Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 355: The battle between true and false

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When Wen Rensheng saw this, he could only sigh.

He looked at those people and asked for the last time, "You all have the same opinion?"

"This is the end of the matter, Lao Tang, instead of fighting for justice for the dead, it is better to look forward. There is no justice in the struggle of the upper classes?" Another person persuaded.

"Okay, you all go back." Wen Rensheng waved his hand.

A few other people looked at Wen Rensheng, and some couldn't help but say: "You don't want to do that alone, if it makes the situation worse, it will be bad."

"Okay, I have my own opinion." Wen Rensheng no longer wanted to talk to these people.

The others looked at each other in dismay, then retreated one after another.

After a few people left, Wen Rensheng found a few scenes to arrange for his subordinates to do some investigation.


a few days later.

Located thousands of kilometers southeast of Shenzhou Island, there is another big island.

The scene on the island is two points worse than the island of Shenzhou. Whether it is population or infrastructure, there are some gaps.

In a stone main castle on the island.

"Oh, is the owner of Shenzhou Island dead?" A tall white man asked an aboriginal with his head lowered.

The native put his head on the ground and respectfully said: "Yes, the Duke, their island owner, just had a sea burial ceremony. There are rumors that he died at the hands of several other deputy island owners."

"Great, these Shenzhou people just like to fight infighting. Before we take action, they themselves are in chaos!" A squat white man wearing an iron helmet next to him excitedly said.

"Very good, go and confirm again. If it is indeed their island owner who died, we can focus on those incompetent **** first, don't worry about being behind, drive the weakest out of the game and annex them first. Island, so 2:1, there is no doubt that we will win in the end." The so-called Duke said.

"Well, I'll confirm it myself." The iron-helmeted white man said quickly.

The Duke nodded, then sighed: "Shenzhou Geography, surrounded by mountains on three sides and the sea on the other side, happens to be a natural place to live. In ancient times, they had already collected all the surrounding land that could be cultivated in their pockets to achieve great unity. From this point of view, it is far stronger than us. We know our own affairs. John Bull seems to be very powerful. In the end, the colonization for hundreds of years was all in vain. After a piece of land was not assimilated, even three areas within ourselves Can't settle down."

"Yeah, unfortunately, there are disadvantages. The geographical environment determines the national character. The Shenzhou people who are good at farming and fighting are also good at invoking. Because they have no way to expand, they have no choice but to fight within and compete for internal resources. "Someone echoed.

"Yeah, this is our best chance to defeat them. In the past 5 years, they have started to fight internally at the top. Even if their work efficiency is higher than ours, they will fail because of detours." The crowd encouraged.

"Okay, Lord Duke." The others said yes.

What a vision of unity and progress.


Another large island in the northwest of Shenzhou Island, the area is the sum of Shenzhou Island and Caucasian Island.

It was full of low grass houses.

In one of the largest thatched cottages.

"How many wooden boats have you built?" a sturdy black man asked to his men.

"Three hundred boats have been built."

"It's not enough, we have to attack as soon as possible. At most 10 years, they will be able to create muskets. At that time, our physical strength and numerical advantage will be gone." The robust black man rebuked loudly.

"Yeah, compared to farming, we can't compare to Chinese people, compared to technology, we can't compare to white people. We can only defeat them by relying on our own strength and courage." A young black agreed.

"Well, we have defeated white people with muskets many times in history. They are not terrible. Our fighting strength is enough to defeat them, and our courage is better than those of the cowardly Chinese people who only know how to hide behind, Fighting with those aliens is a group of pigs." The robust black man raised the spear in his hand and began to say.

"Are we going to attack the Caucasian Island first, or the Chinese island?" Someone asked.

"I heard that the Shenzhou people have lost their leader and have fallen into civil strife. They will definitely be weak for a period of time. It is too late to climb the technology. Let's attack the White Island first." The robust black people immediately made a decision.

"Wait, isn't it all about picking up soft persimmons? We should go and fight the Shenzhou people first." The young black man just now wondered.

"Idiot, you don't understand. Chinese people like to fight internally, but if foreign enemies come, they will quickly unite together, so we can't stimulate them, but first kill the most threatening white people." Robust Negro reprimanded.

"Understood, I'm going to organize people to build more ships and train more soldiers."

"It's not too bad, let's use spears and bows and arrows to drink the blood of those white ghosts. Historically, they sold us as slaves. This time we will take revenge and make them our slaves too!"

"oh oh!"

The black people below cried out one by one, inexplicably excited.


On Shenzhou Island, as Wen Rensheng collected more and more information, he found that things were not as simple as he originally expected.

If he guessed correctly, Huang Feng should not have died.

Yes, not dead.

During the sea burial before, no one could see his body, only a coffin floated away with the current.

Secondly, those deputy island owners are not fools. Is it really good to kill Huang Feng so early?

Their excitement is indeed like a conspiracy successful expression.

But go a little deeper, this conspiracy can also be Huang Feng's suspended animation to calculate the other two islands.

In the eyes of those outsiders, Shenzhou people are fighting infighting, which is already a label.

However, they forgot that the infighting Shenzhou people established a unified dynasty, the only dynasty with nearly 10 million square kilometers of land since ancient times.

The Europeans who claim to be united are small countries, and they have managed to form an EU, but they are still torn apart.

So on the contrary, Shenzhou people are the easiest to unite, because the cultural background makes them, as long as the common interests and common goals are clearly stated, it is easier for everyone to compromise and tolerate, give up their own rights and interests, for the collective benefit and pay.

There is a lot of evidence. For example, the remaining few deputy island owners did not break out the second round of competition, but quickly decided who was in the top position and who was supporting, and devoted themselves to the implementation of the strategy.

This means that someone is controlling them behind their backs.

If it is really cannibalism and Huang Feng is killed, then the second round of competition will definitely break out.

Because the first person to win has lost legal principles and authority, others will think that since he can usurp the throne, so can he.

This is like Cao Wei replacing Han, and then being replaced by others decades later.

There is also the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the previous life, and the Tianjing Rebellion, which was a series of waves.

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