Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 354: Huang Feng's death

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Wen Rensheng found a stool outside the door and sat down, watching the meeting in the office for a while, so he withdrew from the control of the armored puppet.

After thinking about it, he went to an extremely professional military forum and offered a reward for a question.

"How to develop an island to the highest possible armament point in 15 years. Note: The basic resources of the island include..."

Soon a series of answers were given below - with the basis of this island and the level of foreign trade, within 15 years, you can reach the level of guns and guns in the mid-19th century, and then recruit a modern army capable of trench warfare.

Of course, some people mentioned that many details of the military technology can greatly enhance the combat effectiveness.

After all, it is only three islands competing for hegemony. I am afraid that one battle is enough to consume the potential of a clean war, and there is no need to think about a protracted war. The premise of protracted warfare is that the territory is deep enough to be able to deal with the enemy.

Wen Rensheng has an extraordinary memory and can easily remember these methods.

In a sense, he is now equivalent to bringing his own search engine to travel through...

He contacted the armored puppet again. At this time, the puppet was still waiting at the door, and he could faintly hear a fierce quarrel breaking out inside.

"With only the remaining 15 years, it is natural to implement the strategy of all people being soldiers, so that the greatest strength can be erupted at the end."

"It's important to climb the technology tree. If you can make mushrooms, one will be peaceful!"

"You haven't studied physics in high school, have you? Do you know what the pre-mushroom technology is? Do you understand the gas diffusion method?"

"The most important thing is people's hearts. When people's hearts are scattered, it is impossible to win the battle."

Listening to the noise inside, Wen Rensheng asked the guard for a pen and paper, and began to copy the reward answer he got before.

Anything can be done well only by professionals. There is nothing to say about it. If you want to do things well with only half-understood common sense, you have to take countless detours.

After half an hour, he wrote down the general strategy and asked the guard to hand it in again.

In any case, since he is still on this island, he cannot helplessly lose on his own side.

After the new strategy was handed in, he was immediately taken to a small office to meet with Huang Feng alone.

This is the power of expert opinions. The solutions proposed by the NPCs in the previous scenes were not looked down upon by the other party. Obviously, they knew those methods for a long time, and there are still many problems in implementation.

The strategy he just handed in, but he paid a lot of money to offer a reward. It is an expert with decades of professional research. It can be said that as long as it is slightly adapted to the actual situation, it can be followed after modification.

"Old Tang, where did you get this second plan?" Huang Feng personally raised a cup of tea for Wenren.

"That's when I was patrolling at sea, and I came across a wooden box. After opening the box, I found it." Wen Rensheng said nonsense in a serious manner.

"Could it be an adventure?" Huang Feng was thoughtful.

But he didn't go into it. After all, it couldn't be a scam. The level of professionalism was far beyond his imagination. If the other two opponents had the ability to concoct such a scam, they didn't need to bother at all. can beat him.

"Adventure? It should be the blessing of the ancestors." Wen Rensheng said.

"Well, yes, it should be the blessing of the ancestors, well, because of your hard work for many years, and for the sake of providing this adventure, now I will appoint you as the deputy island owner, and the position is only under the four of us. I The appointment letter will be issued now." Huang Feng said very simply.

"Thank you for the promotion of the island owner." Wen Rensheng cupped his hands.


Three days later, Wen Rensheng, who had just become the deputy island owner and was inspecting the port, suddenly received a shocking and inexplicable news that the island owner Huang had been killed!

According to public information, Huangdao's master Yingming Shenwu was feared by the other two islands, so he sent people to join forces to assassinate him in advance.

how can that be?

If he read it right, the other party is a different species, and the others are ordinary people, how can they easily die in the hands of outsiders?

Huang Feng definitely understood the power of the decapitation tactic, so he would naturally be prepared.

It's a pity that he doesn't know how to predict, so he can't go back and know the truth.

And he is now the lowest ranked deputy island owner, and there is no way to conduct a public investigation, but to check it privately.

On the day of the funeral, the gongs and drums were loud and the suonas blared, and a dozen people walked towards the beach against the coffin.

This is for a sea burial.

He walked with those few players, the deputy island owner, and saw that there was no real sadness on their faces, but all of them showed a little excitement.

Especially Xu Mei, who was wearing white flowers and crying, but there were no tears in her eyes.

There is a problem in it.

He immediately understood that it was the strategy he submitted that killed Huang Feng.

Before Huang Feng was an alien, they had to rely on the other side to win, but after the announcement of the strategy, the other side immediately understood that relying only on those expert opinions was enough to win.

A bunch of short-sighted idiots.

Huang Feng should only be a support-type Xenomorph. He is in his thirties. He is not an Xenogeneic expert. I am afraid that he will be deprived of Xenogeneic in a short time, so he came to the Ocean Cemetery to try his luck and find a chance to break through.

It's a pity that the other party did not expect that the breakthrough would not be successful, but instead it became his cemetery, and he would be killed by a group of ordinary people.

Just a question, where will the other side's alien species be lost in the scene?

Will it be lost forever?

If that's the case, I'm afraid the next step is to prohibit the aliens from going in at will.

In Wen Rensheng's messy thoughts, Huang Feng's funeral was completed.

It is said that once the island owner dies, there will be chaos on the island, but another deputy island owner came to power, and after some preaching, the morale was boosted.

It seems to have triggered the effect of "common hatred".

Wen Rensheng sighed deeply after seeing this scene.

This Huang Feng also has the courage to do things. If he is willing to create an island-wide shareholding system, he can be sure of this.

Unfortunately, just like Chai Rong of the Five Dynasties, just laying the foundation, the middle path collapsed, and the great foundation was cheap for a group of conspirators.

I wanted to help him, but ended up hurting him.

It's really unpredictable.

Another typical infighting plot, Wen Rensheng felt very bored, robbed and robbed, just for that little thing, is it interesting?

Can't you be an honest gentleman like him?

Sure enough, the world needs a perfect person like him to save it.

Wen Rensheng decided that this island owner should be his own, not to fall into the hands of these conspiratorial villains.

After making a decision, he went to the scene NPCs who still had a sense of justice, the colleagues who had called him to solve the new problems on the current island.

As he thought about it, since the NPCs in these scenes were willing to take the initiative to solve the new problems facing the island, they would not be indifferent to watching the island owner die in vain.

He put those people at home.

His home is located on the east side of the island and is a high-end residence.

"Everyone, the island owner is newly mourned, and shouldn't have a party. It's just that the island owner died quite strange..." Wen Rensheng put his suspicions and the winning strategy he gave Huang Feng before, one by one. These scenes NPC said.

It's just that after everyone listened, they all frowned and said nothing.

"I said Lao Tang, it's just stabilized now. If there is another civil strife, wouldn't we be making more mistakes?" Someone shook his head.

"Old Chen, what do you mean?" Wen Rensheng asked back.

"I mean, things are already like this, so let's just make mistakes. According to what you said, those deputy island owners will assassinate the island owner only after knowing the winning strategy you gave. In this case, why do we need more? If something goes wrong, let them follow that strategy and let us enjoy the final victory." The man said it for granted.

Wen Rensheng looked at the others, and everyone lowered their heads or turned their heads, but they didn't look at him.

There is no justice, it is all business.

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