Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 356: only change

After thinking about it, four words suddenly appeared in Wen Rensheng's mind.

what a hassle...

He suddenly closed his eyes and opened them again.

The whole person shot up from the room.

After five o'clock, the White Island is destroyed.

After ten o'clock, Negro Island, exhausted.

Then the fog came, and the narration of the scene sounded: "Island No. 2 and Island No. 3 were destroyed by a mysterious natural disaster. After 15 years, the island is still deserted... Island No. 1 automatically wins."

When the fog dissipated, Huang Feng, who was hiding in a cave, was eating sugar cane, and was stunned when he saw the prompt.

"This, this wins?"

Not long after, several people hurried over.

"Boss, we won?"

"Brother Feng, we won?"

Several people asked in vain.

"Don't ask me, asking is life." Huang Feng stood up and muttered to himself.

His eyes suddenly blurred, as if he had fallen into an epiphany.

Several other people were surprised and dared not speak again.

I don't know how long ago, the 34-year-old Xenogeneic slowly opened his eyes.

"That's it, I got it."

"You, what have you realized?" Xu Mei asked boldly.

Huang Feng smiled slightly: "Everything that has action is like a dream bubble, like dew and like electricity, and it should be viewed in this way."

After he finished speaking, he was shocked, and his whole body was shrouded in layers of dark brown mist, like Nirvana.

The others looked at each other in dismay, and someone whispered: "Boss Huang, this is a great enlightenment, and you are going to become a monk?"

"Probably so."

"It's a pity, I finally got a gold toothpick."

After an unknown time, the fog on Huang Feng's body dissipated, and he clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Hey, okay, I've been promoted!"

"I've been promoted, and I can only win if I work hard!"

He looked up to the sky and laughed, ran out of the cave, and disappeared immediately.

Everyone was stunned, and no one spoke.

It seems not to be a monk, but to enter the rhythm of Qingshan Rehabilitation Hospital...


The scene slowly disappeared, and the armored puppet stood on the deck of the stolen electronic reconnaissance ship, watching the ship slowly leave the cemetery area.

In its eye sockets, there is light, and it is summarizing the gains. There are no gains on the bright side, but almost all the skills progress has increased.

While counting, there was a sudden sound in my ear.

"I scared the bird to death, I was thinking of getting through the border, but a ruthless man fell from the sky and killed the whole island. Fortunately, I'm just a bird." That was the cry of a budgerigar.

"Wow, woof!" the dog barked, as if expressing serious approval.

Wen Rensheng's heart moved, it seemed that the other two guys were assigned to two other islands.

He followed the sound and found that they were all in the command room.

"Are you all right?" The budgie looked at the armored puppet and didn't seem to recognize it, "Where did you go just now?"

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he immediately understood that it did not recognize his armored puppet.

When he was on the island, he was assigned a new identity and his appearance was reassigned. It was normal that the other party did not recognize him.

"I entered a new scene, and thought the time passed too slowly, so I sped it up a little bit." Wen Rensheng said.

"Uh, it turns out that it was you who caused the disaster that day," the budgerigar opened his mouth, "I thought I was going to lose a precious puppet material this time."

"Wang **** wang!" The golden retriever dog lying on the ground also barked.

"Why doesn't it speak human words yet?" Wen Rensheng wondered.

"Oh, this is a hidden skill to improve puppet manipulation. When manipulating puppets, every detail is imitated to the extreme." The budgie explained.

"I see." Wen Rensheng nodded.

The budgerigar said to the golden retriever, "Okay, let's go on sailing now, and leave this weird place quickly. I almost died there. I don't have much power as a puppet."

The big dog wagged its tail, ran out of the command room, and ran towards the cockpit.

The budgerigar just wanted to say something, and suddenly said: "Wait, so, all the participating characters on the other two islands, that is, the people outside, have all been killed by you? They are all ordinary people. "

"What about ordinary people? If I was also an ordinary person, would they let me go in that kind of war?" Wen Rensheng said indifferently, "Since you choose to enter the battlefield voluntarily, some will die among your opponents. consciousness."

The budgerigar was silent.

Before, it wanted Wen Rensheng to kill the crew of the photoelectric reconnaissance ship, but the other party firmly refused, and even wasted a few hours in letting those crew members go.

It thinks that the other party is weak-hearted, but in the battlefield just now, the other party can kill all those enemies without hesitation.

You must know that most of those opponents are illusions, and there are real people involved.

The other party is not weak, but has strong principles.

Wen Rensheng didn't speak, just watched the electronic reconnaissance ship speed up and leave.

However, the budgerigar obviously couldn't be idle, and it was whispering in Wen Rensheng's ear: "The scene just now, it's really interesting to think about it now, those mortals have tossed for a long time, and they were finally solved by you. It's a pity. Ah, it can only be done from scratch, if people give you a 20th century foundation, you can't."

"Hey, I really miss the time when mortals were hanged hundreds of years ago. Our ancestors should restrict the development of technology and keep it before the age of muskets."

Sure enough, it is the thinking of the The weak will only think that everything will remain the same, but will not know that the world is changing. Only those who embrace change are the real strong.

The Manchus thought so, so they rolled back all the firearms technology that had been developed in the Ming Dynasty, in order to prevent their rule from becoming unstable due to the great development of firearms.

Wen Rensheng shook his head and said, "Technology cannot be imprisoned. You imprisoned your own technology. There are other forces on the earth. When they develop, they will hang us."

"Then imprison them together." The budgerigar said of course.

"What if there are Martians?" Wen Rensheng asked rhetorically.

"I hate you guys who talk about aliens most of the time. Anything is pushed to aliens." The budgerigar said irritably.

"Aliens may or may not exist, but the mysterious world is real. If you don't develop technology, it means you have cut off your other leg, and it's a leg that you can really control." Wen People are disdainful.

The budgerigar was speechless, and it took a long time to say: "I'll just say it casually, you really know how to raise a bar."

"It's not a bullshit, it's the truth. To be clever is to bring about your own demise. Instead of following the laws of change, you want to suppress changes by force, and eventually reap the consequences." Wen Rensheng said in a persuasive tone.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. Do you want to gain more power and be able to do the same thing as the previous scene in this era?" The budgerigar whispered.

"I don't want to." Wen Rensheng shook his head.


"Because every time I hear someone talk to me like this, it reminds me of the 100,000 yuan that was cheated out of me back then." Wen Rensheng said indifferently.

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