Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 1095: Shock caused by interest

"Why are you so nervous? I just like to have fun. When you get bored, you will come back."

At the same time, in the center of the royal city.

As the news came, requesting to apply for a super carrier to help search, some metal lifeforms spoke up rather nonchalantly.

Others don’t know about the young lady’s situation, so don’t they know it yet?

It is a new metal born from the supreme mother gold. Even if the metal rune sequence has not been implanted in the core, it is born with amazing abilities.

What's more, this is the royal city of metal life, the body from which the super mothership evolved.

Once anything happens, as long as the lady sends a signal, the super mothership will automatically resonate and react.

Therefore, as long as it is within the range covered by the super carrier's body, the opponent will not pose even the slightest threat.

As for implanting low-level metal runes, that's even more of a joke. The reason why high-level metals are high-level metals is not just because they are made of different materials. There is a memory of the highest rune structure deep in its core.

It can be said that unless we really see the top metal rune structure and trigger the reaction of the supreme rune, there is no possibility of the above situation.

The innate sequence will automatically reject the low-level rune structure, and there is no way to implant it into it.

The rune implantation requirements for top-level cores and ordinary cores are completely different concepts.

Thinking back, Metal Life, which handled this opinion, still submitted the application according to the process, but the priority rating was lowered. As for the computing power application, it only locked the tower area.

After all, as long as we are still within the scope of the royal city where the super carrier evolves, there is no chance that anything will go wrong.

Of course, it's not just this, it's the same with almost all metal life.

The royal city belongs to the highest safety level in metal life. From its establishment to the present, not a single safety accident has occurred in hundreds of thousands of years.

Therefore, most events will be directly downgraded, and at most the computing power surrounding the occurrence will be mobilized for processing.

This is confidence and confidence.

High in the sky, the female machine who left the tower felt the still peaceful royal city besides the tower, and couldn't help but sneer on her cold metal cheeks.

Originally, she had been prepared to be blocked in the royal city, locked and killed by the mothership.

As a result, everyone came out, but there was no reaction at all from the Royal City.

It has been too long, and even the metal life has become accustomed to comfort and has lost the vigilance it should have had. If it were hundreds of thousands of years ago, let alone succeeding, she might not even have a chance to get close to the princess.

"Plan, how's it going?"

Soon, there was a cold metal sound.

"This side is ready."

"Wang Cheng didn't respond?"

"Of course not!"

"Haha, this is really, really good. You go to the connection point immediately. I will arrange time and space teleportation for you, send you out of the central planet, and let the dark collective complete it to buy time."


Lowering her head and taking a deep look at the still peaceful King's City, the female machine couldn't help but sneer: "Continue to enjoy it, there is not much time left to be aloof, and soon you will all be dragged into the mire."


At the same time, on the other side, Li Su was quite busy.

There are still a lot of thousands of metal lifeforms, and many of them are in extremely serious conditions. Some are even on the verge of destruction. The core situation can be said to be extremely bad.

Faced with this situation, Li Su naturally made adjustments to those extremely bad bodies without hesitation.

To him, these are huge experience packages that cannot be missed.

Some things that are too troublesome are not in the wrong space. Li Su first makes a certain degree of adjustment to prevent further internal decay, and then lets him wait for now and deal with it after he has accumulated enough experience.

First of all, it is still about repairing things that are difficult but have a certain space.

One, and another, and another.

As he continued to get started, his speed was fast and steady, and his realm was there.

After the main thinking determines the plan, basically all that is left is to devote a little thought to the operation.

Work on one initially and think about the next one. Wait until later and process dozens of them at the same time. With the supreme soul, once you become proficient, it will be no problem.

As one metal life after another was successfully repaired by him, there were more and more metal lives around Li Su.

They did not leave, but stayed directly around Li Su, unwilling to leave for a long time.

As metal beings, their feelings are very direct. If they belong to one, they are one. Therefore, if the metal clan is the place of birth for them, Li Su is almost equivalent to their reborn parent.

The more serious the damage to this kind of relationship, the more it will undoubtedly be.

Moreover, as experimental machines, they themselves have no tasks other than experiments. In addition, after being transformed by Li Su, there is no need to apply for experimental tasks. In other words, they are in a standby state and can move freely.

In order to facilitate Li Su's rescue of other metals, they directly compressed their bodies and combined them, all just to stay quietly by Li Su's side.

Although he felt a little numb at the scorching gaze that filled the surroundings, it was so intense that his emotions were not concealed at all.

But after seeing them combined, Li Su's eyes couldn't help but shine.

Even if it is said to be an immortal cultivator, a transformable robot, or an assembly robot, it can be said to be a child's dream.

Although I hate the pair of villains next door, I have to say that I still approve of the mecha they created.

Steel machines are undoubtedly men's romance.

So, after finishing processing and repairing the worst ones, Li Su looked at these little guys with interest and couldn't help but start discussing with them.

Laser swords, laser guns, combined transformations, nanoforms and more.

After hearing Li Su's inquiry, the metal lifeforms couldn't help but become happy after a slight pause. Thousands of metal lifeforms who had lived for many years were as happy as children who had been fed sugar at this moment. Discussions started with Li Su excitedly.

After all, Li Su is like a reborn parent to them.

Metal machines are very direct towards feelings. They undoubtedly want to repay this kindness, but due to their low level, they are unable to help Li Su at all. For this reason, they cannot help but feel sad.

But I didn't expect that as a great being in the Daluo Realm, he actually talked about things related to them, and asked if he could do it with great interest.

Naturally, they had no doubts and began to evolve and transform directly based on Li Su's ideas.

After all, the direction given by Li Su was relatively new to them.

What the other party is interested in is not the mothership system, but the mecha system that was considered to be on the wrong path a long time ago.

Although for the sake of convenience, the mecha system has not completely disappeared, in fact, the progress has stopped long ago.

After all, in the starry sky, there is no doubt that the mothership system is the strongest system.

And seeing the things in his imagination being displayed in front of him one by one, Li Su couldn't help but start to feel and discuss them.

Soon, what should have been a treatment center turned into an extension of the mecha system.

More and more metal lifeforms couldn't help but join in. Even the metal lifeforms who were not injured couldn't help but rush over spontaneously when they heard what was going on and got the needed more thousand metals. .

To this end, the rooms were transformed.

By squeezing other surrounding rooms, the room Li Su was in was continuously enlarged, covering an area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters.

Not only that, because of his relationship, the number of metal life forms that came in suddenly expanded from thousands to tens of thousands.

For a time, almost all the metal lifeforms on the entire tenth floor came over, leaving only a limited number of metal lifeforms to provide services outside.

Looking at Li Su, who was sitting in the center of countless metal lives and surrounded, the hovercraft that had been following him was a little dazed and full of astonishment.

The development of this matter is actually a bit scary.

Forget about the metal life treasures he saved, those that were not injured, and the newly added metal lives began to have a good impression of them as they interacted with them, and they grew bigger and bigger.

At this moment, Li Su, who was supposed to be a guest, was directly surrounded in the center, like a host.

Not only that, the hovercraft can be sure that, let alone high-level metal lifeforms, if it is other living beings who dare to be even slightly rude to Li Su, they will definitely be greeted by the crazy strangulation of hundreds of thousands of metal lifeforms.

Moreover, the weirdest thing is that the hovercraft discovered that Li Su's discussion about mecha men had no ulterior motive. He really liked it.

This is even weirder. Why is a foreign Da Luo creature so interested in the system of metal life?

Watching the discussion, Li Su actually started to construct the combined runes. After the new lightsaber and lightgun runes, he not only discussed it, but also started to practice it directly.

Facing this scene, the hovercraft's mind was buzzing for a while, and he couldn't help but think: "Family members, who understands this?"

Of course, it doesn’t matter whether you understand it or not.

Mainly because of the content of the discussion, the hovercraft couldn't help but feel itchy and moved closer involuntarily.

This is Da Luo, and his behavior is equivalent to integrating the knowledge of metal runes with his own knowledge and giving a high-level mecha man course.

This attraction to metal life is really too great, too great.

Soon, the influence began to ferment, and gradually below the tenth level, and upwards from the tenth level, more and more low-level metal lifeforms could not help but run over after hearing the paging calls from their compatriots.

Hundreds of thousands soon turned into millions.

Faced with this scene, the metal lifeforms couldn't help but adjust the bottom structure of the tower, directly integrating the ninth, tenth, and eleventh floors, sending all other living beings away, and expanding from the outside to form a transcendent world. With the huge space of imagination, cooperate with Li Su to realize his dream.


"What did you say?"

"The ninth, tenth, and eleventh floors merged into one? Who gave the authority at this juncture?"

Soon, the news was passed to the upper level. At this juncture when the princess was missing, something like this happened. The leading steward couldn't help but became furious. How could such a waste be allowed when the computing power should have been used entirely to find the princess? .

"Send someone over immediately!"

"You said people passed by? Then there was no movement?"

The steward was stunned, and his mechanical eyes couldn't help but widen. He was really seeing a ghost.

The Alchemist Tower, is it being attacked?

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