Chapter 1176 Eighteen Years

Leaving a few drops of blood behind, Li Su left.

His flying speed is not very fast, far from reaching the ultimate speed.

After all, he just went there to see if he could meet anyone so as to gain information about Honghuang. The target was not essentially the center of the conflict.

Of course, in addition to inquiring about information, he also needs to face another problem, which is the lack of resources.

In his current situation, it would be difficult for a star to withstand his full absorption, and the energy required would be too much.

Although the energy of extraordinary power is undoubtedly more abundant and easier to absorb, the quantity consumption will not be like that of stars, and there will be a great degree of waste.

But even so, if you let it go and absorb it as much as you can, the impact on the location will definitely be extremely terrifying, and the entire area of ​​200 light-years will probably be greatly affected.

Faced with this problem, even if Li Su was on the road and absorbed at the same time, it would not work. It would leave extremely clear traces. Once someone passes by, the problem will be easily discovered.

Therefore, if he wanted to obtain astonishing spiritual energy resources without making too much noise, he had to change his previous absorption methods.

Focus on yourself and directly absorb extraordinary power to make changes.

The method is also simple!

The first is his flesh and blood, which controls life supremely. They can independently absorb spiritual energy and store it.

In other words, what he has to do next is to scatter his flesh and blood in as large an area as possible, so that even if the scattered flesh and blood absorbs a large amount of spiritual energy, it will not cause much movement.

Not only that, he also has the Supreme Jade Purity and magical powers of space.

As long as the points are opened properly, energy can be transmitted directly, even if they are thousands or even tens of thousands of light years away.

Although the farther the distance, the greater the loss, but as long as there is enough blood scattered within a range to form a network, even if the loss is more than half, it is still acceptable.

After all, as long as enough points are spilled, it will be enough for him to practice.

Along the way, Li Su continued to spread his blood over a wide area, covering thousands of miles. One cell fell every hundred miles in diameter, and a transmission point was set up between every ten thousand cells.

Undoubtedly, this is an extremely large amount of work.

Not only is the time-consuming problem of seeding, there is also the problem of cell manufacturing.

Now, although he has surpassed the limit of six billion cells, he can produce thousands of times more such cells if he is willing in the Daluo realm.

However, this process is still not easy.

Based on his method, only about 10 billion cells can be produced per hour.

A diameter of 10,000 miles requires almost a hundred cells.

One light year is almost 19 trillion miles away.

Jumping down, he had to create almost 190 billion cells, which took him about 19 hours.

After calculating this, one can imagine how huge this project is.

On average, it only travels about one light-year in one day, which is hundreds of times slower than flying at full speed.

At his speed, it is estimated that he may not be able to reach the place where the huge earthquake occurred in ten years.

Fortunately, the place where the vibration occurred was not his purpose, otherwise he would have been running around forever.

After setting the cell absorption speed so that it would not have a huge impact on the surrounding aura, Li Su began to pave the way.

Time flies by.

In order to absorb a large amount of spiritual energy, Li Su worked almost day and night like a hardworking bee.

The feedback has been great too.

At the beginning, the amount of spiritual energy was very small, not even as much as one-tenth of what he took a slight breath. But as time went by, it gradually changed from less than one-millionth to one-hundred-thousandth. One, became one in ten thousand, and then one in thousand.

Although this data improvement is not big, it is actually amazing.

After all, Li Su absorbs spiritual energy mainly to provide his own cultivation and condense more innate Dao patterns, thereby strengthening his own Dao.

One thousandth per minute means that he can generate a hundred innate Dao patterns every minute.

Although compared to the number of Dao patterns on the order of 12 million, one hundred per minute is still very small, but at the end of a day, there are almost 140,000 new ones.

One hundred and forty thousand a day is 500 million a year. From now on, even if he stands still, he should be able to enter the third level of the Billion Dao Realm in at most three years.

This speed can definitely be said to be astonishing and beyond imagination.

It has gone beyond the efficiency of directly absorbing it into the body at any cost, and is equivalent to gnawing away at the top medicine.

Faced with this result, to be honest, Li Su himself was a little shocked.

I didn't expect that the improvised method would be so effective.

Although the absorption of Da Luo realm is fast, there is also a problem, that is, the spiritual energy itself is the same as the air. Even if the concentration of spiritual energy in the prehistoric era is astonishingly high, it is still limited within a certain range.

Even if he opens up the absorption, he can indeed drain away most of the extraordinary spiritual energy for hundreds of light-years in a short period of time, forming a huge vortex.

But at the same time, he also had to face a problem, that is, it was difficult to recover quickly after being drained for hundreds of light years in a short period of time.

If you are full once, you have to wait three years.

On the contrary, as he spreads out like this now, although the amount provided to him so far is only one thousandth, it is essentially orderly and basically continuous.

In other words, in terms of efficiency.

Today's model is actually better and faster than the previous crazy absorption.

Of course, this process is not easy.

He spent a lot of time to get to this point.

It took a full eighteen years, involving a total distance of an astonishing 980,000 light-years, to finally increase the amount of extraordinary spiritual energy absorbed per minute to one thousandth.

Along the way, we have been working day and night for eighteen years. We have been on the road every day and paved the road every day.

Thanks to his life and Yuqing Supreme, with the continuous and in-depth use, he has also made rapid progress, greatly reducing the time required to produce cells and the degree of space control.

Otherwise, let alone eighteen years, it would be difficult to reach this level in one hundred and eighty years.

Especially for Life Supreme, Li Su made adjustments and directly deleted 99% of the functions of cells, leaving only a few limited functions such as absorbing spiritual energy, storing spiritual energy, and gathering centers.

Otherwise, according to the way ten billion cells are born in one hour, this alone would be enough to freeze him in place.

Yuqing's supreme aspect has also been greatly improved.

The key is that in terms of space, there has been significant progress. After all, his current location is too far away from where he set out. If it had been the time he set out eighteen years ago, there would be no way to carry out such a long-distance space transmission. With coordinates Nope either.

Because of Yuqing Zhigao's further relationship, even though he was in a hurry, he actually took the time to go back a few times.

Including, he returned to the stronghold left by Wu Xin Zhenren and Fengdu.

A lot has happened in these eighteen years.

First of all, Qing'er and Bai Su came out of seclusion. Both women completed their breakthrough and entered the Taiyi surface.

The senior sister has also broken the mirror and established herself in the realm of immortals.

Zhu Zhong and the others also made breakthroughs. With the demise of the disciples of the Four Sects, their burdens suddenly became too much easier. Not only that, with the rapid expansion of the Western Alliance, most of the sects and casual cultivators were included.

The Xia Kingdom also took advantage of this opportunity to quickly integrate into various areas of the Western Alliance and became a part of it. Almost a million people came out of the Demon-Suppressing Palace.

During this period, Li Su also successfully produced the first-generation anti-evil serum. Well, it was mainly researched by Xia Guo's scientific research department, and he cooperated.

Successfully resolved the biggest conflict between the mythical world and them, the evil soul.

With a large amount of serum implanted into the bodies of the mortal monks in Fengdu, although there was no way to repair the damage to their souls, it at least curbed their continued degradation.

Coupled with the practice of Yinwen, there is no doubt that everything is getting better quickly.

It can be said that the only thing that he did not expect was that there was no news about Master Wuxin and the Jiutian Emperor for eighteen years.

By the way, organizations related to Sun Shooting Law also appeared.

About half a year after Li Su set out on the road, someone came over. There were three people in total, all of whom were at the Daluo realm, one billion Dao realm and two billion Dao realm.

Facing this scene, even Li Su couldn't help but frown.

Although I had a premonition that this organization would be very large, not to mention the fact that so many of them came out casually, the auras of both the Billion Dao Realm and the Billion Dao Realm were extremely powerful and extraordinary, and they were no less impressive than the disciples of the Great Sect. .

Not only did this surprise him, but the other party's size was far beyond his imagination.

These people left quickly. As he expected, they did not suspect Fengdu, but focused on Sheri Daluo.

Soon, according to the traces left by the other party, that is where Li Su is currently going, and that is where Li Su is currently going.

But what surprised Li Su was that the other party had already moved in this direction seventeen years ago, and the speed was obviously much faster than him.

But contrary to expectations, the person never came back.

Originally, he had already discussed with the book of life and death that once Fengdu was targeted by the other party, he would take the people away and hide directly.

Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help but look up at the end in front of him.

Didn't find anyone? Or what happened ahead?


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