Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 371: coagulation principle

The ship left quickly.

The budgerigar held the blood-colored alien and looked left and right.

This is a different species. It was found in the country that the ownership belongs to the Inspection Division, and individuals only have the right to use.

If it is brought from abroad, it has ownership, but it cannot be traded abroad.

This is alien control.

In other words, this xenogeneic basically determines the appearance of an over-age xenogeneic expert. Unless Mu Chengen is really an idiot, otherwise, a hundred years of grinding skills can also become an expert.

At the same time, after Wen Rensheng rested, he connected the armored puppet again, and he was also checking some things in that cabin.

Don't forget, his puppet is armor, and the inside of the armor is hollow...

That is, many things can be stored without being seen from the outside.

The essence of the six puppets of the same level was dismantled by him, packed in the armor, and carried out.

Bringing them all out is too cumbersome and unnecessary.

Now the puppet material is rising day by day, which has doubled from a year ago.

Xenogeneic people are rich, and the fate of rich is that they are more likely to pay a premium. If something is expensive, the price will go up.

Wen Rensheng checked one by one.

The first is a pair of tiger bones, which is the body of a tiger puppet just now.

Tigers are said to be the most melee-combat creatures on Earth without the use of extra tools.

Obviously, it's just a younger brother, and it was ripped off by himself.

The second is a gem, which was dug up from a puppet, and the other parts are some ordinary filling materials.

There are also other items.

A rough estimate, according to the current market price, is worth at least one billion.

Sure enough, the cannon rang, and the gold was ten thousand taels.

The gains from winning this battle will exceed the last dividend.

Just thinking about it, a voice suddenly sounded in my ear: "You have gained a lot, no wonder you came here to take a peek."

It turned out that the parrot didn't know when, got into the cabin where he was resting.

"No matter how much you gain, you still have to give the dividends you should give." Wen Rensheng said lightly.

"Don't worry, this time things went so well, why wouldn't I give it?" The budgerigar said in a big way.

Wen Rensheng asked back: "Oh, they lost this alien, will they stop there?"

"Anyway, they don't know who did it. Besides, if we find out, will we be afraid of him? This matter can't be brought to the table, so it can only be done by means." Budgerigar said indifferently.

"I hope so." Wen Rensheng didn't think his opponent would give up.

Wasted the lives of millions of people, just handed it over like this?

How is it possible, who would be willing to do so?

Decisively, the ship did not travel too far, and there was the whistling sound of a plane in the air.

It was a fighter jet, flying very low, almost close to the sea, at a height of about forty or fifty meters.

It brushed past the ship and then came back, hovering just above.

Not long after, the golden retriever came over and brought a telegram. It turned out that the radio room on the ship had just received a clear telegram.

"Give it back, or we'll attack next time!"

Wen Rensheng looked at the parrot.

Now let's see what it does.

What happened next quickly stunned him.

I saw the budgerigar fluttering its wings, then got out of the window, and flew away!

The speed of the flight is still very fast, it is close to the sea, and its eyes are not good, and it can't be seen at all.

"Stupid, I can fly too." Not only did it fly away, but it also left a sentence triumphantly.

Wen Rensheng shouted in surprise, "You don't want your nephew anymore?"

"Good reminder, I also forgot to tell you one thing. To rob a tomb, you must have the consciousness of sacrificing your loved ones!"

The golden retriever screamed at the window with a "woo woo", expressing the pain of being abandoned.

"Uh, you don't speak at this time?" Wen Rensheng admired very much.

The golden retriever bowed his head and sat down, resigned to his fate.

But looking from the window, Wen Rensheng immediately noticed the plane and chased the parrot away, leaving the ship behind.

Uh, is that parrot just hard-mouthed, but is actually very loyal?

Admired, one person led the plane away.

"Okay, dog, let's go on a boat and take advantage of your uncle to lead the enemy away." Wen Rensheng ordered.

The ship moved on.

After a few days, he finally returned to the secret port.

Wen Rensheng saw the budgerigar again.

"How did you escape that plane?" he asked curiously.

"That's not easy. Create some fog, then dive into the water, and back and forth a few times, and it can't be found." The budgerigar said proudly.

"It's really hard for you." Wen Rensheng said sincerely.

He knew that it was not that simple. Since the other party created a different species, could he not have some tracking methods?

At this time, Yan Ze came over.

"It's really gratifying for the three to win the battle." He cupped his hands.

"Okay, where's my son?" said the budgerigar impatiently.

"Ling Lang..." Yan Ze was also a little weird, he obviously picked it up, but was he really regarded as his own?

"What's wrong with him?" the budgerigar asked nervously.

Yan Ze shook his head and said, "He's fine, he's eating, and there's still a lot to eat."

Then he called Mu Chengen out.

The budgerigar immediately took out the alien and let the other party activate it.

And Mu Chengen followed its instructions and took the alien in his hand. It didn't take long for the alien to bleed again on the blood-colored outer skin, and then slowly merged into the other's chest.

This is the activation of xenogeneic, bland and unremarkable.

But I don't know how many people will envy this blandness...

Seeing this scene, Wen Rensheng had to believe that it would be a blessing if he survived the catastrophe.

The other party's luck is all exchanged by himself. Originally, this guy was going to be drowned.

This guy doesn't know how to be grateful either...

No way, after all, after he came back to life, he became an idiot, and no one can expect a baby to be grateful to his parents.

Seeing this, the budgie said to Wen Rensheng: "Thanks to you this time, without your unparalleled combat power, it is not so easy to get it."

"It doesn't need to be said in advance. If you really want to thank me, just answer a few questions for me." Wen Rensheng took the opportunity to say.

"Go ahead, I will answer naturally if I can."

"You obviously know more about that cemetery than I do. I want to ask, how did it use the innocent lives of millions of people to condense it into a different species?" Wen Rensheng said directly.

The budgerigar was silent for a while, and then said: "I can only say what I know - the lives of millions of people, it is just an introduction. It has no meaning in itself. In fact, even if humans die tens of millions, it is useless. In the end it's just fertile soil."

"The real meaning of it is to stimulate the mysterious world, and then condense a different species from it, which is suitable for the blood of the last person. This phenomenon has been discovered long ago, but no one has ever been able to use it successfully. Unexpectedly, the cemetery turned out be able to do that.”

Wen Rensheng was silent. Listening to the other party's tone, you know that in the seemingly happy history of this world, there have been many unknown tragedies.

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