Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 398: follow the rules

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After Wen Rensheng received Zhao Han's call, he thought about it and allowed it.

The grass grows into a big tree, and the chicks become eagles. It is impossible not to go out to see the wind and rain.

Of course, he still called the local inspection department to remind them that there were newcomers and xenomorphs passing by and taking care of them secretly.

After giving the order, Wen Rensheng left the matter behind.

Until two days later, a prompt appeared in his mind:

"Fantasies of ancient paintings: 400-year-old ancient paintings were originally ordinary antiques, but because they stood on the wind, they soared into the sky."


"Mysterious composition:???"

Wen Rensheng is no longer so excited when he sees the three question marks incident. After all, he has seen a lot.

Now he knows that as long as it involves some mysterious things that cannot be solved temporarily, there are likely to be three question marks.

But since this kind of prompt appeared, it is obvious that Wang Wenwen and Zhao Han brought the fat baby to her hometown. What is this called?

Bringing a baby back from the college entrance examination, giving parents a surprise?

I am afraid that the kind man of Father Zhao should be shocked, not happy.

As for the purpose of bringing the past, needless to say, it must be Wang Wenwen's idea. After all, it is his own puppet, and there are many strange things.

However, the other party unintentionally complied with his request.

It's a pity that although the puppet can help him trigger mysterious events, he must put a little bit of heart on it in order to communicate through different species.

Therefore, it cannot be manufactured indefinitely, otherwise, it is just a simple toy and cannot have any function.

Every additional puppet that is connected to the heart is equivalent to an additional burden on the soul.

His puppet technique is close to the master level, so he can only create three of them, and he can control them at any time.


In a small and prosperous northern town somewhere, the familiar local accent echoed in Zhao Han's ears.

But now she would rather not hear these accents.

The villagers have never been connected with simplicity. In order to survive, they have accumulated a wealth of wisdom in thousands of years.

The girl of the Zhao family went to the provincial capital to study, and was still a key middle school. The second child of the Zhao family was a big man in the provincial capital.

Now that Zhao Han is going home, how can he still go back and forth?

After going back and forth, someone knew from the parents of the Zhao family that they wanted their daughter to help find ancient paintings.

Among the neighbors, this matter is completely kept secret.

The Wang family is a big clan in the town, and they can mediate their family affairs. Except for the police station, only the Zhao family has developed in recent years...

So someone wanted the Zhao family to preside over justice, which was also one of the motives for Father Zhao to intervene in this matter. Otherwise, even if he had the intention to mediate, it would not be easy to intervene rashly.

"Dani Zhao, that painting must have been secretly sold by the old master. His family is the most stingy and the most greedy for money. I went to the county town to buy clothes the day before yesterday, and I heard the wind. Now antiques are skyrocketing, especially calligraphy and painting, two or three. More than a hundred years, often a million." An old sister-in-law nagged in the living room.

"Uh, I'll check it out, thank the fifth sister-in-law for the information." Zhao Han sighed slightly and said with a strong spirit.

"Well, it's the old man. The day before the painting was lost, his family was responsible for cleaning the ancestral hall." The fifth sister-in-law of the Wang family emphasized again.

Zhao Han glanced at Wang Wenwen, who was hiding in his bedroom and playing with his baby. He was very envious.

After a lot of tossing, just asking a person, let her delay an afternoon, and talk about it, talk about it, and even give her a blind date...

The blind date is still a distant nephew of the other party. I heard that he has just graduated from college.

After sending off the fifth sister-in-law, she walked back to the bedroom and found that the fat baby was learning pinyin by herself, and Wang Wenwen was playing games.

"It's so easy for you to bring a baby... No need to breastfeed, no need to urinate, no noise, no wonder you're willing to bring it out." Zhao Han envied.

"Envy, if you are envious, you will get one in the future." Wang Wenwen casually urged.

"Forget it, let me ask you, why is there a sudden surge in antiques? Ordinarily, after someone with a heart knows the wind, they should block the news, buy it secretly, and then hoard it?" Zhao Han asked.

This was the first strangeness she discovered about the disappearance of ancient paintings.

"You're right, if something goes wrong, it will be strange. You don't want to look inside China, you want to see the whole world. Other places don't want us to feel better. They deliberately leaked news and increased the acquisition cost of the inspection department. It is equivalent to weakening their power." Wang Wenwen could easily guess a big possibility.

"Then this matter is really not very simple. It seems that it involves the world." Zhao Han was a little scared.

"When you first came, you didn't make a prediction, but there was insufficient information to give an accurate result. Now that you have investigated so much, you should be able to predict the thief, right?" Wang Wenwen raised his head.

"Well, let's clean it up again. The Wang family has five large branches, and the ancient paintings are enshrined in the ancestral hall. The ancestral hall is staffed by five branches, who take turns to guard and clean it every day. It is difficult for outsiders to enter, and most people do not know the ancient paintings. History and value are known only to those who are familiar."

"Secondly, the wind of the antiques rising just appeared, and someone started in time, which means that this person is very familiar with this painting, he often sees it, knows its location, and knows how to start. There is no need to wait and step on the spot. Possibly an insider."

"There are many suspects, but they are basically the adults of Wang's family, or those who were at home recently. The local police station has conducted investigations and gave us a lot of investigation materials. The three most suspected people are Wang's boss, Wang's second sister-in-law, and Huan. There is the husband of the fifth sister-in-law who just came to us to provide information, Wang Laowu."

"Others are either away from home these days, have made a fortune, or have a cautious temperament and won't risk ruining their reputation by doing it rashly."

"There is also the environment of the ancestral hall. We also went to see it. The scene was very messy, and there were not many useful traces extracted from the preserved environment. The most useful thing was to extract more than a dozen fingerprints on the wall where the paintings were hung. Some It is old and can be directly ruled out, and some are fresh, which are the three suspects."

Zhao Han said here and stopped.

"Well, the information is very sufficient, you can start predicting," Wang Wenwen nodded, "choose one of three, it is very easy."

"I hope so." Zhao Han said this, and then activated the seed of narration.

"Ding Dong, it's a pity that none of them were hit."

"Bastard, can't you be more serious?" Zhao Han said with a headache.

"Stupid Zhao Han, I never imagined that the investigations and guesses she made with all her might were completely different."

"..." Zhao Han was speechless.

When she heard, she suddenly messed up her short hair: "No, why not? Obviously I didn't do anything wrong? I'm doing the investigation according to the rules, why can't I find the truth?"

"Calm down, many unsolved cases are also being investigated according to the rules, and finally become unsolved cases." Wang Wenwen quickly comforted.

"But there is no unsolved case in the hands of the teacher, and every case must be solved." Zhao Han muttered.

"How dare you compare with him... You don't even know who he is." Wang Wenwen shook his head.

Among these people around, she asked herself that she could see Wen Rensheng the most clearly. The peak of this person in the future must be beyond the clouds. Anyway, it is not something she can see.

Because the potential of the other party is too deep, she has never seen the real bottom line of the other party.

And the other party always has a kind of self-confidence that seems to be able to sweep everything away. No matter how big the difficulty is, it seems difficult to others, but he will never feel hopeless.

This kind of people, in history, as long as they don't die, they are all people with great achievements.

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