Mystic Dominator

Chapter 493: fire rescue

Ronald read a lot of books.

But for professional fields such as chemistry or mechanics, he is not a person who specializes in systematic study, so he is only limited to the understanding of ordinary people.

Now facing the explosion scene below, Ronald can only see the situation in person.

Fortunately, there is a universal defense spell like [Guardian Angel].

So in terms of his own safety, Ronald didn't have any major concerns. Even in extreme violation of the fire safety guidelines, he fell down with the flames and thick smoke.

Soon, however, the expression of Heloise next to him began to look wrong:

"Ro... Ronald, something is not right here."

"I'm a little dizzy and have chest tightness."

Just hearing the description, without even looking at it, Ronald knew that Heloise was hypoxic now. The violent explosion and constant burning are accelerating the consumption of oxygen in this area. After the two approached here so quickly, the first thing they faced was such a problem.

With his physical fitness, Ronald can hold on.

But Heloise is obviously not outrageous to his point.

After a little thought, Ronald immediately made a decision:

"Heloise, go to a place outside first, I'll see for myself what's going on inside."

Heloise's face was quite ugly, but she still chose to support Ronald.

"no problem."

" careful yourself."

The tacit understanding between the two now does not need to be more pretentious. Ronald waved and sent Heloise to fly out with [Equal Wheel], while he rushed into the burning area below.

Without a companion to take care of, Ronald moved faster than before, and it didn't take long for him to come to a position quite close to the ground. The white light film of the [Guardian Angel] covered Ronald's body, helping him to resist the damage caused by external flames and smoke.

And at this position, Ronald was finally able to see the tragic situation on the ground.

Compared with the scattered flames outside, the continuous red here has not spared any corner. No matter the broken buildings or the broken ground, there are flames everywhere.

Have to find an accurate word to describe the situation here.

It can only be 'a sea of ​​fire'.

Seeing this tragic scene, Ronald continued to go deeper while estimating the defense strength of the [Guardian Angel]. All-round fire and high temperature, as well as other damage that is unknown, bring about the continuous decline of defensive spells.

Almost every minute that passed, Ronald had to reset the [Guardian Angel]. This kind of consumption speed and absolutely uninterrupted frequency is much more tiring than fighting with ordinary mysterious side casters.

Continuing to go deep into the sea of ​​fire, Ronald finally arrived at his destination.

- at the entire disaster scene.

——At the same time, it is also the only one in the center of the explosion.

——Three living people sensed by the power of ‘Rage’.

Ronald originally thought that the three survivors were mysterious side casters related to this incident, and they successfully survived by using spells. But when I got closer, I realized that it was not the case at all.

The place where the three survivors were located was actually a vault under a factory office building. Being underground, with excellent sealing and sturdiness, that's why they survived.

However, this situation has now become a situation that binds Ronald's hands and feet. His original idea was to help save the three spellcasters who could protect themselves, but now he is facing ordinary people who have no defense against flames!

Not to mention the probability of these people being killed by flames and smoke.

Even if they saw the scene of Ronald casting spells, these people would encounter a lot of trouble later.

But if you leave it alone...

Although these people are still in a safe state, the temperature of the flame gradually spreads to the ground, and sooner or later, they will be stuffed inside.


"It's more important to save people..."

After thinking for a few seconds, an immature idea popped into Ronald's mind.


With a light snap of his fingers, the strength of the [Chief Angel] first removed the earth, rocks and flames around the vault, and at the same time strengthened the firmness of the vault itself.

Taking advantage of the brief moment when the flames avoided, Ronald immediately controlled the power of 'Rage' to get into it, stunned the three ordinary people directly, and also acted as a buffer for the next action.

"From the relationship of the whole earth to the sky will begin to constitute our cognition."

Next is the [Determination of Length] of "Astronomers".

Ronald placed the Sword of Santa Caterina on the ground and inserted it horizontally under the vault, and then defined the distance between the two sides as the longest. Then, he stepped on the other end of the long sword with all his strength.


After an abrupt crack, the underground vault flew up like this.

With the help of Ronald's temporary lever, his already powerful strength was magnified several times again, and the entire vault was abruptly lifted into the sky!

Watching the vault that was flying upwards, Ronald took back the Sword of Santa Caterina and flew after him.

bang bang bang-

It was another few consecutive kicks, and at this moment, the shape of the vault was also distorted by Ronald.

Of course, this also raised its position again.

At the height of the vault, after arriving at a position where ordinary people would not be killed immediately, Ronald immediately slashed it open with his sword, and then led them out in the black fog of the power of 'rage' that protected the three of them.

The specific situation of these three people is similar to what Ronald conjectured.

A middle-aged man dressed as a businessman was probably the owner of the factory; a young man in a workman's uniform was undoubtedly a worker in the factory; the last one with a dirty face and a thin body Little boy, it should be child labor in the factory.


Almost at the same time, the wreckage of the vault that was thrown high fell from Ronald's side. There was no living person below, and no one would come to check the place shrouded in flames.

Finally, he glanced at the hot red on the Ronald sighed slightly, and then flew to the periphery of the disaster site with the three people in his hands.

Flying in the air, it is still very fast to get out of the danger zone.

While avoiding the position that might be seen, Ronald found Heloise who had been sent out by him before almost a minute passed.

At this moment, Heloise was not alone by her side.

A comatose little girl was held in her arms, and two men who had taken off their coats stood beside her.

When Ronald rescued the three people in the center of the fire, a large number of dedicated investigators gathered around to carry out activities. Of course, some of them found Heroes and stepped forward to inquire about the situation.

And see the current situation of his partner.

Ronald also flew over immediately:

"Phyllis, how are you doing here?"

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