Mystic Dominator

Chapter 492: the night that always comes


As the time approached late August, a sudden explosion sounded in the riverbank area.

The deafening sound not only disturbed the investigators and patrolmen in the city, but even ordinary spellcasters and citizens of Springs were awakened directly from their sleep by this astonishing sound.

Hurrying up from the bed, Ronald pulled a coat and rushed to the balcony. The sound of the explosion sounded far away, and the movement was definitely not something that ordinary spellcasters could produce in a street fight.

Standing on the balcony, Ronald immediately saw a wave of orange-red explosions lit up in the southwest of the city, and even the dark night sky was reflected by this exaggerated explosion like day.


Suddenly, the orange-red that had begun to weaken suddenly exploded again, and the sound and power surpassed the previous explosion and played again. Countless red sparks dragged their arc-shaped tails and were continuously thrown around in the southwest of the city.

In the dark night, a gorgeous flower that symbolizes death and destruction is blooming.

And in the safe position Ronald was in, he could also feel the strong wind and vibration from the explosion at this moment!


After all, he just woke up from his sleep, and Ronald was still at a loss for a while.

Staring in the southwest direction, he was stunned for a while, then he bent his knees and jumped to the top of the third-floor apartment. From a higher position, Ronald saw the explosion over there more clearly.

At the same time, he clearly felt it.

There weren't any large-scale magic fluctuations there.

"Its name is Styx,

The black water flowed down to the foot of the dark and precipitous cliff.


Ronald activated the power of 'Rage' without hesitation, and then shifted the focus of all reconnaissance to the southwest.

However, the result left him even more at a loss.

The southwest direction is now filled with pure wailing and fear, as well as personal emotions that are constantly unresponsive in despair. Sudden explosions are wreaking havoc and claiming people's lives, and almost no one will survive the disaster.

The problem, however, was that Ronald didn't see any signs of fighting.

Those who responded quickly to the southwest, even the rescue activities had already started, but Ronald did not find out the response to the battle.

"Ronald, what's wrong?"

Just when Ronald's eyes were blank, Heloise put on a skirt and turned over to the top of the building, then whispered beside Ronald and asked.

"The things that the people of the style school did, the explosion of this scale... Only the original magic of the mysterious side can be tossed out, right?"

"I haven't felt the magic yet..."

Ronald subconsciously wanted to answer Heloise.

However, in the middle of the sentence, he suddenly shuddered.

Hearing the words 'only the original spells on the mysterious side', Ronald's memories before transmigration completely awakened. An explosion of this scale is even far better than an explosion of this scale. He has also seen it on the video on the Internet.

Chemicals, dust, high-explosive weapons, and even nuclear weapons...

Any of these things can definitely achieve this level of destruction. Violent destruction and explosions are by no means something that can only be caused by the 'mysterious side of the classic spell'.

Something created by human beings in productive activities.

The power it possesses is far more terrifying than ordinary people imagine, and it also means unstoppable destructive power!

And think carefully about Springs' urban planning.

To the southwest, it happens to be the Springs Industrial Zone in the coastal area, where all kinds of new factories are located. In this world where environmental awareness has not yet awakened, some factories that should be far away from human settlements are actually working there day and night.

The system is backward and consciousness is backward, and there is no perfect worker training mechanism and safety system. After entering the era of industrialization, it can only be said that Springs has to face such a crisis as a completely inevitable result.

One could even say one more thing.

If it weren't for the mysterious side of this world that secretly controls everything, I'm afraid such a crisis would have erupted earlier!

In the face of a scene where manpower was difficult to contend with, Ronald couldn't help but murmured in a low voice:

"Is this world finally going to face these things..."

Hear this murmur.

Heloise, who was still thinking about what school was causing trouble, immediately raised her head:

"Ronald, what did you say?"

Ronald immediately stated his speculation:

"This matter may have little to do with the magic on the mysterious side. I think it was a major accident in the factory in the industrial area. Heloise, I'll go check the situation first. Do you want to come together?"

"There was a major accident in the factory...?"

Compared to Ronald, who had already made a judgment in his heart, Heloise's face was still dazed and suspicious about this matter. But the companion in front of her was inviting, so she nodded quickly in response:

"Then let's go have a look."

"Whether it's a factory or an original spell, I'm very curious about the situation."

"Prepare for protection, we'll set off immediately." I don't know if the problem is a chemical factory, so Ronald reminded Heroes first, and then chanted the incantation of "Astronomers", " Starting from the relationship of the whole earth and sky, will begin to constitute our cognition..."

[Current round] and [Equal round] are activated together.

Ronald arranged some hellish black fog to cover up his figure, and flew towards the direction of the explosion with Heloise beside him.

Into the flight state, Ronald raised the position of the two for safety reasons.

In the sky where the original apartment building was much higher, the two of them witnessed a tragic scene below.

About one kilometer from the sea.

A place that was supposed to be a factory was completely surrounded by an exploding fireball, and the two of them couldn't see through the barrier to see inside. Around the factory, the shock wave generated by the explosion immediately destroyed all the bean curd residue projects, and the scattered sparks continued to ignite new flames irregularly on the ground.

And this piece of ruins that has just been bombed is also illuminated by the huge fireball in the center that has not yet been extinguished. The whole scene is like **** is showing the doomsday scene to the world.

Look at the scene below.

Heloise, who has undergone the most professional training, is also stunned by is this possible..."

"It's really not the effect of magic?"

Ronald looked back at Heloise.

For a normal mystical side caster, this is a picture beyond common sense. Even though she had seen the terrifying power of "The Hammer of Rain and Mist" on an overseas island, Heloise couldn't immediately adapt to the tragic situation in front of her.

And as people from modern society.

When Ronald faced this scene, it was difficult to explain to Heloise.


Sighing slightly, he began to lower the height of the two of them.

"We're going down."

"Take a serious look at this scene."

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