Mystic Dominator

Chapter 296: sinking under the ocean

Time came to noon.

This unexpected encounter finally came to an end.

Catherine's previous spell eventually dissipated, and the trapped investigator and witch were brought back to shore.

Even under the hard work of the investigators, the animal-shaped pieces of meat scattered in the shallow sea were found one by one, and then they were placed in a position where they would not be wet by the sea water.

And this time Ronald did not choose to go into the sea to fish for pieces in order to avoid suspicion.

He stayed ashore the entire time.

On the one hand, it can take care of the seriously injured investigator, and at the same time, it is also preventing the equally injured witch from escaping.

So the investigators of Shang Neng continued to work. After the last piece of debris was fished out, it was time for afternoon tea.

Walk in front of neatly arranged shards of animal-shaped pieces of meat.

Clark looked at the results in front of him, then nodded with satisfaction.

His last spell was very successful.

Because the witch Catherine connected to the animal-shaped flesh block was cut out by him precisely, and then sank into the sea together.

So he took two steps to the corpse part with Catherine attached.

Clark squatted down and began to carefully examine the body of the original holder of the [Original Witches].


- Katherine is dead.

- And it's a very thorough one.

Not just the continuous extreme casting and fighting, but finally being cut from the beast-shaped flesh by Clark's spell, this extremely threatening spell immediately eroded her body.

Then immersed in seawater...

All in all, the holder of the canon is too dead to die.

Keeping his movements, however, the satisfaction on Clark's face soon faded.

In the end, he even began to search for Catherine's body so violently that the body became miserable with his movements.

"What about the original?"

"Where's this guy's original script?"

He murmured in a troubled tone.

Maintaining the search action, another few seconds passed.

Finally, Clark, who had found nothing, turned his head to look at Ronald, and did not hide the tension in his tone at all:

"Ro...Mr. Ronald."

"You searched this guy's body before..."

Seeing Clark's reaction, Ronald didn't know the current situation.

Immediately stretched out his empty hands to show Clark, he continued to explain:

"When I searched, I found a booklet-like thing around this guy's waist, and the spell was activated at that time."


Hearing Ronald's answer, Clark immediately turned his head and touched the corpse reluctantly.

Not to mention the waist.

As long as he searched all the places where he could hide things, he couldn't find anything in the shape of a booklet. The original scriptures that were still on Catherine during the battle before, there was not even a small piece of paper at this moment.

So as it should be.

Clark remembered the last piece of animal-shaped meat that escaped.

Wouldn't that be the thing that escaped with the original?

If this is the case, even if Her Majesty comes to the beach in person, it is impossible to fish that thing out of Shen Riyang!

With a little struggle, Clark whispered the incantation of the lie detector:

"Volume 11, page 260, item 6."

Standing up from the corpse, he looked around and asked loudly:

"Everyone, have you seen a booklet that looks like a booklet today?"

"That's Catherine's original!"

The others responded immediately:


"I didn't see it."


The lie detector told Clark that the companions had not lied to themselves.

The original book of [Original Witches] is indeed not on this beach at this moment.

After bowing his head and contemplating for a moment, he made the final decision:

"Everyone, no mistakes can be tolerated in this matter."

"We will continue to stay here, Hermes, please go back to the city immediately, tell the situation in the bureau, and ask them to notify the professional fishing personnel of the Navigation Bureau to come here."


An investigator responded immediately and ran to Springs without looking back.

Seeing the figure of this subordinate disappear at the end of the field of vision.

Clark then turned around and walked to Ronald's side, nodding apologetically:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ronald."

"Although I know you are not suspicious, please help maintain the scene here."

"Now, I really can't guarantee the safety of the scene."

Ronald shrugged involuntarily:

"No problem, as it should be."


After answering Clark's question, Ronald felt a little uneasy.

Although it was a few kilometers away from the previous location, seeing that it was the afternoon, the great witch who went out with him in the morning never came here.

Taking into account the exaggerated range of the opponent's ability to search for enemies.

A not-so-good idea immediately popped into Ronald's mind.

First of all, it couldn't have been a fight on the big witch's side.

Otherwise, pay attention to the fighting situation of the holder of the original book, there is no reason to hide from Ronald and the others who are at such a distance.


The great witch who owns the original book "Introduction to Fluid Mechanics".

Can her real strength catch up with the beast-shaped meat that got into Shen Riyang?

At least with that kind of detection ability.

Within such a range, the Great Witch will definitely be able to lock the opponent's position.


Thinking of this, Ronald shook his head with a wry smile.

"Ha ha--"

If so.

Probably can only feel that the other party's experience is too old.

After finding a clean place to sit down, he began to look at the endless Shen Riyang in front of him.

Above the quiet sea, the tide is advancing and retreating rhythmically.

The sun shines on the constantly undulating shore, creating a water surface that is as comfortable as afternoon leisure. If you don't dive underwater, no one can see that there was a battle here before.

Whether it's rocks, corpses, or traces of spells.

They were completely submerged by the sea.


Do you want to tell the investigator next to you about your suspicions?

Thinking of this, Ronald turned his head to look at the investigators who were beside Although these people don't have much need for work now, but in terms of professionalism, these investigators are still very practical.

Before the support from Springs came.

Several of them had already surrounded the badly injured witch and began to use the methods of the Bureau of Investigation to extort a confession.

The screams that come from time to time can prove that the witch is not very comfortable now.


"forget it……"

Shaking his head slightly, Ronald leaned back and narrowed his eyes.

After all, he is just a knowledge consultant, and the job assigned is to ensure that the big witch will not cause trouble in the city.

On the premise that the other party has imparted a lot of knowledge to himself.

Don't start looking for trouble at this time.

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