Chapter 1127 Counterattack

Go deeper and deeper.

The sight distance is decreasing, and so is the speed.

This is not a reduction in speed, nor is it a withdrawal of spiritual consciousness. In fact, it is quite the opposite. The speed is faster and the spiritual consciousness is greater.

The speed at this moment, placed in the void of the universe, would be enough to fly directly out of a large galaxy cluster in a few blinks of an eye, but the result here is that the speed is decreasing almost every second.

Soon, even the speed of light could not be maintained, and it fell directly back to Mach.

The extraordinary radiation is too strong.

It was so rich that Li Su didn't even dare to open the Xinhuo flag. Once he opened it, he would probably be contaminated immediately, and it would be the kind that he couldn't even maintain the avenue.

In fact, the penetration at this time has become very serious. The flesh, flesh and bones under the surface have been extremely distorted, and the soul has been affected, and some extremely strange changes are taking place.

Fortunately, he holds the supreme status of saint, and possesses both flesh and soul.

Not only that, but there were five supreme beings in his body that helped him suppress it, so he was able to suppress it and prevent an irreversible outcome.

Of course, in fact, alienation is nothing.

What was truly terrifying was the pain. The feeling was indescribable, and it reached a point where even Li Su's spirit could not help but scream.

This is the other person’s way, the true way.

External alienation and so on are all imaginary, and everything seen is just the result of distortion of vision and spiritual sense.

The real essence is pain, indescribable pain.

It's like carrying a millstone called suffering on your body, every second is a pain that makes people despair and collapse.

The soul was dimmed, lost its luster under the weight of this pain, and the Taoist heart, which was tenacious and as bright as a diamond, was cast into a shadow and rattled.

After running for another distance, Li Su couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but stop.

too painful.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but at this moment, even the operation of the skills and the use of the treasure are painful. Taking a breath is a pain that makes my internal organs burn, and taking a step is as cold as marrow.

That feeling was like being in the Avici Hell. Time was stretched out for an extremely long time. Every second was like a lifetime. Even nerves as strong as steel bars could be broken.

"Run, why don't you run?"

A cold voice sounded. It was the five Lords of Annihilation. They chased them down without any hesitation.

At this moment, the expressions of the five people were also ugly. Although they were at a higher level, they were actually not much better than Li Su.

After all, they don't have a treasure.

Of course, what's more important is that along the way, they took action several times. Not only did they beat Li Su until he vomited blood, but they themselves were also besieged and suppressed by countless amounts of radiation because they continued to disturb the Jedi.

In a sense, their situation is even worse than that of Li Su. Not only their bodies, souls, but also their own Dao are affected. If the realm is not terrible enough and there is enough Dao Yun in the body, they can still suppress it. If it were alienation, there would have been problems already.

Of course, even so, they felt a huge crisis and stood on the edge of death.

Even because of the treasure, some of his crazy desires were extinguished, and he regained some sanity.

At this moment, the five of them breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, even if they continued, even the treasure would not be able to push them.

Because it's really dangerous.

At this moment, it can be regarded as a narrow escape. If they go deeper and cannot get the treasure, even they will definitely die.

To be honest, they were a little lucky at this moment.

Fortunately, this bitch didn't go deep enough and didn't touch the few Jedi in the core area. Otherwise, he would really have to watch the treasure being swallowed up by those Jedi.

It's really scary there.

The power he spit out undoubtedly surpassed the level of Daluo Realm and was at the level of killing three corpses.

The power has been completely restrained, almost all stacked up in his own body. While resisting the terrible radiation, he has narrowed his target and reduced his sense of existence.

At this time, the five of them no longer dared to use long-range killing moves like that, as the price was too high.

Although the distance between the two sides was not even a thousand meters, the Lord of Annihilation and the others did not attack directly, but walked towards Li Su step by step.

At this moment, there was a certain distance between the five people. Although they were extremely angry at Li Su's behavior and actually got them into such a dangerous place, most of their minds were on the others at this moment.

If you are outside, just fight for it. Even if you really fail, you can run away and leave directly.

After all, it will take a lot of time to master the treasure.

But it's different now. In this kind of place and in such an environment, once the treasure falls into the hands of another person, one can easily imagine what will happen to him.

As a necessity for killing three corpses, the treasure's blessing to Zhijiluo is undoubtedly very great.

Therefore, Li Su, who could no longer go deep, became a lamb to be slaughtered in their eyes, and the guys around him were the beasts that competed with them for food.

Eight hundred meters, six hundred meters, five hundred meters!

As the distance became closer and closer, the eyes between the few people became colder and colder.

Finally, when they arrived less than 400 meters away from Li Su, and the advance was a bloody battle, the Lord of Annihilation suddenly spoke.

Facing a real life and death crisis, desire was completely suppressed, and absolute reason regained control of the high ground.

Having lived for who knows how many thousands of years, I know very well that if I continue, it will be the end of a fight between a crane and a clam.

The reason why the five of them were able to join forces was because their strengths were similar and they knew each other more or less.

Once the killing starts, the possibility of winning alone is probably less than 1%. On the contrary, 99% of the results will be that they will die together.

"Let's make a contract!"

"The blood contract of the great road!"

As the Lord of Annihilation finished speaking, the eyes of the other four people flashed slightly, and they instantly became calmer.

After all, he is no longer young. The long time has long since washed away what can only be described as childish arrogance. In the face of even huge interests, he still has enough sense to make calm calculations.

Looking at each other, the four of them nodded without much hesitation.

Killing each other, there is a high probability that they will all be here.

Since there is no way to keep it all to yourself, the best way is to distribute this treasure fairly.


"Give me this person!" The Lord of Annihilation spoke again, suddenly pointing at Li Su. There was nothing much to say about the treasure, but he had to get this person.

Thinking about the other party killing his legitimate son, thinking about the other party actually having the treasure and not handing it over, thinking about the treasure that should clearly belong to him, but having to calmly distribute it.

The Lord of Annihilation has never hated someone so much, not even when he was young.

For Li Su, he only had one idea: to take the person back, torture him, and torture him out of everything related to him. He would torture him for thousands of years, otherwise the bad breath in his heart would never be eliminated.

"No, I want it!"

Soon, the Lord of Rust shook his head directly. Although he was not as angry as the Lord of Annihilation, he also hated Li Su. The majestic Extreme Luo was actually dragged into such a dangerous situation. He had never been in such a dangerous situation for thousands of years. , this alone is enough to kill ten thousand people.

"I don't care!" The Lord of Fire shook his head and did not intend to participate. Although he was also very angry, he did not like torture. If he wanted it, he would kill him on the spot and would not take him away.

"The flame doesn't matter, just split it into four!" the Lord of Darkness said lightly.

The Lord of Chaos nodded directly, "This bitch is still a bit extraordinary. I want a part of the avenue of soul, flesh and blood, and refine it into the avenue."

After Nie Mie and Wu Xiu looked at each other, Nie Mie said directly: "Except for the avenue of soul, flesh and blood, I want all his memories."

"I want the memory too, and I want half of everything related to it!" the Lord of Rust also said.

The Lord of Annihilation's eyes flashed slightly, and after looking at the Lord of Rust for a moment, he said, "Okay!"

Soon, several people directly divided up Li Su while ignoring the real owner.

"Then, make an oath!"

As soon as the words were finished, the five people stretched out their palms to make a blood oath.

However, at this moment, Li Su, who had been silent and bleeding despite being protected by the treasure, and the situation seemed to be getting worse, moved.

He suddenly turned around, and the flame flag covering his body fluttered in the surprised eyes of the five people.

As the red light shone, a huge flag fluttered upward and appeared above his head.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The east wind blows, and the war drums hammer.

The horn of the human race rings in all directions.

I saw the vast history of the human race, falling magnificently, and the boundless fire, lighting up the curtain.

Li Su's eyes were like ice for thousands of years at this moment. He looked at the five ultimate Daluo at the billion level. What was in his eyes was not fear, but like looking at a slaughtered pig.

Just heard a loud bang.

In an instant, all the beasts roared, and a scroll of life paintings unfolded in this terrifying place.


The terrifying power exploded, and the life painting was filled with fire, which directly hit the five Lords of Annihilation.

In an instant, their expressions became extremely exciting.

Contempt, disdain, surprise, solemnity, shock, and confusion all accompanied the five people's shock, and they couldn't help but stumble and take a few steps back.

My own way has been shaken?

How is this possible with just one billion Dao realms? ? ?


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