Mystic Dominator

Chapter 495: indeterminate things


As soon as the worker spoke, Ronald's expression changed.

He looked at the three people in front of him who had been rescued by him, and an unthinkable assumption instantly appeared in his mind. However, according to the current situation, this hypothesis has a very high probability.


Ronald was silent in the entanglement, not sure if it would be good or bad for him to say the assumption right away.

And while Ronald struggled with it.

The investigator, who is half-squatting in front of the worker, has begun to ask further questions:

"You said it was vandalism?"

"Do you know who did it? Or any clues? What in the factory could cause an explosion of this magnitude? What else did you see besides this? Tell me!"

The investigator's attitude was a little excited.

However, the continuous problems directly caused the confused workers to get stuck.

It took significantly longer than before, the worker who was controlled by the spell said intermittently in confusion:

"I...I didn't see who did it...but the other party must be very familiar with the operation of the factory, otherwise he wouldn't choose...the time when there are fewer people to start the pressure pipeline."

"The thing that exploded may be... it's probably the raw material. I've only heard people say... that thing called A or something is very dangerous."

"The other...I don't know."


It is not easy for workers to say such a long list.

By the time the question and answer was over, more than a minute had passed.

During this period, while listening to these answers, he also adjusted his state. After the worker finished speaking, the initial anxiety on the face of the questioning investigator began to fade.

He stood up and straightened his clothes, then took out his rolled cigarette from his jacket pocket and lit it. Just a deep breath, the cigarette went down nearly one-sixth of its length.


It exhaled a cloud of disembodied grey smoke.

After calming his brain, the investigator spoke in a complex tone:

"Mr. Ronald, the Bureau of Investigation has always been committed to protecting the safety of the city of Springs. We have full confidence in dealing with any mysterious case in front of us."

"But today's event..."

"As you said, there is a high probability that it has little to do with the mysterious side. Under normal circumstances, it should be handled by the police department in the city, but such a big..."

The investigator's expression at the moment was complicated and deep.

Having said that, he hesitated so much that he could not continue.

For this man, what he was facing was an event beyond his common sense. Ordinary people had troubles, but the damage caused was a terrifying situation that even a spellcaster could hardly cause.

If such a thing is handed over to the police system in the city according to the regulations.

Do they really have the ability to handle it and make the most appropriate response?

Even his current conversation with Ronald.

As an investigator, he doesn't seem to be suitable for talking to an outsider to this point?


Seeing the tangled look on the investigator's face, Ronald could understand the other party's difficulties. In normal times, the other party, as an experienced investigator, can of course quickly come up with a solution.

But in the face of this situation that impacts three views and cognition.

Even Springs' elite investigators were lost for a while.

Ronald sighed with this scene in his heart, and then said:

"Sir, knock out this worker first."

"Let's ask this kid some questions next, and maybe it'll pay off."

The investigator nodded in accordance with Ronald's instructions:

"Ah, okay, I see."

The stunned worker woke the child up, and then released the exact same spell on the child as before. The movements were smooth and swift, almost like muscle memory, and the awakened child was indeed in a state of confusion.

But this time, the investigator, who was already at a loss, did not speak immediately.

Instead, he voluntarily gave the priority of the inquiry to Ronald.

Ronald took a step forward, and the first question was immediately thrown to the little guy in front of him:

"Son, how did you hide in the underground vault."

"Follow Brother Adams."

Ronald looked at the unconscious worker and continued the question and answer between them:

"You always follow Adams?"

"Brother Adams is the squad leader, and I am usually not qualified to follow him."

Ronald continued to ask:

"Then why did you follow him today, when he went to report to the boss?"

"Because I knew the factory was going to explode."


As soon as the answer came out, the surrounding people fell into silence.

Even Heloise, who was taking care of the little girl by the side, turned her head to look at the little boy at this moment.

For a child laborer.

This answer means a lot more.

Adams knew that the pipeline was damaged, and then ran to report it was understandable, but how could this child normally have such alertness?

It was in this low air that Ronald continued to ask:

"Did you destroy the pressure pipeline of the factory?"



Sure enough.

Hearing this answer, Ronald knew that his bad hunch was not wrong.

The culprit that caused the factory to explode in the end was the underage child in front of him. Otherwise, there is no reason for a child laborer who can only fight first to detect the problem so quickly, and then avoid it in time with the workers in charge of the work and the boss of the factory.

This kid knows everything in advance.

His eyes swept over several people around, and after seeing that the expressions of others were not very good-looking, Ronald continued to ask:

"Why did you break the pressure pipe?"

"My brother died on the job in a factory, and I want to avenge my boss."



Ronald subconsciously wanted to question the kid whether this guy understood what this kind of thing meant. His revenge was a success, but it wasn't just their boss who was implicated!

Look at this catastrophic level of devastation... the dead can't even be counted!

It's just that the words reached his Ronald still stopped.

In such an era, the persecution of child labor in factories is simply an act acquiesced by the society. The child resisted in this way, and his childish behavior led to irreversible consequences.

This kind of thing, where Ronald can judge in a few words.

Turning his head to look at the shocked investigator, Ronald ended his question and finally said:

"I went to other locations to help rescue first."

"You guys... handle the problem according to the normal rules."

The voice fell, Ronald turned and left without turning his head, and went directly to the surroundings to help others save the victims who still had a chance of survival.

Compared with things that are difficult to determine, it is about saving ordinary people who are still in danger.

This is what he needs to do now.

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