Mystic Dominator

Chapter 320: girls in the garden

Hughes told Ronald that there was no problem with the time consumption.

When the carriage arrived at the destination, it took just sixteen minutes.

Driven by money, the driver's bold driving and technical assurance helped Ronald save a few minutes.

"Sir, thank you very much."

Turning around and handing over the fare to the owner of the carriage, Ronald walked into the Lilac Path Garden.

Twenty minutes ago, the thing with the name 'Rumiel' stayed in this place.

With the double assurance of his royal status and his friend Claudia, Ronald had great confidence in the accuracy of this prophetic spell.

So is this guy still here...

With great care and prudence, Ronald began the search.

During the season, the Lilac Path Garden is surrounded by a lot of decorative greenery and well maintained.

Flowers that bloom in early spring, such as primrose or begonia, can often be seen here.

In a city like Springs, with such a fresh and pleasant environment, it is natural that some people like to come here to kill time.

As far as Ronald directly witnessed, the number of ladies and girls walking in the garden was at least in double digits.

——It is indeed a wealthy area worthy of the name.

So, taking advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention, Ronald recited in a low voice:

"Volume 11, page 260, item 6."

"Its name is Stix.

The black water flowed down to the foot of the dark and precipitous cliff.


After activating the spells of 'Rage' and the lie detector continuously, Ronald continued to go deep into the garden.

With the ability to perceive emotions all around him, and at the same time enjoying the discrimination of a polygraph, he can now conduct searches with a very high degree of accuracy.

So Ronald walked in the garden with a flamboyant footstep, and he didn't mind the girls in the garden looking at him now.

But in fact, this is also Ronald's purpose.

Ronald knew very well the purpose of his face and what kind of emotional fluctuations ordinary girls would have when they saw it.

If someone sees him in the Lilac Path Garden, he will be terrified.

Then there is a high probability that this guy is Rumir in disguise.

Only this guy would have such emotions because of what happened on the Montenegro.

Even if the opponent can quickly control their mentality, Ronald is sure to capture that fleeting moment.

However, the fact is somewhat disappointing.

Maintaining the ability to perceive emotions, Ronald walked around the Lilac Path Garden at the fastest speed, but even though many girls looked at him admiringly, he still did not let anyone feel even a moment of fear.

As it should be, Ronald sighed slightly in his heart.

Probably a step too late.

Ronald didn't think that this situation would leak the news, so Rumir's departure was either a coincidence, or the other party also had some kind of efficient detection method, and then noticed his arrival in advance.

Which one will it be...

"First... Sir, can I disturb you for a moment?"

Just when Ronald was thinking about this, a beautifully dressed girl came over with the encouragement of a friend.

Ronald nodded slightly:

"Excuse me?"

Standing awkwardly in front of Ronald, the girl took a deep breath after speaking, and then continued to raise her hand and squeeze the handkerchief in a salute:


"Sir, I think the weather is good today. Would you like to have a cup of afternoon tea with me?"


Ronald's expression froze in the face of the girl's invitation.

After crossing over, he made up a lot of homework, some of which were about the etiquette of aristocrats.

The girl's gesture of holding her handkerchief in a salute at this moment, and her invitation to drink tea, are already 100% explicit.

This girl hopes to develop a relationship between men and women with Ronald.

It seems that today not only did he fail to find Rumil, but he also refused the invitation of this girl...

With this thought in mind, Ronald also immediately put on an apologetic look:

"This lady, I am very hug..."


"Sir, can you listen to me first!"

Ronald's words were only halfway out of his mouth, and the girl who had been in the social circle for many years sensed the words he was about to reject.

So Ronald was interrupted anxiously immediately, and the girl almost hurriedly said:

"Elmes, I am Claire, the daughter of Earl Elmes!"

"If you are willing to drink this afternoon tea with me, I believe we will have a more pleasant relationship in the future!"


Ronald was momentarily stunned.

This girl... this girl is really bold and straightforward.

In addition to the obvious invitation to Ronald at the beginning, she now even directly reports her wealthy family background in the hope of impressing Ronald.

Such initiative and generosity...

Ronald doesn't actually hate it.

It's a pity that he has no plans to fall in love with the girl now, Ronald has his own things to do.

I quickly constructed an excuse that might help.

Ronald then shook his head regretfully:

"This lady, I'm really sorry."

"The purpose of my coming here is actually to help a friend find a girl. About twenty minutes ago, he met a beautiful lady here. However, the other party seemed to be in a hurry, and immediately I left here in a hurry. My friend couldn't catch up with the girl because I was waiting."

"After talking about it at the door, I came to the Lilac Path Garden."

"After all, if the two have fate, then it's better not to be interrupted by reasons like me."


"Ah, is that so?"

Hearing Ronald's explanation, the girl's expression was a little stunned at first.

After looking carefully at Ronald's face and feeling that the man in front of her was really in trouble, she shook her head with a complicated expression:

"Sir, you are really gentle."

"But if that's the case, then you can wait a moment for me."

"If possible, my friends and I might be able to discuss this and offer you some help."

This is a pleasant surprise.

Ronald's original plan was to go to the people in the garden to inquire about the news after dealing with the girl.

But if as the girl said let the other party discuss with her friends...

It is clear at a glance which method is easier to use between strangers' inquiries and mutual inquiries between acquaintances.

So in a very sincere tone, Ronald nodded and thanked:

"If it's really possible, then I'll trouble you."


Facing Ronald's thanks, the girl smiled slightly:

"Then, sir, do you mind telling me your name now?"

Ronald replied without hesitation:

"Ronald, Ronald Adler."

"Just call me Ronald."

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