Mystic Dominator

Chapter 750: eukaryotes

"Come here, I am here!"

The rush of the underground river is nothing new, and there is nothing special about it.

But after the support team successfully crossed the underground river.

It didn't take long before someone discovered human activity in perception.

It was just that while calling for other companions to come, the tone of the first discoverer was trembling and excited, as if he had encountered something unbelievable.

"Anyone on your side?"

"Come here!"

The members of the support team gathered, and a chilling scene was just around the corner.

Almost clinging to the edge of the underground river, a man with only the upper half of his body lay on the ground. The man with a miserable appearance seemed to be preparing to escape from the rear, so his posture was like crawling forward.

It's a pity... His strength doesn't seem to be enough to support the actions behind.

After reaching out to the underground river in front of him with one hand, he no longer had the extra strength to continue to escape, and even stagnated there, constantly realizing the terrifying feeling of life disappearing in his body.


"Yes, is that Johnny?"

The people on this side of the camp seemed to recognize the half of the body.

Someone bravely stepped forward and turned the lying man to the front. As a result, this turn revealed the position that was originally blocked, and the following scene was even more terrifying.

The wound on the man's waist was covered with a layer of milky white paste-like substance that was constantly wriggling. Although it was not very obvious, if you had Ronald's level of vision, you could see that this substance was eating away at the man's body.

In other words-

The man who fell to the ground was not violently cut in half.

Instead, the body was continuously eroded by this white substance, and finally the lower half of the body was eaten up!


At the same time, someone on this side of the camp recognized the man's identity.

Bend down and try to wake the other person up.

"Get out of the way, it's dangerous!"

Ronald certainly wouldn't watch ordinary people go up and make trouble.

A dodge walked out of the crowd, and while he pulled the guy away, he gave Costa special a wink:

"Crawford, check."

"Yes, sir."

Maids are not by their very human nature best suited for this kind of work.

In response to Ronald's order, the examination of the half body began immediately.

At this time, the talent who was pulled away by Ronald reacted:

"You... what are you doing, Johnny, he's dying, hurry up and save people!"

Dawn stood up directly at this moment:

"Please don't disturb them."

"These two are actually experts in the subterranean environment and biological research disciplines that I specially invited. When faced with some very rare situations and creatures, their judgments are absolutely correct."

Dawn's brief explanation is full of holes.

But fortunately, the people sent in the camp were not professionals, so they were stunned by Dawn's words.

On the other side, Dawn opened his mouth to confirm the identities of Ronald and the other.

Megan also immediately followed:

"Okay, leave it to these two."

"In any operation, trust in one's peers is an absolute foundation."


The leaders of both sides spoke at the same time, and naturally no one in the team would continue to disagree.

in absolute silence.

With Costart's excellent ability, he naturally got the inspection results very quickly.

"Sir, this entity of white matter is a colony of eukaryotic organisms. As you can see, they are devouring this human body, and at the same time releasing a substance that paralyzes the victim's nervous system to ensure that it does not Immediately die."

Ronald frowned.

This place is far away from the Yoiz Forest, and the actual location is not the same.

Therefore, this kind of creature is definitely not the creation of the "Organic Complete Dictionary".

But in this ruin, that is, the things that were tossed by the descendants of the Nigalese.

I'm not sure it's something they've made with spells.

Thinking about the question in his heart, Ronald asked at the same time:

"Is there any salvation for people?"

Costart replied immediately:

"While devouring the human body, this creature is also an important factor in ensuring human survival. If it is excluded from the victim, the victim will have an irreversible death process."


Ronald didn't control the volume of his conversation with Kostat.

The terrifying reality was matched with Ronald's dignified questioning, as well as Costat's unwavering tone from start to finish.

everyone present.

They are all aware of the fact that is now before them - this man is dead.

And next.

They must also face this cruel thing.

clap clap-

In the dark underground, the river water ran into the deeper darkness in front of them, and the entire team seemed to be infected by a certain atmosphere, so that no one spoke at this moment.

This kind of atmosphere is not good-

Ronald, aware of the spread of this bad atmosphere, immediately tried to change the subject:

"Crawford, are there any other discoveries?"

The maid continued with her expression unchanged:

"Sir, I suggest you take your own samples for 'study', some of them are quite peculiar in nature."

Take your own samples for research?

Ronald heard the accent in Kostatt's words, and a strange feeling came to him.

Except for questions about myself.

The maid usually maintains a calm attitude throughout.

The eukaryotic creature in front of her can make her perform such an action, which is really interesting.

"Speak directly."

Ronald was quick to wave for Costat to continue.

As someone who was temporarily involved in this support team, Ronald had no intention of hiding the truth. After ordering this, he squatted down and reached out to take a part of the sample, and then used "Origin of Species" to analyze it.

And at the same time.

Kostat, who received the order, naturally immediately explained:

"They are very active when they devour the human body, which is beyond their normal state. If they can be processed, this eukaryote may be able to participate in the replication of human cells. In the process can quickly repair wounds and block the aging process."


Suddenly, the silence in the team seemed to be different again.

Even the rushing river water can't cover up the emotional changes of some people.

Many people in the team couldn't fully understand what Kostat said, especially when it came to terms like cells or eukaryotes.

But for some simple things, or the most intuitive conclusions, they can still understand.

And Dawn's previous endorsement of the two's identities.

It also gave them the most direct cognition and trust in Kostadt's conclusions.

simply put--

On this white strange creature, the hope of human longevity can be seen.

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