Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1469: Eye of the Canyon


The canyon fortress below is suffering from a catastrophe.

Above the sky, Ronald, who was maintaining a floating state, was admiring the spell that Nicole had just cast.

"I thought that you would devote yourself to the study of runes after getting two sets of runes. But I didn't expect that while taking into account the development of new skills, your original spells would continue to deepen and become stronger."

"Nicole, it's really you!"

Ronald's emotion came from the heart.

Just now, when he brought Nicole and Costa to the top of the canyon fortress.

Through the detection of multiple spells such as terrain and human perception, they have confirmed that there is indeed a caster of the Nine Commandments Secret Society hidden here, and Ronald is also preparing to take action himself, attacking here as always.

But before Ronald did it.

Nicole took the first step to respond, showing her strength as an ace investigator and also as a true top-level code holder!

The girl took out a few seeds from her pocket.

After carefully carving a string of runes, she threw the seeds downward.

The moment of contact with the soil.

Huge vitality erupted from these tree species, and the seeds transformed and blessed by runes grew rapidly like pea sprouts in fairy tales, and spread their roots deeply downward.

Ordinary plants absorb the water in nature and the nutrients in the soil, and grow slowly under the sunshine.

But the seeds that Nicole dropped completely violated this common sense.

This kind of plant uses magic power as its entire energy source for growth, and it has completely broken through its own growth limit. Especially with the support of Nicole's generous magic power, these fast-growing plants devouring magic power soon completely covered the east side of the canyon, and continued to spread to the soil below.

The thick and powerful roots are bound to each other, the earth and rocks are cracked under the force of life, and the latter two are crowded with each other without distinguishing each other.

Now look far away.

The east side of the canyon does not look like a cliff, but like a handful of taro just pulled out of the soil, only among the carefully cultivated fruits, you can see the rocks and soil entangled in the gaps in the roots of the plants.

This scene is even just superficial.

Under the invisible land, the plants cultivated by Nicole found the fortress hidden inside the cliff, destroyed it wantonly, and then devoured it greedily. The enchantment originally used to hide here was also destroyed in his hands.

To be honest, recently I have been using reading to follow up, change sources, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used. 】

The tearing of the enchantment accelerates the growth rate of plants, because it grows by devouring magic power.

Then, tragedy ensues.

This kind of plant can grow wantonly with the help of Nicole's magic power, and at the same time, it can devour the magic power of other spellcasters.

In the underground space where the escape route was closed, those casters of the Nine Commandments Secret Society] who were originally performing tasks here naturally became the source of nutrition these plants were looking for.

The roots, which were originally used to absorb nutrients, entangled around these living people who had nowhere to escape, and then crushed them into pieces, greedily absorbing the flesh and the magic power in them.

A huge fortress, a hidden building that could have resisted the army and even played a major role in strategic events.

Under the erosion of the plants driven by Nicole, it and its resident became ruins together.


The situation intensified, and a huge crack spread out on the cliff.

The plants that grew without restraint expanded the entire east side of the canyon by a full circle. The sudden increase in weight also made the stable soil unable to bear this weight, and then tilted to the side.


Accompanied by a violent sound.

The cliffs torn apart by the weight, and the plants wrapped in soil, mixed together and fell on the cliffs on the other side of the canyon.

Looking down from a high enough height for Ronald and the others, a linear canyon turned out from one side to the center of a twisted and scabbed sphere, like a giant on the ground slowly opening its eyes at this moment.

This situation lasted until Nicole terminated the supply of magic power and the target of the plant hunting was exhausted.

These plants that have lost their source of growth will wither and shrink at the same rapid rate.


"Well—actually, it's quite tiring."

Right in front of this shocking scene, Nicole's faint voice sounded inappropriately.

Ronald turned to look.

Sure enough, it was found that the palm of Nicole's hand that had just calmly dropped the seeds was trembling uncontrollably at the moment—she was very weak.

The investigator girl was the same guy Ronald knew.

When facing a sufficiently powerful enemy, Nicole did not hesitate to make a full-strength shot, pouring a large amount of her magic power into the spell, striving to completely destroy the opponent with a destructive force.

And the price of showing such an exaggerated attack.

It is physical fatigue.

Just like what Ronald had seen several times before, after completing this spell, Nicole was naturally unable to maintain her normal state due to excessive consumption, and the runes engraved on her body in advance were her last resort to protect herself means.

The only difference from the past may be that Nicole is strong enough now.

So under the attack that was almost devoted to she was able to stand in place tremblingly, and would not faint immediately.

"You guys... You really need to make some adjustments to your fighting style."

Ronald smiled and scolded with a mocking expression among his friends:

"It doesn't matter if I'm here today. If one day you really overturn because of this way of fighting, then you will be in big trouble!"

Nicole strongly retorted with her little strength:

"It's because of you that I'm doing this!"

"If I don't have a trusted companion by my side, I certainly wouldn't use this outrageous attack method!"

Having said that, Nicole wanted to share with Ronald her views on trusting companions.

Just waiting for the investigator girl to speak again.

A dizzying wave of magic power suddenly burst out from the direction of the rapidly withering plants that had lost their source of magic power.

The three of Ronald looked down together.

It was immediately apparent that the source of the magic was in a huge sphere stuck above the canyon.

"Hey, this is too exaggerated."

Nicole couldn't help but exclaimed.

Because on the land where her magic had ravaged just now, a flame made of magic power actually ate back the plants that could devour magic power, and burned the huge plant body like a gangrene!

It was between the few short breaths that the three of Ronald noticed and lowered their heads to observe.

The flames burned along the trees made by Nicole, and soon turned all combustible substances into raging flames, and then reflected the canyon in the early morning like a **** dusk.

Even above the sky.

The three of Ronald also clearly felt the temperature of the raging flames below.

At the same time, it is obvious that the flame contains a threat to all casters!

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