Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1511: quiet downstairs

In the silent atmosphere, Ronald watched the holy priest carefully.

At this moment, Mirtha was standing beside him, her body under the black priest's robe seemed to be trembling faintly, but when she turned her eyes, she could find that her hands holding the book were in a relaxed posture.

What is the state of this church person at the moment? What do you think in your heart?

Ronald was a little uncertain.

He didn't know how Miranda would react when she saw such content.

After all, the other party is now an important person in the church, and when dealing with certain things, it is no longer possible to make judgments purely by emotion.

Right now, even if he chanted the spell to summon the black mist of hell, Ronald would not blindly believe in the result. leap

So, he tried to ask in a gentle tone:

"Martha...are you alright?"

Martha nodded slightly, and looked at him with smiling eyes:

"Of course I'm fine, why are you asking this?"

Ronald tried to organize his words:

"You... don't you think, the text of this book is a bit shocking? Or the content it records is quite funny?"

"Ah, that's what you're talking about." Martha immediately felt relieved and shrugged her shoulders in response, "I already knew the content above to a certain extent, it was when I left the monastery and prepared to become a holy priest. Experience." Dance

"You already knew?" Ronald opened his eyes wide. "So the branch of the church that left the Southern Continent also knew what happened here?"

"That's not the case." Maerda shook her head in denial, and said calmly, "These news are just inferences based on facts. If we knew everything, the situation today would never have become like this."

Ronald accepted Martha's statement.

But when he thought of the holy priests and devout people in front of him, who actually knew the nature of 'gods', the absurdity of reality immediately surged up.

Martha saw this too, and she went on:

"It's actually not that hard to figure out."

"I like the quiet and peaceful life in the church. I like to help others, teach children, and take care of the elderly. I like to be comforted and purified when I pray every morning and evening. I like the strength and hope that faith gives me."

"Even if some things don't exist..."

Speaking of this, Martha suddenly smiled gently.

"But so what?" she continued, "The belief comes from myself, and I also get the peace of mind, and that's enough."

Martha's attitude was indifferent but firm.

Ronald stared at the other person, feeling that he had a new understanding and respect for the Holy Priest.

"You're such an amazing person." He couldn't help but admire.

"Thank you." Martha lowered her head slightly, "In my eyes, you are actually a special and great person."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

The tense atmosphere between the bookshelves just now dissipated.

Next, everyone's work returned to the integration and arrangement of the data, and Ronald continued to read the follow-up content of this record.

The church in the past, hindered by the age and cognition, was unable to explore the essential mystery of the birth of gods. However, the investigation and analysis of the event phenomenon was absolutely accurate.

There are no gods in this world.

The 'God' that fits the church's beliefs was indeed born out of people's beliefs. This kind of process doesn't even involve magic and spells, but some kind of wondrous realm that people haven't set foot in yet.


With the end of the reading, Ronald put the book back on the table, feeling tired.

He had been in the library for a while, and even though his body was still full of energy, the brain that received the information couldn't.

So Ronald was going to go downstairs to find Olaer.

The contents of the book are just words after all, and he still needs to have a good chat with Olaer, the 'client', about some details.

Although the king of giant beasts hides many secrets, he has to admit that the other party is indispensable in this incident.

For many things, I can only go to Olaer at the moment.

Ronald went down the stairs, intending to find the other party, and help everyone on the second floor bring some water and food up. leap

By this time it was getting late.

When he reached the middle of the stairs, he noticed that the lights on the first floor had been dimmed, only the faint light of an oil lamp was still flickering.


Ronald frowned, looking a little strange below.

Although Olaer is not human, he still has basic physiological activities. And when he came to this position, with Ronald's hearing, he couldn't even hear the other party's breathing.

I made an appointment with Olaer on the first floor, did I leave for something?

Walking down the first floor, the situation was exactly as Ronald had guessed. leap

The door of the library was closed, and only the lights on the table flickered on the quiet first floor. On the table where the lamp stands, paper, pen and ink are placed on it, and a crescent-shaped metal craft is holding it down.

Ronald walked to the table in a hurry and found that the pen and ink on the paper had already dried out.

He picked it up and looked at it, and his heart sank.

The handwriting on this page is elegant and haughty. Although I haven't seen it before, I don't need to think about it to know that it is Olaer's handwriting.

Then glance up—

"Farewell letter?"

"Are you kidding me!"

Ronald subconsciously rushed to the door, trying to catch up with Olaer.

Halfway through, the singing outside came into my ears, blocking Ronald's footsteps.

He hesitated at the door.

Then with a gloomy face, he turned his head and sat down, and began to read the farewell letter carefully.

Views have also changed, but the key is difficult to choose. The longevity view of time does not require impatience, just wait slowly. leap

And in the last few days, I have felt cracks and fluctuations in the seal.

This means that an intruder has found the seal and entered here, and its purpose is also obvious.

If they succeed, the world will be destroyed.

I don't have to choose.

As for stopping them...

In short, I had to make a difficult decision: to say goodbye to my past identity and go to this new world to find a new self.

—Keys on the table. leap

That is the key to my treasury, where the treasures of the Church's past lie.

Please also pass it on to the Holy Priest, UU Reading www. This is something they should inherit. At the same time, I also hope that you can use this to strengthen yourself, or you can get a lot of help in stopping the invaders.

Finally, please forgive my selfishness, please forgive my deceit.

In an unknown time and space, an unknown world, or a phantom in a dream, in an eternal moment, I will hear the story that happened here.

-Bye now.

The former dust behemoth, church saint, Olaer. 】

Snapped! leap

Ronald put the papers in a row on the table next to him, with no good look on his face:


"Just give up the pick and run away?"

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