Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1470: Question 1

"What kind of spell is this?"

Facing the raging flames below.

Ronald waved his hand at the first moment, letting Costait fly upwards with the immobile Nicole, as far as possible from the strange-looking flame below.

Nicole had already squeezed out the magic power in her body.

At this moment, unable to continue to act, he naturally obeyed the arrangement.

But in the process of being carried upwards by Costa, she did not forget to yell to remind Ronald:

"Ronald, the plants I made are very demon-eating!"

"The witchcraft fire created by ordinary spells will only be absorbed and grown by it as nourishment, instead of being burned by it in turn like it is now!"

Ronald nodded slightly, indicating that he understood the situation.

In fact, even without Nicole's reminder, he had no intention of ignoring the flames below. After all, the raging flames soaring into the sky carried a strong aura of threat, and even the reminder of the "Instinct" spell tended to be activated.

How could such an enemy be easy to deal with?

Thinking like this, Ronald focused his gaze on the top of the burning canyon.

Through the information returned by the detection spell, he quickly determined the number of remaining members of the Nine Rings Secret Society in the canyon fortress.

—There are only four people left here.

Those who can survive Nicole's powerful spell.

Absolutely the best in the Nine Precepts Secret Society, spells must have their own unique features. And two of them were special existences that were only revealed in the detection range after the concealment spell inside the fortress was destroyed.

Which of these four people cast this kind of flame that can pose a great threat to spells?

Ronald made inferences in his mind.

Just wait until he actually nails the target.

The threatening flame below automatically opened the gap, and a caster's figure flew out of it, and the target was the condescending Ronald!


"Alright, it saves me the trouble of finding you out."

To see the enemy appear in the open.

Ronald did not dodge or dodge, and pulled out the sword of Saint Caterina, and the flame of the power of the sun attached to the blade of the sword.

Since the enemy chooses to fight head-on.

Then Ronald also has the confidence to win as in the past!

At this moment, his eyes moved down, staring at the approaching figure of the other party, and Ronald saw clearly the appearance of the caster.

This is an original holder with a stern face.

In addition to the standard robes worn by members of the Nine Precepts Secret Society], he holds the original text in his left hand and a bone hammer in his right hand. In the eyes tightly locked on Ronald's body, in addition to roaring at the enemy, he could also see the grief of his opponent's death.

"Monster, against us again and again, do you hate humans so much!"

here we go again…

Ronald raised his eyebrows.

He has long been used to the treatment when dealing with the Nine Precepts Secret Society, so he naturally dismissed this kind of questioning. However, just as he was about to slash his sword at the approaching enemy, an uncontrollable impulse surged in Ronald's chest.

He almost subconsciously said:

"First of all, I'm not a monster!"

"Secondly, compared to you guys who disregard the lives of ordinary people, I never think that the party that hates humans is on my side!"

In other words,,,..version. 】


—I was disturbed by some kind of spell.

While speaking, Ronald's body froze in place.

He realized that he was affected by the enemy's spell, and immediately began to eliminate the hidden dangers on his body, instead of fighting the enemy in this inexplicable state.

Immediately afterwards, Ronald discovered a vague magical power extending from the opponent's body to his side.

Judging based on Ronald's hand-to-hand experience.

This spell has no actual lethality, but a spell that simply guides people's consciousness and the caster to conduct forced questions and answers.

When life and death are fought...

This guy still has time to do this kind of thing?

Ronald immediately began to clean up the spell buried in his body.

At the same time, the caster of the Nine Commandments Secret Meeting below also noticed this change. He couldn't accept the answer to Ronald's last question, so he hurriedly issued a second question while the spell was still in effect:

"Wait, didn't you come from another world to invade and plot harm..."


The performer has not finished asking.

The blade of the burning sun's power] came to him at a terrifying speed.

The blade reached his body. In desperation, he had no choice but to give up questioning Ronald, raised the bone hammer in his hand and collided head-on with the long sword.

How terrifying is Ronald's current strength!

Although the two sides collided with weapons, the caster holding the bone hammer below could still feel intense pain in his arm. By the way, even the weapons made by his spells had cracks in the impact of the head-on collision.

— This guy is much stronger than what is recorded in the organization!

The moment of the first fight.

Aware of Ronald's formidable foe, he began to fall under the shock of the attack.

Fortunately, his original scriptures were not of the type that drives evil forces.

Therefore, the incineration of the power of the sun cannot produce additional effects, and it will be fine after being quickly extinguished.

During this process, the caster wanted to speak again.

It turns out that Ronald has cleared his spell interference, and it is no longer possible to obtain information.

The caster of the Nine Precepts Secret Meeting resolutely recited the incantation:

"Question 1: Do witches exist in the Catholic faith..."

The mantra was recited in an instant.

The magic power of the origin was then guided by the holder, forming a complete spell and attacking Ronald who was chasing from was at this moment.

The caster, who had just concentrated on completing the spell, noticed that Ronald above stretched out his right hand towards him, and grasped it from the air.


The caster of the Nine Precepts Secret Meeting suddenly felt bad.

The foreboding was correct.

Before he could dodge, a force emerged from nothingness, tightly pulling his body and flying upside down, and the distance between Ronald and him began to shorten instantly!

"You despicable fellow!"

The caster of the Nine Precepts Secret Meeting cursed.

The frontal impact just now made him understand the consequences of fighting Ronald head-on.

Realizing the crisis of the situation, he let out a roar. Then he grabbed the robe on his body and threw it upwards.


The robe exploded in the air instantly.

Although this standard robe is the same as that worn by other members of the Nine Rings Secret Society.

But as the owner of the original code, the nature of this guy has undergone special treatment, and there are magic formulas buried in it that will only be deployed in response to crises.

Centered on the exploded robe.

The temperature of the air within a few meters dropped sharply. If you observe carefully, you can even see some crystals in the air begin to solidify, and then turn into large white snowflakes and spread around, continuing to absorb the temperature from other locations.

This spell quickly takes away the warmth of everything around it.

The danger is high!

Ronald made a judgment in milliseconds and chose to dodge.

The scope of influence of the robe explosion was not too large for him. Looking down in an arc in the air, Ronald found an unexpected scene.

After taking off the robe.

The caster of the Nine Precepts Secret Society actually showed the appearance of a real combatant!

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