Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 399: doll and gecko

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Zhao Han had to be patient.

Fortunately, the prediction just now is also very useful, at least it said that her previous work was wrong.

Reasoning is the process of continuous elimination and trial and error, and finally arrives at the only truth.

"The prophecy said that our judgments just now were completely different. That means, in fact, this matter was done by outsiders? But it is very unreasonable. As soon as the wind started, outsiders were staring at this rural town?" Zhao Han frowned.

When Wang Wenwen heard this, he held his chin and said, "Your judgments are quite satisfactory. Since the prophecy says that the opposite is true, it is probably the exclusion method you used just now. There is a problem. You said that the rich can rule out suspicion, but the rich used to Don't care, there's no need to get a bad reputation for millions, but it's different now..."

"Ah, that's true! I forgot that ancient paintings can be exchanged for mysterious things!" Zhao Han clapped his hands.

At this time, the narrator's seed gave a timely affirmation: "Three cobblers, the top one is Zhuge Liang."

Sure enough.

The fat doll learns to clap with a smile on his face.

"Haha, is it okay? Anyway, I have also been systematically trained." Wang Wenwen said very proudly.

Zhao Han immediately rearranged the list of suspects. At this time, a person who had long been excluded from suspicion appeared in his sight.

Wang Fazhang, the third oldest, made a fortune seven or eight years ago, and his family moved from the town to the county town.

Her uncle also invited her family to live in the provincial capital in the early years. It was her father who was thin-skinned and didn't want to have a reputation for being flamboyant, so he refused, but he did not reject Mr. Zhao's arrangement for her.

Obviously, her father was very clear-headed and could not delay his daughter's future for his own reputation and face.

The county town was actually separated from the town by a river, but it was this river that subconsciously made her think that the other party was far away.

Coupled with the belief that the other party could not possibly ruin his reputation for an ancient painting that suddenly valued millions, the other party was excluded from suspicion and listed as the final reconnaissance target.

Thinking of this, she suddenly understood how many unsolved cases came about. The reality is a very open environment. Countless suspects must be arranged in order and eliminated one by one. If the real culprit is placed at the end and the time is too long, it will give the other party sufficient time to eliminate traces and evidence, and it will be even more difficult to identify the other party at that time.

Unless the use of mysterious power.

"Okay, we can now investigate that Wang Fazhang. If he gets the ancient painting, there will definitely be flaws." Zhao Han said excitedly.

"No, have you forgotten that he couldn't be directly specified in the two prophecies, which means that this person must be a little weird, and we have to be careful." Wang Wenwen shook his head.

"Oh, I forgot again, what should I do? The teacher taught puppet art, but we haven't practiced it yet." Zhao Han said with a headache.

"Isn't this ready-made?" Wang Wenwen pointed at the doll crawling on the bed.

Seeing this, the fat doll looked at her innocently, as if to say, do you want to use such a small child? This is not child labor, it is baby labor.

"Uh, he's still so young, can't he?" Zhao Han still has a conscience, and of course he can't bear to use such a young child to do things.

"Why not, someone else's child is already famous all over the country at the age of 7 and is a famous detective. Now that he is half a year old, he can start to develop his investigative ability." Wang Wenwen said seriously.

Zhao Han muttered softly: "Understood, no wonder everyone says that he always grows into the person he hates the most."

Wang Wenwen doesn't care about this, this puppet has an extraordinary foundation and can't be regarded as an ordinary child at all. This is a gourd baby, the kind that can save grandpa from beating goblins as soon as it is born.

"Come on, chubby, show your aunt what you can do, jump to the ceiling first, and hide..."

She gave orders.

Although the fat doll was reluctant, he jumped slightly, and then the whole body was upside down on the ceiling.

Zhao Han raised his head subconsciously, but was startled.

I saw only a common gecko on the ceiling, where is there a doll?

"He ran, where did he run?"

"That shelter is it. It is naturally good at camouflage, and the chameleon plus the mysterious power has an expert-level concealment from the beginning." Wang Wenwen has already figured out this doll for a long time these days.

"Alright then, let it be dispatched." Although Zhao Han couldn't bear it, but now it seems that he is a rookie.

Then Wang Wenwen gave another order, and the gecko quickly crawled away.

"It's amazing, isn't there a volume collision?" Zhao Han asked in surprise.

"What you saw before is not its real body. How do you know it is so big? It is just a disguise. Of course, it can deceive your five senses, and it is no different from the real thing. I heard that this kind of concealment has reached the master. It can even change the body shape at will, and the entity can be blurred and changed as desired." Wang Wenwen explained.

"Oh, that's it, then we just wait like this?" Zhao Han looked at the direction where the gecko left.

"Of course not," Wang Wenwen stretched out his hand to paint. "We can see what the puppet sees through the illusion technique. After all, I have established a deep connection with it."

Zhao Han took a serious look, and after a while, an image appeared out of thin air.

This is the study room of a wealthy family.

A wealthy middle-aged man was talking to a man wearing a big mask.

On the desk, there is a picture scroll, and that picture scroll is the missing thing that Zhao Han has seen hundreds of times.

"I got the things for you. This painting is four hundred years old, and it should be enough to be used as an experiment." The rich man said.

"Yes, you will be rewarded accordingly." The masked man glanced at the ancient painting, which showed an old man with a white beard, which seemed to be a Western-style portrait.

"That, can I really become a xenogeneic?" The rich man said in surprise.

"If the experiment is there is a possibility," the mask man said casually, putting away the ancient paintings, "However, you have to continue to collect, we need more antiques, and they don't need to be too expensive. , as long as the age is long enough, remember to handcraft."

"Okay, I will continue to collect, but now the wind has changed. If I collected it a few years earlier, I could get it with a little money. Now it can easily cost millions. If you can predict it, you will make a lot of money." The rich man felt a little regretful.

"Hmph, prophecy is not omnipotent." The masked man said disdainfully, and when he said this, he suddenly glanced out of the window, and it turned out that a gecko had crawled on the window.

So disgusting.

Thinking like this, he stretched out his hand and waved, and a white light flew out from the palm of his hand.

The glass shattered, and the gecko fell to the ground, then quickly crawled away.

"It's just a gecko, isn't it necessary?" The rich man was a little dissatisfied. The broken windows had to be repaired, and it would cost thousands of dollars to rebuild.

He didn't want the money.

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