Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1550: excellent relic killer

Not long after, Ronald laughed lightly.

Referring to the types of achievements he had learned in spells, he felt that the first possibility was much greater than the second.

And that means, except for Ronald himself.

The current holy capital seems to have become a huge trap for the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting].

where you know or don't know.

Crisis after crisis may be actively waiting for the other party to jump down.


Ronald stood still and continued to observe the changes in the water damage.

But it is a pity that the phantom of the Cathedral of the Holy Grace did not give him more hints.

After the last farewell dissipated, these water stains quickly sublimated on the surface of the altar, and then disappeared without a trace.

Ronald bent down to observe carefully.

The cracks in the altar are indeed pure physical damage. After the water stains disappear, even the change in value and quantity disappears from it.


"It seems that it can only stop here."

Confirming that there will be no more changes here, Ronald will not delve into the details.

After all, in the holy capital city, there are enemies of the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] waiting for him to attack.

Reorganize your mentality.

Ronald turned his head and walked outside the chapel.

As a result, he had only reached the gate when he sensed a powerful magic force rapidly approaching him.

The opponent ran rampant in the city without any scruples.

Anxiety was evident.

However, instead of being cautious and nervous when meeting the enemy, Ronald showed a happy smile on his face.

Just because he noticed the identity of the other party.

"Kostate, you are finally here!"

Ronald walked straight towards the outside of the church, and on the other side of the monastery, the maid who had rushed here at the fastest speed finally appeared.

Anxiety and guilt were almost written all over Kostat's face.

She completely ignored everything in the holy capital, and only looked at the figure of Ronald alone. She came to her master with a windy foot, and half knelt on the ground:

"Sir, I'm sorry I'm late!"

First voluntarily admitting his mistakes at work, Costat then explained:

"After entering here, I was trapped in a strange place in the city. I tried a lot of ways to finally get out. The first time I sensed your magic power, I rushed over!"

"You don't need to apologize for this kind of thing." He comforted Costa and helped him up at the same time, and then continued to ask, "By the way, where is Martha? The location is different from yours. You two won't be separated, will you?"

Costat immediately shook his head and replied:

"I didn't appear in the same place as Miranda."

"Maybe...maybe it's because I'm not human, I'm alone in a place full of sculptures."

"Sculpture?" Ronald frowned.

The maid immediately affirmed:

"That's right, it should be the workplace of stonemasons and the like. A strong magic barrier completely covers that area, and the stone statues in it are activated by magic and have the ability to move by themselves. I will destroy them all directly, and finally tear them apart. Only by breaking the enchantment can we escape successfully."

Then you are really an outstanding cultural relic killer...

Ronald complained in his heart, but he was more worried about his companion's situation.

As he walked out with Costa, he immediately chanted a spell:

"His name is Styx,

The black water flowed down to the foot of the dark and steep cliff. "

The black mist of **** emerged, and the power of original sin unfolded instantly.

Ronald tried to expand and refine his perception of human emotions as much as possible.

But the result is regrettable.

There were already invisible and intangible signs of human activities all over the city, which directly interfered with Ronald's perception of other personnel.

Even if he is careful enough.

It is still impossible to find Martha's location from the city.

Only individuals like Kostat who have a direct and close connection with him can find each other's position through their connection.

"Kostat, my spells are basically ineffective in large-scale exploration, do you have any solutions?"

Ronald just asked casually, and Costat didn't have the ability to do this. But in order to show her usefulness in front of Ronald, the maid still chanted the spell very simply:

"The argument is based on the fact that this sequence of events is consistent with a series of trials!"


Ronald still knew Costat well, and he vaguely remembered that this spell should have nothing to do with finding someone.

But out of trust in the maid.

When he saw Kostat's actions, he naturally watched quietly, waiting for the other party to give him a result.

However, a few seconds passed, the two blinked, and neither of them spoke.

Ronald had no choice but to start asking:

"Did your spell just now have any results?"

Costat replied quite honestly:

"We can act now! As long as we do something, the probability of bumping into other people in the city will increase!"


Very good, it really is the spell that can interfere with probability.

The truth is—

Both Ronald's master and servant were a little helpless about the situation at the moment.

Even if Costat did use effective spells, the probability of directly running into an enemy in such a large city... Even if the probability has increased, it is actually of little significance.

Fortunately, Ronald is not a headless chicken now.

In addition to the plan made before entering the holy capital, he already has a new goal:

"Since we need to act, let's go to the library in the city first. There should be something worth exploring there."

Of course the maid had no objection to Ronald's decision.

However, out of growing curiosity, she asked one more question than she used to follow orders directly:

"Sir, is there anything you need in the library of this city?"

Ronald directly told Costat about what happened to him in the trial of the temple just now.

Finally concluded:

"The figures of the sages in the cathedral have no reason to deceive me."

"So in the library of this city, I think there is a high probability that there are things that are very helpful for our trip."

Satisfied with curiosity, Kostat stopped talking, but took a step forward, UU reading www.uukanshu. com walked directly in front of Ronald.

The meaning of her action is obvious, that is, to explore the way first.

Once there is danger in the city, even people from the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] will launch a surprise attack on them. Then Kostat, who walked in the first place, could obviously block the first wave of attacks for the master behind him.


Ronald wanted to speak and let Costa retreat behind him.

After all, no matter in terms of strength or heart, he didn't want Costat to get hurt.

But at this moment, he saw the earnest and firm expression in the maid's eyes, which was an unshakable determination.

Ronald stopped talking.

In the end, he still didn't open his mouth, but acquiesced to Kostat's independent decision to explore for himself.

(end of this chapter)

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