Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1549: water shape


"The original code of space ability."

Ronald sighed.

He thought for a while, but didn't delay for too long.

It is an undoubted fact that the enemy escaped successfully, and nothing can be changed by blaming others. Not to mention that right now, there is still one thing that Ronald needs to verify urgently.

With a wave of one hand, put away the sword of Saint Catalina.

Ronald turned his head and walked towards the chapel of the monastery.

The trial of the temple has ended, and there is no longer any magic to protect this simple and quiet building.

Ronald walked closer and stretched out his hand to try, and the door of the church was gently pushed open by him.

The scene in front of you.

It is no different from what he saw in the trial of the temple.

The almost unchanged indoor scene even gave him the illusion that he was still in the trial of the temple and nothing had changed.

Ronald was not at a loss, and walked straight to the end of the chapel.

Since the gray figure in the temple trial gave a hint, it must be impossible for him to waste his time in vain.

There must be something crucial here.

Walking along the way, the two rows of seats in the church were spotless. When he walked to the second row from the front, Ronald found that there was a book on the chair left on the armrest.

Pick it up and have a look.

This is the "Book of Guanghui", there is no magic left on the pages, it is just an ordinary book.

Such a random placement...

I'm afraid that the monks who hurriedly withdrew from here when the holy capital was about to be destroyed just happened to leave it here.

Stuffing this cultural relic into his arms, Ronald continued to walk backwards and came to the podium where priests once led the morning prayers.

From here, there is no way to go.

Only the cross, which symbolizes faith, stands close to the wall.

Ronald glanced around.

There is also a small altar between the podium and the icon of the cross at the back. This is generally used to store holy relics in churches, or to place things like holy water before a ceremony.

That's right, there should be something in here.

But the problem is that there is already a crack on the side of the altar.

The things that should have been placed on it have also disappeared.


Ronald frowned.

The intuition in his mind told him that the gray figure in the trial of the temple reminded him that it should be here, but the altar was empty in front of him...


Ronald's eyes changed.

He thought of the eldest brother among the three Lenny brothers who had just been rescued by the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting].

Analyze the opponent's state from what he sees.

There is no doubt that this guy escaped from the trial of the temple one step ahead of himself.

Besides this guy, Ronald could hardly find anyone who could enter the church before himself and then take away the things here.


"The figure of the sage in the temple trial, there is no reason to deceive me in that environment and at that moment."

Ronald pondered for a moment, but was not in a hurry to leave immediately.

Staring at the empty altar in front of him, he activated the spell of "Divine Comedy" instead, trying to find some clues from it.

The results were somewhat disappointing.

Ronald didn't find anything from the altar, but the original sin spell told him that the damage of the [Seven String Seal] had changed from 1/7 before to 2/7 now.

What was the situation when the first seal was broken?

Rhonas remembered clearly that it was the result of [Nine Commandments Secret Meeting]'s casters breaking through the enchantment of St. Alan's Cathedral and destroying the building. At the same time, Ronald also took away the artificial godhead hidden there.

Right now, there is no sound of the strings cracking, but the seal is broken again...

This could only be due to the fact that it was destroyed during Ronald's trial in the temple.

All kinds of information are showing a fact.

That is to say, the enemy who escaped from the trial of the temple first, probably came out in the chapel, and at the same time took away the things that should have been stored on the altar.


Ronald sighed.

He is also powerless to correct the results caused by the time difference.

Even if the [precession] is used to complete the backtracking of the altar, the things placed on it cannot be pulled back by force in ignorance of the rules.

It seems that the reminder left by the figure of the sage in the trial of the temple.

There is already one that is about to fail first...

Just when Ronald confirmed the status quo and was about to leave here to continue chasing the caster of the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting], his footsteps stopped.

Because just on the crack on the altar, there was a little water stain at some point.

With Ronald's perception ability, it was absolutely impossible to ignore such a phenomenon before.

This is a whole new change!

"How can this be?"

Ronald was amazed. He didn't sense the surge of magic power on the altar at all. Only by turning on the spell of "Das Kapital" could he find a trace of value change from it.

It's not just man-made godheads and magic miracles like [seven-string seal].

Even this kind of thing that is out of the magic power system, the church in the past has made some progress.

Between emotions, the water stains gushing out from the altar are still changing.

They flow as if being manipulated by humans, and converge into a special typeface.

— Ronald saw it just now.

—In the world constructed by the trials of the temple, this is the theological text used by the church!

With the help of the ability of the [Cushin Slate], Ronald easily understood the above content.

[The holy blood bottle has been taken away. 】

Short text emerged, and soon became blurred, thus evolving into another paragraph of content.

[Don't worry, this is something only pious people can use. 】

[If it is handed over to the new holy priest, with the power of faith, the holy blood bottle will heal all injuries. 】

After briefly explaining the situation, the text disappeared again, and finally turned into a message.

【Good luck, friends from the future. 】


Ronald froze on the spot.

He was not shocked by the healing effect of the holy blood bottle, nor was he furious that the enemies of the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] robbed it in advance.

It was the picture in front of him that made him realize a deeper concept.

The tone of this text is clearly the message of the figure of the sage in the Holy Grace Cathedral!

There are only two possible outcomes of this phenomenon.

The first type, the ancient sages of the Cathedral of the Holy Grace, still exist in the world in the form of thought fragments. After touching the temple trial just now, the other party reacted with the outside world, and it was possible to leave such a reminder.

The second possibility is that the technology for building the temple trial has reached its peak. So that after Ronald escaped from the trial of the temple, some of the spell structures, UU reading www.uukanshu. com can still take the initiative to influence and interfere with the outside world.

If the truth is the second kind, just the reaction of the spell itself, then that's fine.

But if it's the first...

Ronald raised his head slowly, looked through the walls of the monastery church, and looked at the center of the Holy City, where the Cathedral of the Holy Grace was located.

He wanted to laugh a little bit.

There is another kind of gloating over the experience of [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] practitioners.


Thousands of words in my heart were summed up in one sentence:

"If that's the case."

"The trial just now really gave them a lot of fun!"

(end of this chapter)

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