Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 369: blood fog

Two days later, Wen Rensheng controlled the armored puppet and set off again with Yan Ze and others.

And the departure destination is the Ocean Cemetery that he left a month ago.

These days, he has long strictly forbidden those around him to take risks there.

The last time he came back without incident was the result of a lot of preparations.

If the people around you pass by themselves, there is a high possibility of being trapped to death.

What made him most satisfied was that, relying on the great teaching and academics, there was no legendary Tou Tiewa around him.

The more you persuade that kind of person, the more he fights against you. In the end, he will cause trouble, and you will have to take the blame.

This time, Yan Ze shrank back, not knowing where to hide.

The only ones who showed up were him and the parrot, and by the way, there was a dog that was sailing the boat, the one from last time.

Or the three of them, driving a ship with a very long endurance, sailing at the forefront.

There was also a blood bottle tied to the parrot's foot, and Mu Chengen didn't show up directly.

Everyone is afraid of death, this is very real, there is nothing to laugh at.

Wen Rensheng was bored, so he chatted with the parrot: "Who is that dog, and why does it follow you every time?"

"He's my nephew, why do you think he's following me?" the budgerigar said of course.

"It seems that in our line of work, the people around you are the most trusted." Wen Rensheng said deeply.

"That's not true, we are a group of tomb robbers. Only blood relations can be more reliable. That's it, when we go to the tomb, our sons go down, and the father is on top." The budgerigar sighed.

Tomb robber?

Wen Rensheng heard this statement for the first time. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was very reasonable.

Isn't it?

The mysterious world is a big tomb, eerie and mysterious.

The aliens are equivalent to thieves who have obtained tomb robbery tools, go deep into it, and steal the treasures in it.

They are driven by, and make use of, aliens.

It is difficult for them to fully believe in those concepts, and all they can believe is the natural blood relationship.

One person and one bird, chatting while sitting on the boat.

I don't know how long it took, Wen Rensheng once again saw the misty sea in the distance - the Ocean Cemetery.

Wen Rensheng was not excited about revisiting his hometown.

He knew it would be a normalized existence, just like those big cities in the country.

If he is still excited about which big city he is going to now, I am afraid Wu Shanshan will be surprised that he has changed people...

Not long after it got close, there was a faint sound of fighting and shouting in the ear.

"I really don't know what's going on inside, why don't you go in and have a look?" The parrot urged Wen Rensheng.

At this moment, the ship had stopped, and the golden retriever also ran up to the deck and looked at the misty sea in front of him.

"I'm fine, why should I go?" Wen Rensheng asked back.

"Isn't it a waste of your strength if you don't go in?" Parrot plausibly said, "We have to wait here for a few days, and we will only act when there are signs of trouble, and if we are idle, we will be idle."

"Then if I go in and a strange sign suddenly appears, wouldn't that ruin the plan?" Wen Rensheng objected.

"Don't worry, you go and come back quickly, I'm sure you won't waste time." The budgerigar assured.

Wen Rensheng was a little surprised, this parrot is very cunning, there must be another purpose for doing this.

So he just didn't go.

"No, I'm a well-behaved person. The plan I made is unnecessary and I won't go against it." Wen Rensheng refused.

The budgie was speechless for a while, it was really kind just now, and wanted Wen Rensheng to get some extra benefits, thereby bringing the relationship between the two parties closer.

Of course, in the end, the purpose is bad. After the relationship is close, it will gradually drag the other party into the water.

But now the other party doesn't eat this set at all, which is embarrassing.

However, people are most afraid of environmental contamination. The other party is now following them to do these border things, and they are also eating human blood steamed buns. Sooner or later, they will really go into the water and join them.

Xenomorphs are rare, there are even fewer Xenogeneic experts, and genius Xenogeneic experts are even rarer.

So the other party is worth the effort it spends.

Including Mu Chengen, it is just a prop, a prop used to show it and its humanity.


What the parrot said was right. Two days later, the strange sign appeared.

But Wen Rensheng didn't think it was a waste of time. Anyway, he used a puppet, and most of the time was on standby.

At this time, he looked at a large blood mist in the distance, which suddenly spread out.

This omen is too obvious.

Even if he is blind, he can know.

The blood shone into the sky, the mourning was everywhere, the smell was pungent, and the cold wind was blowing.

"This, this is a mysterious sight that only appears after millions of people have died!" The budgerigar was stunned.

"Listen to this, have you seen it before?" Wen Rensheng's heart moved.

"Of course I have seen it. It was an outing for support. The local organization was ineffective, and the natives were very stubborn. I was afraid that after leaving, the things at home would belong to someone else. How could they not leave, and the mysterious typhoon swept over the city, and the whole city died. A small half... it's terrible, and a different species appeared afterwards." The budgie sighed.

"Sacrificing people's lives, can a different species appear?" Wen Rensheng frowned rarely.

Those from the aristocratic family, the lower limit is really beyond his imagination.

In any case, he couldn't do it himself.

Just with his position and identity, there is no way to stop this. He even relies on the information of the Sovereign Society when the other party appears and when he does things.

No wonder Yan Ze's words were was only talking about robbery, but not the specific process of the generation of the alien species.

He thought it was just sending two waves of people, and then fighting, and finally the scene gave the harvest.

Unexpectedly, the real process turned out to be sacrifice.

"Why, you don't like it?" the budgerigar laughed.

"Of course, no matter who that person is, after all, they are all human beings. They fight voluntarily for their own interests, take responsibility for themselves, and sacrifice innocent people. It's not appropriate." Wen Rensheng said sternly.

Of course, the other party couldn't see his face, only an expressionless puppet.

"Fool, strength is strength. In order to gain strength, what about millions of people? Not to mention that they are not their own," the budgerigar said with disdain. "If you don't have strength, people can exterminate you!"

Wen Rensheng was silent, there was nothing wrong with the other party's words, because in the previous life, Shenzhou almost disappeared.

Fortunately, the current situation and the **** struggle of the aspirants finally broke free from the blood sea hell.

It's a pity that people's forgetfulness is too great, and the memory of the sea of ​​​​blood disappears for only a few decades. After only two generations, they don't remember them at all, and they even recognize the thief as their father.

The budgerigar was secretly proud, and finally calmed the kid.

It seems that sooner or later he will be drawn over, because this guy is not one of those real gentlemen.

"There are some things that can't be done. Power can be obtained through other means. The consequences of doing so, today is someone else, tomorrow may be one's own." Wen Rensheng replied indifferently.

"So if someone restrains them, we also have a bottom line, at least we can distinguish the difference between inside and outside." Budgerigar replied.

Wen Rensheng stopped arguing, the matter had come to this point, he could only let those people's plans fail and grab the alien species.

So he passed the armor puppet and stared at the change of the blood mist.

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