have to learn how to collect intelligence, how to analyze intelligence, how to make decisions based on intelligence."

Lu Zhi nodded.

This is actually what Sun Tzu said in the Art of War.

To use room.

There are many kinds of intervals.

Knowing yourself and your enemy is intelligence.

But the other party's explanation is far more detailed than Sun Tzu's Art of War.

Sun Tzu's Art of War is just an outline.

Few people can use it to fight.

The school is to teach specific methods.

Simply put, after you finish the class, you can directly use it in practice.

For example, how to train intelligence personnel, how to communicate information, and how to integrate information together.

How to make single-line contact, how to encrypt information, how to authenticate messages, and how to ensure the correctness of messages?

"The method of training intelligence personnel is to train commercial intelligence personnel. Through the training of commercial talents, collect their business activities in enemy countries, and then analyze their strength and movement."

"For example, by checking their food prices, you can know whether there has been military action recently."

"Military operations require requisition of food and grass, which can easily increase food prices."

"You can also check whether they have recruited new soldiers by checking the price increases of steel and salt."

"Commercial activities are not developed enough now, and the information obtained in this way is not accurate enough."

"You can also get a lot of detailed information by connecting with the general's servants and the cook who cooks for them."

"You don't need to engage in too dangerous activities to get classified information."

"And some high-level spies have to be trained from an early age, and they can't be used at critical moments, and they can't be used all the time."

"They are more used to give feedback on some major political matters."

"In reality, we don't count on those high-level spies, because they are unreliable. Instead, we count on a large number of mid- and low-level spies, who are reliable, widespread, and wave after wave."

Lu Zhi was dazzled.

These are just all very important.

For example, it can be used in wars against grassland tribes such as the Huns.

Of course, what the teacher talked about was just some simple common sense and practices.

Wen Rensheng didn't have much time to explain everything.

After all, time is short.

It is more about establishing various disciplines, and then iterating and filling them by themselves when someone learns.

If you want to study in depth, you must specialize in this subject.

Now they just learn a simple outline and basic operations.

Then there's topography.

Learn to survey terrain and draw new maps.

Maps should be highly detailed and learn new art drawing methods.

Not that kind of freehand map.

There must be scale bars and contour lines.

The other is the sand table.

Mountains of rice, valleys of sand, rivers.

In this way, it is possible to carry out pre-deduction in a very vivid way, so as to know what is in mind.

After Lu Zhi saw the detailed map drawing, he immediately understood, if he obtained such information for the general, how could he be ambushed?

Unless you are too careless, or too arrogant.

He was shocked again.

This is too detailed, it simply divides war into many categories.

This completely exceeded his thoughts as a general.

He was also a good general before.

He can also distinguish rewards and punishments, be brave and fearless, be good at using generals and schools, and know how to dispatch parts.

That's enough to beat those Yellow Turbans.

But compared with Taihang Mountain people here, he is like a kid playing house.

He couldn't help but assume that he was the opponent of the Taihang Mountain people. If he competed with him, he might not be able to move an inch.

The opponent can set up an ambush at will to make himself embarrassed.

At most, he could keep some soldiers back to save their lives.

It is absolutely impossible to win any victory.

At this time, he was glad that Huangfusong didn't listen to him, because if he came here, the whole army would be wiped out.

And once surrounded, 70% will surrender, and no more than 30% will fight to the end.

Although soldiers are illiterate, they are not stupid. They can understand who they are fighting for.

Staying here to live is far better than going back.

He continues to learn.

The study of war is definitely not something that one person can master.

The next section is staff science.

Many people need to gather together to break down a military operation into large and small plans, and then hand them over to the middle and bottom officers of the army for execution.

These staff officers are responsible for maps, some are responsible for logistics, and some are responsible for designing routes.

Someone is responsible for the specific process of the battle, how to unfold, how to assign tasks, how to attack, how to defend, how to turn around, how to cover, how to charge...

Everything is refined and then refined, and after refinement is training and training.

There will never be a situation where you don't know your mission until you are on the battlefield, the superiors give orders, and the soldiers charge blindly, advance blindly, and retreat blindly.

Before everyone goes to the battlefield, they have trained how to complete various tactical tasks.

Such as offense, such as defense, such as step-by-step retreat.

In short, the soldiers will not be at a loss and don't know what to do.

As long as soldiers know what to do in the field, morale will not drop rapidly.

Death often does not frighten them either.

Because they know what to do.

When these staff officers are gathered together, the entire march and battle can be clearly arranged.

Then let the officers do it accordingly.

Clear, clean, clear, neat, efficient.

This is Lu Zhi's intuition.

If this continues, an army that has undergone basic training can also perform on the battlefield with ease and without panic.

better complete their combat missions.

And every team has completed the task, and the whole war is naturally won.

"A good fighter has no great achievements!"

Lu Zhi couldn't help sighing.

The enemy didn't know what was going on, but it was clearly arranged before marching and fighting.

Just waiting for how to be beaten after the battlefield, how to lose the battle.

Enemies can of course also struggle.

But as long as he enters the battlefield, he will fall into the calculations of many staff officers. At best, he will choose a different method of death to make his death more interesting.

Afterwards, Lu Zhi followed suit by learning about the types of arms, equipment, and effectiveness of each department...

"Equipment must be standardized, easy to maintain, and uniformly replaceable."

"The focus is on the armor."

Front-line soldiers, everyone in the melee units has steel armor!

At least a half-length steel armor steel helmet.

When Lu Zhi found out, he was shocked.

Steel is the symbol of magic weapons in this era.

That's what it means to be tempered into steel.

Now senior officers only have iron armor, rotten silver armor and the like.

Most of the soldiers are just cotton armor, rattan armor, wooden armor, or even no armor.

But now they even popularized steel armor for melee soldiers.

Can this combat power be the same?

Hiding armor is rebellion, but having a sword is all right.

It can be seen that the imperial court is afraid of armor rather than swords.

Seeing this, Lu Zhi knew why he had to pass the previous courses before he could learn this.

These are the real military secrets.

How do outsiders know that the Taihang Mountain people have prepared steel armor for the soldiers.

Steel is so expensive, how did the other party get so much cheap steel?

He thought about the engineering and business studies he had seen before, and suddenly understood.

Yes, they are all interconnected.

Only by paying attention to those two disciplines can there be improvement in equipment.

It took one year for Lu Zhi to study.

The time came to 186 years.

Two years have passed since the Yellow Turban Uprising.

There are still thieves everywhere.

It was a mess.

Look at the Taihang Mountain people, but they are thriving.

Lu Zhi couldn't help sighing.

Obviously they are all the same Han people.

But one can do well, and the other is a mess.

It's like a family of hard workers and a family of lazy people.

The operation scale of the cottages everywhere has become larger, and more wealth has been created.

The reclaimed mountain fields are more vigorously planted.

The food produced, the steel produced, weapons, cloth... are increasing day by day.

Scholars also changed a round, rotating from various cottages.

At the same time, Lu Zhi also saw that some managers who were originally copycats were sent to work as coolies because they couldn't control their hands and wanted to take advantage of it.

This coolie is very tiring.

Originally, some people said that they should be hanged directly, but after evaluation, this kind of greed is human nature, and no matter how restrained it is, there will be a probability of it appearing.

Killing is not afraid of killing.

It is more enjoyable to kill with one knife.

It would be better for them to let themselves know by coolies that doing this kind of thing for enjoyment has resulted in suffering.

People in Taihang Mountains say that to create a stove effect, it does not depend on the size of the punishment, but on the fact that as long as you reach out your hand, you will be burned, and no one will touch the stove.

Lu Zhi deeply agrees.

Even for the Zhu San Clan, if only a few people are unlucky, others will still be one after another.

Even if you are only a coolie for three months, as long as you reach out, you will be unlucky, and other people will be very vigilant.

Lu Zhi also learned something.

He studied hard every day, simulating in his mind how to actually fight.

And an actual combat opportunity finally came.

"Report, Zhang Chun rebelled in the north, and led the Wuhuan people to invade You, Ji, Qing, Xu..."

"Damn Zhang Chun, this villain! He is really greedy, and the court treats him well, yet he dares to rebel!" Lu Zhi cursed directly.

Having been with the students for more than a year, I also acquired a happy temperament.

If the former students were to see him again, they would not be able to believe that this was Daru's teacher.

"Mr. Lu, the teacher called all the outstanding students for questioning, please go."

Now Lu Zhi is also qualified to participate in the school dialogue of Taihang Mountain people because of his excellent academic performance.

Lu Zhi was very happy, and immediately rode away.

in a school somewhere.

About Zhang Chun's rebellion, Wen Rensheng was discussing with the students.

"Does anyone know why Zhang Chun rebelled?" Wen Rensheng asked.

Xun You said: "As far as the students know, the rebellion at this time is because the imperial court defaulted on paying the Wuhuan cavalry. Behind this is the financial collapse of the Han Dynasty. Zhang Chun's rebellion is due to Zhang Chun's personal reasons. He once He wanted to lead the Wuhuan cavalry, but in the end it was given to Gongsun Zan, and he was dissatisfied with this, so he seized on the issue of rations and wages this time to instigate riots."

Wen Rensheng nodded and said: "That's right, the reason for all the rebellions is actually financial problems. If the soldiers are fully paid, it will be difficult for the soldiers to be incited. Everyone is not stupid, and we all know that rebellion is good for the leaders, but for the leaders. There are not many benefits to oneself, but the risks are the same.”

"What Master said is very true. The rebellion will kill the three clans. If the leader succeeds in the rebellion, he can become the king. If he fails, he will just flee or recruit security. The soldiers have to bear extremely high risks from the beginning to the end, and they may be killed in the middle, isn't it? I am so hungry that I don't want to follow and betray." Xun You nodded.

Lu Zhi also nodded.

In fact, there is the best way to deal with the Yellow Turbans, and that is to tell the Yellow Turbans directly to open a warehouse to release food. As long as you surrender, you can take the food home, which will definitely make the Yellow Turbans collapse by more than half.

But can it be done?

If it could be done, there wouldn't be so many thieves.

It is impossible for the imperial court to afford so much food and salary, so it can only be suppressed.

It's still the same old way, you can't solve problems, you can only solve people.

Lu Zhi felt disgusted for no reason.

The same is true of the Han Dynasty.

Wen Rensheng asked again: "Then what shall we do?"

"Our soldiers are fighting for the people. And when they come in, they kill and kill. They break into the towns of the people, burn, kill and loot everywhere, destroying production and commerce, and seriously threatening our commercial and industrial safety." Xun You said directly.

Everyone immediately understood that this was the main battle.

Lu Zhi also understands what it means to consider war from an economic point of view, rather than simply saying that it is a rebellion or a dignity.

That's fine.

If you do this, you will not be led by the nose by the rebellion.

As a result, the more flat the poorer, the poorer the more flat, and finally no strength.

It's all over.

"That's right, we're going to fight, and we can't let him destroy the production and business environment in Jizhou and Youzhou."

"I am going to send 20,000 troops, divided into five armies at the front, middle, left, and rear. Each army should have 4,000 people, and we will destroy them with a grand array."

At this time, Lu Zhi couldn't help but said: "Master, the opponents are all cavalry, they come and go without a trace, they make a living by looting, and they don't have a fixed location, UU Reading How do we destroy them?"

Wen Rensheng smiled: "Mr. Lu, you have attended a full range of military schools. You should know whether infantry is faster or cavalry?"

"If it's a short distance, it's the cavalry, but if it's a long distance, it's the infantry. Of course, the infantry here is trained by us, not the imperial court and local tyrants. Their infantry lacks nutrition, morale, and supplements. It's not as good as cavalry." Lu Zhi said earnestly.

"That's right, for the total march distance within seven days, the infantry has to be faster than the cavalry, because the horses have to rest and eat grass, and their endurance is much worse than that of humans. Our infantry is hardworking and resistant to running, and can run 120 miles a day and night road."

80 miles a day, 160 round trips.

It is normal to force a march of 100 miles.

Of course, this is the team he trained, not those feudal elites who train every five days and are undernourished.

They can't compare to the speed of cavalry.

No matter how rotten the horse is, it can surpass the infantry on a long-distance march within seven days by eating grass.

The cavalry can march for more than 300 miles a day, far exceeding the infantry, so only the cavalry is good at raids, especially the infantry who do not wear armor or carry weapons in the raid marching formation.

At that time infantry was the most dangerous.

On the contrary, the cavalry has no possibility of being raided, unless it is too stupid.

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