Mystic Dominator

Chapter 751: haunted

bad thing-

As soon as Kostatt finished speaking, Ronald felt a sudden headache.

You must know that his "rage" power has not been activated for a long time, and now he is monitoring the surrounding human activities.

The maid's introduction was just a few seconds away.

The people in the surrounding support team began to react, and their mentality began to change one by one.

Most greed and craving aside.

In the entire ten-person team, only Dawn, an academic, showed disbelief, and Celier, an adventurer, began to be alert and worried.


The only caster, Megan, is now extremely frightened.

Obviously they are worried that Ronald and the two will kill everyone immediately after discovering the value of this eukaryotic organism.

As a spellcaster, he is all too familiar with that set of rules that the strong come first.

And Meghan is clear at the same time.

If Ronald and Costat really make such a decision - let alone the support team that is currently underground, even the people in the above-ground camp will definitely not be able to escape!


Ronald stood up helplessly and looked at Megan first.

"Everyone, I hope you don't have some unnecessary emotions because of this discovery. Crawford also said just now that the termination of aging must be achieved under the premise of interfering with their state, don't think that this can be done casually. things to come.”

First, use these words and actual actions to show that you will not hurt the killer.

Ronald confirmed that Meghan was relieved, and then turned his eyes to the frowning Dawn:

"Professor Dawn, you should also know this, right?"


Dawn instantly understood Ronald's plan to appease the team.

Realizing everything, he immediately stepped forward, and at the same time re-reinforced his leadership status with a calm tone:

"Everyone, I know this kind of thing is a very big temptation!"

"But look at what this Mr. Johnny has become under the influence of this eukaryotic organism?"

"Look at the reality in front of you!"

These few words finally brought the hearts of the team back to reality. Fear overcame greed in a short period of time when people regained awareness of Johnny's tragic fate with only half of his body left.


"Give him a ride first."

At this time, Megan took the initiative to stand up.

The middle-aged caster drew a dagger from his waist, and immediately ended Johnny's tortured life with a precise knife.

Whatever happens next to their team.

Helping the poor victim end this irreversible torture is his first priority.


However, in the next second, the magic power fluctuations appeared instantly.

Meghan noticed something this time, so she slowly turned her head and glanced at Kostat.

The power of this beautiful woman is also indescribably powerful!

——It was indeed Kostat who activated the spell.

Because after Megan ended Johnny's life, the white creature that was originally wrapped around his waist seemed to sense the death of the host, and immediately showed a tendency to leave the host and change to the next target.

And around Johnny.

Ronald, Costat, and Meghan are all his targets.

If it's just Kostat and Megan, the maid probably won't care about this kind of thing.

But these eukaryotes...

Treat Ronald as his next target!

The maid discovered this, and naturally would not be indifferent, and immediately suppressed it completely with the most direct spell.

"Okay, let's bury him."

Seeing what happened, Ronald asked his teammates for tools.

As a support team, they were well-equipped with all kinds of tools, and they quickly made a simple grave with a shovel.

Seeing that the eukaryotes were buried with Johnny's body, Ronald calmly compacted the soil.

The team that entered the ruins this time started to move forward again.


Of course, the situation is very different now than it was at the beginning.

Someone in the team thought of Johnny's appearance just now, and naturally could guess the fate of the last exploration team. As long as there is no accident, those people should be wiped out, maybe they can't even see a corpse.

And think that you might be in the same danger, or even face death.

Fear and worry will spread in the heart.

The mentality and action also become hurried and panic.

For others, what they saw was the term 'blocking aging' in Kostatt's introduction.

Not to mention that he can obtain benefits such as status and status.

As long as you can go out with success, only you can get the chance of longevity, this is already an irresistible temptation.

for these people.

The danger in the ruins has become a test before the harvest, and most of the choices that follow have their final goals.

Just in the team.

Only one person suffers the most.

- Megan.

As a spellcaster who has been employed for many years, he knows best what this discovery represents.

If the powerhouse on the mysterious side learns of the existence of this kind of thing, then as long as it prolongs the lifespan, the holders of the original book who have no worries about lifespan and at the same time have an absolute advantage in force will become an almost eternal ruling class.

What's even more outrageous is that such an original holder is now by his side, and the other party even took a sample of that white substance!

Why didn't the other party immediately kill his group of people?

Or when will you kill yourself?

Meghan almost made this prediction a reality, out of recognition of the long-standing rules on the mysterious side.

But Ronald didn't kill anyone.

The holder of the original book, who has clearly grasped the future in his hands, just looks at it and doesn't understand it?

The world she perceives is completely inconsistent with the reality in front of her, even though Meghan understands that she may have met a good person.

But his psychological feeling is very tortured.

In contrast to the Dawn trio, although these three guys understood the significance of this discovery, their relatively high level of education made them still consider the authenticity of Kostatt's narrative.

Even if it is said that the mainstream trend of thought in the is still a great scientific discovery of all kinds of whimsy. But for something that directly puts forward the concept of longevity, the first reaction to these people is still skepticism.

The conclusion of a mysterious side wizard.

There was no immediate persuasion for them.

On the contrary, Ronald, who now senses the thoughts of the people in the team, only feels tired and speechless.

He clearly came here to experience life.

How come this kind of bird thing happened again?


Just when there is an undercurrent in the team and everyone has their own mind.

The young man walking at the front of the line shouted:


"In front... there seems to be light ahead!"

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