Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 332: dark brain

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Everyone got off the ironclad ship in a hurry, and then turned on the lifeboat.

Looking at the sky, it was almost evening.

"It seems that the time is synchronized..." Wu Liansong said thoughtfully.

"Look, the frigate is here to pick us up." Zhao Han waved his hand not far away.

I saw a frigate, docked near the big cruise ship.

In the distance is the American cruise ship, and they have avoided a lot of distance.

"Okay, today's harvest is not small, let's go back and rest for a night before talking about it." Wen Rensheng instructed everyone.

Then a group of nine people started the lifeboat and drove away towards the cruise ship when it came.

Then they greeted the captain of the frigate, and everyone returned to the cruise ship.

The two ships left the Ocean Cemetery one after the other. In the dark, it was even more dangerous. No one would spend the night here.

Hours later, at 9 pm, the two ships returned to a nearby harbor base.

Everyone went ashore and rested in a hotel on the shore. Although the room on the ship was good, after all, the waves would rise and fall.

Before falling asleep, everyone was in a lobby, sorting out today's harvest.

"What have you all learned?" Wu Liansong asked the others.

"My riding skill has been improved by one level." Wu Shanshan replied nonchalantly.

"I learned to move and load cannonballs." Zhao Han stretched out his hand to answer.

"Don't be stupid," Wang Wenwen beat her head hard, "Tell the truth."

"Oh, then I just learned the primary sniper technique. I don't know what happened. I suddenly felt that after the projectile was fired, I could know the exact location of it. It was exactly the same." Zhao Han said embarrassingly.

"Oh, it seems to be related to your ability to predict. Sniping is originally a kind of prediction, predicting the action of the target, predicting the change of wind direction and humidity, and finally hitting. Do you know what the highest level of sniping looks like?" Wu Liansong Asked back.

"I don't know." Zhao Han shook his head.

"First shoot the arrow, then draw the target." Wu Liansong explained.

"How to do this? Isn't this a sarcastic sentence? In the language exam, there is satire on people who pretend to be self-dressing, pay money for themselves, and show off their behavior." Zhao Han said ignorantly.

"It means that when the other party is aiming at you, you have been hit. What the other party has to do is to draw a target on your corpse to supplement the shooting process. This is a sniper that rises to the law of causality. The technique has surpassed the scope of a grandmaster." Wu Liansong said patiently.

"It's amazing, it's like a fairy tale." Zhao Han said with sincere admiration.

Wen Rensheng heard the words and moved, the law of cause and effect?

Can this kind of sniping be used to defeat "Schrödinger's cat"?

This is not his brain opening, because the biggest key to Schrödinger's cat is that the cat as the target of observation cannot be determined to be alive or dead until the box is opened, and it is in a superposition of dead and alive.

This is the wonderful and terrifying thing about it. The life and death of a cat should be certain, but it has to rely on the observations of others, and it has become an uncertain thing.

Now this kind of sniping technique that surpasses the master level, since it has risen to the causal rate, it is equivalent to a certain hit method.

To determine restraint uncertainty, this makes sense in principle.

Now that he has a special medal, as long as he superimposes the master-level sniper skill by 14 times and surpasses the master-level, it is very likely to break the hidden method set by the opponent - "Schrödinger's cat".

Because as long as he aims at the target, the target will be hit, which is equivalent to being observed, and the superposition state will naturally be released. Then use the big prophecy technique to understand the details of the opponent.

This is one thing over another.

The American people would never have imagined that their carefully researched concealment technique would be cracked again.

And it is very simple to crack.

I'm sure they must have vomited blood.

Wen Rensheng has no psychological burden for stealing American technology.

National interests are paramount.

Besides, their technology is also swept from all over the world, and the means used are not so glorious, even very conspiracy.

Similar to the previous life, the century-old war in this life, according to today's analysis, there are shadows of instigation by the American people. The purpose is very simple. They can obtain the transfer of technology and funds, so as to complete the industrialization and complete the transcendence of science and technology.

This is almost the same as the two wars in the previous life.

Wen Rensheng did not expect that the harvest this time was far more than what it seemed on the surface, and even solved a strategic problem.

Thinking of this, he pleaded guilty to everyone, and then went out to make a satellite phone call.

Several people looked at the back of his departure and whispered.

"The teacher must have something great to gain." Zhao Han envied.

"There must be, I've worked so hard to get the spring water of youth, why don't you give it to him for nothing?" Wang Wenwen said distressed.

"Uh, I almost forgot if you didn't mention it," Zhao Han said embarrassingly, "but the teacher is a careful person and won't hide our gains. There must be something wrong with that thing, so he didn't pay it back. return."

"Uh, is this your prophecy?" Wang Wenwen asked in surprise.

"A fool has a thousand worries, but he has something to gain. The stupid Zhao Han caught a glimpse of the truth, and even got the truth of the matter. Wen Rensheng didn't return it because he was worried that some two fools would use the poison as a magic medicine."

After Zhao Han heard the hint of the alien species, he couldn't help but rejoice: "Forget it, but we are really lucky."

"You're talking about the bottle of spring water of youth as a reward?" Wu Shanshan asked curiously.

"Yeah, that's it. The captain is a good man, and he was willing to give it to us. We thought it was enough to give some treasure. Fortunately, I was young, so I didn't want to use it right away. With a baby face, there will be no majesty in the future." Wang Wenwen said eloquently.

"Hum, let me tell you, these Western legends and myths are often dark behind them, just like Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Bluebeard... The Fountain of Youth and the Golden Apple are all dark fairy tales." Wu Shanshan Scare the two of them.

"Uh, isn't it? Did I accidentally avoid a catastrophe?" Wang Wenwen said in fear.

"That's it, Sister Shan Shan didn't scare us. That captain is a bad guy and used poison to deceive us." Zhao Han said with lingering fears.

"Uh..." Wu Shanshan is a little Zhao Han is really an honest person, she was just casually scare the two of them, but Zhao Han thought she was right.

At this time, Wen Rensheng had already shared his conjecture with inspector Liu outside.

"A sniper technique beyond the master level? The law of cause and effect?" Inspector Liu said in surprise.

"Yeah, I think we can do an experiment to verify it after we go back." Wen Rensheng replied.

"Okay, then, I will help you apply and set up the experimental environment for you." Inspector Liu agreed.

Just as Wen Rensheng was about to speak, he suddenly heard a reminder in his mind.

"Brain of Darkness: You're finally eligible to enter and see the drama's main story."


"Mysterious Composition: The Law of Cause and Effect."

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