Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2093: cavalry raid

Mystery Makes Me Strong Chapter 2093 Cavalry Raid

Infantry marches farther than cavalry, which is the talent of modern infantry.

Modern infantry has a high degree of organization, strong training, sufficient nutritional supplies, and high morale. If you know the purpose of the battle, it will be even more terrifying, and you can carry out forced marches.

Ordinary ancient infantry will definitely not work.

When they encountered the cavalry group, they were completely **** and completely passive.

Falling into the disadvantages of being unable to fight, unable to escape, and invisible.

Therefore, there are often tragedies in which thousands of cavalry all wipe out tens of thousands of infantry.

The ancient infantry was not good at close combat, maneuvering, or long-distance combat, and could only be beaten by cavalry.

As long as the cavalry is not stupid, it will basically not be wiped out by the infantry.

At this time, Lu Zhi asked sincerely: "Master, how should we eliminate Zhang Chun's Wuhuan cavalry?"

Wen Rensheng smiled.

Cao Cao later defeated Wuhuan because he formed an elite tiger and leopard cavalry.

Relying on the cavalry against the cavalry, the Wuhuan people could not run away and could only fight head-on. In the end, they were defeated by Zhang Liao, and the leaders were all killed in front of the battle. It can be seen that the cavalry is the nemesis of the cavalry.

If it is infantry fighting, at least the leader can run away.

He didn't speak, but said to Xun You: "Xun You, tell us about the other party first, so that we can understand each other."

Xun You immediately stood up and picked up a scroll: "According to the report from the spies,

"Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju gathered a crowd of 100,000 to make a rebellion. The core force was the Wuhuan cavalry. The core force consisted of about 3,000 people, of which 1,000 were elite, and the other 2,000 had only leather armor or no armor.

"The 1,000 are more elite, some have iron armor, some have chain mail, and a few have cotton armor."

"They use riding bows, sabers, carbine guns, hammers, and bones as weapons."

"Because the predecessor was the Han army, the weapons are still guaranteed. They are all iron weapons, and a few are fine steel knives."


"In addition, they can also drive and fan Wuhuan in the three counties."

"Wuhuan of the Three Counties is a relatively large force."

"In the northeast of Youzhou, there are four Wuhuan factions: Qiu Liju, Lord Wuhuan of Liaoxi County, Su Puyan, Lord Wuhuan of Liaodong Province, Wuyan, Lord Wuhuan of Youbeiping County, and Nanlou, Lord Wuhuan of Shanggu County.

Among them, the three counties of Liaoxi County, Liaodong Dependent State, and Youbeiping County are connected, so they are called Three Counties Wuhuan, and their relationship is relatively close. "

"The total number is more than 200,000, and 50,000 cavalry can be drawn. Of course, there will not be too many elites. Most of them are herdsmen."

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What Xun You said was very detailed, and Lu Zhi nodded repeatedly.

Data one after another can fully confirm each other.

It's hard to fake.

For example, these weapon data can be obtained from the weapons allocated by the big man over the years.

And those precious military secrets can be bought with a little money.

That's right, thanks to the blessing of selling officials and nobles, there is almost nothing in the Han court that cannot be sold.

Only a few honest people still know how to keep secrets.

In order to collect the money for promotion and the money for becoming an official, other officials really have nothing to sell.

In the prosperous age, maybe there is still some fear.

Now that the army is in turmoil, it is ridiculous to expect officials to keep secrets.

As long as the generals are not too stupid, they can form a relatively complete strategy against the enemy based on this information.

After Lu Zhi finished listening, he clasped his hands and asked, "Master, I already know the news. The opponent is cavalry. They loot everywhere, have no fixed base, and hold the initiative on the battlefield. We are an army of mountains, and we lack cavalry..."

"No, we don't lack cavalry. Since the beginning of our business, we have focused on developing business with horse traders on the grassland."

"After two years of work in the mountains, we have accumulated more than 20,000 horses and trained more than 8,000 melee cuirassiers," Xun You said.

Lu Zhi suddenly realized, no wonder Taihang Mountain people are so confident.

There are both powerful infantry and many cavalry. Even if they are weaker in elite proficiency, their training and organization are far superior to their opponents, and it is difficult to lose.

There seemed to be 50,000 to 100,000 opponents, but in fact most of them were not elite enough, they were just herdsmen.

You can yell, run, and shoot arrows, but expecting them to charge forward is overthinking.

Even the average Han army can resist it.

Not to mention the mountain army carefully trained by the Taihang Mountain people.

"That's right, but since most of them are composed of cavalry, if we want to wipe them out, we also need to save the enemy, so that the enemy must move according to our wishes, instead of us chasing them." Wen Rensheng Speaking of battlefield principles.

Lu Zhi nodded.

this is necessary.

The most important thing on the battlefield is to kill the enemy, not to kill the enemy.

It is who takes the initiative.

"Then what should we do?" Lu Zhi asked again.

Wen Rensheng said solemnly: "First of all, the order is issued, and the people everywhere return to their fortresses and stick to them. Within two months, they will enter a state of first-level combat readiness."

Level 1 combat readiness, Lu Zhi naturally knew about it.

That is to say, production and living are reduced to a minimum.

Relying on the previous reserves of grain, fresh water, salt and vegetables, abandoning the small village, carrying grain, cloth and tools, etc., immediately entered the big fort under the organization of the village chief and stood firm.

No one should delay.

Those who procrastinate, those who do not obey the village chief's order, have to write down their names, expel them from the village, turn them into resident households, take back their cultivated land, and drive them to work in the mines.

It is really loose in peacetime, you can live your life casually, and it doesn't matter if you blame officials, but if you violate military orders in wartime, you will be dealt with severely.

War is not a child's play.

I can't tolerate laughing and joking.

Anyone who thinks that in war, there is still talk about tolerance, harmony, and even MZ is nonsense.

War is strict, efficient, rigorous, and serious.

Anyone who plays with flowers or fakes is waiting to be smashed to pieces and trampled on the ground.

Now under the first level of combat readiness, after everyone enters the fortress, they must start daily basic military training.

Young and strong were pulled out, ready to practice.

"Find out the base of the rebels first, then we will attack their base and force them to fight us instead of chasing them everywhere." Wen Rensheng continued.

Lu Zhi nodded.

That's right, Zhang Chunzhangju, they rebelled, and the rebels also had family members, food and supplies, and the looted treasures also had to be stored somewhere.

They also have the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled. It is impossible to follow the looting at ordinary times, but they have to be placed somewhere.

As long as they attack their base, they have to go back to save them.

As far as Lu Zhi knew, Liucheng, the three counties where the Wuhuan people lived, was their base.

It is a city built by themselves.

They are not completely grazing like the Huns.

Because they were placed to live in the three counties by the Han Dynasty, they mainly lived in the three counties.

If you go to other grasslands, you will have conflicts with other Hu people.

So it's not the last moment, they won't run around casually.

"The main base of the Wuhuan people in their three counties is Liucheng."

"If we march here, if the soldiers they plundered outside don't go back to the division to save them, their morale will drop rapidly, and everyone will want to go home to save their parents and relatives."

"And we will have a decisive battle with them on their way back to the division."

Lu Zhi nodded again.

After all, the Wuhuan people are not the great Xiongnu they used to be, and they don't have much room for maneuver.

If you abandon the land of the three counties, you will be a tree without roots.

Wen Rensheng didn't just talk about it casually. Gongsun Zan in history went straight to Liucheng when he attacked all the way.

It's just that he didn't have enough food and grass, so he was besieged by Zhang Chun and the Wuhuan people. In the end, only half of them escaped without breaking through.

Later, when Cao Cao conquered the Wuhuan people, he also attacked Liucheng.

It can be seen that this place has become the ruling center of the Wuhuan people.

Wen Rensheng's judgment was not a whim.

One is to combine the real situation, but to combine real history.

This move can hit the enemy's 7 inches.

Soon the soldiers began to mobilize.

Staff members are also doing their own thing.

Everyone is planning a route.

At the same time, Lu Zhi saw the strength of the Taihang Mountain Army.

The first is logistical.

They developed a very terrible military dry food.

5 kg of military dry food can be eaten for about a month!

This is scary.

This means that there is no need to constantly transfer food from the rear, which avoids a huge logistical weakness!

A soldier can carry 10 kilograms of food on his back, which means that he can continue to fight for two months.

In fact, there is no need for soldiers to carry it, and it can be pushed by a cart.

Naturally, Lu Zhi didn't understand what is energy density and what is the calories needed by the human body.

For example, 250 grams of compressed dry food can provide soldiers with a day's caloric needs.

1 kg is 4 days, 5 kg is naturally 20 days, and then add some other things, it can be enlarged to 30 days.

He only knows the great value of this dry food in the military.

Relying on this kind of military dry rations, Wen Rensheng's soldiers can fight without a rear.

Similar to Wei Qing's running for thousands of miles, there will be no continuous delivery of food and grass from the rear to the front.

They carried hundreds of thousands of horses, and they ate horses when they had no food.

Then there is the soldier's physique, morale, and armor, all of which are top-notch.

Lu Zhi couldn't imagine how to lose.

Just look at the infantry, who usually only wear a layer of light leather armor when marching, and carry a light soldier to prevent surprise attacks.

Once attacked by surprise, someone will immediately organize a defensive formation, while others will wear three layers of armor!

Triple-armored heavy infantry!

That sense of security, straight up!

Unless the horse is charging head-on, bows and arrows are useless, and spears and knives can't cut it!

It can only be smashed by heavy weapons with the help of horsepower.

That effect is also very poor.

And with such heavy infantry, the opponent can send out more than 10,000 people!

Behind this is money!

Lu Zhi suddenly understood why agriculture, industry and commerce should be developed simultaneously and the four industries should be equal.

Without the vigorous development of these three, where would there be such a powerful soldier?

Just looking at it from a distance is reassuring and comfortable.

He is also the man who leads the soldiers.

If there is such a soldier, as long as the general is not a fool, as long as the general spreads the scouts far enough, and does not lead them into dead places, such as swamps, valleys, river banks, jungles, facing the enemy head-on, it will be difficult to lose!

He couldn't wait to see what happened to Zhang Chun's rebels!

The army is dispatched.

Front, back, left, and right, five routes, each with 4,000 soldiers.

A total of 20,000 people, and 8,000 cavalry in the middle.

There are 1,500 cavalry scouts alone, which shows that Rensheng attaches great importance to battlefield intelligence.

As long as he does not fall into an ambush, does not fall into a death situation, and ensures the transparency of battlefield information, then his team is invincible.

After dispatching, they headed all the way to Liucheng, Liaoxi County in the northeast.

Middle fanfare.

Everywhere along the way, they preached to wipe out bandits and protect the land and the people.

The local tyrants and civilians who were looted belonged one after another.

Wen Rensheng asked them to collect them and send them back to the fortress of Taihang Mountain in batches.

Of course, when they are in dangerous places, they will no longer gather these people.

The scouts of the army dispersed quickly, and they had a clear reconnaissance of the enemy's situation and terrain within a hundred miles around.

Avoid being ambushed.

As they marched, they gradually encountered Wuhuan cavalry.

Some are raiding squads, some are scouts.

The two sides fought.

Obviously, cavalry is not easy to train.

Wen Rensheng did not develop muskets either, but the crossbows and breastplates he used still had the upper hand.

At least the Wuhuan cavalry did not shield the battlefield environment.

This allowed Wen Rensheng to keep abreast of the movements around him.

At this time, the Wuhuan people hadn't moved yet.

This made Wen Rensheng slow down his marching pace, and took the opportunity to further sweep down the local tycoons who did not cooperate with the Taihang Mountain Army.

The charges are ready-made, colluding with the Wuhuan people.

As time passed, the Wuhuan began to gather.

Intelligence has shown that Zhang Chun and others have recalled the Wuhuan people who were looting.

They began to gather together.

About 30,000 people were raised.

Most of them are cavalry.

This is the natural advantage of the grassland barbarians, everyone has a horse.

If you have a horse and are good at riding a horse, your fighting power is much stronger than the same recruits.

If the Han Chinese infantry don't practice for half a year, they are completely young and cannon fodder, and they can only make up the numbers.

But as long as the herdsmen get on horses, they are almost qualified recruits. They can kill people, shoot arrows, and play a role in intimidation.

In fact, with more than 30,000 cavalry, it is only more than 8,000 people who can truly be called cavalry and can complete cavalry tactical actions.

The so-called mobilization of 50,000 people at every turn, in fact, most of them will only obey orders to advance and retreat. It is impossible to expect them to execute various detailed battlefield orders.

They just saw that the enemy's formation was loose, and then they were able to swarm up, shoot arrows, and use guns, sticks, spears, and hammers to sweep away the scattered infantry.

Arima is so comfortable to fight.

Anyone who has played horseback riding and hacking and slashing understands that it is two different feelings from the sad infantry.

Relying on horsepower, you can easily stab infantry with weapons.

If you can't beat it, you can run away quickly.

Of course, horses cannot be wasted.

It can't be the same as in the game, fight and flee, flee and fight again, the horse will not be able to bear it.

You can only play a few times, so you have to go far to rest the horses, and come back after resting.

When Zhang Chun and others gathered more than 30,000 people, they became more courageous.

They tried to come over to intercept Wen Rensheng's advancing team.

They sent a part of the cavalry to go around in circles outside, trying to find the weak point in the marching ranks.

And Wen Rensheng has ordered one-third of the soldiers to put on armor.

That is to say, one-third of the people wear armor, and two-thirds of UU reading march forward lightly.

Then take turns every day.

Prevent someone from getting tired.

Once an enemy comes over, the armored men will fight on the periphery, shooting in groups with bows and crossbows.

Relying on the large number of crossbow arrows carried by the chariot, as well as recycling, as long as the cavalry tried to get close to the archery and hit a fixed target, they would first be covered by a round of arrow rain.

You must know that the range of cavalry bows and arrows is more than half that of infantry.

There is no way to force it on a horse.

The Three Kingdoms also lacked a crucial cavalry equipment: stirrups.

It was not until the 3rd century AD that mature stirrups appeared.

Without it, the cavalry can shoot arrows closer.

It is also mainly used to fight unarmored infantry.

Facing the infantry with triple armor, that is to shoot dozens of arrows, and it can only be effective by inserting luck into the opponent's face.

The opponent still has a visor and helmet, so it's basically luck.

But the opponent is different, the crossbow arrows of the opponent are densely packed.

How big is the man dodging the horse target?

It was also impossible to armor the horses.

That is too expensive to wear, that is, a blanket and a horse chest leather armor.

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