Mystic Dominator

Chapter 319: Lilac Path Garden

After careful and careful identification.

Finally, Ronald vaguely saw what was on the light curtain.

- That's a map.

The elevation changes of the surrounding terrain are depicted by contour lines, the coastline also has a more delicate outline, and in the place close to the sea, there are urban buildings with squares marking buildings.


Ronald was silent.

Faced with such a situation, he was also a little undecided.

This kind of spell that can turn things into a map is a better guess.

In the near future, there are classic map works such as "Yu Ji Tu" or "Hai Nei Hua Yi Tu" that can become the original.

However, the existence of reference contour lines is more likely to be a river map with a deep line method, or a contour map of Dupontril.

But this way...

Things are not easy to explain.

Ronald is already quite familiar with the power of the originals, and there is no doubt about the abilities of these magical books in their respective fields.

Then the original map type, the strongest should be to change the landscape, or to collect intelligence like the "Marauder Map" in "Harry Potter".

As for powers like prophecy...

Is there really a map class that can meet such a requirement?

It does not meet the basic conditions of prophecy spells at all, and it is really impossible to guess.

At the same time, just as Ronald pondered these questions.

The old man on the podium is also steadily advancing his spell.

From the initial large-scale map, the picture in the light curtain gradually enlarged, and then focused on the location in the northwest of the city.

The spell has run to this point, and the old man has started a new movement.

I saw his right hand stretched out, and then tapped a few times on the light curtain, and then the entire screen locked differently.


A solemn expression, a rigorous action, a calm gaze.

The old man threw himself into the spell at this moment, and the look on his face was imprinted with a layer of light by the light curtain.

Most of the people present are powerful casters on the mysterious side.

Seeing this scene, it is natural to know that this prophecy spell has come to the most critical moment.

Everyone held their breath in unison, trying not to make any noise to disturb the old spellcaster.

Another breath of silence—

Finally, a different change appeared.

The turbulent magic power in the auction house all returned to the old man at this moment, and then quickly merged into the original scripture.

In an instant.

Whether it was a powerful spell or a light curtain that Ronald could barely distinguish, they all disappeared without a trace in the auction.


When everything was completely calm, the old man took back the original script with trembling movements.

Then, with a pale face, he bowed slightly to salute Claudia beside him.

"His Royal Highness Claudia, the result is out."


Claudia nodded to indicate that she was clear.

Out of some courtesy that Ronald didn't know, she also returned the courtesy to the old man.

Then she instructed the other girls in white skirts to support the old man, and Claudia turned her attention to Ronald.

"Mr. Mandel, just tell this Mr. Ronald the result directly."

"If I can, I won't waste time, and you should go back and rest quickly."


"Thank you for your understanding, Your Highness." After hearing this Claudia's order, the old caster immediately thanked him. Then, with the help of the girl in the white skirt, he turned around, and he immediately explained to Ronald, "Sir, this prophecy spell was very successful. I found the whereabouts of the Lumir you mentioned."

"It was in Lilac Path Gardens in the Organ District of Springs at the same time I was using the divination spell."

"If you get there in time now, you might still hit it."


Lilac Trail Gardens?

Ronald knew of the Organ District, which was the wealthy neighborhood of Springs, and it was right next to the Riverfront where Ronald lived.

But the name Lilac Path Garden...

He didn't know it at all.

So he simply stood up from the chair, Ronald immediately looked at Hughes beside him:

"Mr. Hughes, do you know this place?"

Hughes nodded and replied:

"Of course I know, it's a well-known small garden on the riverbank."

"Because of environmental issues and the drive of some people, that place is very popular among ladies."

Having said that, Hughes thought for a while:


"However, the Lilac Path Garden is still some distance away from here."

"If you set off in a horse-drawn carriage now, I'm afraid it will take more than 20 minutes to arrive by car."


Now that he finally got the news of Rumil, Ronald had no intention of continuing to chat.

Nodding his thanks to Hughes, he continued to ask:

"I understand, so what else do I need to do here?"

"If there is no problem, I hope to go there now."

Hearing this, Hughes' expression was a little surprised.

He didn't expect Ronald to react like this at this moment.

Obviously, one of the highest power classes in Grid, Claudia, the first princess of the empire, is right in front of her.

In the end, this young man didn't even plan to make a good impression on the other party?

However, although he was surprised, the caster quickly replied:

"No problem, leave it to me here."

"You go quickly."


After hesitating for a moment, he quietly looked at the podium, and then Hughes continued:


"I wish you success in finding that guy named Rumil."

"Thank you." Nodding his thanks to Hughes, Ronald waved his apology to Claudia again, "You two, thank you for your help today. Because of the tight time, I'm going to go there right now. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely apologize to you for today's rudeness!"

Seeing that Ronald was about to turn and leave.

Before the old man spoke, Claudia stood up first:

"No problem, Ronald, you can go with confidence."

After staring at Claudia for a few seconds, Ronald decisively left the auction.

Going straight out of the door of [Brucella], Ronald immediately stopped a taxi on the side of the road.

"Sir, please take me to the Lilac Path Garden in the Organ District, please use your fastest speed, and I will pay you an extra gart."



Hearing Ronald's the driver looked shocked.

But he still reacted quickly, and immediately began to greet Ronald to get in the carriage, as if he was afraid that he would not ride in his own carriage.

"Sir, you can just leave this work to me."

"At least in Springs, my driving skills are absolutely the best!"


With a shout, the taxi immediately moved forward under the control of the driver.

Sitting in the carriage like this, Ronald began to head to the organ area where the Lilac Path Gardens were located.

twenty minutes……

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