Mystic Dominator

Chapter 295: fishing for people

Seeing the beast-shaped piece of meat bite down at himself.

Ronald, who was still standing there, didn't have any panic in his reaction now.

After all, this situation completely confirmed his previous concerns. The spell Catherine chanted at the last moment was, unsurprisingly, to protect her original scriptures at the last moment.

But the result...

Ronald was ready.

Before starting the body search, he had already reset a defensive spell early.

So when the jaws of the animal-shaped meat block with amazing bite force closed on him, a soft white light appeared firmly on Ronald's body, perfectly resisting this attack.

At this moment, Ronald raised his eyebrows: "Huh?"

Should it be said that it is the last hand of an original holder?

This body is far larger than the animal-shaped flesh of the previous summons, and the power in its body is amazing.

After the [Guardian Angel] resisted its bite, this thing still continued to exert force.


It was the white light covering Ronald's body that was rapidly dimming.

In just one breath, it weakened to a precarious point.

Ronald crossed his fingers and was about to reset the defensive spell of [Guardian Angel] again.

Yet at this moment.



Just in front of Ronald, only a loud bang that burst the air suddenly appeared here.

Before there was any time to react, the animal-shaped meat piece was instantly blown apart by an invisible force, and then flew out of Ronald.

This broken body has been flying all the way, and landed directly in Shen Riyang, who was facing everyone!

Seeing this scene, Ronald instantly realized what had happened.

——It was the spell that the Great Witch left on her body.

The position where the teeth of the beast-shaped meat piece clenched before was precisely at the position slightly below his chest, and with the weakening of the strength of the [Guardian Angel], the spell left by the Great Witch was activated immediately.

This spell normally only strengthens Ronald's speed, and then has a slight defensive effect. However, in the face of a very deadly attack on ordinary people like a beast-shaped meat piece, its greatest power was immediately manifested.

Faced with such a result, Ronald was speechless for a while.

He thought that the magic of the great witch was meant to be.

The result is actually...

The effect is actually such an exaggerated counterattack.

After all, it was the last spell of an original holder, and it was completely torn into pieces.

While speechless, Ronald felt the airflow wrapped around him gradually dissipating.

Apparently accompanied this blow.

The blessing effect that the Great Witch gave him gradually began to disappear.

So after resetting the [Guardian Angel] spell, Ronald ripped off the head of the beast-shaped meat that was still biting on his body. The bite of the beast-shaped meat was so strong that it even died. Nor did it fall off Ronald.

Immediately, Ronald threw it aside.


A big head hit the beach.

Looking carefully at this moment, I can see that this is a monster head that is similar to a wolf head, but slightly different.

However, at the same time, Clark, who was not far from Ronald, showed a completely different reaction from the others.

Just the first time after the Great Witch spell was activated.

The chief investigator didn't even turn his head to look.

He quickly recited the spell in his mouth, and then activated the spell that belonged to him.

At this time, the other investigators pointed to the direction of the beast-shaped piece of meat that fell into Shen Riyang and shouted:

"No, that thing escaped!"

"Find a way to stop it!"

The thing is exactly as the two investigators shouted.

The animal-shaped meat that Catherine finally summoned was very different from the previous ones.

In addition to the completely different size and attack power, even if this guy was torn off his head, he could quickly fluctuate the sea water without a head when he fell into the sea, and immediately swam towards the distant ocean.

This is Katherine's last sure spell.

As long as the enemy is too impatient to take her tome, the spell used to defend the tome can be successfully activated and take her to the final escape route.

——After all, it grew from Catherine herself.

——So when it fell into the sea, the beast-shaped meat also flew out with Catherine.

So, a tricky situation arose.

The impact of the big witch's spell knocked the beast-shaped meat block high, and threw it a long distance, and even crossed the range of a space split.

With the swimming speed of Ronald and the others, it is almost impossible to bypass the space-split area and catch up with the huge animal-shaped meat.


It was at this moment that there was a sound of something vibrating on Clark who was beside him.

Turning his eyes away, he immediately saw the change in the investigator.

Compared to when he just landed, Clark's face showed a rather weak look, and his eyes were even slightly red, like a seriously ill patient.

And this buzzing sound originated from an irregular sphere in his hand.

A large number of lead-grey ripples are entangled with each other, and then congeal into something that is constantly changing in shape and has a very unstable state of existence.

Just like Katherine before.

The investigator leader of Springs also came up with a spell that he had not yet fully mastered!

Immediately, Clark made a movement similar to throwing a baseball.

The target pointed directly at the beast-shaped piece of meat that was going away in the sea. With a full swing of his right arm, he directly threw the irregular sphere out.


With a dull and heavy voice, the irregular sphere cut through the air and flew towards the enemy.

After a blink of an eye, it reached the range of the space split.

As a result, the already unstable irregular sphere exploded in an instant, and countless arc-shaped lead-gray ripples with sharp sounds continued to gallop toward the front.

This scene was best seen by the investigators and witches who were still trapped there.

Because Clark deliberately controlled the angle, they were not affected by the attack.

Not far in front of him, lead-gray ripples flew forward one after another.

Among them, there are many ripples that hit the space crack and then disappear directly.

But in the face of the huge number, there are always fish that slip through the net and continue to and finally successfully break through this area.


These arc-shaped ripples naturally flew towards the animal-shaped meat in the sea!

At this time, the huge body became a burden on the animal-shaped meat.

Although the lead-gray ripple does not have the ability to automatically pursue, it immediately adjusts its direction, but it is still hit by the lead-gray ripple, and then cuts off a large piece of the body without any suspense.

So much so that in the end, it was only about three meters long and still active.

Then he disappeared into Shen Riyang.

And watching this scene, Clark sat on the beach.

While panting heavily, he said in a relaxed tone at the same time:

"Hit... hit."

"Wait a while for the spell to dissipate, and you go to the sea to find people."

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