Chapter 1175 Three months

What an unexpected bonus!

Where the deity was, Li Su slowly opened his eyes.

The clone has fallen into a deep sleep and will wake up in the event of an emergency.

Of course, that's not the point.

The point is!

Slowly raising his palm, Li Su couldn't help but take a breath and looked at a page of yellow paper in his palm.

There are no words on it, but the paper itself is extremely magical, with hazy light flowing through it, and the textures are filled with astonishing power.

It was different from the power I had ever felt before.

You can feel the huge destiny entangled in it, confusing the power of life and death.

Book of people, book of life and death!

One of the three great wonders in the Three Realms of the Ancient World, it is as famous as the Book of Heaven and the Book of Mountains and Seas.

Although only the list of gods has been widely circulated and extremely powerful in the book, the book of life and death only appeared once in Journey to the West, and was rewritten at will by the Monkey King, so it seems to have little power.

But is it really so?

This is a strange book that controls the lifespan of all living things in the entire prehistoric world. Just this function alone is destined to be powerful.

Things that involve the fate of all living beings in the ancient world are themselves supreme cause and effect.

At the very least, being recognized by the Book of Life and Death and getting a page of paper would have a great impact on Li Su.

It was obviously obtained by a clone, but it returned to his original body in an instant and was compatible with his soul.

Not only that, this book has a supreme effect on the soul body. The moment it enters the soul body, it directly suppresses his soul and completely stabilizes it.

Li Su's soul is undoubtedly extremely powerful.

After the height of the soul, coupled with the baptism of Yinwen, and the double transformation, even if he leaves his body and faces a billion Tao realms, he is still capable of fighting.

Now as the soul carries this book of life and death, it becomes more and more magical.

Not to mention the way of life, the way of death was forcibly pulled to an astonishing height at this moment.

Although it was just a page in the Book of Life and Death, Li Su had a feeling that facing the Billion Dao Realm, he only needed to record the other party's information on this paper to take the other party's life.

It's not the kind of killing directly, but taking away life span, directly letting the opponent's life reach the limit and then wither.

This method, let alone the billion-level Dao realm, would probably be difficult to defend even for the Ultimate Daluo. Although it would not take them all away at once, it would definitely be able to inflict heavy damage.

Of course, the specific extent depends on the situation.

If the Nine Heavens Emperor is at that level, it is estimated that even if it is injured, it will still be difficult to take away a large number of life spans.

Of course, even if it's just that, it's still quite amazing.

That is the ultimate Daluo, and it still touches the existence of the holy realm. Under normal circumstances, even if you hold the treasure, it is difficult to cause actual damage to it. The avenue is too powerful.

What the Book of Life and Death brought him was a fatal move similar to cause and effect.

Unexpectedly, in this unexpected operation, not only did he discover the leader of the Chan Sect, but he was also directly recognized by the Book of Life and Death. This was really unexpected.

The only pity is the improvement in realm.

Without resources, after entering the second realm, the speed dropped a lot.

After all, he now needs too many resources to practice seriously. If he directly plunders the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, hundreds of light-years around may be greatly affected, forming an extraordinary tide.

I don’t know what’s going on with Master Wu Xin and the others, after all, it’s been almost a month.

The strength of the two of them is such that Li Su is not worried about it. In today's prehistoric times, unless the saint comes to the end personally, there is basically no problem.

Moreover, even if they are saints, with the abilities of the two of them, escaping should not be a problem.

Taking a breath, Li Su moved his body slightly. Wait for a while, three months. If he still hasn't come back in three months, he won't wait here anymore.

In fact, the easiest way to break through right now is undoubtedly the next World Fragment.

As long as he can clear the level, he should be able to get a lot of resources, which can basically solve his problem of insufficient resources at the moment.

However, after thinking about it carefully, Li Su suppressed it.

Bad timing!

The World Fragment is undoubtedly a rare opportunity for him now. If he really wants to use it, it is best to wait until he reaches the Great Perfection of the Billion Dao Realm and when he breaks through the limit of Daluo.

In this way, he can make rapid progress at this stage of Extreme Da Luo.

Obviously, compared to the Billion Dao realm, the level of Ultimate Daluo undoubtedly requires more time and has to go further.

Not only that, he has downloaded world fragments too many times so far.

If nine times is really the limit, now he has done it almost seven times excluding the extra times.

In other words, there are only two left.

Therefore, if you give it to Ultimate Daluo once and another time, it is naturally best to stay at the stage of sanctification.

Although he was confident, the Holy Realm was obviously completely different from the Great Luo Realm, and the things involved in that level were really unexpected.

Aren't Jiutian Emperor, Wu Xin Zhenren and others talented?


But even so, he was still trapped in place and unable to break through.

It's not that there's not enough talent, or there's not enough accumulation, it's that there are no seats. This is also a huge problem for Li Su.

Therefore, if possible, Li Su must keep the last world fragment. If it doesn't work outside, then try to break through the world fragment.

There are not enough grids here, so there shouldn't be this problem there.

How could that huge river carry a holy realm?

By the way, there was still movement between them, and I don’t know what happened. With that level of shock, could it be that the saints were fighting, right?

Unfortunately, the distance is too far. The ripples caused by the vibration alone spread to hundreds of thousands of light-years away. The real center is probably not millions of light-years away.

That distance was undoubtedly too long for Li Su. If he wanted to get there, he would have to count the years just to get there. He would have to go all out and not care about anything else. It would be too easy to be caught and discovered.

He didn't dare to go there in this way without knowing exactly what was going on there.

But it is certain that if this surface-level turmoil really results in a battle, even if the saint does not end it personally, it will probably be an all-out fight at the level of a near saint.

In addition, the direction is wrong. From the perspective of the sun, the location of his own body is to the south, Fengdu is to the north, and the direction from which the movement is coming is to the northeast.

Soon, Li Su shook his head and closed his eyes directly.

The situation in Fengdu has been understood, and now we can wait patiently for Master Wu Xin and the others to come back. If the plan made before is really feasible, there will undoubtedly be several more saints in the prehistoric times.

There is also Taiyi Zhenren, if he can be liberated, he may be equivalent to a holy realm level.

In the current world where there are constant confrontations with alien races in the inner mythological world, the resurgence of external evil spirits, and the turmoil of unknown organizations, it is undoubtedly very critical.

Time passes quickly.

Soon, another month and a half passed.

Unable to help but take a breath, Li Su frowned slightly. Although he didn't think anything would happen to those two people, it took too long.

There are only half a month left until three months.

Although this amount of time is not even a blink of an eye for Daluo Realm, but now when every second counts, the other party should also know very well that there is no reason why there is no movement at all after so long.

You can't be trapped, right?

Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help but become a little worried. After all, the overall situation of the prehistoric era was unclear, and even the near saints were not safe.

Otherwise, go out and look for it?

But the question is, where to go?

In this way, more than ten days passed. After the three-month deadline had been exceeded for several days, Li Su took a deep breath and stood up directly.

No more waiting.

If the two of them are really trapped, they will definitely not be able to come back in a short time.

Go find someone first and find out what the current prehistoric situation is like.

As for where to go, Li Su also made a decision.

We went to the location where the huge noise came from before. Although we didn't know what happened, if there was someone in Honghuang, the huge noise would definitely arouse the curiosity of many people and go to check.

Now, almost two months have passed since that shock, and the top powerhouses should have almost withdrawn their attention.

If you're here, just leave a message.

With the ultimate speed of Ronaldo, if he really missed it, it would undoubtedly be faster for the opponent to come to him.

No matter what, it's better than waiting here. After this journey, I can continue to practice for three whole months. It's a waste of too much time.

No matter what, if you go to find Pangu Banners and the others, even if you have helpers, the stronger you are, the better.

What if Wuxin Zhenren and the others can't enter that place? This possibility undoubtedly exists.

I don’t know what kind of trouble Master Wu Xin and the others encountered, I hope it’s okay!


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