Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 1,123 The Crazy Extreme Da Luo

This kid finally couldn't hold on any longer.

He couldn't help but be ecstatic, his emotions could hardly be concealed. He was so excited that he didn't look like Extreme Luo, or an old monster who had lived for millions of years.

The emotions of the five extreme heroes were more or less abnormal. To be honest, they would never do it in another time.

As a being who has lived for countless years, he is very wary of danger and will never take risks easily.

It’s not that the older you get, the more you fear death.

It’s not that the older you get, the more timid you become.

But as the strength continues to improve, the return rate brought by gambling is far lower than one's own efforts.

In comparison, ordinary people jumped off a cliff to survive and obtained peerless skills. Or maybe he risked his life to enter a dangerous place and obtained the peerless fairy fruit, which was dozens or even hundreds of times more profitable.

In the Da Luo realm, especially at the extreme Da Luo level, the result of playing with one's life is equivalent to a few hundred or thousands of years of peaceful seclusion.

So, it’s not that he has lost his temper, nor that he has become timid.

But it's not cost-effective at all.

If you can become a saint if you risk your life, then at least eight people in the Daluo realm will not hesitate.

Just because they couldn't, they cooled down the blood in their hearts, suppressed the mania in their minds, and made themselves calm, cautious, and seemingly timid.

After all, those who can reach the Great Luo Realm will have many adventures and adventures along the way.

Nothing less!

At least before they fell into the mediocrity they are today, they were once the pride of heaven, the darlings of fate, and the envy of countless people.

Just like those geniuses today, they are creating their own legendary stories.

But the appearance of the treasure completely stimulated their nerves, causing their blood, which had been calm for hundreds of thousands of years, to boil uncontrollably.

The allure of this thing is too great.

It is not just a powerful weapon that can enhance one's strength.

As beings from before the ancient times, they knew about the saint level and how to get there.

There are three methods.

The first type, needless to say, is to prove the Tao through force!

This is the way of the First Saint, the Opening Saint. Basically, it goes without saying that all living beings in the entire prehistoric world know it and have been witnessed by countless people.

But there is no doubt that this road is too difficult, too difficult.

From the dawn of time to the present, I have never seen anyone achieve this. Although it is real, it is also the most illusory.

The second type is the enlightenment through merit.

In the ancient times, the Three Pure Ones of Xuanmen, Emperor Renmuwa, Houtu Pingxin, and the Two Saints of the West all followed this path. Their strength was unparalleled. Although not as good as the first one, they could still reach the top.

Then there is the third type, the right way to kill three corpses.

There is no doubt that this is the most common method of enlightenment in the three realms. Almost most monks use this method to achieve enlightenment and achieve the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

But there is a difficulty with this method.

That is what needs to be placed, something that can accommodate the three corpses chopped out and be placed in it.

As an object that can carry three corpses, ordinary treasures are naturally not enough. Let alone ordinary treasures, even the powerful immortal weapons of the ancient heaven are not enough.

It must be transformed by the spiritual roots of heaven and earth and cast by the magic of the world.

That's right, it's the ultimate treasure!

However, it is a pity that this method disappeared inexplicably with the ancient times and became completely useless.

Because the legendary treasures are all in the ancient world that gathers all the universe. Without the ancient world, there will naturally be no treasures, and without the treasures, there will naturally be no way to kill three corpses.

It's not that there are no saints in the outside world, it's that the holy road was cut off from the moment it disappeared.

Therefore, how could the five of them not be excited and crazy when they found out that a person with a billion-level Dao realm actually had something that they and others had longed for?

Finding that Li Su was still going deep, one of them suddenly couldn't bear it anymore.

He took action!

Even in this terrible desperate situation, knowing that once it breaks out and takes action, it will inevitably cause a backlash, I still can't help it and can't stand it anymore.

As he watched helplessly like this, his heart was about to be burned through by his own wild desire.

Once he takes action, it's a huge blow.

In an instant, the sky turned upside down and the sun and moon hung upside down.

The huge shadow cut through the sky, twisted the void, and struck for ten light years, directly tearing apart the violent extraordinary radiation around him, breaking it open, and falling towards Li Su.

It was extremely terrifying. For a moment, everything turned rusty like steel placed in water.

In the distance, Li Su couldn't help but hesitate. Rust marks spread around him, covering him in an instant.

The flame flag couldn't help but burst, exploded, and rusted. Even Li Su's flesh, blood, and soul couldn't help but start to rust.

Quantity aside, the quality is undoubtedly astonishingly high.

In an instant, the shield of the Xinhuo Flag was penetrated.

His footsteps did not stop. In the face of this blow, Li Su just let out a long roar, the Changhe Avenue shook, and huge mana instantly flowed into the Fire Flag, stimulating the most brilliant divine light.

Time has gone backwards.

The rust on his flesh and soul quickly faded away. Not only that, the rust that surrounded him was also retreating. Even the hair-like nerves growing on his body couldn't help but stop growing and returned to their original tender flesh.

The next second, Li Su ran out of the encirclement of the opponent's power and advanced towards the depths again.

Facing this scene, the five people's pupils couldn't help but shrink, and the person who took action started to tremble, his breathing became heavier and he became excited.

It is actually a treasure with the power of time? ? ?

Destiny, time, and space, no matter which one, are the top avenues, located at the top of the three thousand avenues.

Treasures with these three powers as the core, whether innate or acquired, are enough to be relied upon to kill three corpses.

"You bitch, give it to me, stay here!"

I can't help it!

The other four people all took action.

Among them, the Lord of Annihilation's eyes turned blood red. The treasure of time was actually obtained by this damn worm, and he didn't turn it over when facing himself.

As a result, after killing the target, you still have to fight with several other people.

It is simply a crime worthy of death!

Darkness, fire, silence, chaos.

Four distinct, but extremely terrifying forces erupted one after another, sweeping towards Li Su.

At this moment, even though he was protected by the treasure, his whole body was entangled with time, and Li Su, who was sprinting desperately, could not help but bleed. All his flesh and blood and soul were greatly impacted. In the distance of less than half a light-year, a striking line was left. Tons of blood were spilled on the bloody road.

Before the blood reaches the ground, it either loses its luster, or dies directly, or is burned to ashes, or is completely distorted.

The situation is not good.

Under the five blows, the red hair on Li Su's body grew rapidly, almost showing signs of being unstoppable.

It was not because of the serious injuries, but because of the crazy behavior of the five guys, which completely ignited the Jedi and triggered a strong response. The radiation concentration at the location of these people suddenly increased by dozens of times.

Even those five ultimate giants are in terrible condition and have a profound impact. It is not just as simple as the surface, but directly penetrates into the flesh and blood. The red hair growing on the body has spread all over the body, and the floating nerves have Many and long.

Their appearance was so permeable that from the outside looking in, it was impossible to identify their race.

Coughing out a large mouthful of blood, Li Su's eyes were cold. After stumbling slightly, he continued to run wildly.

He didn't even fight back, as if he just wanted to escape, but in front of the five Lords of Annihilation who couldn't see him, he was wrapped and covered by the flame flag.

Each Taoist text is being formed, outlined and described by him.

And the Dao Wen depicted is very similar to this Jedi land, very similar.

In a short period of time, almost 30,000 articles have been written. It has begun to take shape and is not far away from being completed.

Soon, soon!

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