Mystic Dominator

Chapter 494: man-made disaster

"Mr. Ronald?"

"Do you know what's going on here?"

Before Phyllis took care of the little girl in her arms, the investigator with a dignified face stepped forward. Because he knew the strength and attitude of the original holder in front of him in the bureau, he asked very directly:

"The investigator in charge of this side was also injured by the explosion just now. Now we don't have a good idea to deal with this incident except to rescue people as much as possible."


Hearing the investigator's question, Ronald first looked at Heloise. After confirming that his companions had no problems, he put down the three of them and replied:

"The time I noticed the movement here was when the explosion was just starting."

"At least since the time I started to observe, there has not been any noteworthy magic fluctuation here. And the center of the explosion has now been completely destroyed, and it is basically impossible to find any clues."

The investigator's face was very ugly.

The following answer to Ronald was also very in line with the cognition of his caster.

"A spell that even the original holder can hide from the past?"

"There are no suspicious persons in the industrial zone tonight, what is it..."

"Sir, you may have misunderstood what I meant." The investigator wanted to continue the analysis, but Ronald interrupted him immediately, "I mean that this explosion was not the effect of someone's spell, but a simple Industrial disaster caused by human error.”


Hearing Ronald's words, the investigator immediately understood the meaning of the words, but could not fully understand them. Looking at Ronald with a serious expression in front of him, his expression was stunned.


"This... are you kidding me?"

"How can ordinary people make an explosion of this scale, only spells..."

Looking at the investigator who didn't believe him at all, Ronald directly pointed his finger around this time: "Take a closer look at what's going on now."

"The previous explosion came suddenly, and it's just that you didn't observe it accurately."

"But what about these burning flames now? The scattered sparks flew directly out of the explosion. You can't tell if they have magical fluctuations, right?"

"The truth is here, believe it."


The investigator who spoke with Ronald fell silent.

He turned his head to look at the place where the disaster center was still burning, then looked at the surrounding fire scene not far away, and finally opened his mouth blankly, but couldn't say anything.

Instead, another person who was acting with him stepped forward at this moment, and nodded respectfully to Ronald. After showing his respect for Ronald, he pointed to three ordinary people on the ground and said:

"Mr. Ronald, I can't stand for anything. I would like to thank you personally for your immediate help. For a powerful magician like you, it shouldn't be easy to rescue people, right?"

This investigator was more direct and efficient than the other.

He doesn't seem to care about the origin of the explosion at all, whether it's a mysterious side or a factory accident, in short, getting as much information as possible from the original holder in front of him is his most important job as an investigator.

Ronald, of course, would not hide anything in the face of such an inquiry.

"This is the survivor I found in a sealed underground vault at the center of the explosion. To see if they still have time to hide in to save their lives, they should know something about this explosion."

The investigator's eyes lit up: "Is that so!"

He immediately walked up to the three comatose people, and used the investigator's technique to conduct an inspection, and the results obtained were the same as what Ronald said.

"There is no sign of using magic power at all, it really isn't the caster..."

Muttering in a low voice, the investigator activated the lie detector spell by reciting "Volume 11, 260, Page 6, Item 6", and then turned to look at Ronald standing behind.

"Mr. Ronald, can you release the spell on this gentleman first?"

"The other two just fall asleep first, he's the only one."

Investigators were referring to the adult worker among the three.

Guys dressed as businessmen may be messing around, and children may have problems understanding things. Under the premise that the most accurate information is needed, it is best for workers who go deep into the front line to interrogate.

Faced with the investigators' perfectly reasonable demands, Ronald naturally agreed to lift control.

The mind limited by the power of ‘Rage’ returns to the body.

The man lying on the ground reacted immediately.

The tightly closed eyelids trembled slightly and began to open, and the arms that were attached to the ground also bent.




Seeing that the worker was about to wake up completely, the investigator reached out and lightly tapped the other's forehead.

The effect is immediate.

The workers' opened eyes immediately became dazed, but they didn't really fall into a coma.

This is obviously a spell used to interrogate people.

Immediately after, the investigator also spoke as Ronald expected:

"your name?"


"What about the last name?"



"Maud Chemical Station, the worker squad leader of the second group."


Some basic Q&A right down to personal privacy.

Investigators obtained specific information about the other party from the worker population.

This is a poor man named Adams. He was selected from the slum and brought to the factory to be an apprentice. Then he lived the same life as most of the workers, and he did not usually have contact with mysterious and suspicious people.

The investigator can also monitor the status of the other party in real time through the [polygraph]. The man was completely under the control of the spell, and there was no change in answering any question.

It was also after confirming this that the investigator continued:

"Then Adams..."

"What do you know about this explosion?"

The worker in the spell control answered directly:

"Tonight, when I was patrolling at night, I found out that there was a problem with the pressure pipe. As a result, when I notified the We heard a lot of noise in the factory outside, and then the boss brought Then we hid."


Hearing this series of answers, the investigator frowned.

The responses given by the workers were in high agreement with Ronald's claims.

Is this explosion really a disaster caused by factory operation errors? Isn't it the action of some dangerous organization?

Just when the investigator was thinking about it.

Ronald stepped forward and looked at the worker in front of him and asked:

"Did you check the pressure piping for details of when the problem occurred?"

"Sabotage or simply aging equipment?"

The worker answered honestly:


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