Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 370: the key to success

"Be careful, there are others!" The parrot suddenly pointed to the sea not far away and reminded.

Wen Rensheng followed the pointer and saw a faintly visible periscope, revealing half of it.

And farther away, there was another submarine, which surfaced directly and slowly.

It seemed that there was too much movement, which alarmed the hyenas who were watching and lurking around.

Everyone is making wishful thinking, and they all want the oriole to be behind, but it is not known who will kill the deer.

He was faintly excited.

After accumulating for so long, it's time to see the limit of your own strength.

I used to be in the country before, and I had to be **** in everything I did, lest I ruin the flowers and plants.

This is on top of the ocean, and since we come here to fight, the casualties will be settled.

Wen Rensheng contacted the alien species, and poured a large amount of alien power into the armored puppet through the connection of the mysterious world.

I saw the armored puppet at this time, shining brightly all over, like a Taoist monk.

The budgerigar next to him was shocked, and it looked at the armored puppet with burning eyes.

It's really good-looking, but it doesn't have the power of a grandmaster, but also has the air of a grandmaster...

It suddenly felt a little more confident.

It's not easy to grab food from a tiger's mouth, not to mention the hyenas that surround it?

It hurriedly said: "Listen to my command for a while. If I say it, you can do it again, it will not work if it is too early or too late."

"Understood, you have experience." Wen Rensheng said lightly.

The budgerigar held back this time, after all, it was the uncle who had the strength.

It stared at the changes in the blood mist with one eye, and the movement around it with the other.

I don't know how long ago, in that large blood fog, a sudden flash of light appeared.

"Okay, the time has come! Come on, Old Tang!" The parrot waved his wings and threw the blood bottle on his leg to the other side.

Wen Rensheng immediately controlled the armored puppet, grabbed it, and jumped out of the deck.

Tread water.

Straight to blood.

"Follow up!"

Someone shouted again.

I saw two speedboats sprinting from two other directions at the same time!

The budgerigar immediately turned to look, and saw three combat powers standing on each speedboat, all of them mysterious puppets with different shapes.

Everyone is not stupid, the competition pressure is a bit high...

It thinks like this, whether it wins or loses depends on this hammer deal.

Then it saw that the speed of the two speedboats could not catch up with Old Tang who was only one step ahead.

The opponent's true strength far exceeded its expectations.

This guy, in addition to the mysterious healing technique, also has such high attainments in the field of combat?

Wait, healing is actually a part of the combat field.

Immediately, the two speedboats rushed into the blood mist following the armored puppet.

Then it heard the sound of fighting and screaming one after another.

"Spare me once, I won't rob me!" A blunt Chinese voice came out.

"Looking up and not looking down, it's no good for you to kill me!"

A begging for mercy sounded.

Budgies certainly know why they beg for mercy.

Anyway, it's not your own face that you lose. It's not easy to make a puppet that has combat power and flexibility. It often takes a long time and a lot of money. If you beg for mercy, you can avoid losses, let alone beg for mercy, no matter how much. Conditions will also agree.

I don't know how to choose Lao Tang?

Probably will forgive each other, right?

It thought so.

Then I heard "crackling" again, like tearing down a house.

"Damn, since you won't let us have a better life, don't think about it, shoot me!"

Then there were two torpedoes, plus three missiles, which were fired at the blood mist from the submarine in the distance!

The budgerigar was stunned for a moment, and finally managed to react, and quickly let his dog nephew drive away.

Fortunately, the two submarines have not yet made it a target for this broken ship.

The budgies kept their eyes on the torpedoes and missiles as the ship moved away.

Under its powerful vision and induction, the three missiles were the first to break into the blood mist.

It was suddenly worried, such a powerful missile, the flesh and blood of the body, was untouchable.

Even if it was the armored puppet, if it was hit, even if it wasn't in the middle, its sturdy body would probably be the same as a tank, with the only difference being that it was broken into pieces.

However, in the next moment, those missiles were in the blood fog, quickly incapacitated, and then disintegrated and collapsed, just like Baixue encountered flames!

"This, isn't this the day we dreamed of!" The budgerigar couldn't help but exclaimed.

It's voice scared the golden retriever all over to see if there was something wrong with its uncle.

Then the torpedo that passed through the sea encountered a more tragic end.

As soon as it approached the blood mist, it quickly disintegrated and turned into a group of bubbles!

The budgerigar's eyes widened, excited and shocked.

What they always wanted to do, the key to success turned out to be here!

The reason why the status of the aliens has declined is because of the rapidly developing gunpowder weapons, the threat increases step by step, and finally ends everything with mushrooms, allowing the aliens to completely withdraw from the battlefield of frontal confrontation.

It takes decades to cultivate and find a xenogeneic person, and the total amount is only a few hundred thousand, while the total amount of mushrooms has exceeded ten thousand, and it can even be increased at any time.

At this time, in this blood fog environment, only aliens can enter, and those physical weapons are directly rejected!

If, if this blood fog spreads to a wider area, doesn't that mean the situation will be reversed?

As for what it will cause life to suffer, it doesn't care.

What is the charcoal of life?

All it wants is to be happy!

Anyway, human beings are very forgetful, and when the time comes to change history or something, after a few hundred those ordinary people will naturally accept it.

While thinking about it happily, the budgerigar then saw the blood mist, the light flashed again and again, and then a figure came out!

It looked carefully, and it was the armored puppet that came out.

I saw the other party dragging blood light, coming from the sky, like a demon descending.

This made it shrink back.

It seems that if it really becomes the situation it thought before, it may not be able to get a lot of light?

Not necessarily better than the current situation.

It couldn't help but turn the thought away, then annihilated.

complex people.

Wen Rensheng appeared with a blood-colored oval seed, and when he arrived on the deck, he threw it directly to the budgerigar, discarding it like a shoe.

This kind of thing full of human blood, he will not want.

He is a holy character and would not want such a **** thing.

"It's so easy to get it?" The budgerigar stretched out its claws and held it, excited and fortunate at the same time, and quickly ordered the big dog on the side, "Go and sail."

Then its wings vibrated, creating a thick fog that obscured the shape of the boat.

For some reason, the two submarines did not take this opportunity to attack the ship.

Probably out of fear of revenge...

The one who died just now was just a puppet. If you fight again, it will be a real person who died.

So the ship left quickly.

Wen Rensheng asked the armored puppet to find a cabin to rest and quit the control.

The short burst just now was really exhausting.

That was the first time he used all his strength.

The effect is astonishing.

6 opponents of the same level nominally, completely vulnerable.

Slow, unresponsive, and low resistance.

If he is a space knight, the opponent is the mass-produced Zaku.

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