Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1510: Scroll of Hesitation

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of both the enemy and the enemy.

Integrate the intelligence details currently available and formulate corresponding plans.

To deal with the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] that has already entered the holy capital, that's all Ronald and the others can do right now.

Surrounding the desk, several people communicated with each other with reference to the records, advancing the specific plan for action in a few days.

After a few minutes, Ronald suddenly noticed a detail.

Aurel, who was going back and forth between the bookshelf and the long table, suddenly slowed down, and now he has disappeared for a while.


"I'll go to the bookshelf to have a look."

Ronald got up to leave, then turned his head to look for it, and found that the king of giant beasts was still here. It's just that Aurel is standing in front of the bookshelf at this moment, and his fingers are still gently stroking the spine of a book. That kind of hesitant expression can rarely be seen on this guy's face.

"Is there any problem with this book?" Ronald stepped forward to visit.

It's definitely not easy for Olear to make such a gesture!

Its content may be quite critical.

Facing Ronald's inquiry, Aurel broke away from his staring expression.

Then he looked at Ronald and smiled, took the book out of the shelf, and handed it over:

"No problem, it just brings back some memories."

"For the current era, this may...not be news that needs to be strictly guarded against."

After saying a few words, Olear then took a completely different action from the one just now.

He no longer searched for files between the bookshelves, but bid farewell to Ronald, turned his head and walked downstairs.

After stepping up and down the stairs, Aurel finally said his decision:

"That's all the information I can provide you with."

"I'll go downstairs to watch first. You can study here, and you can call me at any time if there is any situation."

As soon as the words fell to the ground, the king of giant beasts disappeared on the second floor without pausing.

Ronald stared at the other party and left. After Aurel's figure disappeared completely, he held the book that the other party handed him just now, and returned to the desk where everyone was discussing:

"Orell went down to rest, that's all he can offer us."

That's what it says.

However, the information provided by the King of Beasts to Ronald and the others is quite rich.

The beech wood desk in front of everyone was completely covered by more than a dozen books, three bound record sheets, and several bundles of files at the end near the wall. A pile of rolled up maps stood in a corner by the table.

If there is only one person at the scene, facing such an amount of information...

Just to say that it is quite difficult to read these materials carefully in the past few days. Not to mention corresponding to each other according to various data, and then summing up corresponding judgments and action plans.

Ronald and his group looked at each other.

They also understand that in this case, division of labor and cooperation should be the wisest choice.

So just exchanged a few words.

They then divided each person's responsibilities according to their own strengths.

In just a few minutes, there were few voices at the desk on the second floor, replaced by the sound of turning pages while reading carefully.

Among the tasks assigned by everyone, someone like Kostat with extraordinary ability to receive and analyze information would naturally specialize in dealing with the most cumbersome books like yearbooks, and the maids could handle such tasks properly.

And because of the map-drawing ability that he had shown before, Ronald took on the responsibility of refining the map of the Holy City and marking each key piece of information on it.

this work.

Whenever someone sorts out important information, Ronald naturally has a lot of tasks.

But when other people read carefully and haven't summed up important information, he, who has no work, becomes the most leisurely one in the crowd at the desk.

So during a free period after a busy period.

Ronald glanced down, and naturally set his gaze on the book beside him.

It was the book he had placed by his hand when he first sat down, and it was also the elusive book of the king of beasts who decided to help them.

What exactly is recorded in this book?

Driven by curiosity and his own responsibilities, Ronald naturally picked up the book.


A name on a bibliography identifies a person.

Ronald happened to see it when he was looking through the information just now.

That was the name of the person he had seen on the list of popes in the church in ancient times. Although the specific deeds of the other party cannot be confirmed, it must be a very old and important person who can appear on this list.

Ronald continued to scroll backwards, discovering more interesting details.

In this secret library, the aging of the pages of the book in his hand is not considered old. Combining the title of the book on its cover, one can infer a result. This book is not the original, but a manuscript version. books.

The too old original has been damaged, but the content in it is so important that it is hand-copied for preservation.

Ronald's eyes fell on the first page.

[The 141st year of the sacred calendar, the month of repentance]—

Judging from the year, this is when the church was founded more than a hundred years ago.

Then the eyes fell on the specific records, and the first page of the opening is that the author tells the ancient secrets of the past in a straightforward manner.

【For the past fifty years, I have known in my heart that God does not exist. 】

[However, in recent days, something contrary to this common sense is happening—‘God’ has appeared. What's even more frightening is that we don't know anything about her, only that what this existence shows is exactly the same as the 'god' we believe in! 】

[It is not yet clear whether it is an enemy or a friend, but the other party's actions to rescue ordinary people have already taken place. It is planned to send priests of Xiupu to contact him, bring him back to the holy capital, and make a decision after confirming the situation. 】

【We, don't let the heretics and blasphemers go. 】

【finally understood! 】

【This 'god' doesn't come from anywhere else, it's not something created by those wizards, and it doesn't even come from another world! 】

[She was born from our beliefs and from the will of people! 】

[Human beliefs can actually create real gods...]

Just the beginning, the content of UU Reading is beyond imagination.

When Ronald himself saw this, he couldn't help but fall into shocking thoughts.

God was born in the will of man?

Is this something the church people made a mistake in the past, or is this record revealing some amazing information to him?

Assume these statements are true.

Then Olear's hesitant gesture before this is really justified!

When Ronald was extremely entangled in his heart, he finally got out of the state of thinking.

Only then did he realize that it was when he was thinking deeply.

Martha, who was going to provide him with information, stood quietly beside her at this moment, her eyes fixed on the contents of the book.

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