Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 333: aircraft carrier battle

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Dark brain?

After Wen Rensheng saw the prompt, he thought to himself, is this hinting to himself that he is about to see the manipulator behind the scenes?

Before, there were all kinds of "hands", and hands were also minions.

That is to say, the Haiyan, Inoue Yeji, Dongdao Destiny Society, America Submarine... These are all just minions and chess pieces that appeared on the table.

And the real commander and center are actually hidden in this ocean cemetery.

In other words, this cemetery filled with fog and a route is itself a brain of darkness?

And the real meaning of this ocean cemetery is not just to experience some historical scenes, improve some personal skills, and get some mysterious things.

Its real role is on the farther route.

For example, on the corpses of modern ships - aircraft carriers, guided missile destroyers, nuclear submarines, anti-missile frigates, electronic jamming ships...

There will even be corpses of spaceships in the future, space stations, space shuttles...

The current situation is that everyone fights without breaking, and only uses various actions in secret to attract talents, toss opponents, and compete for technology.

Because of the huge deterrence of mushrooms, there has been no world war for a long time.

Only in some small countries and regions, proxy wars are used to check the pros and cons of their weapons and technology.

The scale is limited, the intensity is limited, and the test effect on weapons and technical levels is also limited.

It’s good now, there is this cemetery, as long as some modern ships are sunk, this cemetery will automatically evolve into a confrontation situation with modern weapons, comparable to a best training ground.

Wen Rensheng believed that what he thought of, others must have thought of it, but they were still watching and collecting information.

After all, this is the high seas area, and the Ocean Cemetery is too mysterious.

Even if several major countries want to start eating this piece of fat, they need to take into account various factors, and it is impossible to rashly send people to control it.

Because their family has a big business, they are worried about the mysterious influence behind them.

This is not the gold, mountain and silver mine of the previous life. Once it is discovered, it is directly occupied. At most, it is a dispute over the interests of people, and it will not involve other things.

And here is a mysterious place. If it is a big pit, it is not easy to climb out if you want to get contaminated.

Just thinking about it, Wu Shanshan came out to find him.

"What are you thinking? If you haven't been back for so long, I thought you've been on the phone all the time," she came over. "Uncle made some late-night snacks by himself. Eat something before going to bed."

"Forget it, I don't eat before going to bed, you can eat." Wen Rensheng thanked her for her kindness.

"That's fine, shall we continue to go tomorrow? I feel that I have gained a lot. One day is equivalent to more than ten days of training before." Wu Shanshan said seriously.

"Keep going, but you still have to pay special attention to safety. Don't look at the ease of winning this time. It's because the opponent is not prepared. I think this cemetery is a conscious thing, and it will automatically adjust many parameters." Wen Rensheng reminded .

Wu Shanshan nodded and said, "I also have this feeling. Every time I enter it, it is like entering the stomach of a behemoth, and an inexplicable fear arises spontaneously. This kind of fear is very suitable for my alien growth."

"Stomach? It seems that your intuition is not sensitive enough. Don't you feel like you have entered a sea of ​​consciousness of a Buddha? There are thousands of evolutions, unpredictable changes, reincarnation of life and death, transcendence of annihilation..." Wen Rensheng hinted.

"I don't have that feeling," Wu Shanshan thought for a while, "It's all your far-fetched ideas. I feel like a stomach. Those mists rise like gastric juices."

"Uh, whatever you like is fine. Anyway, as I said, I don't eat supper." Wen Rensheng said and left.

"Bastard, you did this on purpose." When Wu Shanshan heard this, she chased after him, where is she still in the mood to eat...


Early the next morning, everyone took the cruise ship and set off again, this time the frigate also followed.

When Zhao Han saw it, he was very embarrassed and said, "Isn't it? Yesterday, it was very indecent for us to let people rescue me once. Can we still let people follow us as bodyguards every day?"

"Guarding us is just a casual job, and they are also going to collect some information about the cemetery. When we were resting last night, Mr. Wu had already reported to the local navy about our expedition." Wang Wenwen explained.

"Oh, in that case, it's still possible, win-win cooperation, and don't owe favors forever." Zhao Han felt relieved.

Then the two ships were one after the other, and at noon, they arrived at the Ocean Cemetery.

As soon as I came to the vicinity of the shipping route, I saw a lot of ships coming here.

Among them are three very striking destroyers, silver-white, streamlined, two with bald eagle flags, and one with black and white cow flags.

"Strange, they don't come early, they don't come late, but they come today, is it such a coincidence?" Wu Shanshan frowned.

Now it's like playing an online game and finding a good leveling spot, no one expects too many people to enter.

"Hmph, they must have been hanging around for a long time. These guys know that we Shenzhou people have a deep understanding of the mysterious background, and everything is following suit. We introduce their technology, and they introduce our mystery," Wu Liansong stared at the destroyers and gave The girl explained, "We didn't come here before, and they didn't dare to rush into it. Now that we see something good, we will send someone over to share a piece of the pie."

"Forget it, it's up to you. Anyway, the things here don't belong to us. The corpses of the ship are not only our family's." Wu Shanshan said with relief when he heard this.

"Now, I have to worry, this cemetery will be like you said, to play real people to eat chicken," Wu Liansong shook his head, "Today you people are waiting on the boat, Xiao Sheng and I are on the boat alone to prevent Accident happened."

Wen Rensheng nodded and said: "Well, wait and see, after we go up, they will definitely send people over. This time, the competitors will not only be scene NPCs, but there will be real opponents, just like the first one. Once Wang Wenwen and the two of them dealt with pirates like normal."

"Which ship are you going to choose today? I can see that the role of this ship basically determines which faction it belongs to after entering the battlefield." Wu Shanshan is concerned.

"Let me think about it. Let's choose an aircraft carrier from the early 20th century. At that time, there were no guided The safety is guaranteed, and the harvest will be greater." Wen Rensheng thought for a while. road.

"Aircraft carrier? Are you going to participate in the South American Mara battle? The Bald Eagles and John Bulls joined forces to kill the combined forces of the South American countries?" Wu Shanshan immediately recalled the relevant information.

"Well, at that time, the South American countries imported three aircraft carriers and 600 carrier-based aircraft from Shenzhou. They wanted to fight for the autonomy of South America. As a result, they were interfered by the American people. The two sides broke out at the Mara Island near the equator. , but in the end it lost its independent status and was forced to accept the conditions of garrisoning troops and became a vassal state." Wen Rensheng nodded.

"Hey, before the battle, our advisors said that it would fail. It's better to protect the ship and control the enemy. They have to fight with the enemy to the death." Wu Liansong shook his head.

"It's no wonder they. The navy is no better than the army. There are limited ports where large ships can be stationed and maintained. It is impossible to fight guerrillas at sea every day. If you are besieged in the port, you will still die. It is better to die happily and show your determination. I can get better conditions." Wen Rensheng said something fair.

A lot of times, it's not that people don't want to avoid a failed battle. It's like playing chess. If you don't have enough internal skills, you'll get out of bad chess and you have to give up some pieces you don't want to give up.

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