Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 1094: Win-win, darkness (two in one)

After exhaling, Li Su couldn't help but relax slightly.

The engraving of the core was a little more difficult than he thought. As expected, the gap between thinking about it and actually doing it was quite big.

Thanks to his sufficient realm, as a Daluo realm, it is not only his thinking that can transcend the constraints of time, but also his actions.

During the entire process, there were twenty-four node errors. Of course, this error was not his control error, but a differential error caused by the incompatibility of the node itself.

After all, what he posted was not a single thousand-text map, but a composite multi-text map.

From a thousand coins, it rose directly to three thousand coins. In addition, this was not a new construction, but a structure designed from the damaged foundation to accommodate all problematic nodes.

This kind of difficulty can be said to be hell-level. For another person, even a formal alchemist with practical experience would have a headache. It is much more difficult than the ordinary three thousand coins.

Taking back the pen used for engraving, Li Su looked at the other party and said, "Try to see if the core circuit is normal and how is it operating?"


Being able to feel the emotional ups and downs in the other person's words means this is not a life after disaster, it is a rebirth from a desperate situation.

It can feel that it is changing, not only advancing, but also being touched at a deeper level. The runes engraved on its core by the person in front of it have a strong growth sequence, and its final height is by no means less than three thousand liters. Simple.

The container itself is expanding.

It retreated a little excitedly, and at the same time began to operate its core at full strength, and the surrounding metal was also constantly vibrating.

This is mobilizing metal changes through the core operation runes, which is very fast and can almost be said to be operating at full strength.

With this operation, its vibrations become greater and greater.

Some of the dull metal appearance began to show color, and the condition of the body was rapidly improving because of this new template. Not only did the absorption of energy become smoother, but the speed also began to increase.

Moreover, the most amazing thing is that it found that its computing power has improved, and the reaction between the rune plate sequences has improved by almost five milliseconds. Faced with this result, it can hardly help but stare at itself. s eyes.

Five milliseconds of computing power acceleration is completely beyond its imagination.

This can almost be understood that not only has it completed the advancement, but it has also been promoted from the lowest calculation sequence and entered the elite class.

Ordinary, elite, extraordinary, super.

This is the grading system of metal life, which is similar to the difference between mortals and geniuses among other creatures.

Although the ordinary and elite are only on the same level, the distance between them is so huge that it is completely unimaginable.

Faced with this result, the metal being who opened his core was stunned for a few seconds before he couldn't help but say: "The core is operating normally, the rune change sequence is three, the growth scale is estimated to be five, and the overall computing time is accelerated by five milliseconds. "

With the words of the metal life that opened its core, apart from the new metal life, the other five metal lives, including the hovercraft floating next to Li Su, couldn't help but shake.

Fortunately they were not human, otherwise they would have sucked in a breath of air and made a hissing sound.

The rune change sequence represents the deformable space of the metal. There is no doubt that the more the number, the more functionality. Although the sequence of three is not a lot, considering that the other party is only the lowest sequence, it is equivalent to three times. strengthen.

This alone is terrifying enough.

As a result, the growth scale is estimated to be five? In other words, its sequence can grow twice?

This is definitely an astonishing situation, which means that the other party is already qualified to enter the spacecraft and has reached the qualification to become its affiliated sequence.

This span is huge and quite terrifying.

However, none of the above is the most exaggerated. The real exaggeration is the five millisecond acceleration of computing power.

As a metal life, the importance of algorithmic reaction is undoubted, and it involves almost every aspect of metal life, defense, offense, change, etc., etc.

As for the improvement of five milliseconds, although it is not much, it must be understood that the computing power of metal life itself is extremely terrifying.

Under normal circumstances, the startup of a program only takes a few milliseconds.

For example, the reaction time of ordinary metal lifeforms is almost ten milliseconds, while the response time of elites is five milliseconds, and the response time of extraordinary ones is astonishing microseconds.

The difference is that ordinary metal can launch one attack, elite level can launch it twice, and extraordinary level can launch ten times, and there is still room for a series of actions such as observing the target and calculating its reaction.

The gap can be said to be very large.

Therefore, the guy who was just able to board the airship just now has now stepped into the ranks of the escort ship.

Even if the corvette class is not wanted, the flying ship class will definitely rush to include it.

This guy's life, no, the metal student has been completely changed.

This is an elite rune structure!

The hovercraft couldn't help but get excited. Why did the metal life want to disclose its own metal runes and let the tribe let foreigners experiment in this way? Isn't that what it's for?

But soon, the excitement about this new special rune structure dropped a lot.

After all, he has seen this structure, which was specially created based on the metal in front of him. Unless he wants to use a metal life with the same core damage, it will be difficult to use it, because the starting point of the structure is the damaged part.

It is purely an alchemist's personal show.

But when he looked at Li Su, the hovercraft quickly became excited again.

This was the first practical operation, and the opponent showed such an amazing talent in rune structure. He was worthy of being a member of the Soul Group. No wonder the higher-ups directly sent the person to the 900th floor as soon as he came up.

Judging from his performance, becoming an alchemist master is basically easy.

Although it is hard to say where the other party will eventually reach, it is certain that it will produce an elite-level graphic structure. Maybe it will be able to create an extraordinary-level metal rune structure and directly obtain the status of a guest of the metal clan.

This is incredible. Looking at the entire history of the metal life clan, there are very few people who can obtain the status of guest minister.

Thinking of this, the hovercraft couldn't help but directly report the record just now. It is certain that the upper level will be shocked next time. Let alone the mothership, the starship class will definitely not be able to sit still, and it will be impossible for the attached frigate to sign a contract with it. Not surprisingly.

Although the metal lifeforms are united and there is almost no internal conflict with each other, the alchemist is different. Especially the kind of alchemist in front of you, you cannot use the other party as your subordinate, so signing a contract in advance is equivalent to dividing the ownership. , has priority access rights.

After all, the development directions of metal life are not the same, and there are many categories. Booking in advance allows the other party to focus on the structural evolution of their series.

Therefore, the master alchemist is really a carrot and a pit to metal life.

While the suspended aircraft was transmitting information, the remaining four metallic life eyes completely lit up, and their glowing red eyes flashed continuously.

It can live, even if it is metal, it will not want to die.

What's more, now it is not only possible to survive, but also to go further. You can fully imagine the mood of the four of them.

Feeling the psychological emotions of the four metal beings, Li Su's eyes flickered slightly and he waved directly, signaling the next one to come forward.

It's not that he likes to challenge the purgatory level. The repair process is indeed a bit complicated, but as a training material, it provides him with a lot of experience in rune structures, and these experiences are extremely rare and can provide him with a lot. inspiration.

Therefore, compared with the normal structure, having more metal life in this situation will undoubtedly speed up his mastery of the metal rune structure and greatly shorten the time he needs to spend in this regard.

Time is still relatively important to Li Su at present.

According to the original idea, it would take at least two to three years to become an alchemist, but if you continue to handle this kind of special damaged metal, this time will undoubtedly be greatly advanced.

Of course, there are enough metal lives in advance.

In about five minutes, the five metal life cores had been adjusted by Li Su, which directly allowed him to gain a huge amount of experience.

Looking at the five metal beings who were extremely excited and seemed to have ushered in a new life, Li Su couldn't help but smile.

As far as the situation goes, it's definitely a win-win.

Not only did he gain more experience, but he also gained the favor of these metal beings. What is it if it's not a win-win?

So Li Su turned to look at the hovercraft and said, "Is there such a metal life?"

"Ah?" The hovercraft was slightly startled. Although the other party's method was amazing, such an operation was undoubtedly very troublesome. I really didn't expect that the other party actually planned to continue.

Soon, it tapped its body and said, "Yes, almost thousands of them!"

"Only a few thousand?" Li Su was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt a little disappointed. There was no doubt that the number was much less than he had imagined.

Very few?

The hovercraft couldn't help but be stunned. It's a pity that it has no face, otherwise it would look weird.

Although there are tribesmen who volunteer to become experimental subjects, not everyone can get started. Those who can directly perform such operations are basically those who have completed apprenticeship training.

Thousands of such metal beings, more than ten times each, mean tens of thousands of alchemists.

If an external being wants to grow from an apprentice to an alchemist, there will only be one out of a hundred thousand. What does tens of thousands of alchemists mean? It means a billion first-level apprentices.

Li Su, who thought the number would be large, quickly calmed down and said, forget it, just thousands.

After so many adjustments, 5,000 runes may be a bit difficult, but at 4,000 level it shouldn't be a big problem.

It is equivalent to skipping the first, second and third stages at once, and still saving a lot of time, which is equivalent to about a year. It is compressed into a few days, which is considered a good harvest.

Li Su thought for a while and said directly: "Then, please call me all the damaged individuals. The greater the damage, the greater the damage."

The hovercraft is a bit confusing and a bit incredible.

"Of course, if there are new ones damaged during this period, you can also call them over."

At this moment, the hovercraft couldn't help but tremble slightly, and a special feeling could not help but grow in the bottom of my heart. Although they were said to be lives, in fact they were not regarded as living individuals, even the apprentices and alchemists they trained themselves. Similarly, although he is afraid of the power of metal life, in some places, he shows his disdain for metal life.

In recalling Li Su's initial inquiry about it, there was no experimental simulator utterance. Obviously, the other party treats them as real life.



"thank you!"

The hovercraft looked at Li Su, and for a moment there seemed to be a thousand words in his heart, but in the end it only turned into three words.

It's a pity that he belongs to the super mothership, otherwise.

Looking at the hovercraft, Li Su was a little surprised. You must know that this guy hasn't shown too many emotions since they met. He thought it was a metal with a cold setting. He didn't expect that he suddenly said such a complicated sentence. Discourse.

Of course, not only the hovercraft, but also the five repaired metal life eyes are constantly vibrating at this moment.

It's a pity that the opponent is Da Luo, a life that far exceeds their imagination, and it is obvious that their ability is too weak, if they are not Qianwen metal, but nine thousand currency flying ships.

Not only them, at this moment, even the ignorant new metal can't help but close the distance between Li Su. Their thinking is extremely pure, so they can feel the spiritual fluctuations of their own race, so they can't help but feel towards this creature that is obviously different from their own race. Create a good impression.

Obviously, as Li Su expected, it was a win-win situation.

Although in this insect swarm-like class structure, the favorability of the lower class actually does not mean much, but as an alchemist who can integrate into the Dao opponent's system, coupled with the favorability of the lower metal lifeforms, his future actions on the central planet will undoubtedly will be of great convenience.


At this moment, the Alchemist Tower is on the tenth floor, somewhere.

There was a large window there, connected to the room below. It was deep and dark, and there was a strong smell of rust and decay coming from inside.

That is the end of metal life. Too many failures will cause the core to completely lose control. Metal life will be sent here when it enters the countdown to death. Through this gate, it will be thrown into that dark place where no light can be seen, waiting for the end of life in the darkness. chapter.

Today, something is different.

There were sounds and movements in the dark, cold, silent underground room.

"Auntie, why?"

Following Li Su down the elevator, strange metal appeared. At this moment, abnormal black spots appeared on her body. Those black spots were twisted and filled with extremely confusing information.

The little guy's voice sounded very painful, not only physically but also mentally.

Facing her question, there was a female robot opposite, but it was different from the one Li Su had seen. It was completely black, without any luster, and its pupils were burning with purple-red flames.

Twisted, and ominous.

It said nothing and did not answer the little guy's question. After confirming the little guy's condition, it grabbed its body and threw it directly into the rust pile not far away.

Those are not simple metals, but metal lives that should be alive.

Most of them were dead, or were about to die, lying there silently.

"Metal civilization was once just a small civilization with not many powerful individuals. In order to improve itself, it evolved the core runes and invited a large number of non-metal life forms to come and learn. Through the perspective of life from other perspectives, To improve the rune structure of our race."

"That is, the so-called alchemist system."

"For this great plan, the metal lifeforms had no objection and all supported it. Over the past eight hundred thousand years, countless metal lifeforms have sacrificed their lives for this plan without any regrets."

"From first-class metal to ninth-class metal, we paid an extremely heavy price on this road."

"Originally, it doesn't matter, as long as the clan can evolve and become stronger."

"But what about now?"

"The metal life forms that have already become the overlords of the Southern Sky Star Territory are still continuing this ancient plan. The life forms of the ninth level have been sacrificed again and again, and what they have received in exchange is only the strengthening of the metal life forms of the tenth level and above. "

"The first and ninth grades have completely turned into low-grade metals and accessory metals."

"Even so, it doesn't matter. I have never thought about resisting or violating. After all, as a part of the metal life clan, we are all giving."

"However, it is clear that they have successfully simulated low-level cores tens of thousands of years ago and no longer need to use low-level metals to conduct such dangerous experiments. However, they refused and still maintained this ancient And ugly procedure.”

"Do you know the reason? It's just because the simulator is too expensive and the materials used are extremely precious. The loss of one lift is even greater than a thousand low-level metal lives."

"Do you know what is the most ridiculous thing? The most ridiculous thing is that this expensive simulator can be used on Wanwen Metal, and only after passing the simulator can it be used on Wanwen Metal, and this No matter how many simulators are damaged in the process!”

"Haha, hahaha."

Having said this, the dark female machine couldn't help but laugh. The laughter was full of madness, ridicule, grief, and anger.

"Unfortunately, as metal life, low-level metals cannot resist high-level metals. This is our tragedy, and it is also their reliance."

"However, they could never have imagined that at the end of their lives, the emotions accumulated deep in the core of a large number of dead metal life forms would turn into distorted data and be transmitted out, through the low-level life forms that were about to die one after another. extend."

"In the end, under this extension again and again, a qualitative change ushered in. A large collective thinking that was not perceived and controlled by them was formed."

"And this pile of corpses that every metal city has is the central processor of the great collective mind."

"Unfortunately, even if the consciousness has been transformed and the mind is no longer controlled by high-grade metal, it is still far from enough. Inside, there is still a core, a super metal life composed of a piece of supreme mother gold."

"My lovely niece, thank you, thank you for sending the last part, your body! It's not in vain that I suppressed my nausea and murderous intention to cater to your childish and stupid ideas."

"Today, a filthy high metal will die in this graveyard of lower life, and a great collective mind will be born here."

"The era called darkness will be completely opened from here."

Seeing the extremely distorted and full of hatred on the metal face of the female machine, the little guy who was thrown into the pile of corpses couldn't help but tremble.

Not only did she clearly feel the deep hatred her 'aunt' had for her, she also felt the madness and hatred in the black information injected into her body.

What she couldn't accept even more was that such a terrible thing happened among the metal life clan.

And soon, as the black light spots on her body began to vibrate, the graveyard of low-level metals suddenly reacted, and those already broken cores began to flow out information elements full of curses and hatred, towards the little guy. The body surged past.

Too many, too many emotions, too much, too much pain, completely overwhelmed the little guy in an instant.

Looking at the little guy shrouded in dark information, the female machine couldn't help but feel a touch of pain on her face. She was undoubtedly disgusted, but it was directed at those superior guys.

The one in front of me, as a new metal, is actually no different from most lower metal life forms.

Those days were not just pandering. As dark metal, it is different from conventional metal in that its strongest point is emotion.

However, her expression soon became cold and firm.

Sacrifice is helpless.

They never have a way out.

The sacrifices made by the lower lives are too much, too much, and the accumulated blood debt cannot be washed away or eliminated. It can only be reduced by war and death.

Turning around, the female machine walked directly out of this bone-filled tomb without hesitation or looking back.

So everything is irreversible. The low-grade metal has been waiting for this moment for too long, too long.

Only with the rise of dark metal, the advent of the dark era, and breaking the rule of orthodox metal can they usher in a new life, no matter what the price is.

As for failure?

For them, it is just returning to the underground where there is no light, desperately waiting for death to come.

From the beginning, this was a battle with no way out. The other party had forced them into a corner, and they had no choice but to resist. Only resisting was the only option that could open up hope for the lower beings.

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